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Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1909, p. 8

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THE FLESH ERTOIS ADVANCE April 1 1909 _ Scottish Pride 66274 The young bull HcottUh I'rlile will sUnd fo ervice at Mr. K. \V. N'icholeon., lot !i7. con. & Artem«f>ift. Hcottt&h pride i8 aired by Hcottiali Prince, a Rnudson r1 the wonclerlnl »bow cow "i?Ji?'*' Bellichiu, Imp. winner of right iiriiei U Toronto tnilLundun.beaides beln« tliamp- ion female. Hhe woigha over 1900 pounrts, une of tbii cow'a calvei lold for »1775.00. Hcottiali pride ia out of I,»dy Hella by the Toronto nrat prize wiunor. Captain May Fly, tUip98K8. ThlayouuR bull has prove him- »elf • abowbull havinf; gained au enoouraiiinK record tbia fall at Kevershtni. He won nrat priiee aa best bull calf, also diploma for beat bull any age. Those having pure bred cowh Hhould nee tliig craiid bull before breedinR aa they cannot do Iwtter than uaiihliii. A limitup Dumber of (tradea -jrill be takeuat «l,4J;Kor pure breda, «4.00 28,000 Maple Ui;s Wanted 18 Inchoa and larse defective hearts accoptfd proyidlDK aame has eigbt inches |j<<od sound timber on outaide. Prices ranRini; according to quality, to cut iu lonstsofiJO aud 11 lnclie». Cash paid on dolivury at Kugenla. Also want at sruie place, a larse quantity oi ported maple logs uesKuiing from iU inchta ami lanter. at but )i to 16 feet lone. Prices paid, $2 |>e» thousand, to be delivorod at J. W. Morgan's uiill, Cutjenia. A hotal porter wm 6ned • hundred lollars at Cobalt fur supiilyinj 'ha guests with liquor, unknown tu the |)ro|)rieti)rR The giieiti {xiid the fine. STEADY EMPLOYMENT For A Ui'liaUlf Looal S.ili'Ktuaii 1{EI'KESENTIN(J Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN Fleshtsrton And Adjoining Country. You will And there is a Rood demand for Nursery Stock on act:ouut ol tlio hiKh prices ttaat growers haw realized on their fruit tlMH season. Our salesmen are tnrnin4; in a big business to ua Ibis year, lie one of tlieni and earn good 'u-axes throu{{h the winter uiouths. Territory reserved. Pay Weekly. Tree tauiple outfit, etc. Write tor particulars. S T O N ?: & NY E L L I N a T O N Forthill Nurseries (liiO acres) TORONTtJ Ontario ''One Touch of Nature Makes the Whole Worid Kin." AVIien a rxwter fimJs a h\K fat worm lie calls all the hens in the f,triii vHrJ to come and share it, A similar trait of human nature is to lie observed when a man discovers smiietliing •exceptionally (t'HiH â€" be want« all his friends and I'.eiKhlMirs tu share the boiiclits of liis dis- covery. This is the touch of nature that makes the whole world kin' This explains why people who have b.'eii cured liy Chaii.ber- lain's Cough Reine<ly write letters to the inaiiiifivcturers for puliliciilion, that others siiiiilurly uilinK ni.iy also u«e ii ami <ditain re- lief. Behind every one of these lettiMM is a warm hearted wish of the writer to lie of use t" someone else. This remedy is for sule hy W. K. Kicharilsoii. TERM OF 1909 Briiisli ("ANADIAN Tell JUT cunt, clioaper lU'SlXKSS ti'ii liiT cent, hotter foi COLl.KGE I'.ii-iiiisi, Shoi'iiuiid and TOUONTO Mutricliooklct frei-. U. A. FartinhHi.^rin, H. -A I'pal, Unrnuri iVONtJK & BLOOH STUKKTS. \i)V CAN KNTEll ANY TIJIK IN Ciiniula'a Li-adin;{ i>chool of Butbness and Sliorihand without disadvantHge to yourhclf by ou Special PerHonal llclp SystenDf Write for pirticulars. C. A. FLE.MMixci, Principal, Owen Sound » Ontario Beauty and Utility Tliough worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler 6: Optician FLESHERTON . ^orris S3i General Tinsmiths /OS-' and Plumbers. Paroid = Roofing Ihis ia thciin-.a of the yciir wlun your innf will kIiow its weak spots Wu are aj-ciits for tlic well-known I'AUDID U(J(>FlNf;. Wc want you to inspect lhi« Roof irig am'. «co wlicru it excels all otliera. If yiiur are buildint^ don't f»il to write for siiniiiles or conio and sec U8, -NORRIS BROS. Brinj; in your Ilurdware list and let us figure on it-our (iricowil be interestinK. J^iosherion ^ Ontario, ^^ Flesherton Carriage Works Cutters - - Sleighs. Now i.s tlio tiiiio t.o Iniy your (,'iilter or your RIoioli, If yon iutc'iid bnyiii;? call on ns bc-fon; piirclmHiii^', as •,/(; liavo a coiiipicte stock to cliooRe from, and pneoH tlmt Biiit. First Cin.