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Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1910, p. 1

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y : TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINClP^lh NOT MEN." fOL 28, NO 45 Fleatierton, Ont., Tljursday, Ma. IQIO W. H THURSTON ^?JI%opi.ibtoe If: * I . in 4 Kimberlcy The weather dui-iiii the past week wax exceptionally warm fur this xeasoii of the year. However, we'll i«y for thin Liter €«, Ray.i our lixail weatherman. J. E HaininonU, Coniuiercial Manter ot the Meaford High School, spent the EiMter holiilayg at hiii mrental home here, did Victor Kllis, and the MiaacH Dell Ahei°croinbie iiDd Elvie Biabop, who have heen attending the above sicliool. Misi Maude Fawcett, « lio ha.s spent ibe month with friend.s at Colling- woimI, returned home thiH week. Miss .Tiiscphine Fen'i.s is holidaying with friends in Owen Sound. Ge»». Cornfield and Xeil Boyle each had a Hucceiuiful wo.'hI bee during the yuxnl week. Chester Haskett was in town on liiz. •n Sitturday l; Martin -jf Markdale und (Jeo. Pnxitor of this place have the contract for the' building of thu new sidid lirick whool house ; cntract ja-ice, JS3,8(M(. The section furnishes hrick, saml and gravel. The totji! cost of the schoid vben ciniipleted will Iwat least f4,.'>0<3. Mis.s Annie Scott is holid.-iying at her parental hcvnie here. MJK.S Kva Mctjee, who is teacliing •choul lit Kgyi>t, is Iiolidiiying at her par- ental home lit're. Misaes Lenoni .md .' ddie (iandin of Heathci>tc njent the past week witli friend-^ here. Arnold Ferguson ot Tlior)d)uiy sjiont a few dnys last wuvk the guest of his eiMis'nK. D.'d'iin and Allen Ferguson. Mr. Jas|)er <iill>ert and sister, Mi.v.s Lily, left on .Mondny of this we«!k for Vancouver, 15. I'. We wish theui a pleasant tri|). John PIcwos s]»;iit a fe»v days last week in Oollingwood. Mr. (Jilticrt l.siuic was the fii-st to coiii- mence plouglii'ig this spring, having •t«rtctl on iVionday, March :ilst. Tlie foUowiug day .1. II. Fawceti. planted some eniunh in hisgard-n and 'he soil was in good sha|)e. Maxwell Mr. and Mis. Moore. Haniilt.m, spent Ba«ter with their <!.iugliter, Mr». (L)r.) Rycknian. Wilton Field ..f Moaford collegi.ite is (pending the viication at his hoiiie. Quite ii nuuilier ,it tended the Ka.ster •ervice on .*<unday evening. Tlie duet by Misses Teed .md Csliorne was well Mnderetl. The ehildnMi's singing was also enj )ye<l hy all. Mr. •ji'o. Long sf)ent the jiiLst week in C)'lingwo(Hl. Mrs. Handin of Toronto is visiting â- with her niothei-, Mrs. 11. V. Burke. Mis. Wiit.soii, Toronto, accompiiiied by her little son, is visiting with her sis- ter, Mrs. ()shotne. i. Miss Mae Whiteoak, Toronto, iss[KnJ- ing a few days at her piiental liome. Charleis Kerton le't Lust week for the wext. Sllss Wylie sjK-iit last we<?k in Fever- iliani. We extend a hear'.y welcome to Mr. and Mi's. Hindi*, who luive moved to the farm vacate! by Wet Huds m The tofic for League on Thursday night deals with missions. .V letter will W {"ead from ;-. foreign niissiouary. Vandeleur. Tile Loyal I'rii.siders.a juvenile Itrunch of the S«>ns of Temixjrance, which was orgauiztid here vmie time ago, held :ui (>pen meeting in thu school on wedoesiluy aftermmn. (.^luite a number of visitoi-s were i>resent. Mr. Oeo. ling Wiw nskcd to take the chair. .