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Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1896, p. 7

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iiiiiiidwiMoiiiiw RACED EIGHT THOUSAND MILES. Twa MalllBZ Vrt^rl t I'rom Loadon lo !«;ilnr.') and rMM l-'raarlnru. One ot the most eiciting and closest ocean races ever engaged in was that between the British shipa Arctic Streaju and Cronadale, now in San FT&noiaco. They left the starting point within five minutea of each other and, after ImtV ing against contrary winds for over 8,000 miles, there was only a differ,- «nce of two hours between them at the finish. Although a much smaller vessel th!> An'tic Stream held her own throughout, and on a tonnage allowance would have won haii;Jii down. Capt. Bowen is well satisfied with the showing made l>y his vessel and is of the opinion thit if the »ce was run over it would lie hia vesc »?l ihxt would l)e two hours ahead al the end of the voyage. The CromjlUe and Arctic Stream left, London on August 1 last. Down the channel the vessels scudded along up,- der lower topsails and reefed foresail. As thvy disappeared from, view there wa.1 not a hundred yards between them hT ] of Cod=liver Oil, with Hypophosphites | -j? | ;5 I acts as a brake to declining life. The ciownward course • ? % ceases and the I beg^. At the I new lease _ "---- ------- â€" .T.T.T.T. Prompt action brings prompt restilts. climb upwards >? top awaits a * of life â-  t » i ' i ' i -»> ic J 5i.3o at all Jruijsi^-^ A DOUBLE EE^.CUE Two Young Ladies Brought Back to Health and Strength. One Tl'a^ ThrratrBr.l YVIIli « sn^ninpliaB Fullnwinx nn Allarfc at PnrimuBia â€" Tki- Olhi-r Wuo In an iiltanrrd Maer • r inariuia-Ur. Winiiiiu>' I'ink YXU* â- rtlurr Ucallh XttcT «lhrr 11>dti'lnr« Fall. From th* Truro, X.S.. News. Am.)ng the residienfs of Truro i here and the tuglwat capuins rejnarke<i to =»re none better known or more highl) each othej- that it was gjing to l>- 3 'â- *'^^'^J }^'^ i'"": ^n** ilr*- J as. I urn- close race. Both vessels were loan! I'''' .-^^'". Turner is an -eio-r m the Pres'iyterian church, and a msn w bci- word Is as good as his i)ond. In his family reside two young ladie.v Miss for Sydney, N.S.W., and Capt. Andrew and L'apt. Bowen sighted each other, thr»H* times during the race. After getting clear of the channel they ran across emch otb"r again whan fourteen dj^s out. Then they lust sight of t>ach other for a month and a half, and then on 'he third 4»TJS'.on wh»n they Mere both making their easting from Tri:-^ urn it -VcuiUii. I During the entire run of 8,403 miles the vesetels were nearly all the time imdt^r lAvo or three topisuls and reefed forvjiiil, yet, neverthelesis. the aver- 114^ was 210 luileis a day. The Crom^ ilale and Arctic Str«&m both came tj San Francisco from Sydney, X5.\V., th- former with 3.111 tumi of cuil and tbj latter with 'ZM- tons. On this oeca ,• ion the Crum<tele won easily, as the Blade the run in seventy-four days, while th« Arctic Slrvaim. took eighty days to cover the distance, Thid wai not a test of the sailing qualities of th'> two ships, howeveiT. as light and baffl- ing winds prevailed nearly all the way from Auttralia tj San Francisco. They are not likely to ui-'et again for some time, as the Arctic Stream is truing lock io Syoni'y, N.S.W ., with a load 01 wheat and the t'rumdale remains in San Francisco. AN EXTEAOBDINAEY CASE OF [INDIGESTION SUFFERS SO SEVERE PAINS THAT HE CODLD NOT MOVE AT TiMEi. A CURE COMES THRGL'GH SOUTH AJLERICAN NERVINE. l'c?quivocal TeetinKmy of John Snell, ot Win,>ham. Oni This is a case of confidence. Mr. Snell had ')een severely afflictel with kid- ney disease, and was cured of ih'is trou- i We by South American Kiiney Cure. He liked the name, and when indiges- | tion took hold of the systeiu in some | of its worst forms he was naturally | drawTi to South .