: : *. '*â- I SPRING REMINDERS OF RHEUMATISM law, Bamp Weather Starta the Fain, But the Timnhle Lies in the Blood. Changeable spring weather, often RHEUMATISM WEATHER THIS BIT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS AL- WAYS CURE HHEl'MATISM. What Thfy Did for W. H. ( raine, and Why They Alwayw Cure Bheumatismâ€" 'Key Reoiore the CuDse. Toronto, Ont., Mar. 21 (Special). â€" In these days of sudden changes not the weather that causes rheu-', sense of duty prompts you to over- 1 of temperature known to so many matism, ihe trouble is rooted in' work, to leave nothing undone, and ' su&ering people as Rheumatism; the blood â€" the damp, changeable your supersensitive conscience is all ^ weather the experience of W. H. weather merely starta the aches and the time prodding you to sacrifice • Craine, of 103 (iladstone Ave., this THE DOCTOR'S DIAftNOSIB. Abnormal Scn.sc of Duty and Sup- ornoriual C'onHcii'RC«. "The trouble, madam," the doc- toi* said to the lady who was thought t» be somewhat run down, "the trouble is that you have per- mitted yourself to become a slave to your sense of duty. You have also, I venture to say, a supernor- mal conscience. These two make raw, cold and damp, is pretty sure |a combination whose insidious wear to bring a time of misery to people it would take a cast iron man to who suffer from rheumatism. But withstand. it must be borne in mind that it is, "Y^our abnormally developed tTOCK*. ej£!!2>CR0NYNiiS: â- •mb»rs Tcronto Stoak KiebcRg*. S>U In wfimnts Zt:^iS\r:^lT>^^ K4f«r a« to iUudiuic to aay bftuk.- W* kiA*e moved to ^a a m^ m a oar n«w bufliUng, 90 Bay SI., TOfOflfO* Dyeing I Cleaning I !«• kk« TCtf tMl ••â- « rMT WOTk to *• "â- â- nw aMiNAa â- run m.* lfMlra«I.T«reoto. Otuwa, AN AWFUL FALL. "Spearing of bad fallsrdl ladadu "Speaking of bad falls," remark- ed Jones, "I fell out of a window oiice, and the sensation was ter- rible. During my transit through tike air I really believe I thought of every mean act I had ever commit- ted in my life." "Hum."" growled Thompson; '•you must have fallen an awful dis- tance." SPRING SKIN TRftl BLES. fjften almost unbearable pains go-' yourself for others. You will have' in^ The trouble must be reached to learn to harden yourself a little; through the blood, and the poison- ous rheumatic acids driven out.' This is a medical truth every rheu- matic sufferer should realize. Li-i niments, outward applications and so-called electsic appliances, never did. and never can, euro rheuma- tism. The sufferer is only wasting city, is of widespread interest. Mr Craine suffered from Rheumatism. He is cured and he knows the cure. It was Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Yes, I know Dodd's Kidney Pills cuied my Rheumatism," Mr. t'raine states. "For after I start Kidneys NA/rone 7â€" â€" If th'-y «r«. yon are In daoifcr. When thrnugh wfnknr«B or dlacfci-a the kiUoeya fail to tllter th« im- purities from the blood, tronbla cume8 at onre. Barkarbi*, Bhrnima- tii»Tn, Sciatica, Giavfl. Diab«*t«e. flail Stones and thi- deadly HHvht'a DtHfaiie are anrae of the multa of neirlucted fcidneyH. Dr. llorae'a Indian B<>«t Pillii contain a moat ejr#-<^tive diuretic whit;h htrenyth- pn>i and gtimulatiw the kidnejv ao that they do their work UwrouKh' ly and well. Try Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilfs Bumptive Syrup as a sure remedy ' for coughs and colds are attested by scores who know its power in giving almost instant relief when ed taking them I used no other me- j ^he throat is sore with coughiw, -â- â- - â- ' ~-' the whole pulin<.)n;iry region _jy , ux^uiuT^icu in ciinse<juenee. A Dot- tle of this worUI-fanifd Syrup will there is no danger that you will swing too far in the other direc- tion. Learn to let things go. "If