TWO DIE BY A LIVE WIfifl Two Thousand Volts Passed Through Hamilton Carpenters' Bodies. A (Ic^nlch from HnmilU-in, Orit., says: Tbarc was a d iiblo clectroeulon <'n Wetlncsiiay afUrnoon at tlic B. Grcfjiia|f Wire Compiiny's plunt on Qii>'on .Sine' ncrth. Th." viclijns were G''o. Hninlir.c'K, IfiV CuniKlii Strct, and Ailliiir Scol'.-.xy Uf rio.oncc .Slrct't. They utro ojji- pI<^yod ii.s carpciil" rs and li;id tx-en Oii- 6ag<<] (ill diiy in biiiliiri),' a fiuiiu' sh'l Bdjoinirig tl) > works. (Jvt;r (tier hiad.- ran Ihc hijjh Unsion power wir. s which lupplod Iho fnctjry. The wii»s wii'fi sujapoi-k-d in llic usual way and hfid (Inn by piy wires running lo tlio t'round. In order to to '"i w;lh l!ier «ork Ihe ciirj ontei^ found it n.cstay U. iciiiovo |i|io (iUy wires, ns '.h y were hi Iho way. !n loosening Iht^ wire-; tlioy Mgg<il considir.itly, so much fo lluit Ihcy ciimc in cnnlact with r.:0 power wires. 'I'ho current under a hif!h vfUip-^ Wixa suniccnl lo kill bcAh men Inotin'.- !y. Ocor;;c Lock<% anolh'T cui-pen'c, WHS cl<jsy by when the ac.' Uut, hup- IwmU, and ii.s quickly as h': couid iP- cuiel a lad<!er and pushed '.he guy wius away from Ihe powt-r wires. In Uio nM'antinie, hiwovei-, Iho curreil had Leen di.schargi'd inio the bodies o' tlic two ujifortunale men. thcii- clothing nr.i parts of his Ilosh being badly burned The power was turned off am' I'lO worivs cksed for tli.! day. Tl o j)r)!ico were notillod and the ajnbulunco was .^'ul, but as it was seen thut Ihe nun wen' dead tho patrol 'va^oii waa do- spat' hetl and Ih" i-einalns liken to the lU'irgiio at tlic Ci'y Ilc-pilnl. LEADING MARKETS BREAaSTUFFS. Toronl.5, Juno :W).â€" Onlario Wheatâ€" tio. 2 wihU-, nd ar jnixed, 70c to .soc. M.inilola Wheatâ€" Market qiiolalioie nl &ort(iaii Uuy jorls, No. 1 norlhirn. 6l.07>i; No. 2 n'-rlluxn, SlM^i; Na. 3 r.<.rllicni, $l.02>i. Oal*â€" No. 2 while, U><;c outside; No. E niixoJ, 43c. Ornâ€" No. 3 yellow offered «t 80c l« tC}ic, all rail, and 7!)o lo 79>ic lako and rail. Barkyâ€" No. 2. 53c lo bac. Teasâ€" .No. 2 quid, nominally quoted al Di!c. Ryeâ€" No. 2, none offering; quoUlion oUiUt 88c. liui kwhoalâ€" No. 2, nominally quot-d &">(â- U) GSc. Brajiâ€" OffiTod al 81.') in In'k outsid. ; thorls, $19; qi;ofilions lor delivery in bugs $2 HKTe. Kiour â€" Manitoba paleiils, .special b'and.s, SC; .M?con<ls, .$5.W; .strong bnk- <is' $5.30; winter whcot palents, olfcr- Uig at $3.25. COUNIBY PHODUCE. Dut'er â€" CroauKM-y prints, 21c lo 23'; trcaiiKTy solids, 20c lo 21c; dairy prints, cl.oicc, 18c lo I'Ji-; (laii'y pr.nis, ordin- iiry, 16c to 18c; dairy tubs, 17c to 18o; liifer-ior, 15c lo 16c. Chcscâ€" 12,'<c to 12>ic for large, and ]2%c for twins. Kgg.s â€" Prices arc quoted uncliangetl al 17c lo 18c pir dozen in case l<its. n< aiL-i-Prlnies, $2* to .'i;2.10; luin pckwl, $2.l(» to $2.15. II<ni'yâ€" Quiet; strained, lie lo 13c per (>''Und; combs, per dozen, al.M to $1.