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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1908, p. 7

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4 f HEALING POWER OF PIN£ U you have ever taken a walk Jliroiigh a pine forest, you will remem- ber h-Av, almost unoonsciouiBly, tii« »ieaa was thrown back aiiU lungs ex- panilcU as you ilrcw in, with long dct'P tiiealh's, the pine-laden aii-. How in- vigoi-uling it wasâ€" how healing! 'i housands of men an<l women svifwr- Int' from lung and bronchial affections, l>ut who-* cirtumslances prevent Ihein from jrceking reiKwed health in the pino for.xt';, can be reUevid and cured in their own home by using Virgin Oi' «'f Pino (pure). This preparation con- tains all Iho health-giving prKiporlias of !hc forest Irees, and w.U break up a cold in 21 hours and cure any coiijih that is eiirnbl*. It is aho a perfect neiitralizint; agent for uric acid, ami affords speedy relief in cas<.-s of rheumatism, lamo^back, or other affec- lions resulting from disordered kidneys. Virgin 1 of Pine is put up in X-oz- vials only for druggists to dispense, eacJi vial encl<»ed in a round wooden case to prevent breakage and ex|)osuro f<' light. This case is senl«>d with an engraved wrapper showing the name â€" Virgin Oil of Pine (pure). PrcpHIX^d only by Leacli Chemical Co., Windsor. Ont.â€" 4)lainly printed thereon. It is well to get lh« genuine. Should your druggist be unable to supply you, you can have a yj<i7.. vial mailed to you b> sending ,50 cf'nis to the Leach Cho- mieal Co.. Windsor, Ont. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS BY M.\IL FnOM ll(EL.\ND'S .SIIOR£.S. IIapp<?iWnos in the Emerald Isle ol Interest to Irisb- las. F. M. Mullen, J. P., of Belmont, has been oppointcd High Sheriff of Cxirk for th« present year. Sir Charles H. Bretl has been appoint- ed prcsdcnt of the Belfast Chamber of Commerce for 1908. Anli-im road residents arc agitating in favor of the purchase of the Camhill & Wtiitowall Tramway systems by the Uelfast corporation. Aldorman Sir Boberl Anderson has teen elected mayor of Belfast, in place of tho Earl of Shaftesbury. Councillor J<,ihn .VIcCaug!;<'y has been made high fcheriff for 1908. The corporation of the city of Belfast and the manag^nenl of 'ho Forstcr- Giecn Hospital have between them Agreed to pay for twenty-live new beds in Iho institution. Four men and two women have teen nrresial in Belfast, charged with the ' thetl. of £202 from the till of Dennis OKlaherly s spirit store. Two Pelfast constables, sent to ar- rest a lunali.c of tho name of Doiigan, had a strenuous lime ttefore they ef- fected the capture. The man was armed with a raatjr, and bolh police- men rocoivid many bad cuts. Tho Belfast health authorilics report another outbreak of spoltixl fever mi that city. Owing to tho aso of a new s<:rum, the death rate has, however, been rcJuced to thirty per cent., os against seventy per cent, in last year's <pidemii?. Investigation into the irregularities in the Belfiisl Ircauu-y <ioparlment has revealed a defalc-ation of .£0.800 in three ward.s alone. It is thought that the tola! shortage will be about £15,000. Awakening fi\)m sleep, Bev. I.indsny CuUen, of Bangor, County Down, found the gas issuing from a brf;kcn pipe and the fmniture in (lames. Though almost overpowered, ho managed to escape and turn in an alarm. On the i-ccommendallon of the Earl cf Carysforl, II. M. I., for the County cf Wicklow, the Lord Chancellor has a[ pointed .Mr. Christopher Charles Hcr- Ix'rt Hall, ol Knockraheen, Boundwood, to be a justice of the peace for that county. The bridge which connects Criiil Isv Itind with the mainland collapsed while b iiiimbor of .voung people tuid ns-oni- ileU on it for a dance, many of them being thKiwii into the sea. Sinoe tho jnaltltjlion of u bath nt Bal- tymoney Workhouse only eight tramps wcjittiirough tho ordeal, and