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Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1910, p. 1

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. 1 ,11. .in ' .r .n K, «" I .â- â- >.AA,di*i*.»<Mâ€" wfci â- â-  ij I witmatm %hvanct. .V' !*-ap *r TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL 28, NO 4%. FIesh.erton, Ont. Tlmrsday, ApriJ 7 19 lO W. H TEDESTON r.DiTon ftn.i 1>KOPKIETOB ^^ Kimb«rley Ueiuitiful wuather. William Bvewev iiu<l Ezi-.i F.i« oor i .v<;i-ein HeathcoLe mi business mi Mon- i-iv last,. Mis.'* E<liuc CSioMTon uml In-ouher of t»wen Sound lu-e the quests of tlwir uncle nnd aunt, Mr. ami Mrs. A. vE. Myles, "Spriugbrijok Vai'ui." Ftill4)\?iiig is the cast, of chai-.icters for the Kiiiilierloy Fuotln.!! Olul): Pres. , <too. MoConnell ; Vice I'res , Aiulrew Wallace; Man., W. V. Hanifi ; Sec- Treas., f-'hivs. E. Stuavv ; Ca))t., Leslie Lawrence; Coin.. Hartluy Fawt;ett, .Joliu I^iwrence, Artlim- Piusk, Ernesl Morgan, Wiu. Rear. , ". Myrtle TliunipsoiV' of "Flesliertoa- w;i.s the guest of liei- cousin-, £II» Xiiiwrcnce, List week. ' Mr^.. t). Irwin of Elk I^kc Iia.s retiun- t'i her home here. Mr. auil Mrs. S. â- MeLan<j,jr.,of Heiith- c-ote visited .it the foniier'n {jtirental home here on HiiniLiy last. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brooks .if Clarks- burg were the guests of â-  the lattcr'-s par- ents here oa Sunday la-st. Mrs. Thiw. Bnulliury of Cli»rk.sliurg is visiting friends here. . . - Irwin Fawcett \va.s a caller in our vil- hise on ^Saturday last. Mrs. Kells of Toronto is visitiusj; friends here. ^ Another Star The Toronto Star will pahiish a weekly edition to be called " The Toronto Star Weekly." There is always demand for the "better >{o->d8,'' and from every \iew-poiut iu bright and «gi;re.ssive newspaper projuo- tion to-dsy " Tlie Toronto Star Weekly " wilt b< the brst yet in diiiada. Mr. Ji>£cpl»T. Clark will be the editor itnd he hxs gathered about him ati araiy of associates and coiitrihutors that will !)« a warrant for the quality of the matter whether it be on the aShirii of everyday life, morals, literature, iMjlitics, business, amuHements, sp«rts, or failures. "The Toronto Star Weekly "' will con- tain .serial fiction, short storiss, anecdote* tif pu^iiic^^nieii. cart.H)u», comic, !»nd a score mure features in a Iti-pagc paper, with seven column* to thopage. excellently and freely illustrated iu half-tone repro- ductions, and printed on a superior paper- a no mein conipetiior to the best illustratud Kn^lish and .\merican p«ibli- cations. Get the tiist number, .^pril .Hh, if only to read "The .Spell of ilie White Sil- ence," by Robert W. .Service, poet of the Yukon, author of "Songs of a Sour- dough " alid '" Sonss of a Cheechako." His tirst appearance in print a.s a writer of tiction. Portlaw Intended fiu- hut week Mrs. S. She.axlown, wht) has been in a l.iw state of health for considerai)le time, underwent .m o[)eration at her home on Wednesday last for the removal uf a large internal tumor. The operation was successful and her many friends earnestly hope for her ultimate recovery. Mount Zion congregation h.-is dticided to build a large new drivin<( shed. It will bo 4S X til) feet and buil*: accoi-ding t'l modern plan.