my diagnosis is correct you worry yourself quite unduly over your household work; you think that everything must be done just' die ine. I never cease recommend- I *?' S'l; besides being a slave to your â- ing Dodd's Kidney Pills to mv ! disordered valuable time and money with this sense of duty you have become al- • f rie ds." soil of treatment, and all the time |so a slave of habit, which is the { Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the trouble is becoming more firm-! hardest of all taskmasters. | matism by putting the Kidneys in ly rooted â€" and harder to cure.| "You must learn to cut out ; condition to strain the uric acid out There is just one sure way to cure something when occasion requires ;â- : of the blood. It is uric acid in the rhtunoatismâ€" Dr. Williams' Pink learn to skiji. This by itself is a'blcod that causes Rheumatism. Pills. They act directly on the im- beautiful art, to know what and ; Cold or damp causes it to crystal- pure, weak, acid-tainted blood.' when to skip; but even if you ' li7e at the muscles and joints and;' They purify and strengthen it and should, as we might sav, madam. ' then comes those tortures every j " '* 'vere tounU so root out the cause of rheumatism.; bungle a little iu vour skipping at rh. umatic knows onlv too well \ ne'-esaary to send any more expeai Mr. John Finnamore, Marysville,' the start, still it will do you good , Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheuma- j "*'"* " ''****^ '""â- "• N. B., says:â€" "I was laid up with and you must learn the art. You ' tism by curing the Kidneys. The rheumatic fever for a year, and for ^ill soon di!=^cover that the world "cured Kidneys remove the cause of eight months of that time I could ^i'! not go all to pieces if on a eer- . the Bieumatism. not go about. My blood had seemed tain date you tail to dust in a cer UNCLE FZHA SAYS: "Some men listen so intent to j^^^ Cured by Zaui-Buk hear "PPort»nity knock at their j .^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^„^^^ ^j people- dcors that they don t hear their ^^^ , ^.^,^^„ especially- wnea luggin mjhe wood. , fc,,^j their faces disfigured by pim- , The merits of Sickle's Anti-Con- ' I','«^' ^""'^ "P"'"' ""?»'>''«. ^^- The, sKjr. needs attention. Just think what it has gone through I Y'ou have been out in rain and sleet and snow. You have bfccn at one moment perspiring fnm skating, or some other exer- tion. Then you have stood to , "cool off.' You have spent hours of the day indoors at a tempera- COUCATIONAL. i EABN THE BARBKR TRAD& NEW Jk oystcm cnobtaiit practice; carefol natniftUin ; few weeks completa ennratt tonla free; eradiiate* earn twelve ta aighteen dhllara weekly; write for eatar- lotae. Uolor Barber CoUefe. 221 Quaaa East. Toronto. ARTICLES FOH S.^LE. RVi<»Ti- • save doctor's bills, and a great deal .- ^ i ^ »ru ^^" 'of suffering. Price 25 cents, at all : ture equal to summer heat Then dealers -^"" covered up your skinâ€" ex- ___ j cept your faceâ€" and AFKICAX WARRA.NrP EOr^GTTT AWO sold, good for 53) e-r»3 Wmtera laiidc, immediate delivery. R^vgerar h Cu.. 30 Toronto Ht., Toronto, t ollege 1989. N VEl'EHASH It and Bold. Dickinson, Bo om 20, <3 B«utt 8t, A.NTKD - SOCTH AFEl'AN rantM. Highi-yl pric*.* paid. Bo»<<, Hcoti St.. Toronto. SOCTH AFRIC rai)f< bought and Bold. 320 w "Wiat's the ur- ..f searching for' a temperature away below zero the North Pole, anvwav ?'' "Why, ! , !