4 * THE TORTURES WOMEN SUFFER Can Be Relieve^ by Keeping the Blood Supply Ricli With Dr. Williams' PinJt Pill3. A T^oman needs a blood building medicine regularly just because she is a woman. From maturity to middle life, the health and happi- ness of every woman depends upon her blood, its richness and its re- gularity. If her blood is poor and wjitery she is weak, languid, pale and nervous. If her blood supply is irregular she suffers from head- CoI«raine market this season, $15.36 per cwt., for less than a ton. Donegal Guardians have decided to erect open air shelters for con- sumptive patients, the cost to be defrayed by loan. They are the first body in the country to act on such progressive lines. The CoBfcestcd Districts Board have purchased the farm of %ally- glass, Co. Gal'^vay, six miles from Castlehea. The farm, which con- tains over three hundred Irish acres, was owned by M. J. P. Mul- ligan, J. P., Roscommon. While two men named Williain and Patrick ^hite were engaged felling a tree at Behamore, near Cloughjordan, a child named Thomas Hassett, four years, ran under the trunk as it was falling aches, backaches aideaohea and the h^i,."^*^ instantly killed. other unspeakable distress which , ^h^ various branches of the U.I. onTy women know. Some women L-* »« County Sligo, are unani- have grown to expect this suffering \ mously co-operating in the move- at regular intervals and to bear it:â„¢e°t towards erecting a memorial to the late John Stinson, who was shot by the police in a recent en- counter with the people. in hopeless silence. But women would escape much of this misery if they •took a bo.t or two of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to help them over each critical period. These Pills actually make new blood. They help a woman just when na- ture makes the greatest demand upon her blood supply. They have done this for thousands of women throughout Canada, why not for Eighteen Scots, sealers from the yu ? - ^ Island of Lewis, have just met with Mrs. Joseph Kinney. Gilbert's adventures such as one reads of in Cove, N. S., says:â€" "For te_n years | <^£c,jjijjs„n Crusoe." 1 suffered from nervousness and| i,j g^j^ll boats, on a day when SEALEKS' ADVEHTUaE. Eighteen Spent Twenty Days on a Losi'Iy Island. HIS PAINS AND ACHES ALL GONE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED CHAS JJ. CYR'S HHEU- MATIS.H. Statement of a }(an Who SaiTert^d for a Year From Diifcrent Forms of Kidney Disease acd Found a Speedy Cure. New Richmond Station, Que., Dec. 23 (Special)â€" In these cold fall days whoa Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache and other Kidney Dis- eases are working havoc in every corner of Canada, thousands will be interested in the statement of Mr. Chas. N. Cyr, the well-known barber of this place. "I had been a sufferer from Rheumatism and Backache for a: year," Mr. Cyr states. "My head also troubled me and it was hard to collect my thoughts. I heard of cures made by Dodd's Kidney Pilla and made up my mind to try the;n. The marvellous effect of the first box on my systom at once raised- my hopes and by continuing to take them 1 am now a sound and well man. All iny pains and aches are gone and I am able to do my work without pain." Mr. Cyr is only one of thousands whom Dodd's Kidney Pills have "A FRIEND TO THE" GOVERN-' Backache. For Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure .=ick or disorder- ed Kidnevs. And if your Kidneys are well you can't have Rheuma- tism, Sciatica or Backache. * - NOTHIXG THERE. Augustusâ€" I'm quite afraid to call on Miss Smarteigh. They say she's a mind reader. Maria^Oh, you needn't get ner- vous about that. those troubles that make the lives . tj,g g^g^ ^^g ^^ g^im ^g ^ i^^^ tj,e cured of Rheumatism. Sciatica and of Bo many women one of almost' ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ f^j. ^j^^ ^^^^^^ ^j -^^^^^ constant misery. At times I would ip^^^^^ ^g ^-j^^ distant. They drew be confined to my bed for weeks. If ^j^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^f^ spent sleepless nights and seemed ,^„jj i ^^j ^^^ ^.