were ro- feived in tlio woriihousc, compared v\ilh fifty tramps received in the correspond- ing week of last year. \Irs. Margaret Fagan, of Cumining.s- lowii. West Mealh, has jiist passed away at Iho aue of 104 years. It .is reporletl fixini Dublin that the Duko lino of steamers has been pur- chased by Ci. & 1. Burns lor the sum cf £140,000. In an address in Belfast CK?noral Booth announced that a lady gave him £20,000 f<jr his social work, and had earmarked it for that purpose. At Doncaslei- Geo, Pen-cy Finn, an under footman at Milton Hall, was com- mitted for trial, charge<l with stealing a diamond tiara, the properly of his mistress. In endeavoring to rescue his dog, which had located an otter burrow at Clonderhiw (Co. Chme), John Cassidy had hi.s hand so badly bitten by ono o' the otters that an amputation had to be performed. The committee, of 'he Longford Agri- cultural Society propose to discontinue the annual stiow, in consequence of the land agilalon. If they lake entries from the graziers the people will ob- ject, nn<I if they refiisc such entries the Department of Agriculture will not give llie annual gi-ant. The Dublin Gas Meter Factory was totally destroyed by fire last week. A hundred men have b:cn thrown out of employment, but will be taken on agflin as soon ss new quarters can be secured. Tht're die<l last week, Mrs. M. A. Nel- son, of Carrick-on-Shannon, at the age of 103. Mrs. Nelson went through the Crimean War a« one of Florence Night- ingale's nurses. On her death she was ill rece pi of an annual pension of £24. nile be long used with ilie same pa- tients. If physical training is utilized, various methods arc employed; music may be used to accompany tho exercises, and the music and insirumenls may be var- ied. Baseball games interest the entire household and cause diverting convcrsn- licn. The same is true, in these hcspi- lals, respecting pool and billiard and bowling matches; and the bcnertts of patients' dances have been a matter of common observation and comment for years. Bhylhmic exercises, such as bi^-ycle riding on level ground, are useful in slates of partial exhanstion and in the spasmodic neuroses. Oolf is frequently proscribed In many nervous di."!ordens as a form of exercls<?, the dosage of wiiich is easily regul«te<l. Calislhonic drills to increase the atten- tion are apt to be Ukj exhausting for mental ca-ses unless sulBcient reaction lime Is permitted, or the teacher accom- pany his commands wltti a performance cf the same niovcinenls himself, thus permitting imitation, which is not ac- companied by nearly ns much mental exhaustion as the close and prolonged -fixation of the attention demanded by fcliowing rapid connnnnds only. Duplicate whist I have found of im- mense value in many mental cases of Icng stamiing in which there is not much deterioration. It controls the at- trntion for considerable periods, to tho exclusion of annoying delusions and hnlhicinntions. Many hospilnis are provided with pedagogic schools, the object of which is the awakening and re-education of dormant energies by actual participation i.i study or discussion. Spelling and mental arithtnclic; geography of coun- tries and places of special current news- paper mention; reciting or reading aloud â€"all have their value. BEUr.AR'.S BANK BOOK. \ Clever Gang Cnpturrd by the Borlin Police. A clever gang of Turkish, Gro'k and Russian pr<ifossional Iwggars, who have b&en "working' Berlin, Ccrmuny .--incc tlio ni<lille of Dect^nber after a series of succe.'^sful oiKrutions in ot'ier con- tinentui capitals, was captured by llie ix-lico u low days ago. Their proQls had amassed nt such a rale that thev were conipellfd lo open a bank accuunt fci' the storage of their ill-gotten gains. Their scheme was to .