\ Kplendid prognuu of .songs and recitiit ions Was given, also speeches by Rnv. Mr. NVeUw««xl und others. Much credit is du« Miss Verney, who trained the boys and girls who took iKirt in the (irogram. MiKS Rosie (iilbert visited friends in Markdalc last week. Geo. Prit'hanl sjieut Cioinl Friday with triend.s at ( himgeville. Sidney Gilbert and family liave moved to F. R" IWand's house on the 12th line. Mrs. S. (lillK-it anil Mrs. U. iJenoe arc visiting friends at t'hat.sworth. li. Jolm.ston returned home last week after visiting friends .-it Cre<lit Folks, Xinery, Toronto and other points. Sam HoUey took a trip to Owen Sound on Siitnidiiy. Miss Cora of Flesherton visit- hX friends hei-e last week. Mias Vorney is speiuling the holidays with friends at Tottenham. M. Riird is trtking advantage of ihe Jffesent tine weather to i-educe Mie stock of logs in his millyard. VVm. CiiUis moved%> Monday to the iuljoininK the school gioiiinls. which he recently purchiwiwl Dr. deVan's French Female Pills- the Wife's Friend. A reliiible rennlitor ; never fiiils. %hile these pills "are exceedingly (H>wer- ful in regulating the generative portion of the feiimle sy.steui, they are strictly aafe to Refuse all cheap imitJitions. Dr. de Van's ai-e sold at $."> 00 a 1k)x, or three for 910.0«). Mailed to any address. 'J ho ScoMl l>niii ^'"•. ^^ CiUluoinos t»nt. Ceyloo Snow nearly all gone. Some of the farmers are pluwinK- Spring has appar- ently come in early this year. Mrs. A. Whittaker fell lAKt week and injured herself so seriously that her daughter, Klla, wa« called home ti nur.'^e her. She is sooie litttor now, and we trust will soon be around again. Mrs Jaa. Sprnat and Mis'! Blanche have returned after s))ending a few days with the former's .sister in Corbetton. •liis. Sirgeiit and Mra. Isaac Sargeant of Oweu Sound and William, from Torcn- to, spent Easter with their parents here. Master Cecil ('ushnio of Tcu-onto is spen ling a couple of wctks with his grand pireutj. Mrs. Pepjier has returned to her home in Orillia after spendinu »l>.>nr foui mouths wi;h her daughter, Mrs.S. Rinds, here. Thr Literary S"ciety"s coiicort. heraim Fri.liy aflerniMii last was a gre^it siiecess. Mr. J. L. Woods was chairman, and .Mrs Wi'ilLs, aceoinpjiiiisr. Mr .lohn Otiewell Tucker came up froiii Mount Foresl to help out his old chuuis, and gave si'veral real good songs â€" in fact all the selections were grand. Mrs. McRae, sr., still continues very piH>iIy. Mrs. Ja«. Palt.isou took a trip to Tor- onto on Monday, taking her son, Willie, with her. Mr. and Mrs. J. ]>. Wooils spent their holidays with friends in DuiiiUlk. Phosphonol the Electric Restorer for Men. Restores every nerve in the Ixaly to its pro|)er tension ; restores vim and vitality. Proiiialure dec-ay and all .se.xual weajiiiess averted at once. PKos[dionol will make jon h new man. Price i^'t.'lO a lsi.\, or two for 85.00. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. The Scobell Drug Co., St. C.ilharlnes, Ont Rock Mills 1 0th Line, Osprey. Mr. .'^hort of Lady Uink hiuspiircl'.a.sed a uiiiple .syrup-making mittit, and is mak- ing syrup on the wholesale phm. The evaponitor is a large inieâ€" lai-gi' enough for one th.aisiiiid trees : and running at its full capicily will Isiil alumt tweuty- five or thirty gallon, of .syrup in twelve hours. Mis. Rodgers of .St Marys is visiting her daughter, Mr... <>eo Biirnside. ,it picseiit. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Wright of Feversham. on Siitui'day, March IDlh, a .son. Thos. Convoii. wlio has Ih!cii .siiiliiig for a (cw sea.sons [uist, left Feveishaiii on Monday lust to join his vesicl, the Otta- wa, at Toronto, and will sail from Mon- treal lo '.'hicago this sea.son. Mr.Coiiron has s])ent the winter at his pirental home in Fevei'shain aiul will be greatly missed in the home circle. Wo wish him every success and prosi>erety. .lohn .Stewart of Flesherton pad a sht>rt visit to this |Kirl last Monday. Kli Robinson, general mercliant, Fev- ei-sham, is remodelling his store, and will liave it made iinich lai-ger and more uji- to-diite in every way. Messrs. Conn and Kaittiug are the contractors. Mrs, John Weldrick is on the .-â- ick list at present. We hope to see her well again soi.m. 1. Harvey Perigoe of Flesherton has purch«.sed the building ocxuiiied by Bar- lier Bi-oH., general merchant', who will continue as tenants. .foK. Oamey, while loading gi-ain on the vleighs, fell and bi-oke one of his rilw. Mi,ss Minnie Roy accompanied Miss Maidineut a.s far as Toronto and Iuls re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips au<l two children visited fi-iends on tli-; Meiiford riMul on Sunday. • Eldridge Pi'illips lias gone to Toronto. Mrs. Richard Porteous is laid up with Victor Philliiis, who has Ijeen visiting his mother for two weeks, ha.s returned to Toronto. .Mrs. T. .\tkiilH<in is laid up with ti gripp'. Jim .Milne, ivho is suffering from jn^cu- moiii.a and p'eurisy. Is, under the careful treiitinent of Dr. Rycknian, recovering slowly. _ -. . . • .Among the K;Lster visitors were: Jessie CJiillips, .and Stanley Gamey of Toronto, Kdgru- Betts and Walter \kitt of Owen .Sound. East Mountain .\ jiyous l'^i.'<tenide I i all remlers of The Advance. Allno^t everyone is Iiilsv now making maple .syrup. Jlr. Welsh hai 'MO trees lapfieil. The many friends of Mrs. Win. Ciozier I't" New Liskeard will leani wit'i regret of h_-r recent illness. She hid a paralytic .strike and is a ..erioiis condition. Eugenia. The social .'ir .Mr. Williain.s un Friday evening piiKsWl ott" very plea.s.'ii)lly. Ow- ing to the liad rond.t peopl.. from a dis- t.inci' couKl not attend. The proceeds amounted to eiglit dolliirs and forty cents. Mis. Henry Fenwick is in very jHior he-ilih. John Cam|iiH'll is sp^Mulhig Easter with Toronto friends. Levi Duckctt is the first .uoniid Ku- gcnli to .-.tart ploughing. He will start seisling in a couple of weeks. .Such iiiiM weather through March is something unusual. The country looks like spring, snow .ill jjone and eveiything bright and fair. Kiister seems to have Inoiight tine weather. Miss Millie McMiillen is laid n|t with the measles. A !^-eiit iiuinl)er are .siiti'ering from la grippe. The western fevei has again caught our l»>ys. Messrs. Stanley Campbell and Stewart Hi.slop of the V.dley started on Tuesday for Manor. .SjLsk.. They are Ixith hired for the coming suinnier to work for .\rch Cairn.s, formerly of Flesh- erton, .so they are asHurcd of a good home before they go. Walton Williams of Toronto is the guest of friends here. â- lohnathan Latimer is .s^iendiug Easier with friends in Toiiin'o. Miss Vii-gio McMuUen of Toronto is homo .sjiending a few days with her inoiher. 5Iis. Large is in Toronto for a few days on a bu.sines.s trip. .-Vrt. Walker visiieil Toronto friends over GikkI Friilay. ' Stone Settlement. The making of maple syrup is the order of the day. Mes.srs. Kd. Baker .iiid Oeo. Wright of Vandeleur visited at T. Irwin's week. Miss .Vsgie McPhail was u visitor on this line on Sunday. Miss .Annie Harrow of Midland, Miss Ethel of Markdale, and Mr. Frank of Owen Siaind spent Easter at thnir )Mren- tal home. Mrs. T. Irwin oiitertaincd a number of the ii'arried ladies of this neighborlnswl on Weilnesday afterlKsm la-st at a rug bee. AW pi-e.seiil had an enjoyable time. Mi.ssPlioobe Wolfe of Dnrhain is an Ea.ster visitor at Mrs. Win. Flclcher's. Mi«.s Minnie Mc.