^.^{^ ,^^^^ to lose all courage I tried several |^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ j^^^^ ^^^ ^^^,^ doctors but they failed to give mc , ^^ j^^^^ hundreds of them, and, anv relief. The last doctor 1 con- 1 , •'. , , ., , ., ' suited told me frankly that he â- »,°'^""K between them and the sca- could not undertake my case unless, ^Jp-^^- ^'^^^'^ 320, and secured the I would undergo an examination. '*''}°*- ^. , ^ . It was then I decided to "give Dr.- Preparations were made to return Williams' Pink Pills a trial. After !h«nie the ne.xt day, but during the taking Bi-t boxes I was much im- 1 D'ght the weather broke, and in- proved in health, but I continued i stead of launching their boats they to take the Pills for a couple of, had to haul them 100 yards farther months more when I felt like a new j up. So rough was the weather woman, and was enjoying such that the sealers set about building health as I had not experienced for ; temporary shelters. Crusoe-like ten years before. I have had no ' they carried all they return of the trouble since,' but I have used the Pills once since that time for the after effects of la grippe and the result was all I hoped for. These are plain facts from my own experience and I have always felt that I cannot too strongly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to the many women who suffer as I did A Woman's Sympathy MENT." I Very few people have any idea of the enormous value of the toba 'oo crop to the world in general. | It is more extensively used than any other product grown in the world with the exception of tea. I In 1904 the total production of tobacco for the world was estimat- ed at 4,100,000,000 pounds valued at $400,000,000 I The amount of duties collected is ' estimated at one billion of dollars. ' There are hundreds of different types grown, and every country, every state, every province, almost every county has a peculiar type of its own. I Some sections raise pipe tobacco only, other* raise chewing tobacco only, and others cigar tobacco only. I When cigars are mentioned every: smoker naturally thinks of the Is- land of Cuba, the Island that makes the standard for the world, for ci- 1 gars. AH other countries have j tried to imitate, but none have ever equalled. All Cuba tobacco, however, is] not good tobacco and each prov- 1 ince in the Island grows a type of its own, in fact each district or parish. Few people realizeJiow painstak- ing a manufacturcr^ust bs in the selection of the Cuban leaf in order to produce a satisfactory cigar, not only must he be particular as to the ash, the burn, the aroma, but above all to the taste. Some types possess all the desirable qualities except the taste. It may be a little flat, a little seedy, lacking that spice necessary to satisfy the pal- ate, the same as cabbage needs i How many ways a moral sees vinegar, .consomme need Worcester i To gain a luring pri<-^e ; sauce, or steak needs salt. In order' There are three thousand recipes We Guarantee 9 Per Gent. INTEREST ON YOUR flONEY AND GIVE YOU ACTUAL CASH SECUBITIT Why draw only three in the Savings Bank? Your money can always be withdrawn by giving one weelc's notice. Interest paid monthly. No delays. WRITE VS, PATRIARCHE & COMPANY standard Stos't Ex3h}n3;] Blils>, Toronta, Ont. '^:i USEX) LN Leading Gsnservatories, Colleges. Schools, Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of diitinctive meiit is appreciated. The Bell is the only piano with uHe lliimilable Repeating Adion. i>iiiM03 1 '>«i Send for (free) Catalogue xio. 75. f& BELL PIANO <aOripn Co.. Umil»d GUiLPH.ONTAJlSO;* ALL TO THE GOOD. to obtain the necessary spice the Are you dlscoura^d? Is your doctor's bill a heavy hnanciul loa/1? Is your pain a h'^avv pl.ysicdl burden? I kuuw what <>ni>lr] from those mean t> delicai-j women â€" I bav« touiu irom i j,^^^ discouraced. too; but learned hov/ to the boats, and soon had two com- ! cure myatJ. I w.