>«•» ' forget that the skin has to it would save thousands of dollars ' i''' *'"-k just as any other organ It wouldn't be,"f »*"" body, .and if you overwork • it, if gives out. Zain-Buk is the j remedy. Smear it lightly over the i sjMits, the eruptions, the sauow BUY yoi;e pianos by hail. amon« our cash bargaiuM in need upright- gone out inw) pianoH, home in u-w less than Fix montha an- Heintxmau. S126. Sordlielmer, ll«. Hchmnnnn, 4165. Bell. tl7S. Hilton, (IM. Manon * Riwh. S196. Leach. $195. Each inntruinent warranted. %a extra for box- ing. Write immediately for partlrulara. TliB Leach Piano To, Limit^i. Muutr^al, MACHINERY Fr«« t* Our Raatftr*. Write Marine Eye Remedy Co.. W'Page lUnatratDd _Ey« patches, at night, and notice how ! to turn to water, and the pain I en dured was at times almost unendur able. Notw ithstanding I was under' pn,.^ i hesitate to speak as freely the doctor's care I tain way in a certain corner. i "As to your supernormal consci- Mamma â€" "I am delighted at the interest my boy is taking in his writing. He spends two hours a \|ACniNEHY UEADQCAREKHS. - ItJ Iron and wood-wurking maihinery, I engine*, boilers, iteam pumpK. gaeollnj Chicago <luickly vour appearance improves. | engines. electric motora. rontra.torar for Wpag- llln.trat«d Eya Book Fre» jVs the rich, refined, herbal cssenc- i "'"'â- hin'-ry. -[tc. Send for ^»«*';«^^ Wrlre all About Tour Eye Trouble and . , , . , u over KOO marhinee. u. w. j'tiairi, they will adviae a. tc the Proper Applica- , es Sink deep into the tissue, the . Limit ed. Tor.nuo. Montreal. Vumonrer. tion of the Marine Eye Remedies '0..Y' "' ] hard, scurvy-like pat-ches are re- Bpaelal Caae. Your Druggist will tell yuo • , r(„t.«_ „ l\, .... ,.!.« Tli« that Murine Believes Sore F.yea. Strength | moved. Better Color r••^ullS. Ihc •na Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothea (.^Uy „{ tbe skin become transpar- ' i Eye Pom. and aells tor 60e. Try It in ! , _._, ,,_ .......^ i,i r' A AGENTS WANTED. Eye Pom. and aells tor Your Eyes and in Bahy » Kyelidi auct Granalation. 5(k' Ey for Scaly | ent. and the delicate bloom <>f and they simply worked wonders in ,„„r children and Tarn sure that' '" T"' T,T,'t.i'^'hI'v''"an?WK ^ *''"'^'' ^f^"" bringing ba^k my lost strength. I \^,^ -^.-otion prompts you to do for i ^f;.^''"' /^/ ^'^ birthday, and he s ^j^^^^ take the Pills occasionally as ^\^^^ n,anj. things that you ought; They who are candid over have big ones in the still I am working in a saw mill where the work is pretty heavy." Not only rheumatic sufferers, but alt who have any trouble due to weak, watery blood will find a cure through J)r' Williams' Pink Pills. It ii^ because o? their direct action Family Cough Syrup not to do. I "You think that if you fail in any dutv to them you will be lacking, aud this leads' you to do for themj t'urc« Any Cough in Five Hours , many things that really they should I jjjj^v PRESCKIPTION IIEKK. do for themselves. This leads them „ . . , « , , ^, ^ i^ rn. mere and more to lean on you and! ^«'^« '^ ^^'"''^ ^^* , "'"^' effective . results of the use of Ur. Thomas , on the blood that these Pills cure ^o steadilv increa!=«>.s the load thatjcoi'Rh prescription known such troubles as anaemia, indiges-L-,,,, have "to b<-ar and which you ' n»«<l>i'*' world. It is a mild la.xa- i who were unacquainted tion, general weakness, neuralgia,] ti,ink y^u mu«t cArrv. which is bad t'^'*' *<>*' """^ ''''^ " '"^"*^ * body | qualities, and once kuown it will As the Oil Rubs in, the Pain \ Rubs Out. â€" -Applied to the scat of ' a pain in any part of the body the [ â- hkir absorbs the soothing linimeBtj ! under brisk friction and the patient ; 'obtains almost instant relief. The i GK.NTS .1,'i A DAY F.ASY NO BI- perieuce needed. Hells on sight. Absolute m-<OBsiIy to farmers. Does work i health replaces the sallowness and of jo men. P:iyB for i!«eif in one hour. ,, ,* ,. I Write toilav, C. R. Adams Co.. Harnia. little i P^Ho"" "f "isease. , o„,. ^ Zam-Buk also cures eczema, ul- • === ^ cers, chaps ringworm, cuts, bur..s. \ \S ''7i^^^..^ *^„^ra.;?'