^rthur spent liua week with her sister, Mrs. S. .S[x'ers, west Ijack line. Mi.s.s Laura Whittaker of Hanover. Well. and Mi-s.Kred Sproat and daughter, Noiii, of Durham spent Kxster at their home here. Miss M. Leslie is speniliiig the holidays at her home in Markdale. .•V large number from here attended Mrs. J. Sullivan's .sale on Wednestlay la-st. Rob. Spicer is visiting with ffoUand Centre relatives. Miss S, V. Klelcher of Cherry Grove, Miss Janet of Durham and Mr. D. Roy â- )f Brentwood are sjiendiiig the holidays It their home here. Herb. Robinson of Pojt Law visitotl at his home litre on .Sunday. J.I. Oraliam of Vandeleur was a visit- or at D. Hallow's recently. Mix. E. Piirdy and son. Frost, sjient Ka-stor in Corbetton. Messrs. E. and !>. Holley of Vande- leur were visitoVs at J. LyueMs' on Wod- nesd ly last . Militwi camps will_be held at London, Niiijara ard Kiiigston, bcgnningon June Ki and 14. . Address aid Presentation Eugenia L o. k lllS, had for a anes'. at their last neettig Mr. James Rrodie • f B. C, ail old memlter itf the lodge. Dui ills' the toui«e of the eveniiia Mr. Brodie was presetted with an emblem and the foUi;wing :ddre3t : T . Mr. Jan), s Brolie. Sr and Biol her. We the niomoers of this L.O.L. U18 have often regie ted I hat at your de[)arure from among us some years i^ljo we jeg'ected to uive y^pu .some token if our regard for you, as ne knew you to Ije .i iiienber that always had ilie best iutLies's of tlie lojyu at hearr, and we felt 'iiat youi absence le't a ureal Void ill our i ink'. But as we have ihi; great pleasuie of agin .seeing and nieet- mg you in our .'olge -oo;ii, we take great fle-tsiira in jire-cniiii.' you w.rh th s cn- blem of our oidei. kVe neetl not ask you when you look on t to iliiiik Kindly of the biithreu lu'ie, a- we of: en think and speak of you. i lur h peanJ 1 1 ust is tlmt wherever yo I .^.,, or «hireier your l.ii may be eas' ilia' you ni'l always be alile in the fuiure, as in tlic past, to n|>liold th- principles oi ounvdui ; ami when 'he loJge lias hud i > Usti iiieetiii'.; on lliis sphere, an^l I lie roll h called, we hope you wid have til.; pas^ i-ito the Urai.d Lodge aliOve. Signed oii l>e!ialf of hn inembeis, H. Weber, W. M. . : W. C. Pedlar. Sec. .Mr. Bi'odie III ide astiiable i-e]>ly and spoke ill a tiMniiilijent strain of ili.i wo k in the Imli;.- ih^ily yfio^ ««•• and up to the piesen" tiine. Rttio-'hiiients wer; servt-d, after whi:h the gues' and Bio. V. Pedliir THp. atcd ili8R..V.P. leciure. Hoiiur Rolls. lve|)ort of seuiur ro«)ni. Flesherton P.S. Sr. 4-E. Richardson, H. .Shuiik, Lil- liii'i Ariii^u-iOi;, V. Slaifui'ii. Jr. 4- L. Bunt, D. Thurston, 1. Wil- son, M. B<p)d. Sr. :j L rrti.;man, 11. .Shunk, -N. Teeter, H. H ile.«. j l|Jr. :5 Z. .McClocklin, F. Bunt, II. Lcver, K. .McOmley. Sr. -i-C. Lever, J. SU«art, .\. .Miicli ell, .4 .Stewart. U. J. HolKiid, te.iclicr. H)n.)rr)ll for March, S. S, No. c, Osprey : Sr. IV. Sidie Wi!s<)ii. Jr. IV. -Melville Dou*.iss. Sr. 111. .Vlina Short, Myrtle Fields. Jr. III. -Vein .n Holrovl. Mabel Mc- Miilleo. Sr. H. .Arthur Johnson, CI u.i Slion, 'roiinny Hollinir.sliead, Leslie McMullen. M. Doiigks. S." Weldrick. G. UolMvd. Sr. Pr. ll.-HenhaShoi't Jr. Pr. II.