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Flesherton Advance, 4 Mar 1909, p. 3

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T l»iii|i|i|ii wi 1 .1 II jn iiippiii, |i)iwmi^pppwBnwiipiww^Pi^B^pwâ€"ww<wpi â- wm'M' "T-^^P" w^ â- <*P!IP E le- 9. -'?!-• ch., ;a- to-' to' lUfe* ue* he- CO. ee itj- im_ re. ed- al or or. le SI DC P-- ;h it- & r. ii It re d i» e : TOO LITTLE BLOOD. ! Responsible for Nearly all of the Misery Womon Eudure. Anaemia is written on the fea- . tures of ninety woinen oat of a hundred. Unmistakable arc the • signs of "too little blood." The • weaker »ex is assailed at all ages • by the evils resulting from blood- lesnncss, from the girl who is weak and languid, with dull eyes, pale • Jips, fitful appetite and palpitating , heart, to the wouian wlio feels ''never well," with pains in the ' back and tho shouldera, . fainting fits and aching liniba. Aud ^ later at life's turning point, nerv- ous disorders and heart trouble.s make great calls on a woman's • strength. , At all agR,s Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are especially valuable to the female sex, for they alone possess • the power of making in abundance _ the rich, rod blood of he*lth. They fill the starved veins with new blood . so that cnfeobk'd bodies are 8trengt'hen4;d, weak nerves are for- • tified, and robust health is restored. Mrs. E. Smith, Windsor, N. S., ' fiays: "A few years ago my health ^ began to fail. 1 suffered greatly '. from inward troubles, and in about a year's time ray whole system was • almost a wreck. My blood had , turned t.j water, and my heart had become so badly offeotod that ' I could scarcely go about. In fact • life had almost become a burden, . and there seemed little hope for me. Oue day a friend asked me if I had tried Dr. Williams' Pink • PilU, and told me that she had , been in almost the same condition , I was aad bhat the Pills had re- stored her to her present splendid • health. I took oouraije from what .my friend told rae and began to .take the Pills. I took them regular- ly for several months, constantly â- growing stronger, and the inter- •oal troubles from which I had been Jifflicted were disappearing, and tuy whole system seemed to have â- gained new strength. I wanted to make certain that there would be no return of the trouble and I con iinued to take the Pills for a time after I had really fully recovered. Since I have proved for myself what Dr. Williams' Pink PiMs can do, 1 Jiave recommended them to a nuin ;ber of suffering people, and those who have given them a fair tria' •have proved with me that Dr. Ws! -liams' Pink Pills are just what they •are recommended to be." . Sold by all medicine dealers or .by mail at 50 cents a box or six .boxes fur $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockvil'e, Ont. II . KILLED IN RIOTS. • Regular PKoheil Battles Between Rival Proccssiouisls. The average man is rarely very • tolerant of street demonetraftions with whose principles he disagrees. Frequently, as a result, bricks are thrown, or even more dangerous missiles, says an English paper. .\t Bar^elona, for instance, on June Tth, 1896, certain anti-clericals went to the length of pitching dyna- mite bombs into the ranks of a reli- gious precession, killing fifteen per- sons and wounding fifty. No longer ago than July, 1851, a procession of Orangemen in Liver- pool raised so fierce a riot that the thoroughfares throush which it passed were otrewn thick with the dead and dying on both sides. A similar march of Orangemen through the streets of Belfast, too, led to the frightful conflicts of August, 1864, in the course of which nine persons were killed outright and 150 wounded. Old residents in East London, again, will remember the dreadful riots directed against the ritualis- tic processions in what was then Ratcliffe Highway, nearly half a century ago; while, at a later date, the open-air processions of the Sal ration Army aroused even fiercer resentment in many parts of Eng- land. At Gravesend, Guildford, and elsewhere, "Skeleton Armies" were enrolled, and regular pitched bat- tles took place between the rival