- 75. Polnlocsâ€" Onlc'os, 75c lo 80c; Dela- war<is, b5c lo 95c in car lots oji track ihcie. PROVISIONS. Local quoloUdjis are; â€" P«rtk-.Sh.:rl cut, SJ2 lo $22.50 per larrel; nics>, $18.50 U> $I'J. I.anJâ€" Tierces, ll%c; tubs, 12c; polla, 12XC. .Smoked and Dry .<5allrd Menls-I/mg cear Imcm, ll),'ic to lie, Ions and cas- es; hnms, nirdiuni and light, KtV^c lo He; hams, large, ll^c Ij 12c; hacks. Kic t' IG>!;c; .should. t.<. (t^^c lo lOr; rolls, I'JC lo U)}ii-, breakfiisl baron. He lo !.')<â- ; grtcn niouls, eiul .jf pickle, Ic less tliaji tinioked. HAY AND STRAW. Timothy is quoied al $9 lo SICW in car lols on track here, with No. 2 al .$S lo $8.50. Strawâ€" Pi'iecs mpe l;<lwicn $6.50 end $8 per ton in car I<jIs here. MONTREAl. MARKETS. Montreal, June- 30â€" Flourâ€" Manitoba Bpring wheat patents, $6.10 In $(i.20; sec- ond palciits, S5.5<) lo $5.70; winter wheal Ijnlcnts, .$5 to .$.5.50; .slnU','lit roller.-*, P4.25 lo $i.50; in hags, $I.',I5 lo $2.10; cxtia. $I.r.0 lo $1.70. H<dlod Oatsâ€" $2.75 In J)ttgs of 00 pounds. Oatsâ€" No. 2, mc to 50c; No. 3, 47c lo ay^r; No. 4. 4Cc to 40>^e; rejected, 45c; .Maniloha. rejc-Uxl, 47c lo 47>ic. Ciinmfalâ€" $1.75 to $1.85 per Lag. MiUftoJ â€" Ontario bran, in bajre, $20.- .".0 to $21..50; shorts, $23 Ic $24; Maui- bran, in bags, .$22 to .$23; shorts, $24 lo $25. Local and outside demand t<,r ManiUtba feed wtieat Is quiet, and jirices are iinchangcd al 71c V» 72c for .No 1 and al i;7c to 07>^c for No. 2 per hushel, ex-.s'ore. Eggsâ€" Selected, 18c; No. 1, IGXc to 17c, and No. 2, 14c j-ier dozen. lx)cal recelijts to-day wro 1.281 cas'S, com- pared with 1,631 foi' Ihe corresponding day of last year. Butlerâ€" Finest creamery quoted al 23%c in round l;'t.s and iio to giocer.s. Choc.seâ€" WesU^rns quoleJ at ll%c lo 11%c and eaMenis at ll>ic to llJic Piovisi'insâ€" Biincls short cut mevs, $23..VJ; half-barrels, SlI^IO; clear fat h.-.cks, $23: dry >alt long clear hacks, lie; barrels plale Ixef. .SI7..')0; half-bai^ r. Is do., $9; compound .'atd, 8%c to 9>^c: l-un; lard, 12>^c to 13c; kett'o renihred, 13e to 13%c; hams, 12>^c lo 14c, ac<0:d- ing to size; bicikfasl bacon, H<- to 1,5c; Wind.sor biicn. 1,5c to 1(i'; fr sh kil'ed abattoir (lr<s.s.d lirjgs, S9.25 lo $y.50; live iM.m \o $6.75. UNITED STATF^S MARKETS. Buffalo, June 30.â€" Wheal â€" Spring nriner; No. 1 Norlihcrn. Sl.07% carloads; WinU'r lower; No. 2 red, 93c. Ojiti â€" Easier; No. 2 whiU', 77><;c; No. 2 yel- low, 76>^c. Oalsâ€" .Steady; No. 2 mix- <-!, .52%c; No. 2 while, 57c. Harlevâ€" .")>( l4i 65c. Rvi-â€" 86c, No. 1 (rack. Canal frfighlsâ€" Wheal, 5- t> New York. Miiimaooiis, June 30.â€" Wh atâ€" No. 1 hard. $1.08%; No. 3 N<irll;crn, $1.00% l.i $1.02%; July, «l.oiX; S«I>t., 89% lo 8'.%c. FI'Ur-Firi-t pal.nLs, $5.3^) lo f/i.45; se oiid pat- nis, ,$5.20 lo 85.;t5; lirsl c'ear.s, ii(4.20 lo .$1.30; seeo'.d clears, $3.- 511 lo $3.60. Biaiiâ€" In bulk, $18. Duluih, Juno :U)-^Whealâ€" No. 1 harJ, SI.08:Ji; N<i. 1 NorllioTii. $1.05;;; N<>. 2 .Nr.illR-rn, Sl.OlJi; July, $1.03 ;i; Si-ptmi- ler. 90>ic. M lwauk>'<', Jun«« .30.