-is Horse>Shoeing a Specialty. D.McTAVISH, = = Prop. FLESH ERTO N. DISCOURAGED IVSEr^i IS LIFE WORTH LIVING MEN, you become dlelieartened when ymi feel tlio ayniptonis of Nervous Dolillily and di cliiie slcnllnK iilKin jnii. You haven't tlis iiervi* or ainliilion you used to liuvo. Y<iu feel you aio not the man you oiiRlit to lie. Yiiu (eel liici; k'vIiii; up In despair. You get nervous and wi ok, liave little ambition, pain in II. o ha<'lc over kiJiieya, drains lit nl«lit, hollow eyrs, tired iiiornliiBs, prefer to be alone, distrustful, vnrinlilo nppclile, loosenesa of iKiir, poor cir- culationâ€" you have Nervous UcbllKy. Our New Method Treatment Is your refuge, U \vlll Blrenglhen all weak organs, vitalize the nervous system, purify the lilood and restore you to a mini- ly condition. READER Pay When Cured. Are you a victinif Have you lost hope? Are you IntcndinK to iiiarryf Has your blood been dlst^aand! Ilove you niiy neakiiess? Our New Method Treatmeut will cure you. What it has done for liunilreds of otbers, It will do for you. CONHUI.TATION KHKK. No mailer who has treated you, Write for an honest opinion Kree of Cliart^e. Charges reasoDalilo. UOOKB FBEEâ€" "The tioldea Monitor" (illustrated), on iilseascs of Men. ESTABUSHED 20 YEARS-CURES GUARANTEED. No Trealmenl Hnt C. O. D. No names on boiea or •nvelopct. Everything confidential. Question Iht mad coit of Home Trealmeot FREE. i8.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. The Lone Star State And Woman's Status Dkak Advance :â€" Liwt weak I refer- red to Hiinie differeiicen lielwcen our 1ii«h Hiul (hosti uf Texfus. It would tie inttr- e8ting to pursue the suliject firther, fur every law in most civilized countries ifl the outcuino or result ot certain condi- tions- is the eflVct, so toipcak, of cortuin cuunes wliich, in themselve;{3, ,ui'e always of interest to a stiitleiit uf hunmn affairs. Uut my space and time will not allow me to uieiitioii but 2 or 3 other eiirioiiH or extriivagant law.s wliioli, when tlie causes that |<roduci3 them are known, may be easily accounted for. First, the |ieiinlty for carrying conceiiled tircariiis iu Texas is .'i fine of HMO. This penalty .seems stuiiidly excessive, and doubtless in our cimntiy, and in most of the States, would be rtgarded us n rcl c of Iwrbarisin. But when it is considered tlmt Texas is the home (if the cattle-rancher; that many iwrts of the sl.ite were .settled by horse and cattle thieves cscniied fiiuii jii.sticein other states, and by adven'-urers <if all sorts, from iiiiywhoro and everywhere ; idat of them were a law unto them- selves and depended ii|Min themselves to sicure their lijjhtK, or .siijiposed, by the use of such weapons lis they jiosses- Hud ; that ninny lives were Haoriiicel to the tiio-reiidy appeal to the convenient tire-iiriii, iihviiys carried on the person, and tliai the administration of justice over sucli vnstarea.s of HJldlands.spariely settled as they were, was a costly luid almost iinpoi<sible task, it will be readily w>eii that stringent restrictions and heavy peimlties were necessary before was begotten that wbolesuine respect for law^wonld have recourse to that law for ju.stice, jirotection and compensation ill case of insult or injury. In spite, however, of this biw, I believe tluit four out iif every live male persons carry re- volvers and kniiw bow to use them. Even the yiils and young hidies, 1 am told, are generally capital shots and can ride ii hoi'se and use a rifle or revolver almost eipially