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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1910, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Janoary13 IdlO ESS Cards ^Ider Dd Coiitrftctor HWik, HtoD* aud frkiiia letlcleDCM. £â- â€¢ f abe«rIuHy lurpuUed, Klwbertou P O .lu. ^OULbOUQU * YOUNQ V Banken Markdala Oe • â- â€¢aaral banking bu«tue». Uoney loaned at raaaonabU rate> Hall on uii. T"~"oHHttiBTT, • Poatmaater, r«ylon. Commlaaloner in H, I'. J , Conveyancer, rieedi, mortftaMM, leaaea, wllla etc. carefully drawn up UoltMtlooa iuad.>. cliarKen ruaxonabli;. Alra grooarioa, flour, feed etu. kept in etock, i'rioei rldbt RJ 8PBOUL.Ii: Pottmaatet, Fleaberton ^/ommiaaloner in H.C J., Auotlonee Con* TVjraneer, AppraUer and Money Luudcr Haial Ratate and loinrance Agent- Dotxii". nortcagea. leaaea and villa carefully drawn ap and valnationa made on •liorteat r.ntlce monay toloanat loweat ratei uf iuteroat'Col- •ctlona attanded to with proinptnt-Hi cbargaa low. Agent for Ocean UuminioD Htaamabip Company. A call »olic lted. DMcPHAILi, l.ict'UM<t Auoiloiioar tor the • County ot (irev. Torma moderate and tatisfactiun ijuarantoud. The arranxeuienta snd datoi ot aalea can be made a*. TiIR Ai>van<'K ufflce. Knkidence and P.U., Ceylon, Telephone (.onnoctiort. Dec. 0X17. \VM. KAITTINli, l.icouHed Auctioneer for '' the coiiDtiKa of <irey and Kimcoe. >"arni anJ Stock dales a apeoialty. Toriiia moderate, satisfaction Buarantted. Arrauue- nients for datvK may bo made at the Advance ullicc. or a: T. Hiitclilnaouii store, t'everahaui ur byaddiuBaliiit mo at yeverith ani. Ont. RL'Dl) MATHF.WH, Markdalo, Mconnod auctioneer (or tho county of (ircy. Good nervice at reaacnahle rate». Dates i-an be made at The .\dvanco. u CJ \You May \Need It Atk your doctor about the wisdom of your keepinf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If be says it's all rifht, then fet • bottle of it at once. Why not show a little foresicht in auch matters? Early treatment, early cure. A Wa pabUah oui formulaa _ Wa tianiak aleehal y from ourmadielnea Wa ur«a you t« aesaall iranr deater i/ers Mr. AruliibRld Sinclnir of Keady, who | g.-^ ivnt} l/l?Dr*l? wsf shockiiiKly injured by being kicked jjlyi llUi YEiKlIlJ by a liiu-Ha about three veeks ago, paiised away at hi* home laiil week. Mr. Sinclair wa* kicked on the foreheiid. The akull w»N broken o(>L-n and almoit from the first no hope wai held out for hid re- covery. Mr. Sinclair was 38 years of age. W. C. Uewifh, the pioneer nierchni-.t of Heathcotf, died in Philadelphia laat week. For many yuarH he was public school teacher and merchant. lie was knuwii fur hiH upright sterlini; character OF BREAKDOWN When You Think Yourself Only Out of Sorts You are Often Seriously 111. Thousands ore just on the edge of the cratn- â€" Just ready to topple In the crater of lU-iiealth und nervous break- down. Such was the vase with Mr. K. E. Follftt, a well-known figure In all bu.sines8 social circles uf Grand Another of the preachers of Onlai-io passed away on Friday last in the person nf the Hov. Thos. Fox at his late reai- dencc, Horninii's Mill». Mr. Fox bad been in failing health for several months. Id IS54 he c>ime from his native city, Dorchester, Yorkshire, England, aa a missionttry in connection with the Primi- tive Mothodittchurch. After lieing re- The editM of the Ooderich Si;;nal wis presented on Christinas with agold-heada ed utobrellu. He makes mention of it not in a spirit of boasting, but just to let the folks know, left they should fall t^ wondering when they see it, if he did not come by it absent miudenily. The Edacation.ll Department will tired for a couple of years on account of illnssahc a«ain entered the ministry of •»»''«"''»•'«'"""««"»'â- Â« »*«P« »<> ?