\niexican Nervine as a : cure for the disease. He trie i the me ii- I Ryc^fflan's Kootenaj Cure. Pasitive Core for Kheumatisa and ParalyKb*. 9500. Fi7e Hundred Dollars will be given to the charitable institution first named by the mayor of any city in Can- ada if a;ny in^edieat is fcund in the medicine KOOiENAY that is injurious to the system. Read what it does: 1. Besides curing chronic rheumatism and blcod diseases it has a wonderful •"ffeor up?n liver .ind matarin if 'aken in time, and we challenge the produc- tion of a case of long standing *:re, or hemorrhage of the kidneys Koot- enay wiU not cure. 2. It is a SDlendid tonic and makes you eat and sleep. It cures indigestion. 3. It is a mic(rol>e killer and when u->ed fcr the effects following the use of morphia preparations removes every 01 the poison from th2 system, aj also mercurial deposits and the results fif nicotine from the cigarette habit. 4. Mr. Chaa. McCracken, 18t Adelaide Street West, former night clerk at the Palmer Hou-^. Toronto, says that he was greatly troubled with eruptions on his face, in fact his skiu was literally ••overed with pimples and blotches, which was attrilmted to cigarette smil- ing. Ordin;u-v medicine did no good. One Iwttle of fiootenay left his skin en- tirely free from every tr:u-e of iheai. \Vrite the S. S. Ryckman Medicine Co.. Hamilton, fcr ixunphlet of startling cures. MAVK VOO T*8T«D "SALADA' „,. CEYLOM TEA. ^,,„. rr IS Sold Only KUCMOS. la L«ad Pacteta Sough on Sain. ThiA sew prt-p;tr3£ian whea jl»pl;»-i Uj (jruinary clothina wiu maiie It PEKl'liCTLY HAXNPE*-H>K, ana wiUooi aitM- the feifi or ttppearuioa ijf tht> jooUa. iDTaluablato ojciista. <p<jixiimea,tvm»n %qA utJiers. A fo'tuna for tA.l;irs an i Fiel-t Claj* Atii!NT>. Prt-parel for L W. HA^â- NAH,Turonu>. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEAB3. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOCICSBEST FRIEND LARGEfiT Sale in Canada. other sufferer" gave a statement for pui licitiou. lliss Christie, w h-.jse case Is perhaps the most remirkal>le. is ^iven preced'.-nce. She »aid; "1 iim now 19 yeirs of age and have never lieen very strong. Oa the 26th of July last I was attacked with pneu- monia, brought on Ity a severe cold. 1 was confinea to lied for almc-f eight ^veeks, when I was able to get up one.-* more. During these weeks 1 was und.T treatment l>y our physician, and still ccmtinued taking his medii-ine. I did not appear to recover my strength ho^vever. and on the Uth of Nov. was ; again forced to Lak.- to my lied, this THINK OF THESE THINGS. jtime suffering from great weaknessand . " . " ' nervous prostration. The doctors medi- It IS gt>od luck U) pick up a. pin cine now p.-emed to do me no good, and only whj'n you SL-e one on getting out i grew gradually worse. 1 l»vame so f,l 1^. I low that it seemed hardly possible that x>..\. ... „ii .u„ . :_„ _. • .K I could live long. The doctor said that Pick up all the pins one s^es in the j^.^^ ^ consumVion and that mediiine course of a day, else one will I* cheated uas of no more use to me. At thia lime or los"? a l>il of money l>efore nightfajl. an article was pul>IishvLd in the paper Us good luck when the crackling wnorninK the cure ot a young lad^v in , , ... , lorwnto in the us' of Ur. Ailliams iparks from a wood fire spring toward pjnt ^.Mi. and Mr. Turner at once you. brought sorae. .\.fter I had us-'d alout When the pilm ot vour hand itches sis' loses 1 legan to get gradually bet- rub it with the rough edg>- ot m .»«•.. '""• â„¢> ?<rength l.egan to return, my Christip, tin adopted daughter, and i-me. an-l, though he had suffered in- Miss Jessie Hall, a sister ot Mrs. Tuni- tensely, it reauired only tw., bottles to er, Both voung la.lies are known 10 entirely cure hun. It is not iwssible in have had "trving illnes.