*. Mr. J. H. Watson was at (.)wen Sound last week attendini^.coutt as a juror. Mr. Lyman Jackson is home from the city. Mr. R. D. Mfhlrum hi.s purch.ased the Pedlar farm ailjoiniiMi his own property. Mr. C. C. Ramage spent Eaiitor holi- days at his home at Durhaui. Mr. (?ecil MeldvHm left on Tuesday fur Sijiskatcbewan. Mrs. Uuhn aivl her sister. Miss Flor- ence Shier, ;'re visiting at the parental home. Mrs. G. \. Watson of FleKherton vis- ited week «-ith Mrs. McKt-naie. Mrs. W. .). Cliurd ha^ been very low but u recovering. Singhampton Mr. Geirge Wilson of the 10th line has purchased the farm of Willis Nett", who haa Kone to the West. The farm com- prises Vy? acres and the jirice paid, we understand, was .?2e00. iVIrs. Neff and family wilt leave shortly to join har tiusband. (j.idke & Brown have cmnmenced op- erations on the stock of logs taken in during the winter. Jt is expect>.Hl that ^4liey will iim for a couple of months. Mr. George Wilson, who has been in the hospital in CollinKwood for the past two mouths, owiii;; to the injuries .«us- taiiied in the mix-up with the boy Wheelor, has so far reco'cred as t-.» be ahla^O return home. He is not yet fully i-^ijPKeretl, but is gaining strenj<th daily. •Wti Thuraday mprntiig, week, the jieo- -ple of this cumniunity were pained to - "^^^ro of the death of Mrs. Wallace Wake. §d been ill for some tune. The dc- wis a daughter of .Joseph Pachni« iiple Valley and h«.d lived there and at her lat.e home all her life. Alxmt two years aso she was married to her r.ow be- rMVdtl|utsband, tn whom the deepest «;y«t|;idip->!i I'Xtonded. Mrs. W.ikc wan « y<nj«4 Wc>'"^» nbout 25 years of aire, ini was very p^^ular among a tvide circle M,6:ieuds. oe.^ides her husbuiid she is MiTvived by her i>arents and otio brntlier. The funeral took place on Good Friday t'i Badgerns cemetery. Impressive ser- vices were conducted by Rev. W. C. Merovr, pastoc of the l*resbyterian church of vhiuh tkp J«cea«ed was u faithful and c'«M>i8nt wttibor. A Rank Give-away Fielding's Concessions Criticised by One in Close Toucli With Tariff Matters. â- â- â€¢pecial to The .Vilvancc. Toronto, April 5 â€" Tlw beit thing to be Siiid ttlxiut t'le Cin:idian-.\mevicau taritt' agrtement is that it was a rank give-away. The woi-it thing a'lcut it is altogether unprintable. We lowered our duties on dafes, nuts, figs, etf., wliicli meant nothing, except in princiiile. I>ut "the soap manu'acturers an i !ithi>gr(«l>lier8 were hit. There has been a (jrrat deal 6f dumping of .lithogii»|jl-,ed g'liids during the iMSt few yeai-j, and our litli"giap!iera have been having a h*rd light aa-' competition on account of thfcgrr;i'ei vol- ume of business in the I'liited States, and the conseiiueiitly ijreater facilitiKS which the I .S. mauufacturers have fur turning otjc the work. It h.ta been bird uphill work, and now with another 21 ' cl pped off the old low rate, thing.s are i.'oing to look serious for them. It "also hits the leather tanners. Then the rate, was low- ered cm all articles which are nofspeeifietl in the tariff'. The olJ rate wiis 20'. and the new one 17^/. The British Prefer- rate under this lieni is 15 '. so it will be seen that Great Britain and the colonies haie only- 2V advantaw) over other co>iiitries. Canada lowered her general taritf^iil"-' on a nuinlier ot arlicles to all countries of the world, »nd what did i»he get in return/ The privilege of attempting to ship a veiy few gooUs to the rnit.*<i Stittcs a* the. Mtme^nitrj: of d'tlij a* nU uUifr cuiiiifri'n jKty. We were uot given one concession of any kind. The hiwerinu of the general tariff rates hiu cheapened the prcfeivnc; pii those articles and make it much less. Wb have either lowered the revenue of the Dijniiniim, or we have hit our manu- facturers by reasim of the greati-r inipor- talioos which will come in. Either of these is a disiisier t<i Canadian interests. .