SUPPLEMENT TO THE ADVANCE Flesherton, November 11, 1909 The Corporation of the Township of Artemesia NOTICE is hereby given ilmt the Coun- cil of th« Municipal Corporntion of the Townt'hip of Artemesia will Ht a nieetini; to be held on Wednesday, tlie t5th day of December, 1909, at the linur of 11 o'clock in the forrnoim at the Town Hall, in the VilLisje cif Flesherton, consider four several by-laws for closine, Btoppia<4 uPi «eltini{ and conreyinx the following por- tions of bighwnys tespectively, name- FIRST â€" A portion of Harvey Street in the Village of Priceville, more pHrticuiarly described as follows ; BE- GINNING Ht the intersection of the Jwesteriy limit of Artemesin Street and the Dnrtherly limit of Harf-jy Street in the Village of Pricevillt? ; (hence south- westerly along the northerly limit of Harvey Srn-ei s diMtancH of five hundred and twenty-eight (52S) feel to the east- erly liaiit if Piiiicess Street; theuce southerly along the eanierly liiuir of Princess Street produced southerly a distance of sixty-six (6U} feet ; thunco n'lrtheasteily olong the houiherly limit of H«rvey Street a distance of two hundred and eigbty-oue (281) feet: theocu northeasterly on a curved lino to the left having a radius of twenty-nine hundred and aixty-fuur an<! nine'enths (2964.9) feet a distance of two hundred and fifty-'.hree and one- half (253.5) feet to the westerly liiiiii of Ariemesia Street produced southerly ; thence n<irfherly alonx the westerly limit if ArtenieHia Street produced sourh>rly a distance of ten (10) feet lo the point of beginMing : said tract >â- { laud cua'ainlng sixty-four hundredths (0.64) i»cref«, mote or lens. SECOND â€" A poUion of Harvey Street in the Village "'f Priceville, more particularly described as : BE- GINNING at the intersectijD of the westerly limit af Princess Street and thn northerly limit of Harvey Street in the VillMae of Priceville ; thence westerly along the northerly limit of Harvey Street a distance of thirteen huiidred and tighiy-three (1383) feel to the east- erly limit of the township lino between Glenelv and -Artemesia ; thence 8<iutherly along the easterly limit of the township line between Gleneht and Artemesia produced southerly a distance of twenty- t»yo (22) feet ; thence ii.irtheasti-rly along a straight line whose course is North seventy-nine decrees thirty throe min- utes East (N. 79" 33' E.) a distance of ten hundred and sixty-five (1066) feet to a point on a spiial curve: thenuu north OHsterly on a spiral cm ve to the left a distance of uinety-eight (98) feet to a point on the simtherly limit of Harvey Street; thence northeasterly alonj; the southuily limit of Harvey Street a dis- tance of two hundred and twenty (220) feet to tho westerly limit of Princess Stteet ; thence northerly along the west- erly limit of Princess Street produced northerly a distance of sixty-six (66) feet to the point of beginning ; said tract of land containma one and titty- one hundredths (1.51) acres more or less. TUIRD-^A portion i^f Artemesia Street in the Village of Priceville, more particulnrly described as follows : BE- GINNING at the intersection of the westerly limit f)f Artemesia Street and the northerly limit of Harvey htreet in the Villaiie of Priceville'; thence north- erly along the wetterly limit.* of Artn- menia Street a distance of one hundred Slid seventy-eight (17ti) feot ; thence nurthea^terly on a curved lii e to the left. Iiavin!» a radius of twetity-»even hundred and eiahty-nine and riine-tunths (2789.9) feet a distitnce of sixty -soveii (07) feet to the easterly linrt of Arte- menia Street ; thence anuiherly along the ea<iterly limit of Artemesia S'reut a â- Ji->rHnce of ime hundred and eiglity-eight (188) feet; thence southweateily on a curved line to the right h:ivn)g a nkdius of tweniy-»ine hundred and sixty-four and n:ne-cenths (2964.9) feet a diNtance of sixty-seven (07) feet to the westerly limit of Artemesia Street produced southerly; theoCr> northerly almi^; the westerly limit of Artemesia Street pro- duced southerly a distance of tei. (10) tcet to the point of heginning : said tract of land containing twenty-nine huadredthu (0.29) acres, more or less, FOURTH â€" A portion of Queen Street ill ihe Village of Priceville, mure p»ri icularl; described as follows: BE- GINNING at the intersection of the northerly limit of Uaivey Street with the westerly limit 'f Queen Street ; thence northerly along the westerly limit of Queen Street a diHtance i^f one hundred and seveiity-eiirht and three-tenths (178.3) feet ; thence norihessterly along a .straight line whose course is North Keventy-nino degrees thirty-three min- utes East (N. 79" 33' E.) a distance of sixty-six (66) feet to the easterly limit of Queen Street ; thence southerly the easterly limit of Queen Street a distance of one hundred and seventy- six (176) feel to the northerly limit of Harvey Street ; thence southwesterly along the northerly limit of Harvey Street produced westerly a distance of .sixiy-«ix (66) feet to the poir,c of begin- iiing : said tract of land coiihai.iing twenty-seven hundredths (0 27) acres, more or less. ALL persons interested or whose lands may or niiuht he prejudicinlly affected by such proposed by-laws or any of them are required to attend at the said meeting, when they will be heard in pemou or by counsel or solici- tor * ith reference thereto upon petition- ing to be so heard. DATED this 10th day of November. A. U. 1909. W. J. BELLAMY, Cleik Township Artemesia Joseph Lablanc.a Montreal cabman, has been sentenced to four years' imprison, ment for driving a man to a dark lane and robbing him. |_Jiui. Deeiran, ofiBsirie, met with an accident last week that cost hira his life. He was working on ih« new addition being lutide lo the Barrie tannery and fell from the scaffolding'some fifty feet hiuh. A luve-sraitten ynuth, who was study- ing the approved methods of proposal, asked one of his bachelor friends if he thought a young man should propose To agirlou his knees. "If he doesn't," replied bis friend, "the girl should get oft."â€" Every bivdy's Magazine. Eighty new towns have been created on the lino of the Grand Trunk Pacific between Winnipeg and Edmonton. Some of them are only sidings, gome of them have a water 'auk and a loading track, many of them are piospernus towns, and a few of them, especially the divisienal points, are young cities. This great family journal was some- what delayed lasl week, the ouse being due to the fact that a "devil dodger," under the guiseof a printer, put the press out of business for a peiiod of two hours. He cUimed to have worked in all the large offices from Ahibama to Ealaiu'vzoo. Judging from the hi^tory of his life, the descrip:ii.ns He gave of the different countries of the world, the desperate struggles he had. wi'h pMlicemen of Canada and the Slates, we fill to under- stand where he got the time lo learn even the case, and judging from I he way he turned the 8 point cjse into a "hell- box" he didn't even know his A B C's. His stay in this office was cut short on Friday when he cnmmitted the great crime of transforming the front page into a heap of genuine "pi." Before euter- iiig another olhce we would advise Buffalo Bill to have his ruof reshingleJ and thenâ€" keep out of up-t-i-date print shops, unless snme printer *ants his office turn- ed into a junk shop.â€" Conkatown Ad- vocate. FARM PROFITS May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market, and by learning of the best method io farm practice. This ia precisely the »ort of information the Farmers' Weekly Sun gives in every issne. It has no equal as a Fanner's Business Paper. Good farmers rely on it For price see our clubbing ofier.