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Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1910, p. 15

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TflE FLESH ER TO N ADVANCE March 10 1910 Business Cards WALTER LOUCKS UiilMor ml Contractor for Hrlck, Htone »uil frmia re«t<l»oce». K»- tlmate* cheerfully furi'inliuJ, Klesliertou 1' O Ontu-iu. 11 OULLOUOH 4 VOUNQ WL ItKUkers Markdkis k)o« ««Uf>r»l b»DliiiiB busiiicM. Money lotneo •t rii«>oD4bU rktcr 0«ll ou UH. TOI1I8I.KTT, • l'oi.tiii«Ht«T, reylon. t;oniiiii«»ioner lu H. O. J . Convey»ncer, deed*. iuorW(»Ke«. U»ii«K, wilN etc. carefully drawn up JolU-ctioni. uiaJ •. cliarKfi. ri'aHODalilf. Al»o SrocerluH. flour. t«oJ etc. kei>tlu «tock. J rice* rUtbt. RJ Bl-BOi'LB Po>'tiua«tcr, Flenlierton .ommlKsloDer iu H.C J., Auctlonee Coii- vevaocer. .Appraiser auJ Money J.t-ii>l«-r IhAl KHtate and Insnrance Aifent. DeeOf. BTrUrKe., le».e. ani will, care ullydrawB an iTicf valuatlona madeou fborteHt nctue luonet to loan at lowest ratci of '"'«'â- Â»'»♦ 1»„ ^tloJi attenu'od to with Pf?"'I<t.neM ohar«e. low. Agent for Ocean Uom.nioD Ht«amibip Company. A call noUcitea. DMcPHAIi:.. Uceuso.1 Auctioneer foi tlie • OouDty of Grey. Toronn moderate and «»tlifaction cuaranteed. The arraiiBementa and date* of ulea can l>e made a*. Tub Advance ofUce. Ke»idonceauai-.O..Ceylou, Telepbooe connection. Dec. <ijU7. WM KAITTINU, Liceneed Auctloooer for the couotlea of (irey and Himcoe. Farm and «lock dales a s|>eci«lty. Terina .uoderate. aatiflfactiou KHsreuUod. .Arraoge- .oeoU for date* luay txMnade at llio Advance ofloe or a; T. Hutcbluaou'B utore, teversbaiu r by addreaaiug uie at Keversbaui. Out. RUDI) MATHKWS. XIarkdale, Licensed auCioDBtr tor tlie county of Orey. Oood ncrvice at re»si,ii»l>le ratoj.. Uatea <:an be loaje It Tbe .\dvauce. u 09 Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time rvhen you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. H Wa ^bllah our foriaalaa We bVniah aUahot ear medlolnea tjers We vrae jou t« eoaattlt your doetor Alwaya keep a box of Ayer't Pills in the hotise. Juttonepillttbedtime, nowand then, will ward off matijr an attack of bUiousoesi, indigeation, aick headache. How many years hu your doctor kna«a these pillt? Ask him all about them. â€"»â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ fer tk« J. C. Ajrtt 0*., Lvwall. r IHAHVF.Y rfnilOOn, broker. Floiherton. Ucneral brol^nace busiiu-in. Iimirance of every kind placwl in sate and liberal cooipauioti. Heal estate etc., Oiien accouuta and pa«t due iioteii handled and money wlvaiced thereon. Correapoodouco solicited. Medical TVB CARTKB if M CP * SOnt.Pbyilcian.BurKeon.etc Oao« and rMideDceâ€" Peter at., Fleabarton Jp OTTKWKLIi Veterinary Surgeon araduate of Ontario Veterioarr ColleftC, rt«idaace â€" a^ond door aoutli weat.OD k^krv Blreec. Thia atreet raua aoutb Pmtyteriau Cbarcb. Abram L. Gibson •â- The Highland Laddie'' 11 veaM old â€" winner "f 15 prizes Edward Gibson Scottish Vocalist Open for K 11 ij a >; e ni e 11 t s Iliglikiiil cosfunin Write fur turiiis EDW. GIBSON, NOTTAWA. OnL H WILSON, IllackHr.iilb • 'iraduate of tue Veterinary Bcieoo Aiaoeiation. Durham itreet, oppomte Boyd. Uro'a hardware. Dentistry Dr. e. C. iVIURRAV L. ."). K , denUl aurgeon bonoi kTailiiate of Toronto Uuiveraity and Royal Colleiie of Dental Sunjeona of Ontario, Oaa adiiiiainl«t«red for taetb eXt.-acttoD UiB<:e at reaideoca, Toronto Street, Fleahertoo. Legal WH. WntGHT, Barrister. Solicitor. CoiiTay ancer. etc..â€" Owen Sound, and Fleaberton. N U -FleKheitouoaico.Sproule'alllock every Katurdav Societies AO U \V uieeta 01. the last Monday ..