\nd nothing in return ! Canada, had the upper' h^ud. Our government let Tnclu SSani on tup, and we have beeu tnuily woisted in the I'ack- down. Notice this jK«iiit,--tliu U.S. maximum tiriff was :>uppused lo have becii applied to imports fiom LVnada if we discriminated against them iu our tariff. If there was discriiui..aiioii it is still there, for tivelvf riiinitrifn cku >Jiip a uiimhffof 'j'Mnh to Caiiiulu iit Imnr.v rntes of dutij Hiau tlif Uiiit<^litt<itfs-t(Hi. The Cnited States have not carried out the teruis of their law, and is it not rea-son- able to that they *ould iio^'have carried them out anyway, even if Canada had conejdcd no hiiig, ? The people of the United Siates did not wdiit uhe maximum tariff imposed agaiuKt Cinail.i, and had President Ta£t done this it wonlu have brought about the political ruin of himself and his g'<vern- menl. But Canada has baoknd d.>wn. thanks to the guiding hands who are in power at < )ttawa. A.M.T. Honor Rolls. School Section No. .'t, .\ri:iinieaia, for March : â-  Sr. IV.- Kale WiloKk, Stella Orr, Irene Sharpe, Richard Wyatt, Myrtle Caswell. Jr. IV.- Mabel Irwin, Tommy Orr, Edna Stewart. ZoUa Bentham. Sr. III.â€" Elsie Caswell, Hugh Moore, Roy Best. Sr. II. -Clarence Orr, Ward Harrison, Willie Irwin. Rhoda Best. ,Ir. IIâ€" Willie UiT, Elijah Bsntham. Sr. I.â€" Mililred Sharp, Alhert Mooio. Primary -MTreddie Irwin. .\verage attendance 2<!. â€" E., Teacher. Ceylon Spr'ng having apfxiruntly act in i» ear- nest, farmers are all busy .seedirfj[. Mr. and Mrs, Waitl of, Sask., are visiting her brother, IVIr. S. Rands,' and other friends in Shelburnc. Mr. and Mrs. tico. Snell visited the .Srtigent brothers in Owen S.nind» f-n- i few days recently. Mi.xs Maud Scheil h.i.s returned to her home in Birdell for the'suin- mer. She will be misscil in Ceylon. Mrs. John Crowther and children .iie visiting b.or mother and other frii-nds in Owen Sonud. Mr. James Sargent ha.« relumed home fl'iini Owen Sound until .after seeding. Misstiladys Tucker lias returned lo her home near Topclitfe .ifter attending school in Ceylon for the winter, Mrs. John Chistctt is visiting friends near Topcliffe, MLss Pearl Cairns ha-"* ret umed hunie after sjK'iiding a few weeks vi.siling frien<ls M Alliston iBid other places. . Stone Settlement. The farmers are very •busy with tlwir si-oiling." MisK M. Leslie, teacher, ivturned to her duties on Monday. Mr. W. W. Trimble of Flesherton wh.s. a welcome visitor at Mr. R, VVhittaker's on Sunilivy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Iteatly and little daughter, of thimge Valley, silent !Snn- day with relatives on this line. .Vliss Ida .loneii visited with her (rieud, Mi>is .M. lA'slio, of Markdale, ovci Sifti- ,1 ,y. . Si ul:.!':. \^Iiittafeor has a!<'ii . Iin-- LAST WEEK a The .Vilvamii liaii loll Iim- iP advertisement*, " Odiln ami !]1 <Jne advcrtisoiiient wan for a & IVuiii!." THIS WtEK The â- iwiu'r.wmi (riv.-n hi»i laoptrty. Tliert- is noiiiethinK f-T vnu luthe Odris jjj * K..a<'l»hem. Feversham The Feversham Football Cluh Ik'KI their annual mej;liiijj on Monday niglit, .Vpril 4, for tlie puqiose of clecling oth- ctrs and making arraiigiiiucuLs for the comini? season. The following oliicers were elected : President, J^ .1. Kaitt- iiig ; Vice President, A. T. Barljer ; Sec- letiiry-Treasurer, R. Morrison ; CaptJiiii, Ferg. Soniers ; ('onin>ittee, Fred. Long, •bu*. Davidf'iii, R. Brackeubiu'v. The chib mean this year, jih they are otierintj; .any visiting team ten doll.u's, win, draw or lose. Signed â€" 1. J. Kair- ling, A. T. Barlier. . Mr. Jaiues Fmguson â-  