â€" Whejilâ€" No. 1 Noililtcm. $1.09 lo $1.10?^: No. 2 North- ern, $1.07 lo $1.09; StijiUiDb. r, xtj)ir. h'd. Ryeâ€" No. 1, 78c. Barleyâ€" vNo. 2. C8c; .sample. ,55 to 65c. (xirnâ€" .No. 3 cish. 7i) lo 71c; .^eplemlter, 69?ic. New Y<irk, June 30â€" Wtiealâ€" Spot 11' m; N'\ 2 red, 95c. elevaUT; N-i. 2 rod. K'Ac. r.<-.h., alloal; No. 1 iioilhorn, Du- luih, $1.14%. f.o.b. lo $3.75 p<-r cwt. For light slock, $2.- 50 lo $3 Is paid. Ewes wero down 25 to 35c per cwl. Soring lambs dropped from 50 to 75c each. Prices were:â€" Ewes, $4 to 14.25 rer cwt.; Spring lambs, 83 to $5.25 each. Hogs were firm on reported advances in lh-> piJccs of ba<on al Liverpixd. Se- lect .sold a I $6.30, and lights and fals at $6.(i5 per cwl. liraiF 80110 LIKE BIRD TIIALN LEl^T E.MKANK.MENT. Accident dn C. P. R.'s New Western Ex- ItnsMn .Near Tultenhani. A despali-h fiom Tollenham, Onl., sriy.s: The C. P. R. train for Winnijieg, which left Toronto on Saturday night tarrying two hundred passengers, was <h railed aljoul two miles north of Tol- li liham at 11.40 p.m. P'ive coaches were Ihiowii down an embankment b<.-twe*'n rdlten an<l twenty' let, four turning ccmpleiely over. The lender and bag- g;.go and mail cars remained on lh-3 tra.k. There weio none* killed, bul two eUIe-ily women are serioiks'.y injurol. In r.ll about twenty -five wei-e injured, s<jnie very slightly. The lolling slock and r ittdlod aiii:)earcd lo be in go<jd' order, find tho tiain was running about llio u^ual speeJ. Tho pass-ngci-s were taken t) Totlen- t'.am early Sunday jnorning, where th<"y were given every oe-rafort possible, and at one o'clock in Ihe afternoon wore c^Jn- veyed back to the scene of the wreck and passengers and baggage liaiisft-rred I" a special, which look them on their journey. Four of the more seriously huit end some wlw did not desire to cenilnucon ttieir journey were tak- n lo T' roiito. ..Vll-lujugh the track will bo pasiu! le, the cava being thrown live of the iy)ad-led. bul it will Lc days lefore Ihn coa.b.s w.ll bo cxtricat d frs-m tho ditch. THE INJURED Mrs. John .Swird. Parry Sound, face t.ully cut and ^tei'lous intornil injuiie.d. In Toi'onlo Wes'eiu Hospital. Mrs. Frank Mill r, Foil William, chest icjured. In Toionio Woitorn Hospital. Wm. Taylor, Parry .Sound, head cut and injured. In Toronto \Vcst:rn IKs- pital. James E. Price. Regina, face cut; in- jures not ser.<-as. In Toi-onio Western Hospital. F. Ralph, Dundas, arm injured. James .Squires, Parry Sound, scalp wound. J bn ."Squires, Parry S-ound, injured Internally. Mis. James Wil:>OD, OlUr Luke, head and limbs injurwi. Jam's ."Smith, Parry Sound, b:ick and head injured. Airs. Janiis .Smith, Parry Sound, back and ann.s injui-«'d. W. Roi lie, Sault Sle. Marie, shoulder tlis'o'ate.l. F. II. Russell, 61 SI. Gcorg.- Slicol, To- ronto, s;di> and lack Injured. .Mrs. II. .Mori-is, Rrand-jn, back and arm injured. D. Beagon, Parry Sound, shoulder and l«'g injunxl. .Mrs. (1. Cooper, Parry Sound, legs and bak injiuvd. .Norman Coope:-, Pairy Sound, chost and face injur^'d. .