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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jan 1909, p. 4

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piniim.a imji January 28 VMJ THE FLESHERTO^ ADVANCE I Greater yv^wtfwwvvv> F. T. HILL & Co Buying Opportunities Never present themselves to better advantage than in the Month of January. J ANTAUV is the month of all others that pi'csents to the Imying public the frivatest huyin;^' opportunities of any month in th(^ year. The biggest value i> ofirtred for your money during the month of January beeanso it is the final wiml- up of a year's busiiio-ii, ami business men 'ry to have stocks at tliuir lowest, and in order to accomplish this nmny lines of merchandise are sacrificed in price and in many instances sold away below the wholesale cost to the merchant. That is why we .say to you that the values we are offering this week repie.sent big savings, and by returns for the invotmcnt of your money it A\ill pay y(m to visit this store. MAKE MONEY. 1 Spllinar I'elhaiii'a Peerlexx i'niit and OrnHnitntHl trepR, Khrulni, etc., diiriiiK tli(> winter iiKiiitliH. We offer ymiHti-ady and jii'dfitable einpl'iynient in your own diHtriet at Rood jmy. WK H.WE CVKUtiW) ACKKS'of choice nurserv Htock wliich V ;ii will k«11 direct to your cnstoiiiHB. No dii-BaKcd or dried out .â- \n.ericau stock cupiiliod. Kstablished over 30 years. Write for (larticnlars. . . Pelbam nursery c;o« I Toronto, Ont. I J. & W Boyd. I eencral and fiiardware merebant$. FLESH ERTON - - ONT. 'â-  Bij^ Savings In Furs of all kinds. Tliis week the men can save big money in Fiy (.'oat.s. Wear? scllini! the 1 e-t <|Uftlity Black Cliiim D's; Skin 'J.iits. reoular value S'JO to ?22 for 810 00 We are sellinx tlio lust .|Ua'ity Black C»lf Coits wiili black .tsiracliaii coIImi, iot!.835 value f-.r S'27 ijO One Lailifs Kleetric S"h1 Coat witli miiik niuniiot ciiilai' and triiuiiiiin.'8 satin lined, the regular price is SJlo.OO Jaiiuary «ale pi ice , . . JIS.OO I^diea Fine Quality B:oadcli)th in colora of Black, Brown and Green, fur lined with nnnkrat Hninfj, with snbl.i collar, one of llic bo<l values WH hiive ever nftVred, regul ir selling; value ?7.").O0. January Sale Fiico .?45.U0 CJKNTS FlUNISUINGS REDCCED Ways Fine Wool Mr.ftier". just the thin" fcr tlnsa Cold day*, no aiid 7oc lines on sale for.. ;^8c o dozen Fine Fleeced Lined I'nderwear in Shitts and Uiawers, leguhir 00'; value, Januaiy Sale price :»c 7 dozen Men's UnfrlirlnkaUe Under>vear. in liblied Shins and Draw ri'.i, dUd innie tine all-wrul Inxs in the lot. This is a clesn-up of a'l ourodd lines, recular 75, 85 and ISI dO values, January S^ilu Price your choice for .48c EXTUAOUDl N .\ RY VALUE IN UNDERWEAR FOR THE CHILDREN. 10 Dozen Chihlrens Fine Fleece Linei^ Diaweis and and Waists, regular 25c values, January sale price 15(, 10 Dozen Children's Larao Sizi-d Fleece Lined Drawers and Wais's, reyiilir :i.")0 value.s, January Sale Price, per uannont iSj rANADIAN The Canadian Way to the Canadian West Dally aorvleeofexpi-esstrnlns t>y th« most clirt?ct rtnci intercrestlntj route. TtieOnly Through palace and Tour- ist Sleeping Cars, From Toronto diily at 10.15 p. m. $33 S. Rands. Agent, Flesher- ton. l?(^^^MVA«»^^.'WA^v^v*v MARK DALE, mm^^^m^mmmmm Farms for Sale & Rent T cts M anrl X). ron. a S D U, 100 an e«. ft'* cloar^tl *-' 10 acrt's paRfiire, balance ^ood bush, 'Haru fMXM). (irivin« shed, ^^^^o^l fraiiio house. 2 woUs, 1 aero of orchard and Btonn wnll tinder baru. Bnni;* en river crosses back of faruit Well fencod and ill (.'r>od state of cultivation. :i niilet frnm Trotou Sta'icn. For terms apply on preuiiRos ; to J<\MBS H. VAUSK. Proton StaMou 1 tfhc Jlcsl^ci oil. ^lUatit;^ [ l> publii.lnM.1 evrry T'jui-mlay at .