well as their fathers and big biothers. Another curious Texas law is that the upjier sheets in every hotel bed must be nine feet in lenglli. The purpose of this is that the sheets shall be long enough to fold back over the blankets or other cov- erings of the bed, so ns to protect these other coverinjjs from contact with the sleeper. This for purely siuiittiry reis- (ins. This law if )iroperly observed and the sheets cluuigcd d'lily would ensure for the traveller a clean bed. In con- nection with this it iiiiiy be said that the object of the law was to prevent the spread of tiilierculosis. It is aftirmed unhesitatingly that liibeiculosis cannot thrive in the climate of Texas, that no cases originate here or are to be foiled except those brought in from outside points, that indeed any ease but the most advanced can lie cured lute if the patient romaiim lony ennngh and takes pidper precautions by living right and d ling what his physician directs. A few years tigo .scores and bnnilreds of (liitieiits who were tlii'Mleniul with, or actually had, tuberculosis, c.ime into the city or state for their health, until the authori- ties became alarmed lest tlie should get a font hold lunong the iiidive citizens. To prevent this a hiw was pasxed prohibiling any person ad'ected with tuberculosis, in its later stiges at any rate, from entering Texas. lUit from iiersonal tibservation in San Anto- nio 1 judgo that the law is not very rig- idly enforced. One tliin|,', however, is noticeable, and that is Ihal the jieople here, I'elying on iiiiuiunity on account of climaiic ciinditions, have no fcnr of the disease." They feol tlmt, except under very extraordinary eirciinistanecs, inocu- lation or contagion is inactically iin- possililo. Another very cuiiouH thing, at least to your hunible servant, i.s the lepilstntus of married women iu Texas, lint as n full discussion of this interesting (piestmn would be too long 1 nnist hocontirnt with a few sentences concorniiij? it. In gen- eral it turns nut that miuried wuinon h'lvo practiually no legal stiuiiling at nil under the laws of Texa^. This kvids to many curious aiioiualie.s and di.sabililies wliieli our women would, I iiii'igine, re- sent !is a serious infringement of ihoir rights and privilogos. Fimt, a innrriod woman, or any woman, in fact, in Texas, cannot vote though .nhe be worth a mil- lion in her own name and right. Women cannot occujiy any civic oltieo such as mayor, aldcrmnii, school trustee, etc. She has no " ollicial say " aa to the niiui- ncr in which the tax she has to pay may be exiiended. She cannot diroet. except thi'oiigli private iiillucnce, the course of study for her ehildren in tho jntblic .scliiiiils or anything connected with their education there. Woi'se than that, a married wnnian cannot, without the con- sent of ber Inisliand, withdraw from the bank ber own money, even if that money were her own absolutely before marriage. Hut her hnsbnnd may, hy his own chetine, and aj;ainsl her [nolest, draw her money fioui the liank and iiiipropri- ato it to his own lie may even be- ipieath her pr(i|ierty, or the greater por- tion of it, so M to alienate it from her or her friond.i forovor. f)ne would think that ill the face of these disabilities no woman in Tezoa with property or money would marry at all. But Huch is not the case, for statistics prove that love laughs at laws liere as elsewhere. There are times, liowever, when a real injury in wrought. In cases where a husband be- comes a vagabond or a drunkard or be- comes alienated from his wife for any cause, she then has a grierance the mag- nitude and result of which may be ap- pnling tu herself and children. I am told, however, that such cases are ex- tremely rare. At the present time many of the most distinguished women in the state luve taken up the cause of their sex and are agitating for a change in some of the state laws with a view to extend the legal rights of women. They are modeal in their demands, however, in this, show- ing a marked contr.'vst with the Kullia- gettes in sou.e of the older lands. They have organized a federated " Mothers' Club," with bi'imclies iu every iiniwirtant centre of the state, one object of which is to secure for women ly co-operation and legitimate agitation «omo of the ' rights to wliich they hold they are justly entitled. On of these, and the one upon which the clubs are at present, placing mostjeniph.isis, is the legal rijjlit to occupy a si.