\lr.s. T. Hidden, Chapleau, ankle In- jur, d. J. F. Wifsns, Parry Sound, back hlUiiCel-. .\. E. Ourney, Parry .Sound, leg cut. ('orducl')r tlillios, i:n'.il r-ccntly of North Bay, head cut and injur- d inler- anlly. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, June 30.â€" A steady market oMa nul f'>r pool export entile. Their [Ti es ranf-'ed fioni $6.15 lo .'S6.40 per ewl. ExjKirl bulls were firmer at $5 to J.ri.25 per (-wl. A good many eif the .sle-ck wen^ of lipht w< and Iheir values ranged fr m $4 lo .$4.25 jvr cwl. The pidiicipal de- mand was f-ir gofd liulchors' callle, which s>ld al $5.25 to S5.60 p.r cwl. \ carload of choice .stall-fe<i sltors, 1.1,50 )x-,unds. was dispos<'d of al .?5.80 |x'r ewl. Choice huUhers' catt'c sold al ,$5.- (i(l lo .S.5.80 p<r ewl. Cooil loads were w<r.lli $5.15 lo .$5.50 per cwt. .SUjckers, of 400 to 70O loiinds, wero dull of .-ale. Ni'b;.dy wants llunn now. Callle of 800 lo INK) i><'Uii<ls .sold a-4 feed- er.s al .$3.50 li ,$3.75 per cwl. Stockirs, 700 lo 800 pounds, were quo'ed at !ii:l..50 I T. P. BAILS AT Work on the New Intercolonial Shops Is â- Also Going Ahead Rapidly. A dospntch from Monclon, N. R., says: The (Jrand Trunk Pacific Railway has cnU-red Moncton qnielly. Tho rails of the n<\v Transcoiitjiciital Railway wfiv run lirlo Meinclon on Wednesday, and Dew stretch within a tew hundred )ard.s Ci the 1. C. R. depot. Several Mn-ve>-s have recently been made by the 0. T. P enginier«, bul no <ine except Iho rail- *-Ry eontraclor.s know exnclly w hi ro Ihe new line was t<) be locnU-d. In a Birale day the rails were lad, and n^w • elt-aai i^vol has been inslalKni and is rapidly excavating Mio grade. Tho rails lun ainiojl up lo Iho I. C. R. track, and from there will parallel lite 1. (i. R. (lejol. WV.rk on lliis <livlson of tho Tran.s- c 'nUn-.MUal has liceii ahead ro,;)- Idly. hy the place where .no .sleani shovel is tear,ng up the ground, in readiness for lh> iH>rmanent ral s of Ihe lranS"'nlal, work on llie I. c, R. new .shops is rapidly going forwar.l, and Uie Marillmo lYovmoi's I'wiay pro- bably pn'ienl no bus or locality than iJie west end c( tht» city. KILLKI) lil.M.SF.LF ON TRAIN. Pass«inoer on C. I'. It. Express Blows Out ills Brains. A dospatt-h from Kenora, Onl., says: As No. 96 llir nigh expie.« approached O^t-rsuud Thur-d ly, a passenger nam- ed John McConnell en r<JUtc tram Wash- Inglon Territory lo Dove-r, New Ilamp- •^hirc, .sudckniy leliioJ lo the dressing ro>:i'm and sli<it hiin.-e!f through Ihe l:oad. Ufxin hearing Ihe rejiori Jlas^en- gers pushed Ihe- door open, but th-; un- krtunato man was breathing his last. In conxersoU n with fell av-.! ass viger-s he had complaiJiotl of ill-health, in;, Ih.