•"»'»• the Methodist church in 1860. From teachers who re«i«n their positions when- r HARVEV rKHKiOr:, lnokHr. Kl««borton. -I (ionoral brokoratio bualni'M. Inanrance of every kind placed in eafe and lilMral couit>auii.-«. Ileal estate etc.. Open accounts and pant due .lotes lian'llbd and money advauocd tboreon. <;orie»poadencc solicited. DU CAltTFH M C P & B Got. Physician, Surgeon, etc Medical ! BOnt.Pbyslc Ufflce aud roaideuceâ€" Peter St., Pleaberton JP OTTKWETifj Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, refldeuce â€" Bscond door aoutb we8t;on Jiarv street. Tliia street runs aoutb Presbyterian Chnrcb. Many • boy is called dull and stupid, when the whole trouble is due to a fszy IWer. We firmly believe your own doc- tor will tell you thst an occasional dose of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a sreat deal of good. They keep the liver active. I wsHs ky tks J. 0. tjn Oe., LewsU, Kass.â€" SEASONABLE IN HWIl-SON, lllackM.iith • 'iraJuate of tno Veterinary Scionc Association. Uurhaoi iireet, oppsiite noyd, Bro's hardware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY U D. fi , dental aargeon hono.ijraduate of Toronto Univeraity and Royal Colli-iio of Dental SniRoonn of Ontario, (iaa adiiilalnisterod for tooth extraction Otijce at raatdeoce, Toronto Street, FlesUertoo. GOODS FURNITURE Ferrozone Builds Up Givos Strength Legal larriator, H anoer. etc.,â€" Owen Sonnd, and Klcaherton. WH. WRJOHT. Harriator, Hollcitor, Convey' - ...... N »â€"Fle»beilou office. Sproules Itlock every Katurdav Societies AO U W iiieeta oi. the laat Monday in each mouth, in their lodge room â- Snr-U- block. Flealiertoii, at 8 p.m. M. W., Mil. > Thiatlethwaitc: Uec. C. H. Munahav: I'iu., W.J. Hoi, amy. Visltlu brelbrcclnvltcd â- DUINcV^RTHUll LODOB, No. :I8;I, A.F.& I A U. meets in the Uasoulchall. Arni- atrong'a Illock.Fleaherton. every Frid e« be^«^thc full moon "flefS.Smitb, BecretMry. -idav on "fb«(bt«'the full moon. Thoa. lilakoly.W.M.; COUBT FLKSHF.HTON, 995, Clay _ _ I. 0. F. ireeta in aytoii'a illooktiielaiit VVedneadav evening .>f each month. Vlaiting Foie»teni heartily welcome. H. K., Ovaoii; R. 8., T. Hetry; Fin. Bee, C. N. Kiobordaon. , . ^ Pleaaa pay dues to Flu. Bee. before the nrst day ot the month. OSEN FhiriNDBâ€" Pleaberton Council of iiosen Friemla niceta In Clayton'a hell first ^•ilrd Wednoaday of etch month M p. ni dt-aesHnients to the Recorder on or before stdayof each month. Chief Councillor 1.^kelov:lt«corder. \V. H. Hunt. The iiml IjokI stock of Furnijuro ever shown in Fleshertiiii. This without four of coii- triiUiction. Cimie inul see some of tho iiico things in Side BoJirdK, Dining Room Chairs, Pftrlor Setts, Bed Room •Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Fleslierto Bulls, etc., for Service. ThoroUKli bred Improvrd Yorkihire boar for -*â-  serviceâ€" lllautyro Chief. Um:i.'