-- HI each loontb, in their lodge room "Norris' block. Flesberton, at 8 p.m. M. W.. Milek Tblatletliwaite; Kec, C. h; Munehaw: Fin., W.J. Bel. amy. VialUu bittbrtilLvited PKINCB ARTHUK LODOK. No. :a.3,AF* A U, meets in tbt Uasouic ball. Arm. •â- trauti'M lllock. Flesberton, every Friday on or before tbe full inocn, Thoa. lilakely.W.M.; Herb.Sinitu , Senatary. COt'BT FLKSHF.KTON, W>, I. 0. F. ireuta in Clavton'a lllock tbe last Wrdnesdav evening of each uiontb. VisitiuK Kuiesterx heartily welcome. H. K., Dyson; K. 8., 1'. Her.ry; Fin. S*c., C. N. Itichardson. Pleaae pay dues to Fin. 8ec. before tbe Arst day of the month. FURN ITURE Tlie larcchl and best Klock of Furniture uvur xhown in Flesherton. llii.s withcut ffiir of con- tradiction. Conic and see stiinc of the nice things iu Side IJoordu, Dining R<H)ni Chaii-s, Parlor Setts, Red Kooiii Setts. A K()ccial rediic- lion just now on eveiy- thiiig, in older to iv- duie the .stuck. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesberton A Walkciiun youii^ man wan fined $2 and costs for persisttinily t.ilkinK to a young wc.nian when she didn't wi^nt hini to. Spencor, who was chsrtjed with Hhool- ing a Chinaman, was found not uMiy at the Walkerton Asiizes. I Uwen Sound Council does not tee its way clear to guaiaiitfu the bonds of the Kugoniit wa(ei'|>cwi'r [leople iu return for cheap olccirioiiy. 1 The niachineiy of tbo Walkerton hinder twino factory has all been ahipitetl to . Australia. The fuctory will continue to ' manufacture ropa, • I An Owen Sound man ha^ invented a I new trawling hook that in said to be .soineiliin2 extra au^ceKxful in the way of apiscatorial ilovico for capturing liahâ€" | and iuckei'!'. j Some of our newspaper hivthreii are j having worrit's of their own. The liar- ! rifiton Triljune pulijishud forty yeirs, has drawn down the blinds and turned the. key in the door and the Review of Paris, On*., has been dinposed of by bailift^ssale within the pist few dsy.t. Over coni- peiitiun, the credit system and greatly incrcxKcd cost of production are largely re.Hpnnsiblo for these pinches. If any- l^>dy imagines running a new.°|japer in a Isiy's job, hift education has been Kadlv neglected. It is strenuous, spelled with a capiiiil H The uld Lcnch homestead stDuntroon, which tvas purchaaed 40 yea's ago by Mr. Ueo. Loach, wis sold with slock and implements on Thuisday last. Farmers were present from all |)arta of the county and the sale which was conducted by Mr. Cbecseman of 8layner, was most success- ful. The stock and implements teiilized 92,210, and the farm wan sold to Mr. K(l. Ilawton of Fevorshani for IC.800. The farm is one of the best io the town- \ shipi with hne houses and outbuildings, \ and was always kept in the highest state j of cultivation by Mr. Leach up to the . lime of his retirement. â€" Enterprise. Gaoler Miller and his assistants arc ; having an easy time juHt now owing to | the fact that they have only fourteen ' guotts. To The Advertiser Mr. Miller imparted the information that business in his line at this period of the year had never Wen so l.iw durint; the piwt fm-ty years. I'fually at thissetson the prison- ers usually have numbered 'fiom 30 up- wards, the majority of them l)eing vsg- raiits obtaining shelter for the winter, (^f the fourteen in gaol now few of thein belong to this class, and Mr. Miller humorously otfored the conjecture that they must have vime out west, or found some more congenial alxxle in ihe neigh- borhood. â€" O. S. Advertiser. Eeart Palpitation Trembling Weakness WkMi Worn Thia 'Wth Worry and Foot Nerves, Health Nir- acnlously ReSiiored. WANTED! A-reprcientativo for Flosh- urtoD. This is the time to sell nursery slock. Wo pay liberally and ofler steady employment. Our lisi of spuotaltleH embraces a rare and choice list of ready selloi'H in both fruit ond urii,uneutal stock, seed jki- latoos, etc. Write for terms aud catalog. STONE & WELLINGTON The Font-hill Nurseries (FJH-abli.