*es, and were i â„¢'d 'Jpe to describe the terrible hold Slid to have Iwn restored to health that this ircuble had taken on Mr.Snells bv a iwpular medicine, th- name of 1 sysU'm, for as a matter of fact the pains which is a househ.>ld word from the At- m the upper part of the s'.omach were lantic 10 th-" Pacific 'uagirg that ' at times so sewre that the whole sys- th-ir storv wjuld !» of popular inter- t«'t» became paralyzed. But there is an fst., .-v rep^ter called upon them and explanation for the surprising cures asked for guch information as thev that Nervine effects. Its great discov- might choose to make public. Both Ter ^w at th.- root of disease when Toung ladi-s were averse to pul'licitw. . he proved that heatthfulness depends liut when it was p;)inted out that their on the condition of the nerves centres, experience might Iw helpful to some From these flow the life Wood that cri'ate health. Nervine doe.s not act the part of pain killer in the s«'nse of tem- porarily removiuif disease ai one part l>y. perhaps, aggravating stjme other I.>art, but it strikes at the nerve cen- tres, and gives life and health to them, and then, like a stream purified at the s<jun-e. the wbole system s<.»an lwcom?s purifie 1. A word spoken in season, at the ri^ht moment, is the mother of ages.â€" Car- Ivle. Roelpe-For Making a Delleloos Health Driak a: SmaU Cost. Ad»m«' Hoot Itaor Extract one bottU Flei>ottmi.oi'< Vo«*t h»lf ao«k« i^uKiir twopounda Lane wunn Water two icalloaa Uioolre tha sus^r and j»a,tt in tht waier. add tbo extract, »nd boctio : piM.-o in » wurm place (or t«enlr-(our bsurtunul it {•rmenta. then vUce en ice. wbea It wiil opea tpkriainc and delicious. the root >>e«r can bs obtfttnad In ftll dm* Hnd irocerT â- " "re* Id 10 aad i> cunt boillM M ttiiuu two lUiU i^y* gftUuaa. of money and you will money to rub that pieix If you drwuii three times in succeis- •ion of birds you will fall heir to a for- tune within a year. Something agr«fable will ixvur in 12 hours if you hapi>en. uiuionsciously. to Jtut any garment on inside out .'l"o ni- verv> the garuient changes the luck. U you civ»n a Ixxik uiiside down don'l attempt to read anything in it or yoi» will presently overhear something iiisr agreeable of yourself. Blu«(-eye<l |»vple are more lui'-ky than <4ark-eye<l ones. Tell your »-"crets only to grey -eyed MAI US PRESENCE OF MIND. Minnie â€" Ui.l vou hear of Maud Edith's wonderful presence of mind f Mamieâ€" IX-ar me, no. What vas the occasion f Wh\, when her wheel began to run awav down hill she pulled Uick on the handle liars and screamed " whoa " as loud OS she could. " . appetite improved, and 1 had sound re- ttiion receive freshing sleep at night. 1 have now used fifteen lx>xes of Pink Pills and have no hesitation in saying that they have effected a wonderful cure in my case. In the case ot Miss Hall the Pink Pills have also acixnuplLshed marvels. She was attacke<i with dizziness, severe headaches and fainting spells, followed later by swelling of the feet and limlis. tojjMher wiih other symptoms of an- aemia. After having Ix-.-n treated by a physician tor some time without no- liieal>le impr'wetueat she decided to give Ur. Williams' Pink Pills a trill. .Vfter using a ivw boxes of the pills tliere w:is a dei'iilea improvemeai in her condition, and with the i-ontinued use ot the medicine full strength, health and activitv returned, and .Miss Hall is n'>w feeling as well as ev- er she did in her life. l!>ih Mr. and Mrs. rurn:T were pre.<eni during the interview, and strongly endorsed whit Ih:- youii'.; ladies said, ind exure.vsed th'ir (hanks tor w h;il Pink Pills had dun^ for them. I The e.