>, at lot '27, :t, Oaproy. Terms «il, payable at time of HABRV POWN, Maxwell. P. O. and enjoyed the conOdonoo of the whole! l^?'^^- .^ ,, , •• • ,, . , , \ "I had not been well for a year or connnunity. Ilaviiig accuinuUted con- ,„ore. 1 had in weight and could sideiablo wealth, ho sold his business to "ot pick up. I tired ot my workâ€" It , , „ .. . ,. -seemed like drudgery â€" no pleasure In John Pratt ..ver twenty years ago ana ^ ^^^^^ thire used to be. When I got removed to T(a'onlo. Liter ho removed thin, I seemed to have little blood und to Pliilafleli.hi* uhprn fwn of liia anno "^^ '»ands and feet Were clammy and to 1 hilaaelphm wliere two of his sons, pid. To m ake matters worse I grew Dr-s. Kd<;:tr and Albert, reside. Ho is survived by Mis. Hewish and live sous.â€" - Claiksburc Review. A liliick shiirji has got into the e)od old German Hock of Citrrick, says the Hju.- iirer Post, ami Mr. John Pulfos of that Township i» short 128 bushels ot oiit.4 on i \v|,(.n rny tinigglRt recommended 'J-Vr- accountof \m hiindiwork. Goin-r inlolmzonr-' "it wasn't very long before 1\ ,. , 1 ». r. ir 1- fflt It wii.s a true blood and nerve i his barn recently Mr. Pulfiis was dismay- ;,^^.|lj^,. j „.(,3 ,.ncounm'ed so much ed to find liisoais gone and every trace of -uftcr the third box that 1 got six boxfs ,,,,•.•• » o- 1 , J .^ .â-  more In seven weeks 1 galnid six the thief missing. A Pinkortoii detective j^JJ^J^^;,^ »^',,^ ^^,^, ,„£,„ipg j,,^. picture ouuliln't liave traced the thief to the road, 'of health- Kerrozone has made a new so eHoctually did a light fall of snow cover ''"?j.1^^^^f l^'^-"^ ^^,^^^ ^^ ^„i^.^ ^„,, ^^^e up his tracks. Mr. Pulfos isn't a rash to build you up as Kerrozoni! â€" Just peculator, but anybody who will informs 'one "r '^<J 'ablct.s to take at meal ^ , ,. , .,,', ,, , . , , time, try it. Utty cents a box. s.x on tlio Ihii'f, will fall heir to a h't of , („f $2. GO. nil dealers or The Catarrli- thi^ till the time of his death be continued ta serve various circuits throughout On- tario. Mrs. Foz died a little over a year ago. The family who survive are Dr. W. U. Fox, Chicago; Rev. J. \V. Fox, Mrs. KInier D<ivis, Kingston, und the Misses J. £. and A. M. Fox. ever a higher salary is offered them some- wiiere else. Their sense of business honor appears to ba auch thst they con« sider a written contract a one-aided sfiEair only binding on the trustee board. Tho complaint conies from alt over th • Province.- -Markliam Economist. nm-ous â€" got Irri- table and worried over mere trifles- I tried dieting and various medicines, but profited by none oi! them. I was on the verge of a breakdown | con service. The thoroimhbred hhoifhorn Hull. "Karl Grey." 7H>i will bii for forvice on lot :I8. coo, 8, Aiteiiicsia. The podifiree of this fine animal can be Krni cixai plication. OiiiikSI ANDRF.W DOW ,f roprletor. ThorouRhliri'd Ihill from Importedstock. a so Taniwoitli Hoar lor uervice ou lot 101. T: *J 8. II., Arteiuebia. 'J) Aug. JOHN ADAllS. Prop. Farms For Sale or Rent I have for service a pure bred Hampnlilro hoar. Anyone raining pica will do well to see this uiaKiiincont anlnial. Lord Feverahain, .urn. Ho willpiovo a money ijcttur for you. TorniB 91.00. F. HUACKESnUKV, Favorshaiu P. O. Lot H, con- 8, Osprey money. ' ozone Co.. Kingston, Canada. A young printer uaiiied Bert Jordan ! ^^ ^^ D ^ ^^ CURED belonging to Listowel, who wbs on his ^ ^^ "^ '^ "^ i-V 24 HOt'HS way to accept a )(')»ition at Hepworth, met with a veiy painful experience while ciiroute oil Thursday nigbt. A'- Che.sley he slri>ped I'tt' the train to speak to an PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR 60 YEi!