processionists. At Worthiug fire- arms Wire brought into requisi- tion, and many people were badly hurt. At Brighton the casuaitics in connection with a fortnight's fight- ing amounted to over 100; while at Tredegar, the rioting, that follow- ed the breaking up of a procession by Irish rought, resulted in the en- by Irish roughs, resulted in the en- sacked aud demolished, with loss of life, and many minor casualties. BABY'S CWN~TABrETi~ WILL CUSE YOUR BABY It your little ones are subject to coli?, indigestion, constipation, worms, simple fevers, or the other minor ailments of childhood, give them Baby's Own Tablets and see bow quickly the trouble will disap- pear. But better still, an occa- sional dose of Tablets given to well children will keep these troubles away. Mrs. Allan A. MacDonald, Island River, N. B., says: "My baby suffered greatly from consti- pation and stomach trouble and Baby's Own Tablets cured him. I always keep the Tablets in tho home now." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. BACK TO THE LA:ND. QvMlioB Will be Settled About tho Year 2103. Sir William Ramsay ia of opinion that the "back to tho land" ques- tion will be settled, somewhere about the year 2109, by the com- pulsory return of tho great niasu of tho people of England to agricul- tural pursuits. The prime factor in the case is the diminishing coal supply, which, according to this eminent authority, would not last more than from 500 to 800 years. Tho chief source of energy at the present moment are coal, oil, wood and water. Long before tho coal supply becomes exhausted there will bo diminished production with higher prices, and within 200 years, or even lees, the high price of coal will render the conditions of living very diflScult. A supply of heat might be obtain- ed in tho form of steam by drilling a hole in the earth's crust at least ten miles deep. Such a protect has , bean considered from a practical point of view by Hon. Mr. Parsons, j of turbine fame, and his verdict is ' that tho execution of the project | would cost $4,800,000, and could not '. be accompli.shed in less than eighty I years. It is conceivable that such a project might be undertaken, but j it is highly improbable that it will I be. _ ^ j Sir William urged that the pres- j ent generation should exercise thought for the generations to come by conserving the stores <>f coal ex- isting in England, otherwise in two hundred years he foresaw a general emigration from England to other countries and the decay of the in- dustries dependent on coal for their energy. « RUSSIAN MABRUGE REFORMS Ceremonies Abroad to be Reeog- liized in the Empire. Impcvrtant reforms in the marri- age laws are impending. Russia is about to recognize the validity of civil marriages and to remove di- vorce from the jurisdiction of the religious to that of the civil courts. At pres^ent a Russian who con- tracts a civil marriage in England, Franoe, or Germany can, on re- turning ho.Ti'e, marry again with- out any hindrance, his first marri- age being considered invalid. Many women have been wronged through ignorance of this fact. The Government hcis now pre- sented proposals to the Douma greatly facilitating divorce eases â€" which will be tried before a civil judge instead of a religious synod or consistory â€" and also elaborating a scheme for civil marriages. THE FIRST FUNCTION. "I'm living in a new neighbor- hood now." "Have your new neighbors of- fered you any attentions?" "Well, I think some of them in- These two desirable qualifica- tions, pleasant to tho taste and at the same time effectual, are to be found in Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Uhildren like it. CALVES RaUt TlKin WIthuut Atllk. ItMU BriakSMd tia., Uii., TanaU WB WANT BKLIABM: MBX A.MO WAMXS fttl uror "4<i:i<a to work for UJ iluiliig tb»ir apart hour* Mlllug our kiib Kr»4* Par/uaiM, Toilet Rsqul><to>. 1'eai. ColTni, oto. No txpvJ* . __.