^ opinion that lie could ml live jnU'h longer. Tlie deceased was about 45 yeais of age. \ daugtilor living iji Winniplg is Ihe only relative of wiioni any Truce can Le fouiul. PLAYED WITH IMATCIIES. rive-ye«r-old Windsor C.liiUI Burned lo Death. A despatch f»oni Wir.d.s<ir, Onl., says: Tho live-year-: ikl ikiugh'er of Thoina.s CeiiieU, of WaLkerville, is dead as Ihe I. suit of being accidentally bumcd tw.i v.eks agii. The child wn.s playing with iii.ilchcs and, her clolh'jig lecouiuig Ig- u kd, she was fearfully buined uiKiiit llic head and shoulders. Enormous Mass Sank and Kose, Turned and Stopped at Will of Operator. A d«»palch from Frlcdrlr-hshafcn, Gei-many, says: A second ascent was Tiade on WednesiJay evening by Ojunl Z<-ppel.n in his new airshp with a view lo tsling an imprjved side-sko:Ing gear, which has Just been installed. On ll;e first aseent Count Zeppelin dec'arod that ho was salisfltyJ with ev<'rything except the sidosteering arrangement, which had not oome up to his expecta- lons. This now has teen altered, and llie change has given excellent results. The on Wednesday night lasted a Mllle over two hours, during wliioh imie Ihe most difRoult niana'uvres wero car- i-rf-d out without a hitch. Tho great airship flist circled around the Town of Frlcdriciishafen seven times. It then Ck-parted at full speed towards Langen, argon, where it crossed to Ihe Swi:rS s;<l« cf Lake Constance against a light breeze. Proco.ding back acr ss the lake to Lindau. the Count undertook at a height of from three hundred lo six bundled feet above Iho surface of the wattr a scries of manceuvT. s, inclu ling s.nking end rising, turaing and .slop- ping, thoroughly Ust-ng the new ar- rungemen^t of both the ascensional and side->teering apparatus, which sf?eniing- ly worked m a moil saitsfaclory man- lier. The facilily with whch a change of direction of the enormous mass 'n mid-air was accomplished deeply im- p'as.-ye.l the spectators. ULINED BY CANKER WORM. Great Damage Reported in Nova Scotia Orchards. A despatch from Halifax, N. S., .sa>^: The canker worm ho« suddenly attacked tiie fruit region of .Nova .S<otiu and caused immense less. Bloss-iming was exceedingly promising and the outkok f.'" a gr.-ul crop was very ho;,eful. Thlo has been changed- within a week and now a large nunilxT of orchartis arc badly scorched and many others are hard hit by this pest, though iji a les- ser degree. In some cases folia g^i in nearly all of the ti-ees has boon com- pk'lciy witliered. The affe-cled ar- a ex- lends from end lo end. A Strang- fea- ture is that some orchard's where s. ray- ing was less carefully praclisod have escapel, while alongside ttie m-^t care- fully treated Ircei aie affected very seri- ously. The c-ffecl on llie whole irjp cannot be exactly predicted at this lime, but Individual lo.scs will be very heavy. Tho theory Is that June rains washeei the spray off tho trees .so tliat proloeli<in of Ihe poison was absent when the al- la'-k of Ihe worms canie<n. It L^ many yi ars since .Nova Scolia oix-lwirds were similarly affected. SWA.M THE DEVIL'S HOLE. Tlio Darinu Dotd ol a One-.