-mt to relieve your bur- f . 1 , , u ii. rru • u J dens. Whv not end tho p.aln and stop the fortable houses built. Their bcds^ doctor's bill? I can do uus tor you and thev made of irrasa *'" '^ s'"" â- ""' assist me. tor the first few days the men ' box or. the remedy which lios be>:n placed Ti-orn woM Virnviflorl hut tht^rr tnnt i '" "sy han'Ja to b« Riven aT.Mv. rertiaps T^ere \\eii proviaeo, out tney tooKi ^^j^ ^^^^ ^^^ .p,^, ^^.^ o,;_n ^a., aoneso the precaution of putting them- 1 for otders. It »o, I shall be happy and ' yoit wUl be cureil for 2c (tne cost of a Sostago st.nmn). Tour letters hold confl- cnrluMv. V.'rite to-f'iv fo- niv free trp.it- meut. iiRS. F. B CUUR-IH, V.'lndsor, Out. selves on short rations. For light and fire they used seal blubber. The provisions at last gave out, i and the men killed a sheep, of You can get these Pills from any ^.j,;^,,, ^^^^^^ .^^.^ ^^ j^..^. ^^ ^^^ island, dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or si.x boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE >EWS DY MAIL FR031 LAND'S SHORES. IRK- Ifappeiiliigs in the Fnictald Islo of Interest to Irish- men. Abraham Black, D.C., Ballypat- rick, Cushcndom, has been appoint- ed a magistrate for Co. Antrim. Very Rev. Dr. Cummins, D.D., Adm., Sligo, *as given a hearty welcome home from Borne by the townspeople. William Gerety, Ballymahon, has and caught the sleeping sea birds on the rocks. Twenty days passed before the wfEtt'her was fit for the men to take to their small boats again. They are now safe at home, greatly to the delight of their wives and fam- ilies. y MOVING IN CAIRO. Long Line of Curriers, Each Wiih Single Article of Furniture. One of the strangest sights of Cairo streets is a household mov- ing, says Leslie's Weekly. There are no vans for the purpose. When a family wishes to move the head of the houre contracts with a native mover, and on the day appointed this man with his assistants, some- times as many as 30 or 40, appear on the scene. One takes a chair and starts off, another seizes a sofa, live or six or even ten or twelve men get under a piano and march been elected rate collector for his j along, and one by one the others home district by the Longford County Council. Chevalier O'Loughlin, who had been on an extended visit to Kil- kenny, has left that city on his re- turn journey to Australia. The Local Government Board have sanctioned the erection of ITi cottages out of 300 proposed by the Tipperary Rural Council, No. 1. Omagh Guasdians have granted the master of their union an in- crease of salary amounting to $75 per year, making the actual salary $325 per year. Longford Guardian^ have grant- ed a pension of $400 per year to Dr. Ef'.ward Winslow, who resigned some weeks ago after forty-eight years' service. The major portion of the great Scully ranch in Co. Kilkenny has been broken up and many evicted tenants on the Tullaroan part have been reinstated. The Local Government Board have sanctioned the appointment of Margaret Looby as infirmary night nurse in Tipperary workhouse at a salary of $125 a year. At Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny, James Byrne, of Rathcash, was re- turned for trial to the winter as- sizes on a charge of murdering his brother, William Byrne, by shoot- ing. . , . , While out hunting recently with the King's County pack, of which he is popular master, Mr. Assheton Biddulph fell from his horse and sustained severe injuries. A motion to increase the salary of the matron of the Clonmcl Dis- trict Lunatic ;\sylum from $100 to $500 was defeated by seven votes to five at a meeting of the committee recently.