*l.lioi>er aiiu'un if |>a:iJ in advance, (Sl..'>0 if not wi [laid- MODERN MIRACLES. ti lliin uuliol^r tax. A fewyraisago hut n. in- too stiong When the licenie a law was passeJ that was supposed systein was adopteJ it was j.roftesedly t" n inalie these lhiii},'8 impossible, but ' '"*'''"' ** '"'"1 '" enforce the law, and tlu behold they yet HoniLh like the ' 'J""""'"^" "*''" '-â- ""'"'""'' '" ''"s fund ' have a ri^ht to a roico in ihd intinner in I which i[ wdl l>.' used. Our liwi arj all ri>;hf. and the aeaaouiasi-i^factory to the j wirkod of o!J. If tiio law is iio goodi it siiould bb roade woiKable; if ii i-i good, the racn who made it should see to its enfoiceiueut. A great victory for wireless tele- graphy has beau chronicled iu the case The Diminishing Deer vast inajorily, without further linkerinij. ii wanted is a coiis'jicntioui on- forciu; of the exstiag lay.i, and the c unpl.tint of diniiaishi:ig iiu.ntiors of deer will he heard no moie. Rev. E. M. Rowland, writinjj cuiient iisue of Rod r.i.d (Jun, in the ;;ivcs of two great ocean liners coming into j wl,»i no con»idrr the nv xt In. id reasoni collisiou on the ocean. Within a few j for th« diniinishin)> ouiuler of deer in minutes after the rollision several "lis country that have ywt been put! vessels wrre on their way to the scene l f"rw!»rd He \* ou the right track if our of action, calUd ihiiuer by wireless ^•^^"''â- ''•"^•*' "^ '''"y^'"^''' h^m:"? in the messages sent radiating shoreward!"""' "'"""J "'â- '" '" »">"''"': '" J , . , ,, . ,, (evidence. Mr. Rowland say* in iho an-1 teawaid through the niglil. , , • . , ... ., . , , , ... , * , ," ,: district he wsiia the iettler and lumber Iho sinking vessel was . eached and | -^^^ are re,, onsible for the .laugliter, and probably hundreds of lives saved, thiid I (1„ ,1.,^, „,„ ,^^i„g ^i^^,, „„, j,, ^^,. preventing It catastrophe terrible lO|di<tri::t ye editor vihi's deer nru more thmk ab.jut. The woiuleiful in-l p'entiful than they weic five year? ai.;o. ventions that people of tho present uotwilli»tandins the fact that two rail day are wituessnig causes one to feel lost in wonder and awe, wliilc a thrill of joy and thankfulness pcruieatea our bcin),>3 thut tlicso things uio vouchsafed to ua in ourduy. What is awaiting the next geiieia- tion".' \Ve have had the phonograph, telephone, llying machine, the x-iay (one of the grtaicsl wonders of our day), the diHcovery of new and won^ derful nielal.'i, and many minor dis- coveries. Great discovorica do not come until the world is ready to profit by tlitmand to use them as they wore meant to be used. I'erhaps it will not be 60 many generations hence until the mysteries of life will be made more clear and the uncertainly of what an aits us beycBd this life will have passed away. Tho next genera- lion will doubtle.13 flee many strange things mane clear, and be as prolific in tbo upward advancement of mau- kind as has the ago to which we belong. A New York man named Lnve has marriod the Chicago society ^irl whom Sir Pliilip Durno-Jones, tho artist, pronouuced to be the handsomest woman in the world. Until this marriage took phice the editor of this paper maintained silence, but now that this man IjOvc insists that he has n more beautiful wife than anyone clbe, we rise to remark in tho most vigorous Innguago possible that hodoes not know what ho is talking about. When !Sir I'hilip Uuine-Jones made that lidiculoua Btateraent about the young Chicago lady he had never seen our better half ! A man has no right to make such invidious statements, anyway. Ho uhould have some con- sideration for the feelings of his fellow men. wnya have [)rnetriited the section durinu that time. Wo have found deer harhoui- iii/ within twenty roda of tho lailway. 