-^hed 18:17) Toronto, • Ontario i inn A. Te Hutchinson Feversham Ik stiU selling the following lilies at (i'Jcl on the dolhkr : DRY GOODS I CLOTHINC. i BOOTS AND SHOES j GLASSWARE HARDWARE ' PATENT MEDICINES l JEWELLERY j WALL PAPER , Sale extended 10 days longer. $1 WORTH OF GOODS FOR 69c at A.T.Hutctiinson's CHOSEN KhlENDfiâ€" FlBslirrton Council ol CltoHeii FrieiKlfl meets in Claytdii's ball flrfit and tliini Wednesday of each month H p. iii Pay assessmcntH to the Kecordor on or before toe Ilrat ilayof each month. Chief Councillor T. Ulakelev; Recorder W. H. liuut. .\pply to It! J. Hl'HOULK. Fleaherton, oi TflUllAH ai;Y, onpreiElsei, Farms For^Sale or Rent â- pAUM van SAM:â€" Very rliear. 100 acreP, * lot y, con. 7. <>sprey, only *;»0U, rea.Kon&ble cwili pftyiiient, halance uasy teinm, 6.% acres 4-lesrei, well fttiiced &n<l in hiuh Htaiu of culti- vation, balanco timbered, f^ood comfortable frauis tlwttUinfr. Atoue t:ellar under, uever fail- JDittpriuK well and windmill puni)) at door. ijOW iramu barn, well Hniiibed. stone at«blinf( wHb Nprlng water under, alno iu ahoJ. it ia hicuated ^ mllo from Maxwell yiil^e where tbara are atores. post otUceF>. |,*ood hcIiooI, and laoD the travel road. UA niilut* from railway ( htAtloD. If aold at once, abuve price, thoufjfi i VKKY CHKAP nitsht l>e Rt:aded a little. 'L'<.\ltM Kt>l( HALKâ€" t«t 10, Cou. II, and ^ and north half Ixit 10. ('on. lOU. Itsprey. l-VO aoies ; a first i'Ishs farm ; ifOfxl brick Iioumo and KOO<l barn Sti x li with cement stKblinii ; lariu well uttered by ^ood well at house and never fatlinK rprinK creek ; well fenced and in a first clasH state ol cultivation. Kor price and termaapply on tec premlseM or addresa It. J. t'oi.qL'Errr.. Kivcraliaiii. Janlitf VARM KOIl h.tI,K-r,ot HI. con. 10, Osnrey. ^ close to the vilaKeof Kovernham. about 100 acres. Improved frame house ami ijood barn. Well fenced. For terms, etc., apply to A.<».CAMI'llHLl,,:ilOltusbolMiu I tottd Toronto ,*ur salo cheap or rent, iiiimudiate posseaflon. r^tJOccii, 14, Artrme.4la, aliotit 7.^ acres clear, comfortable lox bonau and franio barn. Apply to It .1 Huroule, Klesbertou, or Johu J Martin, across the road from said lot: Ceylon Meat Market All kinds of fresh and smoked meats, head cheese, aausiiue, iilway.son hand paid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's Art and Science of Garment Cutting You'iij men wishing? to learn the art and science of earineut catting will do w«ll to see me and ii.ake arrangenieais for a course of in.struction, the system taught will be the most thorough and up lo-dato the only system in the w.uld whore every short measure c<n be applied to the draft. Having; taken my diphttiia in London, Eii^l.-ind and New York Culling Schools, have had 31 years exoerieiice in prasticiil I tadoring in Enitland and America, there- 1 fore I am able to guarantee the liett po.s- sihlu results to .iny young uiim wUliing toKarn the .suiesce of g,iriiie>it cu'.iing, | The system taught by mail lo those be-' , ing unable to attend in penon For) ' terins of instruction and all particulars. | .