^^"^tS bruises, children s rashes, piles, „p„ . .,ppiy by letter. Coininenul Lifa etc h\\ druggists and stores at -Insuram-e company. Toronto. CorreepoD- Zam-Buk Co., T..>..n- denco oonfldeutial. Refuse harmful sub- 1 30c. box, or t.-. for price. stitutes and imitations. FARMS FOn SALE. You Blight do worse than ejfag- gerate the goodness of your friends. t<i the : Eclectric Oil have surprised many I ^^^^^ p.,j^ ^.^^^^ Rheumatism. '-'- ».«4-«,i ivith its and the aches, painb and secret f,,^ y„„ gnj likewise bad for them, tnubles women folk alone know, j f,,,. ^^preby thev learn U> lean on Give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair! „tj,p,.g_ whereas" what they really trial, and they will not disappoint ^eed to learn is how to do for them- yo'i. Sold by all medicine dealers seh-es. or by mail at 50 cent-s a box'or six I "But upon this phase of your boxes for $2.50 from The^ Dr. Wil-| trouble, madam, I will not dwell; Hams' Medicine Co., Ont. '* Brockvi.le, ' ishould not seek to lessen the plea- ; prescription not only relieves quick- fluid needs when suffering with cough ; n«.t bo rejected. Try it. and cold on the lungs. .\ cough or' â€" ; â€" cold indicates poisons in the sys- ' One form of pious gyrana.stic8 is teni. causing inflamniation and con- ' to walk one way and point the ge^tion. Nearly all cough syrups other. relieve, but make the trouble worse by their constipating effects. This SUM- I km.w vou find in doing forlly. but it cures any cough that is W* Maka Hw emphatle Statamant that " Tba D ^ I. " MsDthol I'lanl^r will iln laura to rallata nauraliflK. lame luck, lumbago and kindred troubles than an> "th«r plaxtar. -iin tins aaU II yd. rolli. All droiisista. "I .always was lucky," saiil a tramp to his pal. "I don't see." replied the other, "how you can lay that. Here you are, all run down, and not knowiii' where your next meal's comin' from." "That's »rct 1 tell you. It's just plain good t)',^,re luck. Wot if I was healthy, and' iad a big appetite?" 4. those you love; but as to y.ur ah- cuiable. Get one-half ounce ^ , ,. , normal sense of dutv regarding' wild cherry bark, one ounce com-. The empty head is always clo- things in general I would sav vou \ pound essence cardioi and three quent on the subject of a full must learn your dutv to vourself. , ounces syrup white pine compound. ; heart. "You must cease to grind ard.N|Mi^ >" a bottle lake for acute ously in all circumstances over i cough or bronchitis twenty drops Minard's Liniment Ralle»«s ll«ural(»a. everv detail. You must learn that i every half hour for four hours j are times when il is better i Then one-half to one teaspoonful; Smithâ€" "I'm not very well, thank To the many who suffer from rheu- matism a trial of Parmelc c's Vege- table Pills is recommended. They have pronounced actifin upon the liver and kidneys and by regulating the action of these organs act as an j alternative in preventing the ad- mi.vtnre of uric acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. They must be taken according to direc- 1 tions and used steadily and they will speedily give e\idence of their i bci'.eficjal effects. It doesnt take much work to con- vince a man thut he ne«>ils a rest. X »â- â- ♦â- ♦ 4-4 -f-M-f-t-M-f •♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦-♦? f A WORD TO MOTMEKS. . % \ No matter whether baby is •♦â- T sick or well. Baby's Own "Tab- ^ X lets should be kept in the 4. \ home always. They not only ♦ T cure the minor troubles to T \ which babyhood and child- ^ ♦ hood is subject, but will pre- ♦ vent them coming on if the ^ child is given an occasional -f dose of the medicine. Mrs. ♦ Geo. T. Walker, Mascouche Rapids, Que., says: â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for "♦• constipation and other disor- J ders of childhood and am so -f