LA GRIPPE'S VICTIMS I from BONNIE SCOTLAND '.L<-fti W8a][, Miserable and a Frey 10 Disease iu Many Forms ' La Grippe starts with a sneeze â€" â- and ends with a complication of .troubles. It lays the strong man â- on his back; it tortures him with fevers and ' chills, headaches and fbackaches. It leaves him a prey .to pneumonia, bronchitis, consump- tion and otherdeadly diseases. You 'can avoid La Gnppe entirely by 'keeping your blood rich and red by the occasional use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. If you have not 'done this, and the disease lays you ^ow, you can banish all its evil after (effects with this same great blood- building, nerve restoring medicine. Here is proof of the wonderful t)ower of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills pver disease : Mr. P. E. Paulin, Collector of Customs at Caraquet, N. B., says: "In the winter of 1907 I had a ve'y 'severe attack of la grippe, which Jbroke me down entirely. I had to take to bed for several weeks. Dur- ing that time I employed a doctor, but without benefit, in fact I seemed iu be getting worse and worse. I did not sleep ; suffered from night sweats, and had no appetite. I was really a physical wreck. On a former occasion I had used Dr. •Williams' Pink Pills for general debility, with great benefit so I de- cided to again try them. I sent for Balf dozen boxes and began to use tliem at once. When taking the second box I began to feel quite a change in my condition. I was able to walk about the house and my appetite was improving. From that on I gained strength every day, and before the six boxes were done I was able to return to the t/ffice and attend to my work. Now !• enjoy the best of health, and al- though 63 years old. am feeling quite young. I think Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a splendid medi- cine for troubles of this kind." pr. Williams' Pink Pills are a blood-making, nerve-restoring ton- ic In this way they cure anaemia, indigestion, rheumatism, neural- gia, St. Vitus' dance, and partial paralysis. They are the best me- dkine in the world for the ailments of girlhood and womanhood. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $?.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. • PEMTEXTIARY REPORT. •The Dominion Department of J*i8tice report for the last fiscal yi>ar has appeared. It shows a elight falling off in the penitentiary population of Canada. The num- ber serving sentence last year was 1,418, a decrease of 15. There were il5 prisoners released on parole cluring the year covered by the re- port, -20 prisoners were pardoned, â- and 8 in British Columbia escaped. •It is stated escapes were dne to Jack of discipline and disregard of prison regulations. * The report notes that the pro •portion of youthful prisoners Is .greater in the east than in the west ^Convicts under twenty years of age form 19 per cent, of the population 'of the Dorchester Prison. 17 per •cent, at St. Vincent de Paul aid • in Manitoba only three per cent . Sixty per cent, of all convicts ai - Canadian born, Iti per cent. Brit- 'Ish and 10 per cent, from the Unit- 'ed States. The greatest increase 'has been in the case of Italian c.>n 'victs. Six hundred and ninety cne "of the convicts profess adhere ice 'to the Roman Catholic Church, 319 â- to the Church of England, 151 to the M<'thodist, N4 to the Presbyteriai; . J 6e to the Baptist, 43 to the Luthe- • an, 17 to the Buddhist, 8 Jews, 2 Mormons and 20 unclassified. Dominion Parole Otficer .Arcin- ' bald reports that since 1809 there Jiave been 1,135 prisoners who cjm- , pleted their sentences on parole.,, and there -cr.e "84 tioketrof-leavc men still reporting. There have been 92 paroles cancelled and 35 ha\e been forfeited by subsequent > convictions. NOTES OF INTEREST PROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. ^Vliat is Coins on in tlic Higblands aud Lowlands o( Auld Scolia. In Leith last year the building trade was very dull. Portobello Free Library is said to have about 2,000 books which have never been read. In Edinburgh there were 3,228 claims lodged for old-age pensions, and 2,790 were allowed. Provost Cuthbert has promised to do something to relieve the distress of the unemployed in Perth. There were 3,026 marriages regis- tered in Edinburgh city last year, being over 90 less than in 1907. The deposits in the Savings Bank in Edinburgh now aggregate $5,- 000,000 more than they did ten years ago. Miss Bridget M. Davidson, War- die, has left the Leith Hospital 92,- 500, and the Longniore Hospital for Incurables $2,500. There were 273 joint stock com- panies registered in Scotland last year, with an aggregate capital of nearly 830,000,000. The Eclipse