<^end out four of the youngest members of the gang, who nifldc a housc-lo-housc canvas of vari- ous neighborh'.xids in the guise of deaf and dumb persons. A printed apiieal which the "mutes" presented told a har- rowing tale of how, during the last Turkish-Bulgarian hostililos. their par- ental homes had been pillaged, and the Uingues of all the children of the house- tiold cut out by bloodlhirsty soldiers. Subsequent attacks of typhoid had then i>obbod them of Iheir hearing. "Help me. mcix-iful Christian.' con- cludixl the plaintive prayer, and God will ivoompense you a thousand times. The "beggars" often came home at night with pockets clinking with gold and silver. The swindle came lo light last week in consequence of a piece of bad management at the headquarters of tho gong which iv^sulled in one of the beg- gars applying by mistake at a house which a colleague had succossfully "worked" a couple of days before. The Central Nurseries ara supplriDK splendid vain* in Fruit and Orn&meuUI Treen, Khrubi, Kousi Urapevli.ui, New Uorbsrt KaHpliarrjr, Uykman Strawberry t'lantx in rariatie*- All well arown. Trua, dependable ntock. Seiul (or our Free Prte«d cata' loKue. Wo ship direct tn our futtuiuers, with Hatisfartury re»i\lt». Try u*- )!8thyenr. Seed I'otatoos : Climax, tiureka, Kldorado, I'eck's /arly, Karlf King, Ciold Coin, and otbeni. Tbia uJ. will not appear again A. C. HULL & SON, ST. C.\rHERI.^ES« ONTARiOt M£NT1UN rillij PAPBU Ti IIEABTY. "Talxc back the heart that you gavcst,' \\ ith a look of regret he said, (To Iho wnilrcss who stood beside him), "And bring mo liver instead." ilMl£ A GOOD TIME TO BU-^ CLYDE.'^DALES Those who know farmers who are paying for their farms ajid making money usually appreciate that to raise a few feels each year is a sure money maker. Clydesdale horses are recog- nized lo be the best heavy draft herd <i' horses for Ontario and every up-to- dale fanner should try this year, when prices are low, lo procure a inood mare al the current prices. Quality aiul pedi- gree should always be considered when purchasing lo breed from, so only high- marcs should be procured. .\ number of chances in the way of auction sales have gone by. but there i.s an important sale lo be held al Beaverlon, March 12th, where many brood mares ore to be s<jld, heavy in foal. This is an opporlimity lo be taken advantage of. These mares are owned 0} Messrs. DonnUI Gunn A Son, Iho pro- prietors of the famous Dunrobin .Stock Farm. The rcputalinn of these men Is suflicient to guarnnkv; a go<jd sale and good animals. Farmers considering their own interests would do welT to remember the dale. FOl'R nO.SPITALS FAILED. James Heard, of Morton Park, Ont., says: "While employed at the Specially Wor-ks of Newmarket G or 7 years ago, I bruised my ankle, but through neg- lect this bruise turned lo an ulceraled <r burning sore which caused me a great deal of suffering. I Irie^^l a great inmiter of doctors, and was in the ho-- pital four times. I tried almost evn-j- tiling, but nothing did me any good. I could not sleep at night with the scaUl- mg and burning pain, but from tTie first application of Zambuk I never lo.5t any sleep, and felt jiothing more of 't than if I hadn't had any now at all. It started healing and gave me no further trouble. I persevered with it and my ankle is now as sound and well as ever it was. 1 cannot speak loo highly of Zam-Buk." Zam-Buk cures cuts, bums, chapped hamis, chaflngs, cold sores, iteh, chil- iiains, eczema, running sores, sore throat, bad chest, ringworm, piles (blind or bleeiling). bad leg<i, inllamed patijlies, rheumalLsm, neuralgia, .sciati- ca, iibsres^es and all dL^eased, injured and irritalixl conditions of Ihc .