-.-.t on the school boards, if elected to that position, in the .same way as men. They hold that in this jiu.sition they have letter facilities for knowing the needs of children and schools than men, and should therefore have the legal ri<dit to be elected the .same as men. They tire asking only fur a right that our women htive enjoyed for a ipmrter of a century or more. Concerning the st:ito of other educa- tional matters in Texas, I have made some eminiry from those in autliorityand visited some of their .schools, urban and rural, but the suiijecl would be rather professional and teciinical to be interest- ing in such a letter as this, hence I shall be excused from tresim.ssing upon your space and jiatience by dwelling at any length uiion it. I may say that the problem of education here is rtither a dithcult one. There are three races liv- ing together-Whites, Mexicans and Negroes- and though the two first are educated together in the .s;imo schools, there is ipiite a diH'orence in native talent and intelligence which makes the teach- ing more complicated and dilHcult. negroes ate provided with se|)arato schools , Old taught by themselves. This destroys the unity of the system of public education and dividej its forces' thus lessening its etlicieiicy and retarding its progress very m vterially. Ilesides this there are in the cities, especially in San Antonio, so nuiiiy jirivate .sclmols, ami colleges to which most if the better cla.sses of citizens send theircliildieii that the interest in publio education is con- lined to .1 few public spiritel citizens and tolhechisses more directly concerned. This wiil be better nndorstood by a brief comjiiiri.son fnim llie latest (lilOo) school statistics of San .\ntonio,l have at hand. In considering these it must be re- membered tiiat since they were coiiipiUd the population of the city has increased at least '-'0,000 or iie.irly 25 percent., hence a corresponding in the several items (except the private insti- tutions which are practically the siiino as when the staiisiics were comi>lled) must be made - "There are 2t> colleges and private scbools and lOjuiblicscbool.s, the public sluiols occupy 12 massive stone structure} owned by the city and four other commodious buildings which are ri'utoil. In the public schools there are l.'!5 teaelieis, ll'J white and 1(1 colored. Tlie pupils in the public schools number IKt.Vi, pupils in jKiroehial and jirivnie schools number ."ifiil"; total l."),5Htl. .Several new buildings, tilled up with all modern improvements and up-to-date eipiiiiiiieiit. have been recently erected. Some of our |H"oplo at liuniu (I iiiii ghid they lire few) lii-d fault with our educa- tion department for trying to improve our schoid buildings aiui ei|uipuieiit but if they saw what other stales and peoples are doing to forward iiu'.dic educ.itiim, I hey would feol .so mean and small that they would creep into some dark, damp, dismal ground hog's hole and draw the iiolo in after tlioni. There they could inedilatd in silence and alono upon the narrowness of thoir outlook -educational and otherwise - and the folly of idi.struct- iiig the onward march of progress. Ibil 1 promised not to dwell upon this most interesting subject and as this letter i.s already too long 1 must by wishing you and yours the b;ippy enjoyment of every blessing. Yours faithfidly â€" N. W, CAMfUELf,. Y ''OU would soon get rid of a servant who did only half the work in double the time of a capable one. Then why continue using a flour that gives hr.lf the nourishment and double the work to digest? Royal Hois§€ Flour is made from selected spring wheat â€" a wheat that is rich in nutriment. It is the whitest and finest flour made; it makes fully one-third more bread to the pound than any soft wheat flour and is more dependable in every respect. 