â€" S. McMullen. Eileen Wel- drick, V. WehliiiU, F. Hollin-shead. <;. MoKF vr. Teiicher. Notes of the Women's Institute. Vandeleur biiiiieh held the March meeting at the home of Mrs. Jos. Bu- chanan on the 24th inst. In .spite of the bid roads ipiite a nuinher were present .ind a lively interest was taken in the pro- ceed ngs. Mrs. Win. Hutchinson gave a paper '".Sowing Seeds in our Garden.s and Hearts, " which touched chisely on the inllucnce of the home life and the ncces- .sity for careful pi-ep-ii atioii of the snil (or heart) for reiseiving Ihe good .seed. Mrs. W'm. Foster and Miss M. L. Davis .sang a sweet duet. .A \M\xr "Dishes to Tempt the Appetite," by .Mrs. J. U. Davis, was read by Miss Miiggie Divls. In food we have a rc'uedy for e\ery ill, so we should iinke a stu'ly of the differ- ent fiKsls that are suil-able for our needs. .\ numlier of recipes were given. The reading of both pappis wius lolloived by discii.ssions which were humorous and interesting. Hie roll call re,siK>ndetl to bj a numlicr of ieci|)es and suggestions. Among others the following'.foctant* for Bntfalo moth was given: In two ipiart.s of water dis.solve -i tablespoons of salt. I tablespoon alum. 1 tablespisin chloride of zinc, >^hake well, and let stand over night, ilrain the water oH'and apply it with a whisk around the edges of the eaiiiet. The .April meeting will be Iiehl ai tli3 homo of Mrs. .A. Johnston on April -Jlst. ' Notice Many Improvents During ihe la-M few months I he Toronto News has made remarkable sliidos. It has long been )ire-eiiiineiit on its editor- ial page, but durint; the la.^t few months its Women's page, iw Financial i)age,ai d its general news service has shown niuk- ed improveaient, and wa gladly recoiii- mend The News to any of oar subscribers who wish to take a Toronto daily paper. Coder a special arrannemcnf, The T- ronto News and The .Advance can be se- cured for one year fur 82.2.*>. Send you. sub.seripii'in to this ofttce and both pap^^i-s will be sent you. .«p«clsH«t t>n 'diseases ol i hp Eye, Ear, Noseband Throat 0(fic-o la l-'ioMt SI. • ( )vvcii-Soi.incl i At the Revere hoiLso. MarVUlle, ht ' Friday cavil iimnth from 8 U> I- a. ta- flow a Woman Can Build Up Her Health Dm Open Letter From Mrs. L. Hermann Will Be Interesting to All Women Headers. Flesherton « Ontario \ Sirring Millinery Opening Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday We extend to all our lady cu.stoiiiers ;i hearty iu- vitnriou to visit our millinery openings on above ^ date. A. C. -MacMillan i.s in charge of the show room. This week ne are showing all the new spriug gi'od.s, the newest .iiid most popular 'j;oods available, including the newest dress goods> market in laiicy stripes and colors, navy brown, olive gieeii and the .â- .\tr.i new >bades in amethyirl and vieuv r is«J : also ginghams', /.ephyrs, liiieii-", foulnrds ard Iiidiiii i)ead suitings. A'so piints, muslins, etc, ' lur re'.;uUr lino of prints, e.\ira ipialily a' i'J}. cen's, and our special at 10 cents. â- tr BOOTS AND SHOES In '.'nis depaitment we liave ii'liled tlie iSlatcr shoe, Tihich needs no aJ- vertl.sing, having gained fov itself a reputation sec- ond to none. Satisfaction gnarantccd or joui money roftindeJ. /* ** The StAi. OF Cfi»t*i«wty "' -i " The Seac of Certaintv " OOOOVCAR. Wkut 'S&WH Ttie foHowing litter written from ler prettily siluutea llonie is Ossinlng, in the banks of the Hutkon. gives VIrs. Heiinaun's experience with 111- itulth: "I was never very strong. "Thousands thcie are just like me, rtho have to pay double toil for every ittle extra effort or exertion. VVhcii :he u father was line, and 1 was able o get about, 1 enjoyed life and held ny strength. Bui sumethins ahvaya lappened â€" a little too mucli done, or :onie small sickm ss would put me jack, and I would drop Into the most .liserable despondent state, unable to sleep or enjoy my meals- I decided tu .ake the luost nourishing and .slretigtli- :ni:ig toiilc m:ul<\ and was strongly urgrd to use 'Ferrozone.' .