^ .. _______ one* nec«Miir7. Work pUiMiit vij ronnio»rati»«. LOVELY EASTER 'Tte Uomo SpeoitiUoi Co., D«p'U W, Xf»bax â- "'^ » fc. â- - I fcj-»»i» • «••« ^,eouo, Turanto. Canada. WAS TAKEN S C( FaOM CATCHiH3 COLD PE-RO-NA R£UEVEF. MISS ERNESTINE BOUVARD, Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, Can., writes: "At the clo.'w of 1S03 I took sick as the result of catching cold, i became very weak and could not do anything. "I consultetl a doctor who had me taks various kinds of medicine, but I d'ni not find any relief from my suffering. At the advice of a friend, I webe to you and you ad- vised me. "After I had taken two bottles of Peruua there was noticeable im- provement. I combined the use of Peruna, Manalin and Lacupia and after taking several bottle* of each i find myself entirely cured. "I can certify that it waa through your niediflnes that 1 rncoTercd my hftuUh. I advise every one who is similarly afflicted to obtain Dr. Hartman's advice and be benefit- ed." Mrs. Wilda Mooers, R. F. D. No. 1, Lents, Oregon, writes : "For the past four years I was a wretched woman, suffering with severe backaches and leaving me so weak and it was only with diffleulty was able to attend to my household duties. i "1 used different remedies, but I found no relief until I bad tried Perwna. "Within two weeks there was a change for the better, and in less than three months I was a well aud happy woman. "All the praise is due to Peruna." Peruna is not a local remedy, • but an internal systemic remedy. â-  It will relieve catarrh in its mo?t ! obstinate form. "I am going to marry your daughter, sir," said the positive young man to the father. "Well, you don't need to come to me for aj-mpathy," replied the father, "I have troubles of my own." girau. '"' " oVr"- POST CARDS with yeur NAME or TaWN In OSLO or VlLVBTIOo. Aganu trattt»><. B*au- ti/ul i'remiuui or Larg* c'oiumhiioua N.B. -Tills ail. will nut appear afalii SeUVENIQ ART CO., CLIMTONVIILE, CONN. Some mighty big men have been known to crawl out of some mighty small holes. Rapoat It'.- "Sblloh*! Care will alwaTB cure my ooiislui and colda.' ' . Rspeat It;â€" ' V>vlIoh'« Our* irlll alwaya cura lar oouicbM auU uolds. ' ' Blessed ia the sUent man, for he ia able to keep the lid on his ignor- auce. No Alcohol In It.â€" Alcohol or any i other volatile matter which would ' impair strength by evaporation Patientâ€" "I wish to consult you with recrard to my utter loss of memory." poctor-'^Vh, yea ! Whyi;i;;^;"';,ot''in"any* shape^ entorTnto tho manufacture of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Nor do climatic ,_.„,.,.„„,., , „ u.u . . ichanges affect it. It ia as tcrvice- Ann's I ling talB«in. Ill which ttaervUnnoplam, ' i , • . i « i- /-r i â-  ii. cures floro ihr.iHt aud .lore lun^m, a» it allays ths aule in the Arctic Uircle as in ttie inflammatum auU ri.u you oi th. »ue-.>u. tiiat , Torrid Zone, perhaps more useful stops up Uie ait paasasea. Mo, 6Uo, tl.iw bottlas. ' . ., , • , , .-^ , , in the higher latitudes, where man â€" er â€" in cases of this nature, I al ways require my fee in advance.' Little Ella â€" "I'm never going to Holland when I grow up." Gov- ernessâ€" "Why not?" " 'Cause our geography says it's a low lying country." When all other corn pre^iara- tions fail, try Holloway'a Corn pure. No pain whatever, and no inconvenience in using it. Many a woman prides herself on her ability to unders-t.and things without giving them a thought. is more subject to colda from ex- posure to the elements. Hunker â€" 'Halloa, Ricketts, when ia your marriage to Miss Flirte coming off i" Ricketts â€" "It has been indefinitely postponed." "What's the trouble f' "Oh, she married another fellow." An lnh«ntano» "1 wcat lunei i» a acrlmis handi- cap, but Alloiia Lung Balsam, taken :it lli» nrrt •Irn o( a ojuiih wiU omure iinmuniiy froii tni» duucernui defect. Don't trirte with unkauwa daugernui defect. NOTHING SERIOUS. ireriag wiuii ^^^ kidneys, restoring them to other pains, ihjj^itijfui motion, inducing a regu- r*?h^""r •^'" ^"^ °^ ^-'^ secretions and im- nilty that 1 parting to the organs comnlote "Say, Rufe, what dis I hear 'bout your son Gabe gettin' in Sunday -* Once More from The Great West Comes Evidence of the Great Work Dodd's Kidney Pills Are Doing. Cyrllli Maslnol Cured cf hl3 mioumallstn and DlabelBG by tho old ReliabU Kid- ney Remody. Findlay, Man., Mar. 8. (Special). â€"Cyrille Maginel, a well known farmer living near here, furnishes further evidence of the sreat work AN IDEA. In developing the idea of truth- fulness, a teacher asked the ques- tion, "What is the best thing in the world to do, and at the same time the hardest (" A little girl raised her hand timidly. "W«ll, ! Emma?" "To get married." A Woman's Sympathy Sure Regulators.