pleased with them that I al- ♦ ways keep the Tablets in the ^ house." Sold by medicine ♦ dealers or by mail at 25 cents ♦ a bo.x from The Dr. Williams' X Medicine Co., Brockville, 4 Out. -^ A SuflMn OAlll ofi«n maaat sitddtn iUnera. Painkiller in all Uint ia n«ttd*il to want it off. UD*quall*«l fur cr*np* &111I diarrlicitjc Avoid to leave things undone than to do thi^e ^^ f<"r times daily. Give-you Nasty pain in my temples- "; "betitau.. u««u but ..na •Faiokiiiar --Pan, them, times when it is better far 'biidren less according to age. A : Jones- 'Oh. that must be neural- V.n some corner and pass se- ' fe^*^^ hours' treatment will cure and'giu." Smithâ€" "No; can't be new- j-VO 626J^90 .\<RES I.N TUF, TOWNSHIP I 1^ of W.-9t Flamb«iro, in the County of Wentworth. soil, sand and clay loam, I â-ºt/irey bri.lr h<iuee. trnme bank harn, . stone foundation, stabling under. 40x78, ' other outbuildings, situated 1-4 mile t» â- public w.hool, 1-2 mile to ohureh. 1 1-2 mile* , to Dundas R. R. Station, and b milen to Hamilton. Price $9,000. NO. 6228^ 100 ACRKS IN THK TOWNPHIP nf Metcalfe, ill the County nf Uiildla- sex, Soil, ila.v and i<and loam, 1 1-2 xtorey brick house, frame ham, on cement walla, stabling under barn, arive barn and ofh«r outhiiilciiiigs, telephone and rural frea mail, deliverv. schixil on ri<rro. on Ora»el road. 2 miles to R. R. Station. Will ex ch.TUge tor smaller farm, or Ut\ City or Town propert.v. This advertisement appears in over 20O nc«spnper«. Inquirers will please slata the pnpci- III «liiih they saw tins ad- vert ihcmcnt. The We«tarn Real Estate Exchange, Limit- ; ed, 71 Dundas St., London, Ont. I ^A L l/FQ O**** Them Without Milk I ^^ ''tMle, llri((> Head Co.. Ltd., Turaai4>,|Oalk I THE LIHDMAN THUSS oill hi>ld auv radiiclbia lieiMi.i. Kiiuor^eil by f'lreino't me*lit-al mea* Wi.to lor l^articulais. B. I.I.ND.MAN. (Hex dX M iMHeal. to ctp TTOM FOH THE OEAF-IN ACOUSTICOI â- I one rtl the leatveja of the electr' renelv on jheal the throat and lungs of all but i raigiaâ€" I've had it quite a month." •1 am writing here,' the doctor ;f^'-'-"niP<ives. Cut this out and- saia as he paused for a moment in 'give It to some friend who may Trial is Ine.\pensive.--To those his talk, "a prescription for a tonic ii'f^tl it to be saved from an early who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- ^^ which I think will benefit you. but, '<l*""tli by consumptiou. itioi), rheumatism or any ailment: for th> n>adam, what you really need most. „ """": ♦ v. 1 ii 1 1 ' fa a»e th.oiijhoul tile world, \^^il^ hi7 e^t^ tew men have the courage to ad- |o»ua. o«uer»i Accu.tu- co., of caoaJa. Lid mi: thev are cowards. : aw T mw« -street. Toronto. â- • occf.sionally letting something go. i. BRUIN s BurroNS. inspector in a certain school iieetl not fear it. , rheumatism or i arising from derangeiiirnt of the di- oraTris t.TTeani' the iovefy~art ofi The man who ' respects the law g,stive system, a trial of Parnielee's ' '' â€" "'*" Vegetable Pills is recommended, shculd th* sufferer be unacquaint- ed with them. The trial will be in- expensive and the result will be an- other customer for this e.xcellcnt medicine. So effective is their .nc- tioi- that many cures can certain- ly be traced to their use where other pills have proved ineffective. 'Only One "BROMO QUININE" That la I.AXtTIVK HROMO QI'IMXK. l.no» ' >r the •i|!lr;>ur« of K W. CROVK. L'ssU the arid u*«rtu L'nra a Cold iu One Dajr. ido. ! Marlatt's Hair Promoter I Crows Hair an any Bald Head On sale at tjie R.ibt Simpi-.m < Orng 1»«. partnient, T'lroiiio. Can, or i lie Murlalt Hair Proni'ii nc <"o 'I'oroi'li- I'-.na,!,^. The < asked "C'lin ♦ •♦•♦♦•♦•â- ♦-♦•â- ♦â- •♦-♦â- ♦♦♦â- ♦â- ♦-♦•♦♦â- ♦^•Mi « ' was the response, bear lake his warm '.he btiys he was examining you take your warm over-| eo;.t off?"' "Yes, sir, "Can the ovticcat off?" "No sir." •â- Why not?" There was silence for a while, tnd then a little boy sp<ikc up: "Please, sir. because God's made h>m without any buttons." Marion Bridre, C B., Ma.