^ ^ "* iTorter Rocksmount, tha« obtained for the |i in succession the DBid for flax sold in follow, each one bearing some piece of household goods. The things arc put in place as they reach the now house, and in a few hours the moving has been accomplished and everything is in shipshape. Tiie human vans seldom walk unles'i their load is unusually heavy. A man with a sofa or with four or five chairs piled on his back will keep up a continuous jog trot for hours without appearing to tire. CORRECTED. "Well, Sally, did you eat ice cream with avidity?" "No, I eat it with a spoon." your They are Not Violent in Action. Some persons, when they wish to cleanse the stomach, resort to Ep- som and other purgative salts. These are speedy in their action, but serve no permanent good. Their use produces incipient chills, and if persisted in they injure tho BtoI.^ach. Nor do they act upon the intestines in a beneficial way. Par- melee's VegetabJe Pills answer all purposes in this respect, and have no superior. manufacturer has to select, from another district, u spicy tobacco to blend with the other desirable qualities already obtained, in or- der to secure the perfectly satisfac- tory palatable cigar. » All manufacturers strive to oS- tain the blend that will suit the majority, but for obvious many fail in the attempt. It requires a long and careful study of the section of the country from which the tobacco originates", a study of its fermentation, of its blinding, of its workmanship, and the manufacturer making the study must personally have a very dis- criminating taste. Mr. J. Bruce Payne, of Granby, is an enthusiastic tobacco student, and a recognized authority on To- bacco. When smoking one of his Pharaoh cigars you can feel assur- ed that you are enjoying one of the choicest blends in doitestic ten cent cigars. For making pumpkin pies. It is an Elixir of Life forgotten time, men hajre been seek- ing for the Elixir of Life, which tradition says once existed. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is an Elixir, before which pain cannot live is made up of s>x essential oils, reasons carefully blended so that their cura- tive properties are concentrated in one. It has no equal in the treat- ment of lumbago, rheumatism, and all bodily pains. RENEW YOUR YOUTH. Never before has the struggle for social and commercial success been £0 keen as in our own day, and to the victor and the vanquished vlike couiea a tunc when nerves and Of dy Since <^ry for rest. Nature and sci^.ico have combined to produce an en- vironment where tired men and women may renevi their youth. On the main line of the Grand Trunk it ! Railway System, at St. Cath^irines, Ontario, is situated "The Welland" where the illE%£f'life are alleviated by bathing in like Salin* Springs of No woman who cares for appear- ances can afford to weep unless ajje has a dainty handkerchief to usW~-- the "St. path proper medica tendance. A streefc Mon furtheftipfc as a tear mop. Repeat it: â€" "Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." AppHtant couldn't work children." Mrs «nder .nd at- Janies !et 'and THERE ISN'T ANY. Misery loves company, but ever heard of any company liked misery ? who that TO BE HOPED FOR. Mrs. Stubb â€" Now, women are not impulsive, like you meu. They al- ways measure their words. Mr. Stubb (with a sigh)â€" Oh, if some of them would only give short measure ! Repeat it.â€"" Shiloh's' Cure will al- vrays cure my coughs and colds." FISHERY. The person who is always fishing for compliments is a nuisance of the first water. Women are naturally foolish ; they are more afraid of mice than they are of men. .\n End to Bilious Headache. â€" Biliousness, which is caused by ex- cessive bile in the stomach, has a marked effect upon the nerves, and often manifests itself by severe headache. This is the most dis- tressing headache one can have. There are headaches from cold, from fever, and from other causes, but the most excruciating of all is the bilious headache. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will cure itâ€" cure it almost immediately. It will dis- appear as soon as the Pills operate. There is nothing surer in the treat- ment of bilious headache. "Before we were married," said Mrs. Chattertou, "you used to toll' mc how much you loved me, but you never do now." "Of course not. i my dear, "replied the masculine end of the matrimonial combine. "Since our marriage you haven't | given mc a chance to tell you any- thing." As Fir* Spread! In dry grajm, ao d'lei an Inflam- matiun in the thr*>al givw dk^wn intu ttie Juug^ I1«.il |>roa|itl,T with a c ild an wUli a li:». and •ben lou liexui tu duth une AlUn'a Lust Ualiuun. Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. Sentinel (on guard): "Halt! Who comes there?" The Colonel: "Fool!" Sentinel: "Advance, fool, and give the countersign." Repeat it: â€" "Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coug:hs and colds." Six thousand workers are employ- ed on one of the electrical plants in Germany. What Is the Best Thins ti atrenicthen neik b»cit ? 'The D 4 I." Mo:ithol Pliuit»r. It will cure lumbag<> and rh«uin.itltiii. SI rolls m:ike iwv*n 2.'C. plasters. DaTis A Lawreucu Cu., Mjutreal. SMALLPOX PURIFIES BLOOD. Smallpox is a dreaded scourge ; so much so that, if it be reported that a case exists in a iiciu^hbor- hocd, a thrill pa«es through the whole community, i'et those who suffer from smallpox, ana .-"civer, usually live to a green ola ago It seems to renew life in some myster- ious way by thoroughly purifying the blood. Painkiller In winter chpcy^ cli|^ c->Ul» ali'l thua prevents lirxuchitl.'*, ... and Elieuimituni. t*Tit»fiualio<i ad a llnirou;j| fr^al biiet, cbllblaiur bia>.''a4, spialna. Suld b; ail di-ug^uta. Only cue FalDUi:er â€" MA^rv n^.i-' -Perry Da»is . m, I :C was Kecphouse : "Btrt, wo advertised for a girl who under- stood children." Applicant:"! dq understand 'em, ma'am. That's why I wouldn't work where they are."' LldCOH AiSQ TOBACCO HABITS A. McTAOQART, M.D., C H.. 75 Yon:;e Str..tt. Toroato, Canada. Uelerenres ^t) Dr. MoT ; ja.fi prjfeKaUna' ^t1nJinI; and por»"n»'. i lerni/ penaitla I by : .SirW a. Me etlitli. i lief Juitire. Hon. li. W K->a«. ail»rara;er U Oiitirl-". R»». N. Burwasa, D. D.. Preiideat Vlcteri:* C>llet» .V ,. Ua«. F^th•^ Teafy, ritnl.iai't ol St. .Mtqiaar* C 'llaaa. T-imrvt.'. Eltlil Ba». A. Swoalnii.i. Bijhop ol Tiro-ito. r.ar. Wm. Maoljren, D D, Prin cipal C-oUaia. T-'ront.) :.qU(ir a:i'1 t Tb.ioco llA.titi are h>>n't'l(til. aaIo« 'naxpaiijlTe boma^lKeatuanti, N > h..'po<teru'^ Injactlfaa, i:o pOmibltT, nu 1(M3 of time froi4 bu>inaR:i. and a o^itftln cure. ' ., w-..*i.... - â- •'•-^(,1llen'*• inr'tei. Doctor â€" "Do you talk in your sleep?" Patientâ€" "No. I talk in other people's. I'm a clergyman." i CALVES Ral»a.T1i-m Wthnut Milkh B:f»' "at Fraa. Su^lc P.tit;' 4aa>l Ce, l.tJ.. Toeeiita E l^fiTED la e»^ry r6c»I1ty ia C**«()a a.nd tk* biui«a Slalva vai'ito <.i.r cmhIs. \w\)i urn 9huT*iM,(» In all i-aat^ktaLjua >l«caa aa4 The young man had gone to the heiress's father â€" always a ticklish jobâ€" but he took hia courage with an iron grip. "Sir," be blurted out, "I want to ask you for your daughter's hand." The old man, not in the least disconcerted, said : â€"â- "Which hand? The one she signs cheques with, I suppose?" Bipeat it:â€"" Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure nay coughs and colds." The right kind of a man doesn't have to spend half his time looking foi a job. Repeat it:â€" "Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coug:hs and colds." The wind frequently turns an umbrella, but a borrower seldom returns it. SAFE SENTENCE. Some of the West Indian island- ers have learned that when a fore- igner misbehaves himself on their shores it is better to suffer in si- lence than to mete out punishment at the risk of a visit from a gun- boat from the miscreant's native land. A judge in Haiti recently took occasion to pay off old scores to redeem his self-respect in the case of an offender brought before him. To his first question, as to the nationality of the accused, the interpreter answered that the pris- oner was from Swit;;erland. "Switzerland!" said the judge. "That country has no sea-coast, has it?" "No, your honor," replied the in- terpreter. "And no navy?" "And no navy, your honor." "Very well then," said the judge, "give him a year's hard labor!" Only one man in the City of Lon- don outside the Tower po.