«»8» EXPERIENCE Tbaoe MARK3 OESicr.3 COPVniQHTS Ac Anr030S>>ndlnii n r Ucf ch ir.i -"."acrlnd.^n msT Jul'-ki/ a^curtnil) 0':r oj't-Jk-ii free wl. ether at. lure.'itlon la prob.iMjr piiier.tnbla^^^vuimunlc* qui'-k I / a^curtnii) c-.r oj* . lure.'itlon la prob.iMjr piiiei-.tnMA Cvu tloiiBKtrictlyranUilcntra!. HANDBOOK oaPateota â- ent free- OI riitciita ta _ Sptclal fic(!«, witlijul charge, intka 'St Qponcr r*. r aocurlnxyate: I'litciita taken ilimoira 3Iunn &U).(«cel7e pARM KOH.BAIiE-r.ot in, ton.. " _ _ *'"t *i!i."d north liaifLot 10. (on. lOU, Osprey, ISO aorea ; a flratclaaa farm ; Kood brick house and good barn M x 7i with cement atal.Iiug ; farm well watered by good well at houae and L'OIA}D There In "aTram'ehoiiaeoB the farm about .'IS aorea cleared, Ro< d paituro. about 55 acres good Lot »â-  con. li. Arteniosia, IIXI aorua. a frame hoiiwos tl cleared, Ko<d paitufo. -. , , i ,. hardwood busli. priocliially iimple and hemJMk iiio and about 9>acro< awaiiip that never waa cull «,). A ciimntityi.t good cedar fit lor telegraph "Soles, telnphone poloB, bridgetiiiibor, Kliliig on, kndhuudroda of .ordsof latli timber. conaUt- Ing of spruce and balsam, ha aoco alaali. If preferred would sell tlu;ber without tlio land. I'or term. .1.1" )• to_^. ^^^^^ Thornbnry. The following imiiiertv i» for >i»"^k "»'» ; I/)t 37 Cim. (J, Osprey, 100 «m'», Hwiuni) and pasture land, «cll watere.l by Kpiing creek. Also Ixit .10, Con. li, Osprey, I 1-4 mile north » f Mclutyre, I'Xl acres, Wt cleared, 20 a<rcs «iM)d «n(f»r biisli including nn up toiUtc syiTili iiiakinK "u'tit niBniiactiifiea by (Irinini Mf(r. Co. of Monlriftl, Kood l.iilliUngd, frame Ryrnp lioose 12x30 : frame barn 4.'.xKt, Ktoiic l>ttse- iiient; frairo hoiiHO. 7 rooiim, giM.d oe] ar; woodshoti und workHliop -Jftx'-V) ; never fi.iiiiiK well, excellriit water puiiijMsl to barn and house by aelf regulating wiiiilinill. i'or fur- ther irtirticnUrs iiiiply on tlie ^)relnlseH to-- ANIJIIKW SINf'bAlK, rro|.. Mulntyic J'. O., t)nt^ FABM FOB BAI.K-Ix>t 10. con. 10, Osprey. close to the vllageof Fevcrshani. about 100 acre*. Improved frame house and good barn. Wall fenced. For terms, etc., apply to A.O. OAMI'HI'.l.l..:i lO»"tbolm" "oi Animals for Sale von HALF- noUtoiii cows. 1 due to calve â- T middle of .lanuary. otliorsdne in Fob-iiary al«o Holsteiu bull, ton moiiths old. registered. Jacob Luugheed. Woiloliouse T. f). H0K8EH FOn BALKâ€" 1 horse, Tycars old 1 mare 7 year old. In foal to Percy I'er- former, 1 agriiiiltiiral mare 4 year old in foal inily riaiug-J years, asri.. 1 gelding rlHlng 2 years, carnage. 1 good general jiurpose horse, 1 spring tolf -UlCHAKU AI.LKN Lot 17U, 2nd K. T anil H road, Kloeliertoii I' O I have a tine lot of youiiB I>iK» bicl iiiim iirize winning Ktoek, fur snle, Wtvi 1 jfornl ierksliire hog, two vi'ftiH old. Write me for prices. I can give a barKain also ituariiiitee satisfaction on all mail orders. (f«o. W. HOH.S. Maxwell V. O, You can palnlc-";sly remove any corn, cither hard, soft, or bleedln,-,;. liv applving Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burn."', leaves no scar, contains no acids; 1h harmless, because conip«.