\£ter the [list box I ^^auâ-  l.>rrozoiie was doing ne good, so 1 followed clostly the Kerrozone Kules for Health." and iuiiKd sioadily. At Hrst I diiiu't eat IS well as I oi:ce liid â€" I couldn't exjiecl :o. But there was a gradual iinprove- mi nt in my appetite, and this buoyed up my hopes, and convinced me bVrro- zonc was what I ni-eded. It is less t'.iaii a year since I commenced Ferro- zone and already I am like a new wo- man. I ' at more, sleep better, weigh mole, am stronger, healthier, better lotkliig than ever Ik fi're,' FERROZONE A Woman's Took No toni â-  has sut.'i a universal re- putation for restorins health to s'rla and wointnâ€" ifs a woman's niodieino that dOeS roihI: try one or two l-Vrro- zoni' Tablsi" Willi your meals â€" watch Ihe result Fifty cents a box. six for $•> ri» all dealers, or The Catarrho«one /o/' Kingston, Canada. Custom Weaving The undersigned is now prepaired to do all kinds of fustoni We.ivim?. I'l.iin, Twilled and SatineMe, Carpets, ru>{s a«d Mammocks » Sjpacialty. Hit and Mi^l^""-*. 0.lnredAV,afi. t mn.l, â- " yiir<1, f*'iiped r(lg^ â-  strn. Flesherton, Out The People's Store Millinery display at The People's Store, Eugenia. Our .ni.was loo \ate for piiuling last week, but opeiiiii'.;9 were a great mcces-*.. Many ladies came in lo see our bats. We are showing a tine di;;p'ay in all the latest styles and sliailings. Among some of the ba's I o be seen is i turban in the new blue stiaw, interlaced with black velvet rikbon, with a laioe flat bow at the back. Anotlier unban i? made of the new .shade of brown in coarse eliipp rstiaw, with crown of draped gold nctt and tiimminuK. One of the large hats shown is ihe new blonde chipp rollini; brim, with black fac i ng crown iiia«.«ed with rosea and foliage. A stunning liirno bat; of ihe new iircton sjiilor in the Copanha'.-eu blue, triniiiied with roscB and black velvet ribbon. A goodjdisplay of flowers and shapes Miss Bell, late of Winnipeg, in charge J.E.Large, Eugenia HOMES .CANADIAN PACIFIC For Settlers IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Ho^v Made and How Reached LOW SETTLERS' RATLS t , Settlers wi:h L've Si^cK tnd Efiecli Special Train.s :c...vr. Tc*cr.:o lO.lOp.m. )*;»RCain<J.U.';lL Sclt!«i?and Fanii.i»-» wiihcur hrcck Regular Traics 10. 10 p.m. da:N MINNirtG fLYta 138 hours tc Winnii^rf T!-.rctsll T.'jri:! Cr:: Cl LCMST CARS O.N AltTRAn.S l:> >thlch Berths ore Free /pplj 1 • 'a-fs; Aftrt fcr ccty cf "St't'cts" Guide, Wss;tr.i CsrcCe," 'Touiiit C*.;,,' c: write R. L. T. -iscn, C.P.A.. CPK. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS VU^^ TO B WESTERN W CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES GOING DATES Apr. 5. 19 J.M H. 28 A»<. 9. 23 Mar 3.17,31 Wrl2.2« Sept. G, 20 TBBOLCH SFECIAX TKAINS TOBONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toroalo 2.00 ».â- â€¢ 0, om above days Through First nod .'^crond Class Coaches, Colonial and Tourist Slropcre. Applv to aeamt C.P.R. Aiient or write U. L. Thompson, V.V..K., Toronto. ASS rUR HOMESEEKEBS' rAHrHlET S. Rands. Agent. Flesherton "*m.-

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