* IU), '02. I have handled MINARDS LINIMENT j jduritMC the past year. It is always the i flrst Liniment ashed for here, and un- queHrionabfy the br-st seller of all the diHeroDt kindti of Liniment 1 handle. NEIL rKROL'SO.N. CURED OF LAME BACK WHEN M. . Mr. Samuel Martin, of Strathro.y, Ont, A practical joke is never funny parsed twenty years of his life in misery, nhcu it's on the first person singu- gufTeripr tortures from lame back. He - â€" - ' tried nearly all advertised remediee and ti trlUnv ^** llar»aa with opium »ob laajr household recipes, but received no benefit itopaeoBdh, but Iha inHammatloa goes from bid . . lo wome/ Aliens Lung B»U%m, conlmiiing no from any 01 tnem. ipluiB. (oea t<i the root "( the tnnihle nud cures Some months ago, seeing Gin Pills ad- leep.»eat«d alfoctiuaa ol ih/oat and luagi. I vertised, Mr. Martin purcha?"d a box. .\ man is never .". man until he is married, and then he ceases to be one. Beautiful 'Widow â€" "Do you know, I am forty years old to-day ?" Gal- lar t Bachelor- "Madam, you arc just twenty. I never believe more than half of what I hear." PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method Waleoma as SunsMna %lter a itnrro Is the relief wlieii au ob.itin.\te. pitile.ts cougli ha.s bean driven I away hv Alleu'a Liiiix BaUam. No opium in it. < Tlia xoud effect laiite. Take a buitla Boma with , (ou this day. | The small streaim that feed rivei make its smooth water. The relief which Mr. Martin experienced, * after he had taken one box, was so (rreat boot shop?" Binks wasn't at all j that he knew he had found the right j slo« . "Xo," he said; "but calf- reiEi-dy at last. He used two mure boxea skill." and is now completely cured. | "I wonder if that rich uncle of If you suffer from bleeding, itch- ing, blind or protruding Piles, send j mc your address, and 1 will tell you how to cure yourself at home "1 say,'' askixl Jcnks, as he ^ by the new absorption treatment; walkeil into IJiiik's shop, sample- i and will also send some of this ca^r- in hand, "c.Tn a cowhide in a home treatment free for trial, with Cold cash is responsible for Hiany ; a hot M time. Millard's liniment Curei Dandruff. DO vou >«AMT TO Some people's only aim in life is to lotik fur a larg<'r t.'irjict. (f ChUdren like ]] pise's > CURE ^^ T«t BUT «U\aiil TQH ^U&«$^tSUIS 1801 cnrions 'mostly untold^ facts abont i Human Nature ? Rend T»r. Foote'a ' "Wonder" hnnk on the delicete oohiecfn ' nf Love, Marrlane, Parsntaaa, Health, Disease, and Freaks. It is the fruit nf SO I ^M,Tr«' exper'em-e of « sitrressfiil author ; and iiraclitioner. Full of .idvlce neee«- is,irv to everv ma" and womsn. Cont-^lna niore vital fncis tlis'i vour doctor would , rive you for ten dollars. In 3 o,.rtions, t40 piijee ••nd 40 n'oot'^tlnF... PrlcS WC L. L. Hill Booh Co., 12S E.nSt,.Nsw Yarh It is so pleasant to take â€" stops cough so quickly. Absolutely too and contains no opiates. An Dniasisls, 25 ceate. 1 .â- \ gentleman travelling stopped at the house of a pious old woman, and, observing her fondness for a Holloway's Corn Cure is the me- dicine to remove all kinds of corns aiui warts, and only costs tlie small sum of tweuty-five cents. THE N.