â€" Mandrake aad Dandelion are known to e.xort a powerful influence on the liver ' trouble at church last and kidneys, restoring them to! night?" I "'Taint nothin' serious, parson. ! He jes' musin' hisself some. Broke parting to the organs complete up <!,. meetin' wid a axe handle, power to perforin their functions, j and carve he's name on throe of These valuable lugredicnts enter i them deacons' face wid a razor. into the composition of Parnaelee's I Dat's all." Vegetable Pills, and serve to ren-' FRUIT LAND. Fire acres, elnso to rail a«d Vancnarer, B. O. Price f!00, terms. AUo city and suuurbaa loU anil acreafco. aEUHGC A. KKNnALI,, Pealar la Hsaltr, flic Uastlugs St. W., Yaacourer, 0.0. CLEANING A flVAUCMH OR OUTII«« •uirs Oa be ilene petfeMlj kf eat Fnaek r sm. Tit M MIITUH AIHWOAII BWma c« . IKMR«SAXk TOaOMTa OTTAWA * QUIBM LADIES Important Auction Sale of Sliortliorn balU, cows aui heifers, at WOODSTOCK, ONT.. HAS OH 4tll. 1M8 In Ssl6 PaTlllon. Fortr head are ia the »B»Hi%. Farmers and breeders la need uf henl bulls wul Sud them at thli^ sale. Apply far cataluKuei to U. J. OarU, Wuedsteok Capt. T. R. Oobtan, Auctle:.eer. A- J. PATTISON & CO. 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TORO;4T9, Stooh Brokers & Finanoial Asenta fend other stocks b.^at;ht an<l H>'ld on comalsato^ C«iT«spondeaoe iBTitod. Otdenmar b* wln4M ^lar â- Tpsnirt NO. 2 DO MO Cream Ceparator PEICEIM.O}. LOT MB 8BND YOU A Domo Orauu Separator to your heme tar IS diyo* Pis* TriaL The Trial irill not ooil you a psnnj. I sell raf ir.acblneatrlctlr onltsmeilt, aud it ills t J be better tkaa oth»r3v.J-.>t simpijr asgoud) tt« otaud a ciiatice in oompeti- ties. It I 't better, and u in- troduced iti a square-deal w^j. My Free Trial aad ei- aininatton plaashould inter* est fnu. Wiite fur Circular "W" to J. H. MORROW. BSIGHTO.V, ONTAaia der them the agreeable and salu- tary medicine they are. "There are few pills so effective as they in i their action. I A fellow may turn a.s red lobster without being one. as a Pills doing Rheumatism Maginel says of his >?'jre. Dodd's Kidney the west. "I suffered from and Diabetes," Mr. in telling the story "My sleep was broken and u;ire- freshing, and I waa tired and nerv- ous all the time. 1 was treated by n. doctor but he failed to cure me. Reading that Dodd's Kidney Pills were good for brick setliinent in the urine, led me to try them, and after using twelve boxes I am as well as I can possibly be. Dodd's Kidney Pills have made a new man of me and I am thankful." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure- all. They cure sick kidneys and that is all that is claimed for them. But sick kidneys are the root of numerous diseases caused by im- pure blood. For you can't have pure bood with sick kidneys. It is the work of tho kidneys to strain the impurities out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Diabetes because it ia a kidney disease ; they cure Rheumatism because it is caused by sick kidneys failing to strain the uric acid out of the blood. Repent tt:â€""Sh!Ioh'3 Cups will alwaya euro my cousbs aud ^olcla." SIMPLE SIMON. One Sunday morning, when â- everybody had gone to church, a travoller uirdertook to show the landlord of a country inn how to draw three different sorts of wine from the same cask. The two wont down into the cel- lar, and the stranger bored a hole in the cask, o\'«r which he asked the landlord to place his thumb ; j Aro you dLsrouraKeii? Is your Jootor'a 1 he then bored a second hole, which Wll a heavy tl!i;inclaJ loaU7 Is your pain I ,,,.;„„ ),,,„i u-.i 4 -, „t„_ ,,_ „:^u uic i a lieavy physical burden? I Unuw wliatj"'-'"® ""*•' "*" 'â- '^ *'•<*? "P W^ "^^ \ thcsu mean to dclicals womenâ€" I havslotlier thumb, been dlseouraccd, too; but learuoj how to | >lf. I want to rollcvo voiir bur- .. . . ,y„no' e;;d the p.iin and stop th«| hole, when it apparently struck doctor's bin? I can do Uila for you aud; ,.:„ ,.u... ii._ i_..ji,_.i ..._.. 