'Ihf reason for this is that the laws are fairly wtll olferved in that ^ection We offer this an cotrchorativo evidence of Lame Shoulder. This i.H a coinni'^n fiirui <if nniscular rlien- li.atHiii. .\ii internal treatinent is iicede<l. .\|>|>ly Chainlierlain'it Liniment fieely twice a (lay and a quick elite i:i certain, this liiii. nieiit has i>roven e»iiccially valuable for niiiscular and chronic rlieiiinatiHin, and is «ure to Ki*e iiuitk .elief. CliainlHTlainx Linitm-nt in alw) miwt excellent for dpraiuH anil hniineii. I'rire. iVvnts; larv'usi/.f&U cents. ^'»^ wile 1)V W. I'.'. Hieliard.MJii. Uor f»a1e clieap. oi rent, iiumedintf- pnpfleRiiinn ; J ' Lot Tit) eon. 14, '^rleuuiRia, about 7» ncres ; ; cloai*. eoinfi>rtal)!e loc linn**« anrl frame harn. ) ] Ai'pW to F. J. Hpronle. Fleftherton, or Jolin J. i ; Martin, ao:0/'ath9 road from said lot. ! i T ota E i 8 an'l 9. Con; i:t. in the towhKhip of ; ^ Ouprev. IWacres.larffcelftarintf. qoo.i frame ; l-ttrii Hnd Btablep, eood dwelling aii.t woll. Ap- ply on tUe p«eniiB«ti or to |W. J. Bki.limt, Flesherton I 'L'^orflalfl flieap and on pa«v tftrm., co-^d com- ^ fortablp f ra m« dwcllini:, stable and drh*inK lioufie, witli three villHpe lot"*. inCovlon. HweN liny well bnijt and fli.icbed and aood buarief; orchard ou the prop^rtT. Apply to U. J. SFaouLK, Floaherton FEBRUARY SALE OF WHITEWEAR. orset Covers 18c to 75^ Drawers, 25 lo 75^ Gov,-ns, SOc to $1.25 Underskirts, §1.(0 to $2.25 A big assortment of embroidery from 80 to I5c Corset Covers, reg. 30c for 22c Corset Covers, reg, 75c for ggg Drawers, rtg. 30 for 22c " " SScfor 43(j " " 75c for 63c Night Dresses, reg. 7;"c for (jgc " Sl.OOfor .' ' 'ssc " " 81.2.ifor 1.00' Underskirts, reg. SLOOfor ggg " SI. 25 for ".!.'$1.00 " S'-'5 fur $1.45 " »2.25for 8190 Ready made Sheets. Heavy twill Cotton, Hemmed all around. Size 68 and 90 Sale ^^^'^ !Wc Embroideries, 8c to jg^ Flour and Feed Wo keep on hand a full stock of Flour and Feed including Fned Flour ShortR, Bran and the fiinvius Five Roses Flour made by the Lake of the Moods Millins Co., Kewatin, every bag of which is guaranteed if i.ot satisfactory return it and get your money. Hardware We have a well assorted stock of Hiiidwareâ€" paitios coiilenip'gtirg huiMin;; will do wi 11 to get onr prices before purchasint; elsewhereâ€" all" a nice line of ?toves, tinware etc. J. & W. BOYD Mr. Rowland'* atalement «hen he aaya the licensed IiuntetR are not respoiLsihle fortho undoubted diminution if numbers' any l>ain anywhere M'jaford ia i-o in;; in'o n local option canip'iii^ii. (joii'(,ii Maikiv rf Hanover was knock- od down and s«vereiy injured by a horse. Mr. Jaiiie* Summers had two ribs broken by the kick of a in Murk- dale. Tlie appliuitiun of the C'lludon Tele- I phone Co. f(.r a finnchiae of the town of 'UrHi^jeville will bo befoie the no«ly- eK'clcd town council for conildeiation in a short time. 'L'ori'aloorrcRtâ€" too acre firm, 1 aero of or- *â-  cliarrl, to acres biiHh including 5 acres hard, wood, well watered and Rood fonc««, bjick lioiiRp. franiR barn.'IJ milcn from aeboo! and pn«t ollico, X railea from Proton Hratlon. For nrire And terniR of aalR anpiv to Wni- Taylor, lot7.'*-74, cou 1 northof Durham road, Artemeeia T otfi 0">. fiC and 07, eon 3 Artomenia. 130 acres ' ^ 11.5 cleirod and nuder ciiltiTation. all fenced [ twf- (jnod orctiHrdw ; large frame t>arn. basement I barn and o liter frame biru 34z:)n, fraiiio dwell- I iiie. Tliis will be ina'^e a pond thinj; for tlio liijiisniau W. H.McNAIjLY, loitlaw i^ t'or aeiH-lot S7, con 4, Artemeala. 