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Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1909, p. 3

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GROWING BOYS AND GROWING GIRLS Need Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to Give Them Health and Strength. Growing boys as well as girls need such a tonic as Dr. V/illiarns' Pink Pills to keep the blood rich, red and pure and give them health and strength. Mrs. Edward Koch, posto-istrpss at Prince's Lodge, ti. 8., tells the great benefit her little son has derived from the use of this world famous medicine. Mrs. Koch says: â€" "My little son, Reg.n- ald, had been troubled with anae- mia almost since birth. He was al- ways a sickly looking child, with no energy and little or no appetite. His veins showed very plainly through his skin and he had sev- eral serious attacks of stomach and bowel trouble, and on one occasion his life was dispaired of by two doctors who were attending, him. His little body was slowly wasting away until he was nothing morel than a skeleton. He was peevish I and fretful and a misery to him.self. Having read and heard so much of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I deter- mined to try them in his case, and after giving them to him for a cou- ple of months they certainly work- td wonders with him. T-day he is, fat and healthy looking ; he has a > htarty appetite, is able to play like ether children, and is bright and energetic, instead of dull and lisi- less as he u.sed to be. Dr. Willi- ; ams' Pink Pills have changed my puny, sickly child, into a rugged, hearty boy." I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured thii sickly boy because they went i down to the root of the trouble in ' bis blood. That is why they never fail. Bad blood is the cause of all common diseases like anaemia, > (bloodlessness) eczema, paleness, headaches, isiligesticn, kidney trouble, neuralgia, rheumatism and the special ailments that only grow- 1 ing girls and womenfolk know. Dr.! Williams' Pink Pills don't bother with mere symptoms, they cure dis-| eases through the blood. They don't cure for a day â€" they cure to ; «tay cured. Do not take any pills i without the full name. "Dr. Wil-I liams' Pink Pills for Pale People," en th« wrapper around each box. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes i for $2.60 from the Dr. Williams Idediciae Co., Brockville, Ont. coats, an English way of wearing his hair and the loug stride and vigor- ous outdoor air of the English gentleman â€" all this does the young One of the most famous bells in the world is the first great bell of Moscow, which now stands in the middli." -J a square in that city and King struggle to achieve, and in ! is used as a chapel. This bell was part he has succeeded. The gilded cast in 1733, but was in the earth for over a hundred years, being youth of Spain follow his example, so that English styles and English raised in manners prevail in Madrid, and aa ] Nicholas. 1%36 by the Emperor It is nearly twenty feet now PRIKCE PROPOSED. NO ROOM FOR AIIGUMENT. Â¥ 1 HI T rr M . i» . 1. "Yes," said the young wife Learned "1 I'OV« Y«" ' •« Dut4,h, ^^^^^;^ ..^^^^^^ always gives some- Won Hollands Uueen. jt^ing expensive when he makes A very pretty story is told of how presents." the Queen of Holland was proposed i "So I discovered when ho gave to by her present husband. Before you away," rejoined the young she was married she caused it to husband. I be known that only a prince who bud And with a large, open-faced sigh Bra$$ Band English bulldog is considered the (high, hag a circumference of sixty f â- , , , • ,a , ,,, . j.- , ^ - ,i ^, .^ui very latest touch to this effort to be | feet, is two feel thick and weighs j * ^ood knowledge of Dutch would be he contmued to audit the monthly Anglo-Saxon. {almost two hundred tons. The i tj â-  a King Alfonso remains a bov in ! second Moscow bell which is the I C ""''^ *ienry of Mecklenburg, looks and view of life, notwithstand- I largest bell in the world thav is «^- ! ?'