-;ed only of healing Rums and halm.<i. Fifty yoar.-i in use. Cure guaranteed. Sold ncouaiiiiance, and when the train srartcdj by nil druggists, ac bottles. Refuse ' , , , , , I .SllbKtIUllPS. to jiull out young .lordan 'iiidu a run for the platforiu. Tho outside veMibulo wa.s closed, hovvevcr, and no matter how hard he knocked the noise of tho train dnnvn- edout lusalariii. .Standing on the bottom step and gras|iiug tho hand rail for dear lift) the unfortunate printer clung onf until Tara was reached, the train nut slopping lit Doliblngtiiii. The ni^'ht was bilteily colli and the printer's hiiitds were both severely frozen. He was rescued j from his perilous position at Tara, and | brouiiht on to Wiarton, where his injuries i were attended to by Dr. Hay. 1 ha hands were badly swelled and blistered as a re- sult of the unhappy experience, and it will be soiue time before Mr. Jordan will be able to resume his duties. It was indeed fortunate that amputation was necessary, as such a procedure very often follows severe frost bites.â€" Wiarton Canadian. C.mada may c<tlm its tears, dry i^s eyes and go on playing with its snowballs. If , -we ever did have any notion of kidnap- , ping it all such notions have gone with the i sdvonc of thia chill Dccenabur weather. ' To think that we should bo suspected uf wanting to annex any more of this prticulftr brand of cliia:«to ! In tho balmy days of summertime when nature has touched iijilhs landscape in colors uf green nut gold Canada is a deliuht to the eye, and no one could be blamed for wanting co steal it. But vrheii the shift comes and the friendly neis;hb'>rputs on dignity and sable and becomes "Our Lady uf the Snows" we feel that a speak- acros.s-tho-lino fence is ac>iuaintaiice enciigh. NVe have suflicent trouble now trying to hteamheat our own country, and when we need the real thing in the cold Weather we can go to our own north pole and sit on the same. Tou're a nice child, Canada, but you're not in danger of being kidnanned. â€" Chicago News. Scientific Jhncricatt A handaomoiy Ulastreted weekly. ILanrett cir- CDlatlon of any sclentlilo Joomal. 'i'erma tor Caoada, f^^TS a year, poctaco prcixUd, bold by aUoewsdealen. Farmers' = Institute Meetings will l>e held and addressed by the following speakers on the subjects mentioned below : W. F. KIDD, Simcoe No.^1 â€" Am I Raising the Most Profitable Horse/ a â€" The Dairy Cow, Her Summer Care and Winter Feed. 3 â€" Bmall Fruits and Grape Vines. 4- Pruning and General Care of the Apple Orchard. 6 â€" Dropped Stitches MI.SS CAMPBELL, Brampton • â€" The Ideal Home. 7â€" Character. 8 â€" A Young Ijady's Aecomplishinents. 9 â€" Tha Influence of Women. 10 â€" The Judicious Housekeeper and Hoineiiutker, * II â€" Home and ScTiool. 12- -Our Fair Dominion. 13â€" DeiiiDiistrations in Needlework. J. F. METCALF, CoUingwoiKl 14 â€" Weeds and Their Eradication. 15 â€" Approved Method.s of Judging. Ifl â€" Farm Drainngo. 17 â€" Farmers' Clubs. A. D. MelNTOSH 18 â€" Corn and the Silo. 19- -Fruit (Growing in the Georgian Bay Disirict. 20â€" School Gardens. 21- Farmers' Clubs. 28â€" Drainage. FLESHKRTON, Jan. i;!