1.1 _.i.i Wll) If you will assist me. AU ... bo.x "Do the new neighbors annoy you as much by borrowing as t'heir predecessors didV asked Mi". Blykins. "No," answered his wife. "â- They haven't run over to borrow a thing. I never saw anybody quite 80 haughty and unsociable." DEVELOPEffi Will dovtflop jouT hust from twa to three lucUoi m a vory aburt tima. ABSOLL'TELr njLituLEM. Frico $1.00 pnpUdj ('uiuTnunicj.tidns Htrictly private. THB COWARDS MEOICINS COMPANY eil Bathurst dt., Turuuto. Oat. DAILY MISHAPS MAKE ZAM-BUK A DAILY NEED. euro niysolf dons. WJi ant to rollcvo voiir bur^ I He then Set to work on tlie tliird (1 stop th« I him that the landlord would not I Tou m-ed do is to write for a frea I ),c equal to the task of stopping I f tlio remody whlrh has bcca placed i^iii. ji iiai In my hands to bo given away. Perhaps that also, and he ran out cf the 'tn-is done so i cellar to this one box will euro you _ for others. It so, I si'.all bo hnppy and you wlU bo cured for 2o (tlio cost of a i Sosta.ia stamp). Tour letters held coiift- enllullr. 'Write to-<'av for mv fr«e trent- meuL ii&S. 7. E CVRRAH, Windsor, Ont On the ocean of life many a wo- man sails under false colors. ft>tch a tap." I He never returned, and the inn- i keeper had to wait by the side of: his cask until his family had re- | â- turncKl from church. 'The rogue 1 had by that time, of cours<j, do- 1 camped with all he could lay hands ! Many patent medicines have come ! and gone, but Bickle's .\nti-Con- \ They Wake the Torpid Energies. â€"Machinery not properly super- vised and lef;. to rw-^ ii,self, very I sumptive Syrup continues to occu- soon shows fault in its working. It .py a for<.>iiiost placo among reme- is the same with the digestive or- [dies for 'oughs and colds, and as a gans. Unregulated from time to' provoiuive of dcoay uf the lungs. It time they are likely to become tor- 1 is a standard medicine that widens pid and throw the whole system its sphere of usefulness year by out of gear. Parmelee's Vegetable! year. If yiui are in need of some- Pills were made to meet such en-sea. thing to rid yourself of a c(jugh or They restore to the full the flag ging faculties, and bring into or- der all parts of the mechanism. A young man doesn't begin to rise in the world until he settles down. Repeat It;â€" "Shlloh's Care will alwMTa cure my oouKbs and colds." Fresh children, unlike paint, should be sat upon. fresh ror Ohllblatne, Frost Bites, Bruises, Spntlns, nothing equ.«ls the famous old reiaed.T. I'erry naris' HaiiikiHor. ICsep a bottle always on hand. Kqualiy ijood to check Chills aud break uu Colds. At all drucgists. Some people believe everything they hear and a lot they dream. cold, you cannot do better than try Bickle's Syrup Kind words never die- other kind live forever. -and tho Repeat It: --'Sbiloh'a Onr* will alwaya oure my ooushs and colds." Leap before you look^thcn look foolish. ACCIDENTS will happen in the best regulated hoines ; and having a box of I^am-Bulc handy is a precaution that has saved thousands of families much worry and expense. There is never any knowing what a small injur/ may lead up to if ncglcctej. The stoppage of the bleeding, or the pain from a cut, burn, or scald, lulls many people into a false sense of secnrily. Dust getting into a wound may set up f»»tcring, inflammation, and blood-poisoning. In a similar way, a tiny cut may be the starting point of itching and irritating eczema ; and the spot your child sci-atches on his head, the unsuspected beginning of ringworm or some th;r hair-destroying scalp disease. Zam-Buk. while such a perfect healer, is alao the inveterate enemy of skin-diseese. A burn, scald, cut, or brxiiae promptlv and recularlv drcsced with this rare and rich halm cnnnot " turn tlie wrone way " : ^nd any tendency of the skin to become it hy, inflanietl. or " malttfry." is 8n«eiilly checked. This 13 because ifam-Buk not cnly cr-ws new. itcaithy akiu. but. being co refined. Is abeorbed by the pores, and its heatins eee -ices mak? perfectly healthy all Uie uuderlyins tieaues. Alwaya keep a box oi Zam-Buk handy, for daily mishaps make Zam-Iiuk a daily need. BAD SCALOOURED. Mrs. W. Curker. 