°*' *.^'' 7^'^^ '»'"^° . enamoured, I entertained as a suitor. Prince s ac- I • ing he is the father of two princes. ! tually in use, weighs 128 ton! i i-re ^ jmmediately-set to work to learn the Spain regard him with affection .; are several bells extant wiilch ! ^^neuage. One day he and the FOR OLD FOLKS tinged with respectful toleration, j weigh ten tons and over, of which England, on the contrary, frankly ; Big Ben, the largest bell in Eng- admires him as the most romantic [land, weighing between thineen and figure of present royalty. The whole ; fourteen tons, is one. Big Ben is countrj' rang with his ingenuous- j unfortunately cracked, ness the other day when he refrain- | ed from going for a short flight in j * the Wilbur Wright airship because, | n Ti I \JJ\ X^T{ nj n as he naively informed those around I IT H A H^ ' i N n W S him, he had "promised the Queen "^i-^^^'-^ i.^U11 KJ he would not." England loved that little story. All the senti- ment in the seemingly phlegmatic Briton rose to applaud it, while Spain, the land of sentiment, re- ceived it but coldly. QUEEN VICTORIA is a devoted mother and spends more time with her two children than is usual with royal parents. She has become so matured in manner and appearance that any trace of the Princess Ena of only three years ago is hard to find. The two little princes are fine boys and she has every reason to be proud of them. Spanish photo- graphers have tried to picture them to her liking, but with small suc- cess, so she "command'' the pres- ence of the English photographer ' V'^'J abundant healtli. young Queen were together, and she casually asked him if he knew much Dutch. i "Yes," he replied, "I am work- ing very hard at it," and taking ' from his pocket a much-used primer he handed it to her. | Greatly pleased, she opened it, I and found scribbled all over the ! bill of his alleged better half. A Woman's Sympathy Are you dlscoura«red? Is TOur doctor'a bill a heavy tinanclal load? Is jour pain m, heavy physical burden? I knovr what these mean to dellcaio women â€" I have been dlatouraped, too; but learned how to cure myself, i want to fUeve your bur- dens. Wliy not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do luia for you and Will U you will assist me. All you need do Is to writ* for a free liax or the remedy wiilch has beun placed ThU U th» Timm to OrgantMm Instrumtntm, Druma, fiond Maaie, ElC. CVCKY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lovrost prices crei quoted, t Ids c&l&iu;cuSL over 60.1 niuBtratlont, njalled free. V/riteni tor nny thtn« In Music or Musical Instnuacn s. WHALEY. ROYCC d CO.. Limited XoroDto, Out., and V/imdv^g, Ilao. o d Farm ^ •'' ***• IrA^i^ ^â- ^l^""" N«w IdJiltblr Bulla Bea^ BarsAins^ profusely tllusirale 1. mitlluti frae.J ~ tyronrR.R. free. 1. A, siBOUTOO. Caall World'a Ijirxeit F&rm Daalen, UniTeraitfj W • pay four R. 1. • â-  â-  BIdg., SyrasyM, M.V. In my hands to be givra away. P.-rhaps thla one box will cure you â€" It hna done so (or others. If so, I snail be happy and FEATHER DYEING CI«Aotuf Mi4 C'ariiDg Mid Kid QIotas ciemned Thaif cfto tw mtkl by poat. La ymr w. Dm baai piac« te BAITISH AMERICAN OYEINC CO. MUMTBKAU win be cured for 2c (the cont of a jostape stamp). Tour letters hf*ld confl- , , Jentlailv. Write to-dav for mv froo treat- front page the words "I love you" toMut. iiRS. F. B CUaRAH. Wbidaor.OnL in Dutch. It was a novel way of proposing, but it was eminently ^H.IT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DID FOB lUBAM BBOW>. Cared His Aches and Pains and Gave ilim Bestfitl Siumber â€" Known as tlic Old Folks' Friend. Mapleton, Cumberland Co., N. S., May 10 (Kpecial).