^.scsses the password which enables him to an- swer the challenge of the sentries at any time. It is the Lord Mayor and the password is given to him by authority of the King. Pleasant as syrup ; nothing equals it as a worm medicine ; the name is Mother Graves' Woijm Extermin- ator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. "Pa," said the blooming daugh- ter of the household, "I wish you wouldn't call young Mr. Softleigh a popinjay." "And why not!" "Because he isn't a jay, and there doesn't seem to be any hope of his 'pwppin'.' " It sometimes happens that two women are apparently good friends because they are bitter enemies. ii'i^?^rt»<«w m§mm ;*-'» {uit publio r>*i\ ts.s»U •"" The greater the irritation in the throat the more distressing the cough becomes. Coughing is the S?'',''",'* 'ITT" 'I'''''''"* "â- ',''"â- ' ^â- »'-^« « "i-'y effort of Mature to expel this irri- 'jr ..''•""â- ""' '"""^'j' «"!>''» ^ ao «»i»,iaica nujaa. tating substance from the air pas- bot*i musd* 03.. LanUon, ontarim sanaiM sages. Bickle's Auti-Consumptive Syrup will heal tho inflamed parts, which exude mucous, and restore thorn to a healthy state, the cough disappearing under the curative ef- fects of the medicine. It is pleas- ant to taste, and the price, 25 cent^ is within the reach of all. â- r^ Tramp â€" "Give mo sometKto^to cat, lady!" Lady of House â€" "Would a chop suit?" Tramp (suspiciously) â€" "Mutton or fire- wood, lady?" Repeat it: â€" "Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." "And we have one baby," said the meek man who was applying for lodgings. "Will you mind it!" "Mind it?" snapped the thin-faced lady. "Of course not. Uo you think I'm a nurse?" Ta H. SMITH & CO. poan r.tcii.KS.0. Wholesale Produce Merchants Members Torunto Board of Trade, 70 Colborn* Sta, Toronto CARPET DYEING SRITtSH AMCntOAN DYfiINQ 0<X |ftl«lMilars by »onl ••«! mm w Mir* i« Mi U{y •m us. MMfrMfc A!len*« Lunff Satsam ii 03p«cial1f intended to bioak n\t nsjclectad c ugh.^. aod iua:iy hopelaia ca-<es h.iva bee.) saved by iu m^o. CuuLiius no upium iu any form. A. J. PATTJ50N&C0- 33-35 SCOTT STREtT, TOROHTO. Stosk Srokera & Financial Agante and oth«i *t^M;k^ Ivn-ht anil «>ld on onamlulnn. CurrenpuEidei^ce iuvit«U. Orders ma; bt wind at. issiE so. 1- TROUBLES OF BIG CITIES. London't trouble is her fog, To- kio's trouble is earthquakes; in her worst aoO.OCO residents were killed. Calcutta's trouble is cholera, and the bubonic plague is the trouble of Bombay ; each city pays to her (roubli an annual tribute of 9.0i. lives. Madrid's tro .'ole is the so- lan, a summer wind f;om tho su-.ith- cast ; it is exceedingly hot, and is accompanied by hlindi ig, choking clouds of dust, so that, notwith- ptan-Jing a ts.'rperature of 105 or 110 degree*, all «indows must be closed. The mistral is the trouble of Marseilles, an east wind that in- creases the citj death rate 50 p:^r cent. Bagdad's trouble is the "Bag- dad button," a sore that attacks practically every resident and visi- tor, leaving a button-shaped per- manent/ scar. Razor Sharpesier- Du n->t throw away your roone in bayiiiK anew Kasnr hoctLU:i« your did mt* wilt :. c wnrk, but bny a Oike <>f our " Perfect i'ti Itazor Taste*" which will keep your U i/.-'r in perfocl oiittitif o<>nditlun, una with i :>.o wiji Ian y. u a lil'etlme. li your Ilanlwiu or l>r»K Dealer d.e.i not handle ihU ^ey I u« 'ZjC. aud we will (urward aaa* {k>>( ptul CANADA HONE C0MPA,->;Y, Waw«n«sa, Man JEs,.^^ynr i"XJXt,E8. Sliipiia.iti li HI till »«ni ti d 'iDlH Ui t yoir. m'^KK â- < il itK, n'.in nt A R.':\,o< Over I wu hu «li cd tr«pp*rs \nd .ihiptwrft wh.i hi. p.-o»|.u.W sliiiiMj ol.awbera fivro Iimq *.»<1».l t . our lUt. WHY NO 1' voir W»pia be t )j,ic«. alii >|,i Ig «xp«ii9oi .\;i,l n.aitr c ' aaiue a.iy. Hiku ll^t on app k ition. A. & E. PIKRCE & OC^ m; SI. lAtU St.. MO-VTRSl â- â- **v,