\mied Buf- falo !Man. A despatch from Niagara Falls, N. Y., says: With nothing to pi-otect him but a cork life preserver, George Powell, a cno-armed Buffalo man, on f'-riday af- ten-.oon swam th:'ough Ih.i Devil's Hole Rapid-s and on lo LewLston. He cover- ed Iho Iwo and one-half miles In thirty- tive miniiles. This Ls a foal which has l«cii lerformed only Iw'co b-'for"". Pow- ell entered the water at Iho Flat Rock. Leiow the Whirl.rool, and .swam di- rcclly lo the middle of the river. At tho turn below the Whirlpool PeAvell had a I'e-perale sti-uggle to k e? ab vo walcr. \'. Olio lime he disappeared for sixty seconds. P;issing th? lower trolU-y bridge ho was tL-^sed about 1 ko a txirk. P .well ha<l something In nseae at the end of the iierilous Irip. and ie-ichcd t!:e dock al I.ewHon with ;ut diiliculty. -^i PLACIE IN WEST INDIE.S. Crusade .liiauouraied to Exlermitiatc the Rats. .\ despatch from Kingston, Jamaica, says: Two more fatal eas-s of plague I nvo bi'en reiKirled at Trindad. The CK-vcrnnienl of Jamaica ha.s stait.'<l a cru.sade to exterminate the rats in King- hton us tt precaution against the dis- ease. KI\(S ABANDONS nACIXG. Oincbaiy Announrcd Thai He will Dis- pose ol His lltwitfs. A di>spaloh from London .says: Lord Knolly*, ll:e Kings private .^ecpelary. in replying l> a quostUin, replied that his Majesty Intends to ahanik»n horse rac- ing. DIED AT THE ACE OF 104. Leeds County Woman Had Passed the Century ^lark. A desrpalch from Brokville says: \i the liltlo country home of her son, near IVdford Mills. Lee Is Coujity. news comes of Ihe death <if .Mrs. Peter Brady, p(ssibly tho oldest 2-esid«nl of Onlarij. Mrs. Brady's age is given as 104. Slic was a native of Irc'and, bul spent most ef her life in this .'<>e-ti<ai. The old lady lelained her mental faculties to th' la-t, and was remarkably well pIes<a^rid fjr cno of her years. 4f MRS. PnOl'LX FATALLY Bl RNED. Ottawa AVomam's Clothing Caiighl >Vhile She was Ligliliiig Fire. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mi's. Pioulx, a woman of 80 ,ve:'rs, died on Wednes<lay morning in i\w City H'spi- lai as a ivsull of burns receive*! w-Ji lo li):hUng a fire with euil oil on Tuesday n ghl. Iter clothing caught fire, and b;^ f. re pas.ser.sby on Iho slre-t wtio heard her screams could .-molhcr the llanies she le.eiVid fatal burns. WOIXD PREFER HANGING Galkian .Sentenced at ^VIsl:uâ- pe(J. to Twenty Years' Iniprisonnieut. A dL\spat"h from Winnipeg .'ays: A, Andrecszuk, who was oonv ctcd ef man- slaughter on Thursday, although evvry- cne cxpe.le'U a verdict of murder, was on Friday sentenced to tw. nty vo-rs In lb.e ic.iiient ury. He pi a. led pileoiisly U>v the death s-.-nlcnce instead, and af- t<r l;e:ii trending rel-.-rencs rogaixling ppovLsion for his family, twict allempt- e j suicide wliilo being taken tj th9 Celts. First Itc- endeavored lo .strangle himself, and later tried to dash'out hi* brains on the walls.' 