â€" Though well past the alioted span cf life Mr. iiirani Brown of this place is still one of the grandest sights in life, a hale and hearty old gentle- man. And like many another Cana<.lian veteran he gives Dcdd's who had taken her portrait many I ^^'^'ney Pills the GET THERE ! successful, and from that moment | There's room enough on top for you, So keep a-going ; the two young people considered themselves engaged. credit for his times as a girl, a The Prince of the Asturias grows l m T ^'^'^^r.^^o J**^? "^ a«e.' more English in appearance every | f^'^.^f^^^,^**;*^ ^ ''^'"^T^^]^' day. He is v.ery blond, blue eyed Utdiv Piul T ^^'V o*^"^ 1 1 1 u I 1 11 L- i^Kiney I'uls cnrt-d me of Gravel and rosy cheeked and very like his | ^„,, jij,,„^y Trouble. I golden haired mother in features. He has a!s<3 her placid tempera- ment. Don Jaime is n direct contrast to his brother. Though only a ffw months old he shows alreaJy a Spanish type and has all the nerv- ous energy and vitality of King Alfonso, of whom in appearance he is a small counterpart. The older and more conserva- tive members of the Spanish court â€" _ was trou- bled with Backache, Headache and Dizziness, Cramps in the Muscles and Stiffness of .-e Joints. My sleep was broken and at times my limbs would swell. "But since taking Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, all these troubles have gone. I consider Dodd's Kidney Pills a wonderful medicine." The aged man or woman who has healthy Kidneys caa afford to laugn at the ills of life There can be a difference of opinion on most subjects, bui there IS only one opinion as to the relia- bility of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator. It is safe, sure and effectual. ABSENT-HEADEED. Mr. Dolanâ€" What did 01 do wid me hat, Bridget! Mrs. Dolanâ€" Yez lift it on yer head, Moike. Mr. Dolanâ€" Begorra the nixt thing Oi will be leaving me bead in me hat. EVCHY HBUSINCEPf IIâ€" m<i )t often act an a family phj-ici^ui. f.iiiiklller foraU the little ills, LUt4 &itd sprains ai> noil »« fnr bnvrel cuinptainta, is in Iii4peu.sable. Avi>IU substltatos. tiiero is but one " PaiukiUer "â€"t^m/ UxfiV, Zio ami SO*. When a Bank of England note re- turns to the Bank, it is never re- issued. It is cancelled by having the signature of the chief cashier torn off. It is the mediocre ground That's full to overflowing. A Cure for Bheuuiatifm. â€" A pain- ful and persistent form of rheuma- tism is caused by impurities in the blood, the result of defective ac- tion of the liver and kidneys. The blood becomes tainted by the in- troduction of uric acid, which caus- es much pain in the tissues and in the joints. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are known to hare effected many remarkable cures, and their use is strongly recommended. A trial of them will convince anyone of their value. WARREN GZOWSKI & CO. Mamhera lurooto StMik BxcbanKa xraden Banit Building, 25 Br.ia<l ^rse*. TORONTO. NEW VOKK STOCKS AND BONOS COBALT We are no* â- jjeviiiUzing in StoolEs. Write as fur tuf orm.itiun. MUST FIB SOMETIMES. "Does he alwavs speak the truth !" "I guess not. All his friends praise his judgment." A Pill That Proves its Value. - Those of weak stomach will tlnd ' tprd-iv" ran IHCUMATISMâ€" it is not necessary tu fo to Hit :iprins,. Ju.'.t use "Tile II. Jt L '" .Munlho| Pla.-*tera .iud results will h* Kati.'ifat.-tory. i^ at drugj(i.itA. l>aTis A Lawrence Company, manu- faclurera. A BAD MISTAKE. "I made a terrible mistake yea- PEIFECT com SALVE Sure CuRE-riAiLEB 25* iE.HBauld^^'J«r.?JgfoSf: ALEXANDER WARDEN, (Lata tr*<uai«r PreibTlaiiaa Church in Canada) BONDS AND STOCKS Cobalt stvcks bouicht and soldunoooimiselun. 