retunied home f J 0111 th«' West la-st Week wi'li a badly fi-actnrcd aj-ni, which resulteil from a fidl off a mtj0i>lii. 1Wa.xwell ISl'i'KIMill.VM; â€" .IOHN.ST(««-. A wedding of interasi was sidenmized at .'he liiiiue of Mr. and Mr.s. James .lohnston, W.n-chiun. last \Vt:dne.s<lay aftcriio .n, Mai'fh iVy, wlicii their oujj (Laughter. Miuiiie, wjls married to Mr. Klijah Buckingham, son of Mr. James Buckingham, Stayner, by Rev. A. P. Stanley. The pretty bride woi-e ii- rich ijjorj siktin gown with liile and -silk appli<|ue trianiiingH, i^liile the Inides- nmid^ Miss .Uice Johnat<>n, of- West 'To- ronto, was die.ssed in a pretty white voile costume. Mr. Geo. Buckingham, B..V , Toronto, supported - the groom. ' Miss .^Ima Buckingham, ^ibter of the <;ro >iii, played Loheiigi-in's Wcilding March. The biTilt; received many beautiful pies ents. Mr. and Mi-s. Buckhiglmiii will lake up rbsideiice on -Mr. Huckiiigliaiu's tine farm, gravel i-oiul. Maxwell. _ Mr. Will Guy has returned to Kenora after .sjiending the winter at his ptirepbd. home. ;â-  ' • «â-  MesKi-s. .lames and Roliert -tjiiy, also Mr. Roliert Bell, left tlii* «eek for the Noithweist. Wc wwh Ilium every suc- cess _ ^ . •• _ .Mrs. Field is vLsiling at Rock Milk. ' Mes.srs. Ollie .Vllistou and Wil'.on Field rctiirned.^ to Meaford t'oncgiatc lifter .-iiieiidiiig Eiister vacation .it their parent'il homes. Miss Mae Whitcojik has retiicned. to tlie city. Mis« Lily Priiestleyi has' retmrrlcU to her home after spedtUng a few;..d«ys with friends in Shelburne. < Victoria Corners Miss ^I. Aru)slron^ visited at Mr. Jos. Straiifs. Roiil estate is (hanging hinds every (lily around here. Mr. W. Heard, .sr., is |jjgiliiigaL Caiiip- bellford and Lindsay. ^» Mr. <5eo. Best, Poit tti'iroh', visitod^al home lastjwcek.' * Rev. Mr. Laidlaw i.s writing his fcxains now and is unable to attend the services foV a couple of" Sundays. , 41r,- Flllis is taking his place. â-  tirtorge Patton of Flesherton â- is visiting with Ki.s grand |wren Is. Sir., and Mrs. Will. I'atton, lOth'Line, Osprey. Well, the snow has decamped and the mmy whistle of the plow boy is liearn on all sides as he prepare* O'C HeW.-iTor sci'd once again. . Heury Pinoli h:is stdd his faun on_tho fourteaiitti cvuwssioii of Osprey to his neighbor. "Hohn W. I'jRon. Mr. Pijich will tfo wesi for a time and viow-the land- scape iver. Mr. Tyson his so.t one of the besif fiituis in that i^eigliWrhooif, and now owns three huncTred uci'es ti» oloi'e pro.xiini'y toeiicb other. • . ' Mis. \N*. ti. Daiid and I «â- > children returiieJ home to Regiiia,' Swk., .iftur spending tliVwinliH' W|th her pirout.s, Mr. and ms. R. J. Cci'l'lslti'( " F.iirvi.'w Farm ' Mrs. Rojjors of St. Marys .has returned home after a few weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Buriisido. Master Willie ^o(;ers accoiupdiiicd his iiiother home'aftsr spcndini.' the winter with his sitter. Mrs. Will. Uendrjt of Feversham is visiting her brother, <SyiH. Galloway, at present. Master Willie Cohjuctle had the mis- fortune to give Itif le^ a bad cut with an axe lasr wi^ek. Bir.Ryckman uf Maxw.;ll drcs.sed the injury, and Willie will soon be al: work :igaiii. Allie Oitewell i.s visiting fiiends in this neigbborhuoil at pieseiit. Mr. and Mrt. R. .1. Opkpiott spenta few days in Collinizwood livsb week., D. W. Clinton has puix'huscd the gen- eral store business of .\. T. Hutchinson III Fcver.tharo, giving iu exch.ange uite- hair section of laml in the Strongtield district, Sask. Mr. Clinton will take p(*ses.Hi(Oi shortly, and Str. H^uichinson will go W'est to try fainiiii;; m the praii ie proviflcp. We wish theinsucceMto their ne«' rmittrrcs. M;.