••â- kin. Ob- tainable <jf all druggists and store^;, 50c. or post-paid upon ivceipt of price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. "Yes, dear," said Iho petted young wife, examining lier birthday gift, "theye diam<jnd ear-rings arc prelty, lut the stones arc awfully small." "Of course, niy dear," replied tho dip- lomatc liusb:ind, "but if they were any larger they'd be out of all pioportion to the size of your ears." Like â-  bad habit a akin disease grows. Serotlh loua huruon*, eczema and all eiuptiuns may ba cured with Wearer a Cerate, tukiatod iotaraaUj b7 Wearer's Sjrup. All Drttopstt. DON'T OVERDRAW YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. To overdraw you- bank account. whHhet mentally oi- phy. illy, is more suicidal even than to overaiiiw materially. Repair wasted tissues, strengthen shattered nerves and rejuvenate your rheumatic tvstein by viaiting the famoue Mineral Salt Hprings of the "St. Catharines Well" of Kt. Cathar- ! Incs, Ont. A po.stal card to J. D. McDon- ald: District PaHsoncer Aeent. Grand Trunk Itailway System, Toronto, will bring illustrated descriptive matter. NO DOUBT AI30UT IT. Guest (in cheap restaurantyâ€" Pay. waiter, ai'e you sure this Ls genuine turtle soup? Wuilerâ€" Cour.':o it is. It was made from water taken from a pond in the park in which two turtles were kept a'l summer To intro'nco oar | goods aad that m«y Mai you our cataloff, whieb coataiBi«i« of bar^aloa ia •xmtf line of rfoods. Wb will atnd yuu Ibis haudaome Bolld tiol4 filfnet Itiof, witb raued scrolls uii fi^ts. su'.uble lur men, woiuen ur ,.hUdr- D ; are uli the rage at tlie pr eecoft tiiue roAtpatd with our oatalOK to' i'i vMOtt, HanA •B^rarod luliiata. 6 ceuu teen oxlrjL 'inUOUKUON Cu., UcptU-3, Urldgcpart.Couiie TO CUnE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVB BKOMO Quloins TableU. DravgiaU refund money it It falls to cure, K. Vf. QBOvK'a signature la on each box. HBa. NOBODY WOULD KNOW. Doctor (to h's cook, who is just leav- ing â€" "Well. .Miss, I am sorry, but 1 can only give \'ou a \ery indifferent character." "Well, sir, never mind. Write it just like you do your prcscripikins?' \ Benefactor to All. â€" The .soklif-r. the sailor, the lisherman. the miner, the farmer, the mechanic, ujid all who live lives of toil and spend their existence in the dull louline of le<lij:yis tasks and who are cxpo.setl to injui'les and ail- ments that th<se who toil not <io not laiow. will find in Dr. Thomas' Hcle*-- tric Oil an eNcellent frienil and b<.'no- faclor in every time of need. AS U.SL'.\L. Mother's buyingr <l!aiiionds, And sister tr.nkets line. And brother's buying shares in .•\ "i^altcd" copper mine; .M'lney lodes like magic It almost gives one ihrills â€" And fathei, io<ir old father, lie has lo stand tho billsl What should be Forcotten ? ETerythlnc that mare. What should not be forgotten V " Tlie n k h" Menthol I'lantoin : u p.istiTe cure for muaca- tar rhoumatism and ueuratgia. Brownâ€" ' cigars I am smoking are pret'.y expensive.' Jonesâ€" "Thai's true enough; the last one you gave me cost mo a doctor's bill." The big black plug chewing tobacco. ases WOODF-.N-HEADRD. Tho prciseculing counsel had been \ery ic^ilhing in his treatment of the witnesses for the defence. So much fo Ihat one of these, a young doctor, 'determined lo relulisle. "You claim lo \x' acquainted with the varUius symptoms utl<'nding concus- son of the brainf' asked Ihe lawyer. "I do." "Wo will take n concrete case," con- tinued tho counsel. "If my learned friend, coun.sel for the defence, and my- self were lo bang our heads together, should we get concussion of the brain?' Thi> young pliys'oian snii'ed slightly. "Tho piyjliabililies are." he replied, "that counsel for llio defence would.' HER ONLY Cl^ANC^:. A HEMINDEn. A cold wave always reminds a man that he ought to have ordered more coal a day or two before. Bxkle's Anti-Consumptive .Syrup is an unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs, inlluenza and of the throat and lungs. The fame of Ihe medicine rests upon years of successful use in ernJi- catiiig these affections, and in protect- ing mankind fioin the fatal ravages of consumption, and