18 TOROiiTa STJiEET, TORONTO. GANAOl Lona Distance Pbone3â€" Main tSTO. Mala 2371, -, For healthy have openly wondered if Queen Kidneys keep the blood pure and Victoria will realize that Spanish : ensure good restful sleep. Dodd's BABY PRINCES OF SPAIN ELDEB ENGUSn IN LOOKS, YOUNGEB BPAMSB IN flPE. EngliKb Mays Introduced Into the Spanish Conrt and iloynl Nursciy. Queen Victoria of Spain, who is still Princess Ena to the tnglish, is contemplating another visit to Lou- don. This time she will bring the latest baby Prince »vsth her and will leave her eldest son, the heir to the throne, in Spain. Queen' Victoria seems unable to tear herself away from English traditions and associations. Eng- lish is the language she speaks to her immediate attendants, English are sonic of tiie nurses who are in charge of the Prince of the Astur- ias and Don Jaime, the latest arri- val, and very English in at! their appointments are the nurseries where her two small sons spend most of their lives at present. Yet the Spanish people do not seem to resent the Queen's loyalty to the language and customs of her own country. They are so proud of her and so proud of the two Priuces she has given them that they are quite willing she and the young King should revolutionize Spanish social life and overthrow traditions of generations past. KING ALFONSO is cosmopolitan in ideas and tattcs. He takes King Edwaid of England as his model and insists upon going about as England's King does, un- ostentatiously and freely. He tries also an anglicize his court and his home life and in appearance he has converted himself into as near an approach to a British citizen as is possible for one so distinctly Latin in type as he is. English suits, hats, ties, waist- Princes must be broutjlit up aeeord- ing to Spanish traditions, but all young Spain is heart and soul with the young Queen. Kidney Pills always make healthy Kidneys. That is why they are known as the Old Folks' Best Friend. HER APOLOGY. Little Lester was trying to fi.\ a broken toy when fi'e year-old i „ , « .^ â-  . * »i. ^i i Beatrice came into the Vo^.m and j Pounds of ostnch-feathers the larg- said: "I ain older than you. You ! are too Intle to do much of any- DfcLICATE LITTLE CHILDREN MADE WELL AWD STROKG The little ones are frail. Their bold on life is slight. A slight dis- order may become serions if not j thing. Let me fi-x it." I promptly attended to. At the very } Her pap.i told her it was not kind ! first symptom of trouble Baby s j t^ gj^^k that way, and to ask her ' Own Tabids should be givcu. This brother to excuse her. medicine promptly cures indiges- Throwing her arms around his tion and all stomach troubles, con-L^^^j^ ^^e said, "Oh, Lester, please stipation diarrhoea, and brings the ^^^.^^^ ^^^ ^ut vou see it was just htt.e teeth through pamles«ly. You â-  ^^.^ ^ j^^ j, ^ ^ „ can give the Tablets with equally j ' good results to the new born babv i ~ or well grown child. Mr-^. R. G. j PLAGUE IN INDIA. Flewell, Uxbridge, Ont., says :-' I j j^^ , ;„ j^jj^^ g^^^ ^.^^ have used Baby s Own Tablets and j jj^ appearance in Bombay, where ' strength in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, because they serve to main- t-ain the beaJ^hful action of the stomach and the liver, irregulari- ties in which are most distressing. Dyspeptics are well acquaint^ with them and value them at their r roper worth. They have afforded relief when other preparations have failed, and have effected cures in ailments of long standing where other medicines ^lore found unavail- ing- What was that?" "I inadvertently asked Green how his baby was getting on, ajid he kept me an hour and a half answer- the question." One hundred and five thousand est quantity ever sold in Lone on at I once, was di-sposed of at a recent sale. Used according to directions. Dr. J D. Eellogg's Dysentery Cordial will afford relief in the most acute form of summer complaint. When- i ever the attack manife-sts itself no ' time should be lost in seeking the i aid of the Cordial, It will act iin- j mediately on the stomach and in- ' testines and allay the irritation ', and pain. A ti-ial of it will con- ' vinee anyone of the truth of these ! assertions. ! EMPIRE CasolinaEngines puuf vo"jn waT«it RU,< VCJR CHU M •CPARArf VOUii liltlt.K. f>o all the other (mIiI yoh* ar-uud Itie farm ai a c>4t of 3 cent-^ per hour. S!:npi««t, Chaape-jt, 4:^s-e>tto <rpe.