<. \. ,\Ic<.; M»n and sni, V .v., uf Ravenua, also Mrs. Fiuuk Sayers of L-idy Bank 8|)ent Sinubiy with the r mother. Alifi. .Jolm Weldrick, sr., who i.s very ill ai preseii;. Phosphonol the Electric Restorer for Men. Restoi-^ every nerve in the luidy to it.s .proper ICTsion ; restores vim and vitality. Prematmo decty and all .se.vmil averted at once. Phosphoii'd will make you a new man. Price ^'.'>.>lO a box, i.r two for .'."i.fXI. Mailed to any address on >;».'ceipt <if juice. The ScoWll Urugi'o., •St. Callmrliie.s^ < )iit. Durham. The duhi'iitures f.^r the Jlcfionan -Milling Ciiapaiiy, f.)i' Slo.tKJO, and re- ceiil ly p;issed and iMtitiml by the Pro- vincial Legislature, have lieun sold t<> Brent, No.\on it Co., Tiro nto, a"; a premium â- );' 8;503.!)i). The Criuient Mill is now underguiug a .series of ivpjirs preparaliiry to uueiiing for llitf SBa>Mni as nxm as the ice pr clear- ed off' the lake aiul ijood workinj! coiuli- tioin prevail. TluiouMook at pre^^cnt is most optimist i<; iuM. the ctiances are that the mill wdl hare a g||ud run this ssasoii. "T'Chnmicle. -Dr. deVan's French Female Pillsâ€" the Wife's Friend. .V reliable regulator ; never tails. While these ]>ills .ire exceedingly power- ful in regulaliiijr the generative jxa'tion of the feuiale system, tliey are sti'ictly safe to use. all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are .sohi at $.") 00 a box, or three for §10.00. Mailed to any address. The .Seobell Drug Co.. St. C.ithaiines Ont. Innpeotor Duncab, of Toronto, repre- senting the Ontario Uepiirimeni of Ne<,- lected and Dependent ch.ldrcii, was iu Slielburnc neiiib^orhojal a couple-of t'aj's last week uid .is a ciaisfipience no less ttum fourteen children in town and siiriountliiig country were leiiioved from tho-caie (or rather lack ol care) ot their jmreiitfi anil taken to Toronto lo be look- ed after, and in a couple of other in- stiyices the p'lrenls were warned tobrice up and clean viaH|i- similar act inn would be taken with ^mr children. Of the fourteen children removed, si.x belonged to George Outhwaite, four to .lames Hogg (.Melaaellum), ajid four to (iuorge Claydon. â€" Grand Vallfy Star. The C. P. R. uteiimer .V.Hsiniboia will sail from < )weii Sound for Fort William on Satrnday. .\pril Hi, the tirst boat for Laki? Si. ijoiior. This Medicine Is Breathed I Have You a Cold?â€" It Can Be Completely Cured By Catarrhozone It Quickly Cures Whooping Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hay-Fever, Asthma, and Colds. Catarrhozone i.s. not like ottier reme- dies, but is so healing and. sooltiing that;, when It is breathed tlirougti the inhaler it kills ttie germs tliat cause ilist-asps ot the tliroat and lungs, Catarrhoione quickly sootlies and lioals thi" mucous surfaces so tllat In a short time the whole mucous lining is healed. I# you are- subject fh throat Irrita- tion or have .1 tendency to consump- tion yo^i slKMiId use the "Medicine that is breathed,"" ' Thousands who have used it toll of its merit. - ' . .\ir which you breathe through the Catarrhozone inhaler carries litaling to trte very"' spot affected, and tiier* is no chance of failure by going to tlio wrong- place-, Thafc*H why tt cures. Catarrhozone Approved by Doctors, Druggists, and thbusands of Canadian people who have used it. Little drops of healing for weak places in the throat and nasal pa98ages-,-tliat's Catarrhozone. , Three .sizes. 25c.. 50c , and $1.00, at fltnggists or by mail, postpaid, from The Catarrhoaonc Co-, Buffalo, N.T.» and Kingston, Ont. •»/-».' .