- Township halt- 1.30. Niw. 15 .md 1, ladies in Chiyton's hiill No. 9. '..TO, Township hall, Xo.s. 17, 18 and 11. HDPEVILLE, Jan. 14- Allans hall- !.:«) Nok. 15 and 1, ladies at Mrs. A. Watson's, No. (5. 7.30. Allan's hall, Nos. 10, 5 and 10. Dl'NDALK, Jan. 16â€" Town hall â€" 1. 30 No.s. '.', 14 and I'J, Udios in Council chamber. No. i;{. 7.30, Town hall, Nos. 21, l.">, 11 and fc. lUDGEROS, Jan. 17â€" School!), N.«. I'-.' and 12, ladies No. Iti. 7.30, School, Nos. 21, o and 11. MAXWELL, Jan. 18â€" Oiimge hallâ€" 1.;«, N<w. 19 and 1, ladies in Methodist h.tll. No. 13. 7.30, Ownge hall, Nos. 21, o and 8. Branches or phices of meeting arc expected to f urnisli music. All welcome . W. H Gl V. Pros. J. R. FAWCETT, V. P. J. I. GRAHAM, Sec MRS. R. BEST, Pres. W. I. MR.S. A. E. MYLES, Sec. W. I. oad Toronto FAIIM F0liHAI.F.-4J aeriw cleared, well fenced, I". acres Heeded iliiwu, 7 aoreii fall wheat, all fall plouKhli.i! done. kooiI pis |>en and Hboep pen. good Htabb-B and barn driviuK bouse iWxJO, Rood nrolianl, good will never fallins fair house, lane til bnsh; all in Rool ktate of onltivatloii. Apply to llH.s II AiiunavK, MazwelLUit 1, Kast half ton. (LOaprey. for further particulars. tTABM poll BAI.K Oil HF.NT -l.oU i;H.i:Mii:i7, -•â-  ISOaores. oon:i H. W. T. * H. II., Arteiiieela . brick hoUHS vrltli frame kitchen, iiood frame bank bain with stone foundation . lair orchard, well Watered. About 100 a<:r(ni;leared, balance falrlv timbered. For further partlcniara apply in ' loiiN K. Wiiiion, Ceylon P.O. to EXTENSIVE CLEAlllNU Public AUCTION SALE Of I'lire lired lleiof.ird Cattle, Ktc. The iinflei-HiBneil will Hell by I'ublic Auction onTUKSDAY, .Tan. 18, lltlO, on Uta Kl.'i- 107, 3 W, T. & S. K., AitemeHio, one mile from .SaiiBHPii .Iniictiim, tho folluHinn .Stock am! Implements, vl/.. : Horsesâ€" 1 horse 7 yrs. olJ, 1 horse !l vrs. old VV K ISUKD iliniEFOItl) c:atti.k . 1 (>ow t) years old 1 Oow (i yearn nlil, due tn ralvo ,l«ii. Htli 1 Heifer 2 years old, liue to calve Kcli. 21st. I Heifer, 2 yi'ai-s old, due to oal\ e .\pril 24th I Heifer 13 munths ulil I Heifer 11 iniintlis -lid 1 Hoifer 2 iiiontha old I'edii^rees of tho above cattle may lie aeeu â-  ion (JKADK (lA'lTLK »dl(fi d.|3l ou ni.pMcation THERE IS BUT ONE^ Hull the livery laiiner prii'e oireiril by shoiilii 1, iiuvv I'r.e d<-aler.i lor la'.Ie. h0).'«. ele.. it u fii.r o;ie. 11 i.v ,an lie know lliis il lio d-ji â- Â» not lake a l irm '.III- iie»s |niiir! Wlml iloeior or iav» <iT ill bii«.ne-H nun vvoull b" will.iiin li'. '>'i-iii,-«. |iii|iei ! Tiirre i« l>'it o:!< aririeia liii-.iiie-i. *iiil nintl<"l [up. r. .U.m 4 I lie V\.,.k!y .Sun. .^Uirl I'.MO r.^'.i i^ Ceylon Meat Market All liiiuU of fresh and smoked meats, head cbeenc, sausaitti, alway.s on hand Cash paid lor hides. J. ncCLOCKlJIN Wright's Grocery Has recovered from it-s Christ- inas rush and continues to cell reliable f{i'u;eriei and everything in the line. Confectionery in a good range at lowest prices also on sale. All grades of Ford's Flour, also bran, shorts, chop and low grade flour (111 sub. ^ Give our Koyal Pur|>le St ict and Poultry Spscilics a trial Norris Bros. ""^Tnslths Cold Weather ! Did You Say ? chilly Now is the time to get busy and see that there are no rooms. Procure one of these specials; everyone guaranteed. only famous Queen Heatersâ€" will heat any room in fifteen minutes. Regular ?4. 25 for S;t.8ri .85.00. Sll.OO ..