Tool Manufacturing Company, Glasgow, have contracts for the erection of new works at Linw^ood, near Johnstone. At a recent graduation ceremony in Glasgow, a student was capped in full Higland costume, probably for the first time in the history of the University. A young man employed in a ware- house in Glasgow is charged with stealing $750 worth of fancy vests, furs, boots, dressing gowns, cor- sets, bronze ornaments, and watches. The state of trade in Aberdeen during last year showed that de- pression was the keynote, except in the white fishing industry. The quantity of fish landed constituted a record. In consequence of the opening of the tramways to Balloch, it has been found necessary to provide an additional constable for the dis- trict to assist m preserving order, especially on Sundays. The little girl of a plowman at St. Cyrus, Kincardineshire, was fatally burned through her night- gown taking fire. The nearest doc- tor was five miles away, and could not be reached owing to the snow storm. The late ex-Provost Yellowlees left SlOO to each of the employes in the leather works at Queen street, Stirling, and to a former clerk, now in Coatbridge, and $250 to each of six Stirling institutions. The late Dr. Paterson, Arden, has bequeathed $500 to the coal fund for the poor, and $500 for prizes in connection with the pub- lic school, in addition to other be- quests for religious and charitable purposes. Workmen have been employed upon Stirling Castle to make se- cure parts which were in a danger- ous condition. Improvements have been made in the buildings known as the Douglas Block, Argyll's Lodging, and Mar's Walk. HATFUL OF DIAMONDS. Wonderful Stories from German Soulh Africa. A recent arrival at Cape Town from Luderitzbucht (German South- west Africa) has supplied interest- ing information regarding the re- markable diamond finds in that territory. The newly-found fields, writes a correspondent at Cape Town, are situated about seven miles from the coast, and claims have already been pegged out over a considerable area, the pegs in one claim being at high-water mark actually under water. A writer in The Frankfurter Zei- tuiig describes the impressions of a visitor to the diamond fields : "It is ma.rvellous. With my own eyes I have seen a whole hatful of little diamonds, beautifully bright and glittering, and at present pric- es worth 248. a carat. ''Col. Harris, a director of the De Beers Company, tried to get 25,000 £l shares, but was refused them, as the syndicate does not want to have a single De Beers Company director in its undertak- ing. "A leading expert from Johan- nesburg has also been on the .spot, and after examining the place for a whole ten days returned quite amazed. It is extremely curious that German capital has n5o\ed ao slowly and refused so absolutely to give any help at the outset. "It will be no wonder if other people rush in and skim ot! the cream. We shall have the name old experienceâ€" the accursed Britisher snatching everything away before our eyes." The Frankfurter Zf itung publish- es these cheerful reflections, with the remark that the reports are be- yond doubt exaggerated, and that the diamond fever seems to have got the better of cool calculation. COAL BUCKETflL ON HIM. Couldn't Walk tor Two Mootbs. Worker Owes tli^ Restoration to Zam-Buk. Repeat It:- â- 'Shlloh'a Cure wUl al-waya cure my cougba and oolds." A MOTHER'S AID 4 IN THB NURSERV. 9 Every mother should be able to treat the minor ail- ments of her little ones. 4 Prompt action may prevent ? serious illnessâ€" perhaps save A a child's life. A simple re- 4 medy always at hand is 9 therefore an absolute neccs- T sity, and there is nothing 4 else so good as Baby's Own Q Tablets. These Tablc-ts ♦ promptly cure all stomach ^ and bowel troubles, break up O colds, cure simple fevers, ex- ^ pel worms and make teeth- i ing easy. Good for the new born baby or the well grown child, and guaranteed to con- tain no opiate. Mrs. L. W. Smith, St. Giles, Que., cays :â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and other ills ot chil<lhoo<l, and find them the best medicine I have ever given my little ones." Sold by mcdlcin* ;lea- lers or by mail at 25 cent-i a box from The Dr. Wi!l:K:T.s' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. •9 PREPARATORY. In times of peace a lot of other- wise sensible people make prepara- tions to get married. Just the Thing That's Wanted.- .