19 Ogilvie Floor Mills Co., Limited, HoatreaL •••• •••• •••• •••• «•• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• ••• ••• ••• The ;::; •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •«•• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• , ,.••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••>••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••••••••s • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••#••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••7 •••••••••••••.â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢a«*«**««««««*«***«*«««««*«« •••••••••••• •••••••••• •••• • I CEYLON'S BUSY STORE I POT .\ TOES WASTEDâ€" This week we want to get a car hiad to get tlicin shipped before the pits are opened, as the price is likely to to be lower, later. Seeds ! Be sure and get your seeds here if yuu the best at price. the L'bt Boots & Shoes ! We have just what you want for the mul. \ou will hIso want a nicn fine pair for Eivster. Call and .soo '>ur ia-H, Cx-Blo.)ds, and Paf*il (Jnlt in huVnii und genisâ€" the very latest ami up to-date, at prices you caii'l belt. •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• • ••- • ••• â- â€¢â€¢â-  SK: Hr •••• •••• We have Sap Buckets and Spoils, Pails and Ore mi Cans. Now U your tinii; to t'et suj^ar us *e expuct i"; to bo higher io prica soon, lb OHO cbaniiig time is here agiiu. You cvu g*t every thing you re- ipiiro tor It naht here at the riaht price. Dint for^o'- to bring your IVtatoei this week or tirst of next. Highest marliel price paid. i ^as. S^attison, Cej/lon^ Ont, j| • •• •••> • •• •••• *::!!;t????2t!?2*ttt •••••••••*••••••••••••••••••»•• ••••©••••••••••••••••••••••^ Ks. Societies Business Cards AO U M ir.uetR Ol. tlio last Mouilaj W.VI.TEU 1-OL'C'KS III each month, in lluir loogo room " llullder uml Con tioctcr XniiiH' lilocls. Flcshcitoii, nt b p.iu. M. \V.. I I'or liiick, Stouo autl frauiB rcal.ieucos. Mllo^ Tliistletlnvaite; Hec, I!. H. Muusliaw; i tiuiates cbeertuUy luiuiiiheil, Klenliortou P o I'iii., W.J. Jiel.ttUiy. VisUiutitoitbrtu li-vituU ' Ontario. â€" - j «« OULLOUGn * YOUNQ pUIN-CK ABTHIJK LODtJR, No :.33, A R4 j j„ ^ ^„.,,,„ l'^^^ bisluoit'." Money loauod r A rj loeets in the Masonio hall. Ann- at*- roasouablo ralef Call ou us. Btvony s Hall Klosliorton. overv Friday ou | ^ "â-  or before tUo full leocti. Tlioa. lllakoly.W.M.; i _, .,,,^1 i..,,â„¢, Ill l.ylliriljr. 1 I , llorb.imith, SeLro'.Rry. l*ostmastia-, Ceylon. I Coimuissiouur iu H, C ,J .Convoyancor, doeds, COl'UT FLKSIIKUTON, Vi:>. I. P. F. ireots in 1 looitKaKOii, leases, wills etc. carofuUy drawu up Clayton's lUook tlin last Wcduesdav eveiiliis I JoHtctloii.i uiad.'. clmrgua loasoiiablo. Also ot each iiioiitli. VisitioK KoR-ators heartilv K'oueriea, Hour, feed etc. koipt in stock, t'ncen w.lcooio. II. K., Byson; 1!. H., 1'. Hoi.ry; j riKht. Fill. Sec, C. N. llicliarilsou. dav I'lciisii I'ay diieato Kiu. Sec. before tho fliBtj p J SfKOULiK IV of tho iiioiitli. 'w rostuiastor. CnoSKN FHIKND8â€" Flenherton Council ot Chosen Friends moots in Clayton's linll llist and third WeilnoMlay of each iiioutli 8 Flesliortou ^ouiiniKHiouer lu H.C J., Auctioneer voyaucor, Ainuaiser aud Moiiev Leads Uoal Kstatfl aud liiHiuauce Agent. Doedt movtuagoH, leases aii'l wills carefully drawn Pftv asKos-iuientB to tbe He-Older ou or before "P,*"'^"''"*''''''"'^''""'' 'shortest uotlo. treHr«t dayof each month. Chief Councillor ' Vt "^.a . ?fn .Vi r' '"'o" """'o'eBt.ICol. T. lllakelev:Uecorder. W. H.Huiit. »r?.o« 1 >w i , np" , *'n 1"""1P '."'