â- /â- â- ,--a/M.'v«.-va.^sa^ sa^ -.a^'a^va-N>^\«/V. .a^'Aib^:jL^ai:^J<: ^li:::<LlI<:^li: #^'' J. and W. BOYD mercbanis % Pksberton Ontario .!â-  HOUSE CLEANING This is tlift .season tbi- house cleaning anil no doubt wlien yoft "get into the job you'll lind you will re- '([uire aitet of new furnishings. We lifuve made an estinuite of your pyssibU' reffuh'einenr.s and here- with beg U) sub:irir .some of oui- prices : Itugs from $7. JO to .$2,100 ^atts from 2."} cents to _ 7.5U^ â-  Brussels carpet fiom -SI. 00 to 1.3a Tapestrys h-oin :>5 cent.s ti> B."> Wools trom «)5 cents to ., ^'> I'nions h'om 0.') cents to '50 Linoleums at :]5. 4."), oO and $1 /K) Oil Cloths in all widths at 30 cents per.M^uare yard Japanese Mattings 20. 'Ih Lace (^ixrtains from 'lo cents per pair ttj $3.2.'>, " Tmb Seal o»' CtraTAiwrr " »\ GoOOVtAR-WKCT 'SCWM ar. \ M. BOOTS AND SHOES In this department we have a'ldeJ the Slater slioe. which needs no ad- vGrtf.siug, having gained for itself a reputation seC' Olid to none. Satisfaction guaranteed or >our money reftnided. â- m/^%,- »â- â€¢Â».â-  â- â- â- I- â- â- -â- a •â- --•â- .â- N>.-v*--~«/v/ vj/xa^v^-sa/vA-vj/>j/^J/sa/v^\M/vA^ The People's Store Millinery display at The People's Store, Eugenia. Our , id. was too 'iile for printing week, but operiiiiys were a ireat imoces?-. Sr.uiy ladies came in to .see our hats. \Vo ;ire showing a line dij;i)'.iy in all the latest styles «iitl shadinsjis. Annmij smuo of the hats to be seen is a turban in the new liltie strfllr, interlaced with black velvet ribbon, with a lar.<e Hat bow «t the back. .\nothor puritan is made of the new shade of brown in coarse eliipp straw, with crown of draped ^olil nett and ' trim minus. One of the larjje hats .shown is the netv blonde chipp roHiiis brioii^v.-ith bl.ack facing erowii massed with mse* aiidlnliage. k stunaiiu laii^e bat of the new Hretoii siiilur in the CuilSnhauen blue, trimmed with roses and black velvel"ribbon. A good display of flowers and shapes Miss Bell, ;late ot Winnipeg, in charge J.E.Large, Eugenia GET YOUR WEDDING UI\(JS IKWELLERY CLOCKS RKPAIREO \V.\TCHES IIEIWIRED FOINT.VIN PE.NS SILVERW.\RE And evcryl.hiiig in the •Jowellcvy Line, fioni .ARMSTRONG IE FLESHERTON JEWEtER" j:. Bowm iiivillo is one of the towns which adopted local option a year a,^o. At oncu a hotel in keeiiing with the now condi- tions opened and on its tirst year's business has paid ilie shareholders a dividoiiil of t wciity per ocnl. The mana- •fi^v received a salary •f ?1,'W0. I 5|>ecialist in discucs ol th<i Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OffifO 13-Kro»tSt. - < JwenctotmU i .\l the Revere, Markdale, 1st. j Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. in. Custom Weaving i The undersigned ia now prepaired to do 1 all kinds of (.'uslom Weavinsj. Plain, i Twilled and Satinetle, Carpets, rugs and Hammocks a' Specialty. | Hit and Ml-js Rags, Colored Warpfoiuid, | 20 cents per ijtiifd. Striped r»!<s extrn. Wm. LEES, ir'!esherton,'Ont \ HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS VtA^^ TO A WESTERN W CANADA LOW ROUND TBir KATBS GOING DATES Apr. 5, 19 J»c 14. 28 .4ii. ». 23 Miy 3. 17. 31 My 12. 2« Sept. 8, » THKOL'GB SrCCIAL TIAINS TOIOr«TO TO WINNirEO .»ND WEST Liavc Toroato 2.0O p.a. ^ oa above daya Throuidi Firet :in<l Srcood Cass (7oad>«*i^ Calooisl aod Tc*»rist Sl«j>er«. .Ipplv to ncarnit C.P.R. .*K<mt or wxila P.. U IhompsoB, D.V..^., Torunto. ASK roi nOHESIEKEIS' rAMfBUBt S-1 w S. RanJs, Agent. FiwhwflMi:/

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