\ pill that acts upon the stomach and yet is so compounded that cer- tain ingredients of it preserve their power and act;- upon the intestinal canals, so as to clear them of ex- creta the retention of which can- Bofbut be hurtful, was long looked for by the medical profession. It was found in Parmelec's Vegetable Pills, which are the result of much expert study, and are scientifically prepared as a laxative and an al- ternative in one. ANNOUNCEMENT. The minister regarded his congre- gation with the light of a happy thought on his countenance. "Next Sunday," he said, "I will preach from the choir loft." There was a stir in the church, and the more understanding ladies flushed. "Yes," the minister added, "and this will be continued until the style in hats once more enables my congregation to see me standing here." Mr. DacicI GodJarn, of Bay S'.rcef, Sadt Sie Marie, Unl., sajii: â€" "While em|iloyi:d tupcrintcnding the ur.loadiai; uf a coal ve^Ml at Cohen's Cual Dock, a heavy coal bucket ia de. ceniliog into ilie vessel to be re-fiiled suU. denly overturned, graziog my left leg and scraping the flesh off to the bone. I was compelled to d'Sccnlinue work aiul go home i for ticatuienl, where I wascuuliiied for about two inuDihs, " When able to grt out agaio I got cold in the wound, inflamiDaiion darted, llie wound opened again, and Icr anvther month I was unable to move about. 1 tried all oi things to get ease and gu the wound to heal up, but nothing seemed able to do it. Not only did everything I tried seem ti-seless so far an healing went, but I cou d gel no ease from the aching and the burning pains. At times I was just about crazy willt the intense throbbing pains, and night after ni^ht got no sleep whatever, "Not until my wife began applying Zam-Buk did I (ind relief. When applied to the injured member this balm quickly sorthed the pain, and as we continued using it each day brought an improvement. The tbtob- bing pains were soon banished, the inflamma- tion and soreness relieved, and the wuund thoroughly cleansed ot all poisonous and un- healthy matter. '* Healing then began, and in a wonder- fully short time â€" considering the seriousness of the wound â€" /.am-Uuk clfected a complete and lasting cure. I have since had no trouble with the limb at all, and it is as sound and strong as before the injuiy." Zam-Buk is a sure cure for cuts, lacerations. burns, eczema, ring-worm, cold-sores, chapped hands, poisoned wounds, lettering soies, bad leg, and a;l skin injuries and diseases. It is also a cure for piKs. Druggist", and stores everywhere sell at 50c. a bux, or pest fic« from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, on receipt ol price. ^ You are warned against harmful imitations sometimes represented as "justu good and cheaj,jer." HE KNOWS FROM flI8 EXPERIENCE TH.iT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE BRIGHT'S DISEASE. FoslmaHler Cote Tells How the Great Canudiun Kidney Remedy Cured Him After Doctors Had GiTon Him Up. Le Petit Bois Franc, Temiscouata Co., Que., Jan. 25 (Special). â€" Mr. Charles Cote, postmaster here, is firmly convinced that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills will cure Brightj's Dis- ease or any other disease of the Kidneys. He knows it from his own e.icperience. Hear what he says : "For over four years I was trou- bled with Backache, Rheumatism and lack of ambition, and my urine was of a dark unnatural color. I was attended by three doctors who (lid me no good. The last one told me it was only a waste of money to try anything else as I could not live more than a year at the out- side. "At the verge of death I decided to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial. I used eighteen boxes and to-day my Rheumatism, Backache and Headache are gone. My urine is like that of a child. I feel I owe my life to Dodd's Kidney Pills." Postmaster Cove had all the symptoms of Bright's Disease. The doctors evidently knew he had Bright's Disease â€" the most deadly form of Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. They will euro any form of Kidney disease. HEROIC. ".\ hero," says the Philosopher of Folly, "is a man who does some- thing on the spur of the moment that he wouldn't do if he had time to sit down and think it over." TOO MUCH FOR HIM. Sraithson used to labor under the impression that he was a born hu- morist, but he has given up trying to be funny now. He called one day on an old school friend, and was ibown into a room where his chum's sister was busy arranging a quantity of dried grass which she had collected. "What a quantity of dried grass you have collected. Miss Ritchie!" he said. Then his humor burst forth. "Nice room for a donkey to get into " "Make yourself at home. Mr. Smithson," said the girl, pleasant- ly. When he arrived home ail the humor was crushed out of hira for- ever. THERMOS BOTTLE NecesMty for every Home. Mothrr, Baby, Mccfaanii-, Miner. Farmer, Hunter, Ftaherroan, every body. Keeps coBtcfits HOT 24 HOURS OR IC£ COLD 3 DAYS VVithcut Fire or Ice. BIHIUT AOBtTS aaka b4t mauy atiiiac TkarsM. W^here wa have no dealer. Write for particulars. Cafla4iu TkcnM B«IIU Z». UaltW, MMlctal. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Of nervous prostration we hear , much now-a-days, and it is comfort- j ing to know that there are places specially equipped and located for combating this phase of modern â- life. On the main line uf the Grand Trunk Railway System, at St. | Catharines, Ontario, are located! the curative Saline Springs known as the "St. Catharines Well." Con- nected with the Springs is "The! Welland," treatments for nervous prostration, rheumatism, j etc., are given by skilled attend-'--^ â- â- ••i « â- ^i" n 'v^n^^^ °^- " '^''^?''' "p^r'- W^Ing I Cleaning I Clan. ht. Latliarinea is the mildest • •• ^ point in ('j.inada during the winter months. For further information and all particulars apply to J. D. McDonald, D.P.A., Union Station, Toronto. Shipments to ns this Tear, to 4aIo, ^Imdsk donUIs lait y»ar. THKRK'S A EB.V;«0.>«. Over two hundred trappers .ind .ihipp»r» who had prertou^lv nhipptfd »'.^«whiira faav« b««n added to our list. WHY -NOT VOL' ? We p»i beat prtcfta, bhipping expenaai and remit oaio aama ddv. Prico \Ut on appiiratlon. A. & E. PIERCE & CO., 407 Sr. PALI. HI'., MO.NTBKAL. CALVES Rail* Th<in Without .Milk. Bouk'd rrM. Alnle Bri«>8MdCa.,Ltd.. 'TKOnie LAZINESS. Some men are too lazy to go out and meet returning prosperity half way. A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor'* bill a h(!a.-.-y financial load I Is your pain a heavy physicitl burden'/ I know what those mean to delicate wom'.'ii â€" I liavo been dtsoourai^ed. too; but lo.irnod how to cura myself. I want to roUcve your bur- dens. VVhy not end the pain and stop the doctor's bUl? I can do this tor you and WiU If j'ou will assist me. All you need do is to write for a freo box of tlie remedy which has been placed In my haiid.s to bo ijlvcn an-ay. Perhaps thl3 one box will cure youâ€" it has done £o for others. If so. I shall ha happy and you will be cured for 2c (the cost of u postairn st:imp). Tour hitters held confl- dentiallv. T.'rite to-dny for t>iv free treat- ment, lilts. F. m CURBAU. Windsor. Ont. 'NUFF SAID. How Doctorâ€" "Good-morning ! are you to-day V Patientâ€" "I got your bill this morning."' NEXT MORNING. His Mother â€" "Johnny, it's C o'clock. When are you coming down to breakfast?" Johnny (in a feeble voice) â€" "To- morrow morning, mamma." Repeat lt;-"ShUob's Cure will alwaya cure my coughs and colds.' In Vienna, it is necessary for a man to obtain his.' wife's consent before he may ascend in a balloon. We Must So from heated rooms tn the oo14 Enter air, and the change aots un couKhlng. Cur- IE winter colds is not hard If you take Allon'i ung Balaam. A aeglected oold U troubluoms kud dangerous. ON THE SAME TERMS. Diner (who has run up a heavy bill)â€" "You are manager here, eh. Well, si.t months ago I dined here, and unfortunately, being unable to pay my bill- cr â€" you kicked me downstairs !" The Managerâ€" "Very sorry, in- deed, sir, but business you know â€" erâ€" I had toâ€" erâ€" Diner â€" "Oh. that's all right, old chapâ€" butâ€"might I trouble you again V ' Hunker â€" "Halloa, Ricketts, when is your marriage to Miss Flirte coming off!'' Rickettsâ€" "It has been intlefinitelv postponed.'' "What's the trouble?" "Oh, she married auotlicr fellow." Reeferâ€" "Dumps looks awfully down in the mouth. What's the matter with him'?" Banks â€" "Well, the other evening he was doing the amiable to his sweetheart, don't you knowâ€" petting her and all that, and he absent-mindedly called her Kitty." Reeferâ€" "Well, what of that i'' Banks â€" "Her name's Eva. " New slmes sometimes pinch the pocket book. A Cure for Fever and Ague.â€" Parmclce's Vegetable Pills are compounded for use in any climate, and they will be found to preserve their powers in any latitude. In fever and ague they act upon the secretions and neutralize the poi- son which has found its way into the blood. They correct the im- purities which lind e.utrance into the system through drinking water or food and if used as a preventive fevers are avoided. "To what do you attribute your success as a ruler?" After a mo- ment's thought, the South Ameri- can President replied: "Largely to bad marksmanship." Repeat lt:--ShHoh's Cure will always cure my coughs aad colds." In Brazil, every man of twenty- one to forty four years is subject to military service. Those who ob- ject on religious grounds are ab- solved, but lose all political privi- leges. 