15. Uichniond Sqiisre. Montieal. says :â€" " .M> liltli^ iraailsou was fiev(:r<^ly scalded on lu» righc leii from the knee to the nnUle. This injury was very serious, and dr inandc^l grc^t aitenlion. Wo used n.iilline i>ut Zani-Uuk, and u was wondo'ful how coollnn and soulhlns il proved. It WAS some weeks Imfore the le){ was linally healed, but there was not a scar left to ahtiw where ho had boon scalded. As the houie ' first-aid,' 1 think XimiSa^ is without equal." CHILD BURNED_BY STGVE LIO. ^Irs. II. Giidleftone. of 106. Itawdon Street, Br^ntlord. Cint., says;â€" "I tiiui /aiu-buk a splendid lieaier of children's ini'jries. My Ultle boy burncfl his foot very badly on the rcil'hdt lid of the stove. 'I'he sUin was compietely burned oft. and he had a ^ho^kins foot, the wounfl ttiiniui; to a running .ore, fcioierinif end discharging. I appli.d ^ani.lUik. and it ellecllvety checked -'.1 dtscharglng and festering, drew out t!^e indaiiinialion, and finally licaled the wound nicely." Zam-Buk It a positive and certain cure for ;:- Is. bur -. brtiises, sprains, piles, festering sores, ulcers, scalds, l)lo,Hl-lK<isoning. xr-ina. scabs, chapped handr,. cold-crscks, chilblains, ringwurni, scalp sores, bau leg, disease' ankles, r * all other skin diseases and injuries, Riibived well into the parts adectcd, it euros neu at .a, rheumatism, and r.ciatica. All Dru<!gists ?n I SI â- -c". â-  rl! 'f ''^- '•''>\. t^rre for $\.2f>, o;- post free frnni /^m-Hnk (^n., Tornnto. for .'rico. DISCRETION. Valor is often taken for discre- tion. During a certain battle the colonel of an Irish regiment notic- ed that one of the men •was ex- tremely devoted to him. Every- â- where the colonel went, the soldi- er followed faithfully. At last the officer remarked : "Well, my man, you have stuck by me well to-day." "Yes, sorr," replied Pat. "Shure it 'was my mother said to me, says she, 'Just you stick to the colonel, Patrick, me bhoy, and you'll be all roight. Them colonels never get hurted.'" In the British Museum there aro on exhibition books written on oy- ster shells, bricks, tiles bones, and ivory. Repeat it:-"Shlloh's Cttr* will alirMjra cure my couKbs and oolds." SEEKING A REPUTATION. "Dem Johnsings," said Mrs. 'Rastus Black, "doan nebbah hab chicken fo' dinnah no mo'." "No," replied her husband, "since dcy begin makin' a li'l money dey bin tryin' meek beliebe dey kin affo'd ter buy in bro'd day- light all de grub dcy need." "It says here," began the lady 'who could do more talking in on« day than six phonographs and five parrots combined, "that after a balloon has ascended to the height of six miles its occupants dare tiot open th»ir mouths." "Will you go up, Maria, if I buy a balloon t" asked her husband, desperately. Some fellows haven't enough push to master a wheelbarrow. Put up In 11 Vard Rtills. The famous "The D 4 L" Menthol PUiter-s, which cure Iuniliai{o, backache, sciatica, iienralgi.v etc., are .ilwj'y pu' up In one yard rolls for phy-nioians aud family use. Uavii & Lawrence Co.. Montreal- CERTAINLY. "What would you say," says the prophet of woe, "if I were to tell you that in a short space of time all the rivers in this country would dry up?" "I would say," replied the pati- ent man, "go and do thou like- wise." ISSUE NO. 10â€"09. Write for Weekly Price Lista, JOHN HALLAM Shipmonta Sollolteii. TORONTO. ONT. WHY DO So m^y Inshtuh'ons devoted lo the Kigher Edu- cation select Bell piancs ? The fact that they use aid prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct ment I Oae follows professional advice in acquinM an cducetioi^ why Dot (oUow pnfnsional cwtoin in buying Bell pianos) Tho only piaii04 willi the ll'.imitnbU Quick Rapeatiag Actios. Send for (tree) Catalogue No. 78. TheSEU. PIANO «OfA»n Co.. Umil»d GUE.LPH. ONTARIO^ «w«e«ir e^nw m i

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