-iai) on tbe marlcet. â€" No Talv«4, no ptitaps, st.irt--> •'%i V 4in-^le tarn of tbe wheel. A cbildtun ipette it. Write for free Catal.ig. aail Tiaras of ',« < r <H ageut. â- mpire Cream Sepu-atsr Comiuuiy, of Canadai loKO.MTO. Uiuited find them a perfect me<licine for Rtoiuach and bowel troubles." Sold by metlicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BELLS OF THIN IRON PI.Al'ES. Curfew in Middle Agesâ€" An Early Pca-1 of Bells. There are several old bells in Scotland, Ireland and Wales; the oldest are often quaurangular, be- ing made of thin iron plates which i have been hanmiereil and riveted together. At the monastery of St. I Gall in Switzerland the four sided i bell of tbe Irish miHsionaiy St, j tathm luiig'. ~ Nip tb* peril in *iie bwi wt»fc lived in the seventh ! *"•'â- â€¢ '•"«« »'»'-»• » '"" '•» ^^ oortaiala. ftfter â-  tf4tf Drive ilnnt ran to take a tuapoaa- (nl ot Halnkiner roixeii «ith a itaes ot h,.t water , knii ragar. It aureW prefente uhills- Atold sub- . »titut«i, tliere i» but 0D» " Painkiller "â€"Psrrj Daria'â€" iSc. aoil 60a There are few able-bodied paup- ers in Holland. A tract of public land, containing 5,000 acres, is divided into six model farms, to one of which a person ajjplying relief is sent. the during the last ten years [ It Needs No Testimonial.â€" It is a has wrought havoc, but at this time guarantee in itself. If testimonials the mortality is one per day. Thejwe.'-c required they could he fur- health department of the city is nished in thousands from all sorts doing its utmost to keep down the 1 and conditions of men in widely disease. To this end about 10,000 different places. Many medicines rats are being killed each week. I are put forth every year which have but an ephemeral existence . Cf -41 •> laud then are heard of no more. Dr. Are you a snffe>-er with ecrns? „,, ; t-i.. .»..;_ /-i;i i ;_ If you are, get a bottle of Hollo- way's Corn Cure. It has never been known to fail. GL4SS 13iSlR.WCE M^TS WAHTED Nf%tfcmiil ProvtnriaJ PlAt«UlA»8 In«QninceCom> Eay, LiiniUd. HmuI Office, Uindun. I£iiitl'^tt ! tubiUhed lft»4. Cn^lt&J. PIU.? Thouxaud PnuDdt ! ftt«rHng. Pi>r jL^nviw at uur«pr«j««nt«<i pointy t l^ovincd oi Uut*Ha, adUt^M J. H. BWAHr, Cblȣ A^emt. No, 78 WtlUngUm street Ea^f, ToT'^nto. S*nd for booklet "Qlau Iii»qi&:ic»." Here it is, Grab it ! We wan', to give away (abSO- lutoiy froo) to every woman in Canada, oilO Pair of 8 i/lOh m m wm wm In order to do so, we require your help for which we will pay you. Write us for full particulars. Atlantic Soap Co., rORl'>.N"rO, O-NT- "King" is the most ancient of titles. It, or its equivalent, is found in every known language. "A Llttla Mid, V«u Kaow," win becoroa » rreal d^auer if it t>» aIl<-»rB'i t-o resrh down the »liro-* J?Tbe lung' " â-  ^' •-â- â- ' AU«"'< l-ont BO upifttes. Gall, who century, is still prct-trved ; but more ancient still is the bell of St. Patrick in Belfast, which is orna- mented with gold and gems and silver filigree work, says the Lon- don Globe. j The curfew boll is that about which most has been written and I said. It has been thought that it ^ impatiently answered John, was only used in England, but it' "That's awfully good of you, dear, â-  was quite common on the Continent 1 >''^b.\\ like to wear a new silk gown, MOBE TH.VN ONE WAY. "John, dear," purred his wife, "what do you think I ought to wear to Mrs. Highmore's parly week after nextl" "Oh, wear anything you like," ISSUE NO. 19 -Oi). in the Middle Astes. I The ringing cf btlls by rope is ; still very popular in England, i especially in the toiintry, where al- 1 most evrry hamlet, however small, ' has its church w ith its peal of bells, which are often roniarkably well rung. The roul peal of bells in this country was sent by Pope '. ; Calixtus HI. to King's College,, Cambridge, and was for 300 years ' the largest peal in England. About "the beginning of the year 1500 sets of eight bells were hung in a few of , i the large churches. i In the middle of the seventeenth century a man named White wrote a f.iinous work on bells in which he introduced the system of numbering thein 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., on slips of pr.per ii< different orders, according to the changes intended to be r\ing. It is calculated that to ring all the ch-ingee upon twenty-four bc'lf- at two strokes a second would take IIT billion ye<»r8 ! trimmed with old-point lace, and I thank vou ever so much." UAt« jua a little k Theu write 1 AT ON' -E. aana-e : • '.♦.lue Eoa&OkSr' f if V' -trill stiek' 4iU> ('O vreakly. <al- a D.) pir» uf tite word on yunr 'rwii 1*â„¢. »r a<rt »> ojent. Somatlil 4 .»lHului»l.v .levf. e*!? Buaej »aIm STOCK TersaiNARV <-<). v • ary or •o«iBi»»l"n- -'»<' tuftxtac*. Tjrjet;). Thomas' Eciectric Oil has grown in reputation every d.iy since it first made its appearance. BAFFLED BY BILLIONS. W'hat is a billion? Can you con ceive it? "Oh, yes!" you reply. "A bilUou is a million times a million. I can conceive it ea.sily." Well, granted â€" for the sake of argument â€" that you can conceive it, can you count it? No! No man is able to count it. You may be able to count, say, 160 to 170 a minute ; [but let us suppose that you go up as high as 200 a minute hour after I hour. At that rute, you would count 12,000 an hour, 2SS,000 a day, and 105,120,000 in a year. To count a billion wunld thus require a person to count 200 a minute for over 9.512 years ! HELPING THEM OUT. "Your cousin's medical practice, I suppose, doesn't amount to much yet I" "No, I'm sorry to sa.v. We rela- tives do 111 we can, hoi»^ver ; b,it, cf course, we can't be ill all the time !" WHY DO So many InsUtuiions devoted to the higlier Edu- cation teletl Bell pianos ? Tiie fat ! that they use »d prefer the Bell is evidence o{ disiintt merit I One (oilows proicuional advKe in ecquirjig an educ»«io«, why net fnllaw pesfcKtonal cMlooi ia kuying Bcil piaiuM? Tht only (,iiino* with the Ulimitabte Q^Jt Repcalbg AcOoa, Send for (fiee) CaLaioguc Iso. To, n^BEU- PIANO "flOr,*©?! Co.. Umi\mii GU E.LPH.ONTAR W^ Canadian Wheat Best Among cereals tliat are commonly used for human food, such aa rice, corn, oats, barley, etc., there are none to compare with the whole wheat. Canadian wheat thoroughly cocked and taken with milk is a perfect food for the human system. Bread aud milk make a good fotxl, but ii.'^ually breivd is not cooked enough to get the best results. By chemical analysis there is found a great difiereuoe be- tween the bread crumb and bread crust. Owing to the action of heat the bread crust contains about one-third less nioitture than the crumb ; six tiiTies more fat; 40 per cent, more proteid ; twice the quantity of soluble matter ; 00 per cent, more maltose and three times more dex- trine, all <i.\ie to heat action. Orange Moat (which contains the whole wheat) is so prepared that every ounce v\i:l be affected like the bread crust. No kitchen with ordinary apparatus can produce this effect. To perEist?nt users of Orange Meat a large reward is offered. Sea their private postcard enclosed in every package of Orange Meat de- tailing particulars of how to win a cash prize oi seven hundred dol- lars or a life annuity of fifty-two d'.'llars. If you enter this, contest, send post caitl to Orange Meat, King- ston, giving full name and adilress, and mention the paper in which vuu 'aw th'.s avlverlis-.-n)?!it. ' L I I â-  II 11 II I â€"â€" â€" â€" ^â€" iMM^ purely hcrbfiS Ssalr.: ; Sjcst nj for t!:8 tanctor skins cf laron, yet po,fc8.-fui enoug.^i heal an adult'a ohit>nio soro ; â-  y antiseptic; eaocs pair? s.Tiartins soon aa cppiloU l3 Zam-5uk. ReRtORtbcr purely herbaJ- no mineral ;JOns, no anSiaal late. Power an:l purity sombinad I : «•>,/ -rrrei fell at CO c. a box. ii1l'i'i«iiTi„

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