\pply to F. A. Baker, at i MORLEY & BAKER Merchant Tailors Flesberton, Ontario You Can Even Do Your Toronto Shopping Through **The Star The Star's "In Toronto Shops" Depart- ment describes new and attractive ofTcrings seen in City Shops day by day, with the Toronto Daily Star's offer to purchase any of these articles for out-of-town subscribers who send the money. Many are taking advantage of this Department. "OflnteresttoWomen' ' isthewell-deserved heading of a special page in the Toronto Daily Star. It is one of two and sometimes three pages devoted particularly to women's tastes and is independent of the "Social and Personal" and "Madge Merton's" pages, for years popular features of the Star. "Of Interest to Women" includes scores of little hints on health and beauty; the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; talks on ethical matters of particular interest to women; points of etiquette; suggestions for home entertainment; recipes; daily menus; advice and suggestions on all the matters that lie close to a woman's heart. They will help solve household problems, and better still, stimulate and interest the mind. On the Woman's page, and throughout the paper, current topics are treated in a bright, newsy way that appeals to the wide-awake woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star $1.50 A Year ' ni§ pofitr and iht ' 'Uronit Oailf Star' ' t«g»ihtr for on* ytar. $2. 20. ByannUtd Fountain f*n girtn /or 50c aJOtd to abort aubteription prtto. i 1 O Â¥) U S o s w l^^or tale cheap and on easy terms, ijood coin> •* forlsblo Iraiiii! dwellliii^, Htabbi and dri?iug outine with ibrec villnue lots iut'oylon' Dwell- ing we!l built and Hnisbed and Kood boarlns orchard ou the property. .Apply to â€" If J Hi'iiori.K, Klchborlon. 1 ot 19,, Osprey contaiiilnn 100 acres, HO •'-'cleared, fiame bnuse, frame barn, stooe (oiindatiou; orchard, well waterH<l. One Uiouoaiid down aud balancn to unit purcbtser. Iiiiiiit-rliatc po^scH^loii .Apply to K. N. KiN.NF.AH Maxwell P. <). Animals for Sale I li.ivca line li.t ipf yiMuiK pigK biwl fmni Pii/.>' Hiiiiiiiit{ »t.«k, Jor sale. AUo I gm-il Ih'rkxhire hnK, two veor.t olil. Write inn for pricex. Icanipvi' a baiftain also guarantee K.'itiKfactiiiii on all iniiil iirdcrs. lici. W. K(».S,S, .Muswcll 1', O. Uread delivered regu- larly and kept for sale at the following stoles: Collinson's and ,1. Pattison's, tJeyloii >V.Aldcoru it Son's and P. McArtlmr's IViceville X. McCaiint'irs Proton Station 11. Heron's, Maxwell .\. llutcliiuson's and Kli Hohin.s<iirs Kevcr.^haiii II. Cairns', iri'Mjargc's .Hid U.Park.s', Kugonia' "Only those who have pone throng-h months of with Its foars. weakness, ainl almost lielplessnesB. <'an rciilizo the bU-ssIng of soufid health." Thus opened the lelter from .Mr.«. Hel<-n i'ler-'oii. of Caue Mu> : "I WHS all iiiv life a v.Ty heavy coffee, drinktr. and when my health brsun to fall. I made It stroiiger mid stronger, beeaiifle It hriiced mc ui). I diiln't realize that tills stimoliitlon was wtarlnft out my nerves, liut at last a nervous br. .ikdown occurred. Then I was ablf I . sec how foolish I luul bieii â€" diiliiK niiaoce sary things Instead of resting My hcnrt fluttered drtadfully with the li-a.«t e.xirtlon. i was blood- Wg.f, iind 111010 tired In the moriiliis than uhen I went to bed. .\ friend whom Fi-rrozone had cured of anai- inlii rccoBunendf-d nie to use [''orr- ozone, and from the first it did nie sood. As my blood grew stroiiiffr. the heart flutteriinf cf-ased, and this io.:k from me the feur ihat I would sudden- ly die. I iiept nil KHlning-, and con- tiimed to use Kerrozone, two tablen with every meal. I am to-day sound weli. healthy, aiid happyâ€" Kerrozoiie did It all." FERROZONE The Tonic of Health NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby -{iven that the aniniiil meeting of shareholders of the Flesher- tidi Hotel ('oni|>any. Limited, will lie held at the P.iik House, Kleshertoii, on Friday, M;uch 11, I'JIO, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, iiislSEss I To ivceive the re|x>rt of Directors for the insl year, •J- To elect Directors f.