as a neglected cold leads lo consumption, one cannot be loo careful to light it in its early stages, Uiekle's Syrup is the wcaixin, use it. Tho Beggarâ€" "Please, sir, will you kindly n.ssist n poor man who has three wives t'l support?'' The Pcdcslrianâ€" "Why; do you mean to say you are a bigamist?" The Beggarâ€" "Oh, no, sir. Two of them ai'e tho wivus of my sons. In-luw." Ono trial of Mother Graves Worm Rxtorminator will convince you that â- ! has no equal as a worm medicine. Uuy ,1 bottle and see if it does not pleuae ycu. Sfubbsâ€" "Yes, the Colossal Wild Animal Show went lo pieces. Tlio Cre. ditors .seize! everything until they rcachod Ihe creature in the last cage.' Penn â€" "And why diilii't they ,s<'i7.e that?" Stubbsâ€" "It was a [icrcuplne.- ITCn, Mango Pralrlo Pcratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minules by VVol- ford's Sanitary f.<-tion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. H(> â€" "Do you think Mondes have more admirers Ihan bninclles?" She -"I don I know. You might ask Miss Turn- hair. She has liud e.Nperienco in hot'i caipaeities. ' A cicrgymnn Iwlcc refusetl lo marry a onuple who came bcDoro him. be^ cause (111 bolh oceasi<ins the bridegroofn was iiiUixicatcd, The clergyman .'iaid lo the bride; "I cannot iinderiland why you come tc church wilh a man who' is lo bo your husband in a slate like this.'' The youn;j woiiinn into fcar.s and said: "I cannot help it. sir. flc won't come when he's sober!" Bills have di.sapiienivxl from Little rimibrne, where, before (he recent ex- pi'rimenls with a,nse fatal lo them, fhey were so thick a.s to almost pre- clude tho habitation of tho island. PULES CURED IN • TO M DAYS. IPAZO OINTMKXT Is guaranteed to care any case of Itoblni, Blind, Bleeding or Protudlag IPUai la • to U dajs or msney refunded, eoo. Two coinmorcal travellers were com- paring notes. "I have been out three weeks," said the first, "and hnvo only got four orders." "That beats me," sniil the other; "I have lieen out four weeks and have only got one order, and Ihals fivin the llrm lo oomo home.' Hard and .soft corns cannot wilhst.tnd Holkiw.iy's Corn Cui«; it is effecUial every time. Gel a totllc al once and te happy. During a gale, a crane at Brnitlmore & Comiianys yard al Dalmiiir, while lifting philos for the new bnllleshit) Agamemnon, was blown into Ihe river. Two men weixs carried with it, and were drowned. A Ferognized Bcgiilator.â€" To bring the digestive organs InLo .symmelrical workinl? is the aim of physicians when UU'y llnd a patient suffering from sto- mncbic irpegulurities. and for Ihis luir- pose they can prescribe nothing b<>ller than Pnrmeice's \'<.gelablo Pills, which will l)e found a pleasant medicine of surprising virtue in bringing the refrac- tory organs inio subjection and leslor- iiig them to normal nclion, in which condition only tliey pertorm their du- ties i)roperly. Women enjoy wearing liyht clolhes h<'cause it makes them feel so good when they lake them off. More Iron Needed In the hlood of pale, nia down people, " KarroTim," the but tonic, will put it tliaru. At all general ntuiaj and Druggists, Little Girlâ€" "My manmia Is awful strict. Is yours?' Lilllo Btjyâ€" -"Orful, ' I.iMIe Gillâ€" "But she lets you go any- where .veil want lo, niid^ " Lilt'o Boyâ€" "Oh, she ain't sirict with me,' Little Oirlâ€" 'Then who is sbo strict with?" Lillle Coy^"Pa.' "A, arara,yard Coush" Is the cry of tortured lung'* for inorcy. OiTe theiii Allen's Lung Balsam- whiuli is used with good elteol evuu iu cousump- tiou'a •a,tl7 stages. A DILENfMA'S ilORNS. The young Indy sighed deeply and was nlniosl affected lo tears. 'll;iiold,' she ."iaid, "deduios Ihal if I don't marry him ho will end his life. And I am afraid ho will." She .slillcd a .sob, then continued: ".