$9.75 for 3 Queen Heaters, long size, rei;ular $5.50 for. 2 with cast top and fendei-s, nicely nickled, regular Quality Talks We are irents for tho R'»yal 'Jewel and the Gurney Oxford RimgeN, See those goods on the ilotir. 'Nl'F seu. When looking for saws, axes, and all woodman's 8upplie.s, don't foiKBl wo have tho veiy best goods procurable and at roa.voiiilile prices. Brighten Up Thai piaiic or other furnituro which has a,oi dull and scratched "Vkuihkitk M.uiti' Finish" will make it look like new. With every 25o bottle of Veribrile we give a ssinplo bottle free. Use the sample und if not perfectly satisHcd with the result, return tho pitckage and we will cheerfully refund money. Norris Bros. Flesherton Iota aft and M, con 1 H l> K. 10 acroH, K cleared -< 10 acrna paatore, halaneo Kood hu»b. Marn exW rtriylim "be'l. liOod frame hoiiss «ells 1 acsa of orchard and stone wall nni'er barn, HauKseu rlrer creases hv!k of farm. Well fanod and In Rood Ktate of cultivation, :i niilns from I'roson atatlon. For term anply on premises Jo Ja MKs H. Vaiish, Viotoo H tatloo. Wor sale cheap or rant, Imineiliato poiaaetion. - " Lot.'Wecn. M. ArU'me»la, about 7.1 aorea clear i omfortablo Ion houae and frame barn. ' Applv to U J Hiitoule. Floslierton. or ,iobn I MaH hi, across the loail from said lot: I.'or sale ohaap and on oaay terinii, (jihuI com- - fortable frame dwelllnK, utablu and drivln^ liousa with th-ee vllladnloti in Ceylon- Dwell- InRwell built Slid llnlahed and Kood bearing orchard on the property. Apply In â€"II J Hl-iioi'i,H,Fle>h«rtou, 1 Cow 12 yearn nKI, ibie to uahe ,Ian. 10th 1 Cow 7 years old, due to calye March 20tli ' 1 Cow 7 yearn old, due to calve March 22nd 1 Oow li years old, iliie lo f<nlve May !iril 1 Cow 3 yearsokl, due to calve March lotli 1 Heifer 2 yenrs old, iluo to calve March 2'.1 1 Heifer 2 vcam old, dui; to calvo May 7tb 7 Calves .Sheep â€" One »liearliii({ ram, 33 good ev%'os Iinplemeiits 1 set |K'a harvcHters, 1 net heavy lioli sloiKhs, I I'littur, line I'onil cart, etc., etc, ,Sale at 1 n'cliH'k, Dinner served to those fnim n disuince. Termsâ€" Twelve montlis' ere. lit will be sfiv on aiiprove<l joint notes. The farm will a IsMineieil for sale. All most be sold, aa the proprietor is irivinif up furining. WK,S. IIIJ.SKIN, I). Md'HAII-, Proprietor. Auctioneer. Thompson's IOtIO, Oaprey cnntalnlnR 100 acres, HO -^oleared, 'frame houae. frame barn, stone foundation; orchard, well watered. One thousand down and balance to hiiIi piirchasei', Inimedlato i«i«se«»ion Apply to It. N. KiNNi'.AH Maiwoll p. (I. I/i.noBAtw Btoik Farm of Nhorthorn rattle ' and f.eicester xlieepâ€" I.oKharn cblckoi's nf nil kinds for sale. Diiipunalon sale will beheld about the laBtof .fanurry. <,'»talogli»a fnnilah- I'd on appliratlonasiioiin aa rea<ly, Farnialao for sale. Kveiyllilnij convonience, -CIIAH. HTAFKOHI), Flo sherion I'. 0. l.'t'!'?, co:i. .''â- ; ,\rteiue'l«. I s Bread delivereil rcgii- larlv and kopt for salo at the following stoi-es; (!ollinson's anil J, Pattison'M, CeyliiK W..Mdcorn * Son's und P. Mc.\rtliur's Pricevillo N. McCannoll'H Proton Station It. Heron's, Maxwell A. Hutchinson's and Kli Hohinson'H Fovci'sham II. Cairns', .l.E.Ijiirgo's and U. Parks', Kngcnia I Bakery for $ale l>y $t)rouk» l^iadinbotham and C^o,, Flesberton

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