100 acres, a", * to IK) elenred atidin eultivati'in, coinfortftblo ' dwelline. bank baru, Htouv atablinu. in a ttr^t ' elarHKOttlement and well worthy tUo atteutiou of tlioae requii ii.|! Kuch. U.J. SPR0i;i.E, Floshertcn T ot3 COD. 4 Otprey, IPO aorca well timbersd, ^' Ft r terms etc. apply to B. Woberna, Lady rauli 1'. o. ; ^:e:e:^^3:0:^o^:B:^^»:B:^o^ce3:^^:9:e:^^:e>^^ niMM takiiiff ihe country as a whole. In our district "ctl bra aie few and as a cniise- (jueiicc I he game ia hot except dniini! two we.ks of the yenr. Last year tlierc were lifiy huntor.s within a radiua of three niilea, yet at the enJ of ihn Reason ;;ame ncrually appeared to be miire plentiful than at tho bej^inning. Where the set tlen and lun.bernun me numerous the story is different, and Mr.'s dialtict appears to he in a pretty had condition. Here is what he nays ahiiut it ; " Sonio people waste tho deer. Heveral dnga were runiiini! round RoNtoule all Uat winior and spring, kil- ling deer every day, nearly. Tho owners wore Hpoktii to inoio tha.ioiice, hut pnid no attention. The gume laws are laughed at. On my way out I was loUl at Ros- toule of one man who had just come in with seven nice deer! They said ho was a good atill hunter and would prohahly got lots more wlu-n the hiow came. There are few of tho .seltleM who conaider they have got their fair aliaro of venison Womanly p.iins, head piiiis, in fact can lie comjilettdy stoi-pcd in :iil iiiimites with one of Dr. Shoop's I'mk Pain T<>bl. t^. Ask your Doctor or Drui^gist about thu formula. It is printed on tho bo.\ ami it can't be liettereJ. 'Jry ojieflosuand he coiiviiicoJ. Uo.Y 20o. Sold by alldeaicr.s. The Mirror is pleased to note t!ie success of another town hjjr in the neii/h- borinij Republic. Teed McCirr, who ia sludyiiid b'W ftt the Valparaiso Law college, Iiid., recently passed his fiist ex- amination in law, obtaining 94 marks out of n pussihle hundred. Considering' that Tead has been a student of the College for only six inontha this is a remarkably high percentage. - Meaford Mirror. About forty of the busineai men of Orillia have formed a syndicate and have taken over the Da'y House tiom Mr. M. Walters. This was done partly to help out the shod accommo- dation for fanners' teams and partly to have accommodation fi r the | ubl c. Mr. N. S. TaiT, who has made « siicceas of the Oichai -i Point Inn for Ihre past ihree SKATING On Nuhn's Pond, every night IWeather Permitting J,Patton In Sleighs, Bugaks, maggoiis, Parrcws, Plougbs, Cream Sep- arators and (Uire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works CLEARING SALE AT THE BUSY STORE CEYLON iitiless they got live or six biij deer and' '""','â- *'• "*" '"•â- *" ''"'•;•'>:" ' »â- â- < "anager ai.d there are many who never ^''t less limn ) I""^ " V'f "? f.f'"^V'- '' '? i"'«nd''d J I c ri K' >â-  '<-»s uinii to spend ahiiiil *2,o' o m new fuiidhintja and littiiigi 8 I th It the house will ho Wi lirat cluBs (haiff. Tli's ii said to ho the re- .,Combince! Ccrabincsl In tliesG days it aeems that every household necessity has added to it a fiotitioiiB valtjo owing lo combines of manti- fdctiu'crs Hiid wholesalers. Almost everything wc edt and wcnr are subject seven to tell. I am truly sorry to say ] know of one ur two men who make a sort of business of the thing, who kill iloer wholes.