•\nd Hamlolph declares that if / don't marry him he will po into polidcs and beciimo great and fotiious, anil i'"'" hr. says I shall see what I hnve 'iiis.'e''' And I am afraid ho will keep Uis "«''''" too." Overcome bv emotion, she I""""^' '"''' fiico in her hands, not '>•"''"â- ,'"'•'",' thcr to save a life or to •-/»«'''' '"" 'â- ^' try another politicioii. ruslomer (to l^^,;'!!,jrw. ^'hl would net givomc^;^;i'_ .,'/'„.;,,, ,„„ for my nwne^. ^ ^,^„ „ ,o„g wait would not gi"* "' (or mine!" WANTED- lit hear from owner havinR A GOOD FARM for sato. Not particular about locatioii- Plua^e five price and (loscriptluu, antt rea- son fursoUine. 8tat6 whon poa«nj8ioi) c&n b« bad. Wilfitvai with owtt«rs oniv, L. U;uby«hlr6, Box 084, Hochoster, X. Y. P€JSi. f^TEHBORqUGH, SempforCataiooue. An Important AVa' Book by a Canadian Xovelist : THE ROAIT TO DAMASCUS Ry H. .K. Mltofaall KoHra, author «f "U« Thai Katath Hreail With M«.'^ A beautiful purtraya of Ibe marital relation, with a powerful treat ment of co-eiltication. tVonnnnred by orttici *'KASII.V OHK of THK SKASO.NS mt*T NOVKUS.' Atallbookitorei. $ orient postpaid ou receipi of price, bjr the i ubliihers. Small, Maynard & Co. 1 BaaoonSt., ilustun, Masi. FEATHER DYEINQ Cl«aBlaisa4CarllBasa4KM Qtaree cleueA TbcM e»a kt teat bfvoel, leper w. tiM bMi pliee U MiTitH AMERICAN DYEiNC COi mUtTBlAX*. VAL-vri MEN MAKES NEW 7' d 1RC11JC17, m o n t .-\ I exk KiiK ur pren),iture olU â- Â£â€¢â-  Strengthens! . Devetops I Invlgorategl I f y,,ii "ufff r from wclc- »".c*». ,haltc)eil tiei«c\, if^st vitAlitv, w*nlnj power, im- â- tniwt,, mplai,rI,o!v, weak KliK ,>r Vfcl-vlto "111 ni»k« VT.ti lUon,; anj Ylgc V»l Vltowlll Lulld up a syvttm thai *ax ritn /«wm. ao n»3tt«f h6wlcn(r «l!1icHiIorwh«lthc â-  ««,* ; biiuginc bolA bod/ and raiml baric to tbclrtionnBl condition. Vftl-VltO^'Hw/u/j tttnvM itrrtand ,i ytitv : irighttng lk« tytt.mtktt Ih4 tttftlutu titut iMt x/, it tli*v»nt. V»l-Vlto tofitalaa no liatmful dnl|E^ i it ItaNF.RVE FOOn tkjItutUi u/, Hrlmittutit •MWmftfrf/ VlTALll Y fi'iik/ytiii /f'*»aNtntf)i. m Tho iifkepf this marvctoiitrftncly iaCB ft boi (50 PKli), butlnntdtr to d«mc,t,&tia(e Ms tiirilu. i.fdcis tcCQiiad (trioa 10 A pill I. will !,« f<V.r-\t< â-  $l.^.:.ll•J^I^,ald ill plain wrapi^er. Money linrh t( nnt 'i.t^tfa.tory. t jrrripoRdriKf so.lcllcds BTBni.irO flPECIALTIEa 00.. Dfn't w tl>-51 Bom St., Hew Xo.k CII7. rillLDS DKrriON.MlY. "Snoringâ€" Leitinb' off sleep.' ".\p|)lCbâ€" llie bubbles thai apple trec» blow.' "Raclibilor-â€" .\ iinsquilo." "l":in--.\ lluny to brush Ihc warm ofl wilh.' "Iceâ€" Water (hat wont lo sleep in th» cold." WHAT C.Xt'SES nE.XDACIIB. From October to M if, CoUls are the most fr«* qneotokueof IIuailMhe. LAXATtVli lIHOMe QUININK raowruciMUe. R. \t. OtsTt ou box 'iM ."^hcâ€" "The ni.'W tfiior singer in the choir ii.v-il to bo a lofk.';inith." lie â€" "No wonder he alwHi.'s hits tlic right key, Ihcii,' •â- ^uffi^r No More,â€" There are tlioii.'flnds who live niiserahlo lives )) <ly.4- pe()sia dulls the Inruitics and .slinilow.^ cxi.sleiice with thi* rlouU of dcpiession. Ono wiiy to dis-jicl Ihe vapors that bo- sot th" victims of this disorder is to or- der tliciii a course of Parmclecs V'jge- lablii Pills, which are among the \egelablo pills known, lying to take niid are most elllcnclous in their nclion. A Iriiil of them will prove Ihis. LITTLE .\.ND LONG. One Joincs Little loved a maiden .\s (lid also one ,l<ihn Long; tJolh would call wilh bonbuns laden .\nd on n<i\vers bolli were s!ron;.; lio.-,t .show tickets bnth kept binuifc', lUiping thu.s lo p o:ise Uio nind b'lich one wilh Hie olher vving- (Vimpctition's t<iol for \v!sM\ Dolh of them Ihe maiileii ni"a' U.-iod to meet wilh mdin,i.' eves. Bui when oaeh pair J o\i^ 'liS h nr.'fiil CavL> indennite-ivjilte; So .'^he kqst Iheiti i<"b a-gnes-ing, nm she hummed i h'"P «*"«. To heiwlf hei- (iwnphls .•xpres.smg: "Love Me \.MW. Low .Mo f-ong. â-  ISSl'B NO. \\-m

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