!«« ouariios low. Aaenl; for Ocean UomiuioB â-  - - - - - â-  Steaiuahip Coniiiany. A call solicited. Pure Brad English Berkshires and' p. M,.pnui ii„„., , . .• : â€" T" «, " .. 11 '>lor HAIL, l.tceusod Aueiiouoer for tho lainWOrtnS. I*-'* county of Oroy. Terms moderato aiid J liavea line of voiiiij; iiias lirod fnuu 1 ""''"faction jjiiaranteed. The ariaiigoiuouta prize winning stock, for sale. Write ni« for Xo Kel?e^ ?.?,^J1^ ??n"'V^" f '''"^.V^ prices, real, give « bargain also guarantee I °it°octfou. ''*•"â- ' ^''''''"- ^ "-*'•"''">'â- Â» atisfactiou on all mail orders. j Dec. 0.07. ( ii^ii. W. KOSS, Ma.\weU P. 0. ' â-  I r VV I'iAirTlNd, Licensed Auctioneer for •-". • . tho eoimiicH of (.liny and Siincoe. For Sale ' I'ann and Slock salo.s a spooiiilty. Torma One .span of I.lchtuii.u Colls ccniinc tl-reo I "'^''l"''i'" ?"'''»'"«'>"n RoaraiitGed. Arrange. ,nSc".od? Ueady tl: work. aIso o," Shorthorn oju"" '"'.•"?;'''?,::'*}:,''" T!"'","' "l" ^''V '"»• !!,.ll.ei«hteeu ino'iitliH ol,l. bred by (loo.Uristow. °?\ii'kS:,;tLl/\?,f i.rii!:,!?.!?,!,'::,''";:."â„¢''*'"^ llolilioy, nnuibe".iSII.'>, iu vohinui '.it, Naice- Vlllago (Japtaln. Al.liKll'C K' 1IANI..EY, Lot â- 1, Con. 10, Osprev, Fevorshaiii P. 0. or by addressing me at Fovoishaui, Out lil, con, \% Ospiey, The oditor of this great family journal istha owner af 13 hons which will not take a back seat as winter layers. Dur- ing February mo'ith (28 day.s) the thirteen produced 2115 eggs or nineteen dozen and seven.â€" Dundalk Herald. Thornbuiy will vote on A|iril \:\ on the question of loaning a wood aloohul and charcoal manufactory to tho extent of $10,00(1, the factory to employ «t least 30 hands for iiOO days each year, and to pay out wages to the extent of $13,000 per .tnnum. By an Oi'der-in-Counoil and upon the rooommend'ition of the Minister of I'ublic Works the Provinuial CJovernment has enacted that no person shall act an guide for hunting or fishing parties without a license for which a fee of S2 shall be paid Bull Fur Service '.' years old, leg. shorthorn bull, Victor's I'ride, 7-t**n."> is for service at Lot ;17, Coll. ti, Artuiuesia. Terms $1.UU. JOHN H.\R(;KAVK. eO YEARS* \ :.EXPERiENCB ATENTS Tbadi Marks Desiqks • Copyrights Ao. Anrono ncnrilng a sketch ard :^r'snrlnlloTi rasf qulcklr asi^ertMn our o|iln!oii free wlietlier ao luveiillon la I'-.ohrtlity pfitonliihle. Celtiinunioa. lions BtrlcllycoiiU.U'ntlul. HANDBOOK ouVateau lent free, (ildost in'ency for fccurlrir patontji. I'litoiits tnkttn MiroUKh Muiui Je Cbb rocolV9 •iwriai tuitko, %vll liout c harit a, Ui tbo Scientific Jintericdtt A handsunioly illiistrntod weekly. Liirgost cir- culation of any lelciitiilo JouniaL 'i'erma lor Canada, t:i.76 a Toai, poi;ta«e iitepiUcL Sold by tU newsdealers. «8S8S£»*n'rri'l!s!yit(ri( DUDD MiTHRWS. Markitale, Taconsod " auc'.ioneor for tho county of (tioy. Good servioo at ro.rst.nable rates. Hates ' can bj made at The Advance. 1 o (u Lec;.\l tarrister. Si »«u Sound, . „... N H - o hertoii olllce. Sinoule'ii lilook every Saturd - nr H. WRIGHT, Harrister, Solicitor. Convoy, •'aucor, etc.,â€" Owen Sound, aud Floahertuu. Medical CAllTER M C P 4 S OnJ. Physician, Surtjeon. « oaioe aud rosidanceâ€" Peter at, Fleshorton D" J P OTTKWELL " Veterinary 3urf(eon Oraduato of Ontario Veterinary Colleeo, rosidouoe â€" sscond door south west*on Vary street. This street runs soutb Presbyterian Church. n WILSON, Dlacksinith "• Uradnato of 00 Veterinary Hcienoa AsBOomtion Uesldonco, llurhaiu -jtroet, ou oaite Hayd, Hiekllug's hardware. Dentistry E. C. MURRAY L. .1. S., dental surgoon honor griiduato of Toronto Univeraitv and Uoyal tollege of Don till Surgeons of Ontario, Oas adniiiilstored tor teeth extraction, olllce at resi-lonce, To ronto stroo Irlosborton D W. #

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