\TITKAL PLACE. "Where shouUl a vessel encoun- ter the teeth of a galef , "T don't know, unless it is in the P'-t dog, vcntered to ask the name mouth of a river." j of 'he animal. The good woman answered by saying that she called him "Moreover." "Is not that a strange name " inquired the gen- tleman. "Yes," said the pious lady; "but I thought it must be a good one as I found it in the Bible." "Found it in the Bible!" quoted the gentleman. "Pray, in what part of the Bible did you find itf The old lady took down her Bible with the utmost reverence, and, turning to the text, read as follows : "MoT«ov«r, the dog <Ame aod licked his sores." references from your own locality it requested. Immediate lolief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this of Mc. a boT 6 for $2.50. At all dealers. I Wilson's remembered him when he ter. Write to-day to Mrs. M. Sum- rcc sample if you write National Drue I , , . •., „ n.i j . ' D « IJ '•on U7Mirl<i,.e Ont Chemi'.:ul Co., (Dept, W, L.) Toronto. Diade his Will? Wilson used to mers, Box P. -20. Windsor, um. siiit; to him." "He must have; he didr.'t leave Wilson a penny." Try this Sure Way m To Dye Your OlotliM DV OLA 1 IgsfOaofaMy ihimTii k Mctlate laeaata laukCard itoharMan HiMri'a LinlMMifw Sd* Evarywhcr*. DODD'S '/ kidneyI' /^ PI Iris Suftrasistâ€" "We believe that a woman should get a man's wages." Married Manâ€" "Well. I know one woman who gets mine.'' APPENDICITIS fared without operations. All who ,irc sf. liirted with lltf*' disenfle nnd wish to be «nred permanently, snfcly and quickly with this itreat Ilomeopathli' remedy. which will he sent post-paid anywhere in the world with full instructions for j aalnc so ns to effect a perinanent cure, i Price K Address John T. Walt, Homeopathio Pharmacy, Amprler, Canada. rcAiM, ctT»M»fn»A7r)«»] For Oiiiip, Wpht-hoHa, Inniioii/A, OraiBPt. .'^paeiiis, Buras, *>oaJds. .\i>u.ilunt». Bruises, Falls, (I u n s h 1 Wounds, Hoisotions Biii-»uf UoiT'i^nalioe, 8iini{so( loiwcla, etc, use Radwaya Seadjr Kclief There is nothing equal to Mo- 1 the.- Graves' Worm Exkorminator ! for destroying worms. No article, of its kind has given such satisfac-j tion. Great story about rubber prices going still higher. This yarn is not sti etched. ISSIK NO. 13 10. B. W. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE OAV Tiike I.KX^riVK UR >MO Quinine Tablets, nmicist' refund niin«y if it f»ll< lo cure. ~ ~ UKOV B'H ii(ii4tiire is on each Ixii I.W. Grace has no time to groan. Minard's Linimait Cursi Born*, Eto. Is Your Hearing Good'; The HF.AR OPHONE will give you the j benefits of jood henrinif .*!end lor •'•ee booklet (tivini: partlou'.ari and niimcK of satisfied users. .\l8o tptelal Offer for a Month's Heme Trial. TME 8RAN0 ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, i 33*Spadln» Avenue. Toronln. I A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK WASTK PAPF.R OF ALL GRADES. i 4l80 Kaxs. Iron. Uetala. Kubbers, Kto. { E. PULLAN, Phono tor aartionlars. a^olalda and Miud Sta.. Toraate, Ont. Main e<* lODlNOL! The famous new discovery of the age, positively, quicklv, completely reliave* , and cure's Goitre,' Thick Nrrk, Sciatiiv, ' Swellinjj"!. Bunionf", Qiiiiiky, etc. $1.01', or 6 tor $5.00, mailed en re .eipl o'l i-'ri.c '>>• kVUC MEDICINK CO.. Toronto- BRONCHITIS \l NcflMlcd, it aooB reackct the Laifs and maj Prove Fatal Mr C. L. Gatrow of 1 16 Millicent Si. , Toionto. wiites under date of September 13, 1908, "One year ago this ipnngl con- Iracied a Mvets cold ia tke ch«l, whicK developed into Broncliitia I look three kinds of medicine and found no imptove. mcnL A (ricnd of mine advised me to lt> PSYCH NE aiidinthieedayilfe'tlikea new mana|ain. ldc»ireloletolhef»know wlut a v»!u»b!a cute y-JU fiave in PSY- CHl.NEforiKuiedmewhereallollietmed icinei had failed. I am mo:elhanthank(ulto l>e well again. andfortHetalteololhert who may be ill, you mar publish thistetliaionial," Slop that cold or the tetults will be fcrioas. You can do this by toaiiig up the syMem wilh PSYCHINE. Fer Ssis Vt sB I>nui»>. SOt. « tl xr Wtb Dr. T. A. SLOCUM UMITEO, TORONTO PRONOUNCED SI-KtEN