>r the ensuing' year. I 11- To make m'ces.saiy anangemeiit.s in jeonilectiiui with the hotvl |ii'emises. I 4 â€" .\ny other couijieteut Imsiiiess. l!y order <«f Hoard of Directors. K ('. .MTKU-VY, .Stcietaiy. K. (J. KAUSTKDT, Pre.s. Flexhertoii, March I, 11)10- Norris Bros.. '"'"Zt rinsmiths Bargains Again. than we should have at this ciosj thuui off K'c cut thd Wo find we hiive more A' yt TP Q time of the year. To '^ ^^ prices as follows : 23 ases. regular Boc for 67 cent s 1 S axes, re<(uiar Tse. for .V.) cents i;t ixes, regular !10c , $1.00 and 11.25 fjr 715 cents There iiro a few packages ofTlI.\T uiisiirtjasaed stock food TT A CTC"WF''V" ''''â-  I><>"'t f"''«'^t »'>«"'• They're "^â- ^â- ^ "^^ "^ 30ing at }, price NVe luve a cdiiplete liiw of kitchen necessities. Call on us when iu need of stove iK)lish, metal polish, granite and tin ware of all de- scriptions. For the Isuudry tubi, wash bo^ird.^, piils, wriiijers an" wushliig machines. Examine our line when in need of bru.shes. Our stock i.s complete. Our Prices Are Always Riglit. Norris Bros. Where the Good goods come from Fesherton. WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. H igh itriide depai t meiits of Dusiiirss, Shorthand and Type writing. In dividual iusiriiction. Siiulonts may enter at any tiaie. Catalogue free. MAKE IT A HABIT TO DEAL AT McTAv ISM'S When you come to town, and you will alw.iys bo sure of getting value for your money, and giK)ds substantial in iiuality. Ask your iieighlxir and he will tell you the .same. If you are in need of a cutter or sleigh for next seitsun it will jiay you lo .see our line, as we do not want to carry theiu over. FIRST CL.VSS LIVERV-IN CONNECTION D. riclAVISH. . - PROPRIEIOR Bakery Bulls, etc., for Service. q'AMWdllTH-.A nicelot of young ktock for • sale-all axes. Iurludln||>nine anwa ready to brce<l. Heril headed by pure bred boar Amber Kii>M. ' H(ll-HTKIN -Italllan Coueordia Duke No.'iTiMSi Hire, giioen Dekol's Duke. No. inia",) Dam, llellfao foncordla l)«Kol, No. (4:tlfi. i This joiuik animal eouies from a heavy milk pra<liiciiiKfaniilyaD<l should b« ol intevcot to dairy breoilers ItlCHAHl) ALIjRN. Lot 170, thid E. T and H road. Flesberton Ont. T havRfor aerylTe a I'liro Ki»<l Hull. Uroad. â- 'â-  hook « Lad. No. TSVM. on lot In. con. 8 Osprey. ToriosSl. -.lAMES BUIINH Kaverabapi. Out. Tbe Ihoroiigbbred hborthorn Hull. "Karl Urcy." 7U.W. will bo for service on lot HH. con, f, Ai'lcniesla. The pedicnio ot this One auimsl can he i>fi«n • i 1 1 1 ih riu r, ^ i n » » ANDHEW IlOW .l-ropilatorl FISH FISH FISH Now ihiii the roads are'sn twd I can- not nnku my regular rounds, but have on hanj lake 8upcrioi'|,Salmon Trout Slid White Fish, also I.,ake Erie Her- ring. Parlies can he supplied at my residence, Collingwood street, Flesb- erton. H. U A J) L E Y, Dealer in fresh tish only. Thoroucbbred Hull from imi'orted sto<^k. also Ismwortn Hoar fur Keivlco on lot lil. T. Jk H. ,, Aiteinesla. Jl Aug. JOHN AOAIIR, I'lav; llESVLTS. The work an<l niethmls of the hsve recciiod 2it FIR.ST» PRIZES AT THE WOltLli'S GREATEST EXHini- TU),\8. Individual Instiuction. 2<) successful yenrs. C. A. Fleming, (). 1). Fleming, Principal. ?<f«rtlary. For Sale by $i>rouU» l^ifldinbotham 9t €o., ?l«$b<rton and Jas* Pattisottt etylon.

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