4i N-EW ENGINES FOR C. P. R. Orders lor Twenty Freight Locomotives to be Ituill at .Uoaiireul. A despatch fix3m Montreal snys: An order for twenty new froighl eng'nes v.-a.s pined with the Lo"om< tiv<j k .Ma- chine Oinipany by the C. P. H. on Fri- day. The Mitract cal's for delivery by September 15 next, and it is promised that all win be ready well wilhui thai linio. The engines are for the westeni division of the road. « . SCOTTISH F-VR-MEUS CO.MING. List an Influential Ones Including Some Notables. A dcs'iatch from Ixindon says: The lisl of Soolti-h farmers who are going to the Dominion in .\ugusl on a sevvn weeivs' tour in response to Ihe invita- I on <<( the Canadian Government is an ir.ltuontial one, including Sir J. .Sin- c'air, cousin of ll.e Seottash Secielary, TIRED OF THE STRIGGLE. n. Monlejlh Was About lo Throw llim- sell Over the Falls. A despatch from Niagara Falls says: OlTixr Greenweiod on Tuesday pie, en Id a young man named R. Xtnteilli fr<ira throwjig hiiii-self over tho llonseshoe Falls. Divesting himself of coal and vest, Montcith was about to plunge over the pr< cipice, when the> ollic.'i-, who ^ad lern ebsorving his actions, pivvent- ed h:m. .Moiileith said he had been out < f work for a long lime, was derrossod and could sland the strain no longer. Work was found for hini on Wednesday. . >!> FELL LNTO MOLTEN METAU Tiighltul .\rcident lo BrockvUle Foundr> Employe. \ despatch fre>m Rreckville, Onl., says: Wh'n tho cast w.;s Icing p nircd in llie moukliing deparlmenl uf th< James ."iniart Comp.-iny, a diilrc-sing ao c-ioent O'currevl. John Pask w-as hu:Ty- \THi ffv^ni the cupalo with a ladle full ol niolt.n iron, when he tr p;ed. The iron lan over the ground, and inta it wcnl I''s outslretchod arms in Ih' fal'. Us hands, particularly tho right, wew terribly bumod to the bone, also u pcvi^ ftion of his body. * Pj'csident Plummer reported the works in oxcellenl shape al the annual meet- ing of tho Dominion Steel C<impany In Monlival. Ho sJiid thoy would be pay- inf; dividends now. only for the suit Willi the C^al Company. BOMB EIPLOIB IN CBMfl Attempt to Kill the Archbishop of Turin Many Persons Injured. A despatch from Rome says: While Cardinal .\g<slino Richelly, Arehb3h;p ol Turin, was saying nia-s in the ca- thedral al noon on Wedncselay In h< nor etlhefeastof St. John, the city's patron ssint, a petard explo lecl within the buikling, making a tcirillc din. The conpri'galion, which was composed n-oslly ol women, was thrown Into a slate of panic and made a wild rush for Ito doors. Many pei'sons were thrown dewn and trampled upon, sonic thus rcceivieg sr-voro injuries. Nobcdv wan wounekd by [ht- expk>sk,n. Th<' jetaid c<-nsi.slod of a tin box containing gun- p^wder and revolver cartr dges. Th« effects of the explosion were lessened by the fact that Ihe carUidgos did not explode. It is believetl that the author c' Iho outrage was soekljig the lito of the Cardinal Richelmy, to whom Ni« pope ha-! lelegiaphed oon«ralulai;on» uion his escape.