«lo between this and Christ- ms', and sell tho saddles onlyâ€" but they sell these Id/ the tun! .Some people will think this impossible, but tlioy litile know the back countiy. " The writer also pcitincnrly aslis what is beiiii? done with the lar«esuniscolleof- ed for lieonses ? and claims that it is not properly spent for protection. Wo also endorse him In lliis titateinent . If the Bovornmcnt desires to rotiiin the !.'aine heiitaite for this country it will hare to appoint men who will do ihuir duty without fear nud favor and devote tlioir liir.etoit. The writer (pioted says the prtseiit syslcm is "rotten, baiharous and unclviliiiod, demoralizing and disgraceful to all concerned, from the one who secretly informs on his iioiKhbor for •pite, to the incompetent ofliuials nt head qu.irturs who allow such a state of aflrtirs lo exist." These are stronu words \ suit of thu action of the hotel keepers ill clofcing their sheds and raising the rutes for stahlini! and meals. Cough Caution Kever, positfvely never poison yourliiniri^. If yon coukI)â€" even from a Bfiiiple cold only- von should ahvay.s Ileal, soothe, and rase the irritated broil- clilal tubes. Don't blindly snppi.'ss it wltli a etnpefying poison. It'siitrango liow sonie tilings fliiiilly come aliout. For twenty years I)r. fihoop has constjiiilly warned people not to takeeoiigh mixtures or preserlptloiis containing Opium, Chloroform, or similar poisons. And nowâ€" a little late thniigliâ€"Congruss says "i'litilon the laliel. It iMiisiiiis lire ill your Cough Mixtnre." Omxtl \'. TV good Illlon'alterforthisveryri'asoiimothers. nuil others, should insist on liavingl'r. Shoop'a C'liigh Cure. No poison marks on I>r. Hhoop's labBlaâ€" and none In tliii iiiiHilelne, else it must by law be on the luliel. And It's not only safo. but it !s said to l»! Iiy those that know it a truly ro- ir.arkubleeougli nuiiedy. Take noehaneo then, partieiilarly with youreltildren. Insist on having Dr. Slioop'sCouKh Cure. Comparo carefully tho Dr. Hhoop pixkage Willi others and note tho cltlfen'iiee. No poison marks there! You can always lie on the ^iife side by demaiulliig Dr. SIioop's Cough Cure For 8 days only, commencing .JANUARY 2«i,enaini;S.\Ti;RI)\YJS"IGliT, FEB. 6(h ..u„a,,.ci, mi^ i Rrentest .hhIo ever witnessed around here. Those who Inid a ah^re in our last February saU aro looVina forwA s „le this y. iir, « hich we expect to 1 o heller than last year's Wo wore sorry jome of our cu^to^lers wer« disa. i not tettnifi out lut-t y.i.r on a. count of teiriblo storms .ind Uooked road.s but hope they may lo favored with Iw'i and II atla this year. We will just mention » few lines to siivo you au ideu how thinif'i will uo. Wo exp;>ct this to ha the ward to our pointed in er weather Dried Apples at 4o a pouod 00 pounds sack Rolled ( )ats for S2.60 100 pounds, Itedpath Gianiilated .Sugar for 84.75 .\nH'rican Coaloil, 6 gallons for ^100 Siirnia Water White, 6 uiillons for 80o 7 pounds Pot R irley for '. .25o 7 pounds Rice for 2ii<i yuc tea, 5 pounds for .... SI 00 IWc tea, 4 ]ioun(ts for 81.00 BOc tea, 'A jjounds for jl.OO (Jills' Kur Milts, rcRular (iocfor 2."n; Liidius' Fur Neck .Scaifs, regular IJ5.50 for $4.60 Ladies' Peifcian L.<»mh Caperine, SaUe trimmed, lonnS front, reeuUr S20.CO for $10 50 Boys' Tweed Pants, lined tbroushout for. ... . .... 40o Men's Fleeced t.Juotu.sey.s, rej;ular 50 and Ctl'c for, ' 40c Men's Wool Guoriiseys, regular 75 and 85c for 6'Jc Men s ttool Guernseys, rtKUlnr 91.00 and §1.25 for 80o Mens Heavy Rubbers, Snasr Proof, r.^ular $'2.25 fiiiSl 90 Men's Heavy Itul.bcr.s, regular 82.(10 for 8175 Men's Heavy RuliLsis, reunlar gl.iiO for §125 Men a Heavy Luniberibcn's Socks, regular 75c and 85o for -Q Mcn'.s Hotsehice Mitts, lined," regiilVt" $"l.25 ami '$1.35 '"'â-  31.0O TERMSâ€"Cash or its eqivalent. O^Sb CEYLON.

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