'Tis Well to Know a Good Thing, .said Mrs. Surface to Mrs. Know- well, when they n,et in the street. "Why, where have you been for a week back ; ' "Oh. just down to the store for a bottle of Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil." and Mrs. Sur- face, who hates puns, walked on. But she remembered, and when she contracted a weak back there was another customer for Eclectric Oil. t*e Um yn koi â- »< i-otu ««7k to iks "IBITMH AyEHICAH OYIIliO M.* fcsak (sr asaat la rvu tows, w nad Mntk. llMMraai.Taroato, Ottawa, QacbM^ A- J. PATTiSON & CO. 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, Stook Brokers & Finanolal Agant* and otharatocki bought and sold on oommlatloa. Corraapondeoce iarilad. Oidan may be eired el ear eayaaaa FACT ! The wa^htub heroine may not look so romantic, but frequently she's the real goods. About 4, .000,000,000 passengers are carried on the world's railways annually. Only those who have had e.icperi- ence can tell the torture corns cause. Pain with your boots on, pain with them offâ€" pain night ami day, but relief is sure to those who use Holloway's Corn Cure. Repeat it'.- "Shlloh's Cure -will always cure my oouBhs and colds." Lots of people believe it is bet- ter to grab than wait till they are served. Give a stubborn man his way and ! "o ReaMliable Man oxpeoti. to cure a n«lect»a bold in a <liiy. Uul time and Allen k hung Baltaie will overcome the cold aud stave off cunsuiojition. Coiiub will coave aud lungs be sound as a uuw dollar. he will credit you with having good judgment. •hnnd to the lone ? A teasrwonful of Pain. \nd the man who thiiiU-!! Iip killer ma cup of hot watorswooVensd will wnrM , -^ ,, , inUlkS lie Tou and arsrt a cold. Avoid aubsiltotss, there ij i Itnows it all SOOn shows how llttlo but one "PalnkiUer "-Perry DaTi.i'-25o and SOa he really does know. "The pleasure of having cured myself of insomnia," remarked the heavy-eyed man, "is so great that 1 lie awake all night thinking about it." Repeat it;- "Shlloh's Cure will al'nrays cure my ooagbd and oolds. ' ' Although India annually produc- es over 2,000,000 tons of sugar-cane, it imported last year over $'.25,000,- COO 'vorth of sugar. Repeat it:â€" "Shlloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and Lolds." In a lifetime of 70 years a man grows fingernails which, if left un- cut, would be 7 feet 9 inches long. One of the greatest blessings to parents is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It effectnally e.K- pels worms and gives health in a marvellous manner to thl? little one. RAW furs-hid: Writ* for Weakly Price Lists. JOHN HALLAM Shipments Solicited. TORONTO. ONT. Be Sura you get the kind yon hare aTwaya had, 'The D A L" Menthrd Pliutar. I'or rheumatiini. neuralgia, etc., nothing la better. &lade oaly b] Davia A Lawrence Company. DODDS ' KIDNEY -!/, PIUS ISSVE NO. 5-09. Quack â€" "So you prefer me to Dr. Pail?" Mrs. Mulliganâ€" "Och, in- dade, dochter, dear, ye're a dale betther than the other old hum- bug." There is no medicine on the mar- ket that can compare with Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup in expel- ling from the system the irritating germs th^t colds engender in the air passages. It is suicide to neg- lect your cold. Try the cheap ex- periment of ridding yourself of it by using Bickle's Syrup, which is a simple remedy, easily taken, and once used it will always be prized , as a sovereign medicine. A NEW DEFINITION. { The class was studying grammar. 1 "Now," said the teacher, "can' anyone give me a word ending with i 'ous,' meaning full, as in 'danger- i ous.'.full of danger, and 'hazard- ous,' full of hazard?" There was silence in the class for a moment. Then a boy sitting in the front row put out his hand. "Well, John," said the teacher, "what is your word?" "Please sir," came the reply " 'pious,' full of pie." USED IN Leading Gjnaervatories, Colleges. Schools, Theatres, and m thousands of hon»es where a piano of di^clivc merit is appreciated. The Beu is the I only piano \Mi the Ulimitable Repeating Action. Send for (free] Catalogue "No. 76- TSf BEU. PIANO «Or,«pnCo..,gmil»d C3UE.LPH.ONTARlOi REALLY, HOW COULD HE? Pentist to garrulous woman in the chair : "Now, madam, if you want me to fill this tooth you will have toj keep your mouth shut!" HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A â- ainlfloent. ten rtory dre-.root addition i. Inil boiag oomp'ietwj. ni»V'.na •Irr the neweel and laoit .p t2a.t. of Atlwtio city holofl. .V new feature il «1 the bed reomi, areraglng li feet (qnare. jS'try nam oeBaiandi au <,n*»n rlew, b»fh attached with aea and trejh water Cheril boittlr •team heatbu. booklet. CHARLES O. Telephone in eTeryto:,in. il .If priTileaej. Capaol'ty Mo. Write lor iiVuv.rVi.i AVARQUETTE, Manatcr. TR W.'WORE HOTEL COHPANY, D. S. WHITE, ri-esidenl.