>:p»>rien-e t>f years has proved â-  that there is absolutely nu dise.ise due . to a vitiated condition of the l>li*>J or ' shit lered nerves, that Ur. Williams' I Pink Pills will n'>t (iroiupily tur»-. and thoise who are suffering from such I troubles will avoid much misery and sivve- money by pn>inptly resorlin^* to this treatment. tiet the genuine : I'mk I'lUs e\ery time and do iir; l>e I pi'i''il to i:ike an iinitiition or sume other remedy from a dealer, \vhich 1 (or th" sake of the extra profit to \ himself, he luiy sav is "iusi as goixl." j Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure when I'lher luedicine'* fail. The useful anu tne ivautifut ,ire nev- er sep.arated. â€" Periander. $100 Reward $100. Tbe rindeiv of th's p.-\pcr will be plo«»ed to fearu that, there iit at iea'^t one dnvfidisl <!isea.-M9 tliac ecitfnee hfts been :ihlo to turv id j«1I its <t>i;'> and thut i» Catarrh. Hnlis <.i>Cirru t'ure i* the oniy ponitive cure known tu the i medical frHternity. Catarrh neinit :«cau'ticti lional di-eo«e. renuiresa eonstitu'ii)a;il trent- ment. Hub's Catarrh >,urc i.. taken internally, licling directly up*»n the blood .md niiicous hiirfaco* of the systetti. thorehy df^t roving the foand.4tion ot tho .iiscan-. and i{i\tni{ the pulionc ntreugCh b)r buildlnic up Iliecon.sliiu. tion and a^si'ting nature in doing ttit work. Tiio proprietors have -.o ninch fi\Hh in iti» curative powers, tliac they olter One Hundred ItoUars for any ciise that it fails to euru. Send (or list of tewiinioniiils. .\ddr"?*», F. J. CHKNE V a 0<\. ToWa O. Sold b; DrufKisls, ;.ic. fl.P.«. SI4. I f ) THAT . BEAUTIFUL WHITENESS v/H/CN rou so MUCH omsiita â-  ra SUB AfTmn tmb CLCTMCS HAVm BMCS WJkSMSO, CAIt BffSr SS SBCURKO or usiria .... 4 SUNLIGHT Purified Biood bavoil jin opcmtioti in tlio followinj east'. IIooil's Siii'siipHrilla cnivs wlieu all others fnil. It luaki's inifo blood. " A year 050 my father, William Thomp. ion, was taken suddenly ill wun inflam- mation of the bladder. Ho suSered a greet deal and was very low for some time. At last the doctor Kiid he would not get well unless on operation was performed. At this tlnio wo read about Hood's Sarsapa- rllU and decided to try it. Before he used halt a iKittle his appetite had come back to him, whereas before he could eat but little. When he had taken three bottlei of the tnedieine he was as well as ever." Francis J. Thompbon, Vanlusula Lake, Ontario. Kemembei Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eye today. HnnH'a DIllo cure aU liver Uli.bUloaa^ nuuu S fills ngaj, hoadaoh*. '««, THE KILLED AT ABBA CAlllMA. An vstimate of th? losses sustained by th.^ Italian tr>x>x>s in the disastrous U tile of Ablia Carlma, in Abyssinia, has lieen made. There tock part in the engagement five Italian generals^ of w hnu f.vo wetv killed IX» tiormidi and .Ariiiv)!idi. on > v.-^ns taken pr'is >ner. .VblKTtonej ani tw 1 ivturnol lo lu\ld- quarten^. B:iratieri and KUena. Twa of ihi> *,'ven oloiieK engigeil were killed, one was capture*! and 'four i "ivtrented." Fifteen out of twenty- four ci.-mmanders of Iwltalions w .^iv I killed. The cokal numlier of Italians who went into ac'.itvi was y.r>;H), of whom only 3,01)0 hive ivlurned, many of them w.iuiubxl. while milv UlU ara privvin-'r?*. Dii the l-:itt letield '(.IHIO Ital- ians wvn> left dtvail or woundetl. With th< •4.41H) native t riK>p.s siiuilarlv ;u-- cuuntfd for. the total loss in killed ot thi* white auil bl;u-k ivjiiiuents engaged ill the battle ivaches l;),000 men. SOAP : it I* also well lo - remember that I clotheswaslietlwith - till* Soap are siiveJ I from any iniury ; so ; are tl:e bands, !Thi3 ^oai>cauoot - hurl anycUmg. " It is ruie. Try tt. Books for 12 Wrappers. Ft -^ t'very 12 "Sun^Kht'* _^ wrjppcn sent to ^ I, ever Fro*., Lt.1.. Z^ Toronto, a luwi'ul â€" ^ I\ip«r-bcund b(>ok Z^S will be ii'iK. ot ,A ~"^ c'oth-bjuiiJ (ur 5^ -^ wrapi>e:s. "^ UJ^OX Vour n line in DtO I â-  : at IV. ho k ii o( Jo)in-ov. Uo\ U. Cii â- * llivur. N.S AgcutV IHrtvtory ^' YET WEST SHOHK THROICIT SLEEPING CAR TO NEW YORK. One of the handsomest sK'e;>hig cars that had ever Iveu turned out of the factosy is now running f rom I'oronto to New 'iork without cliaugo via the |iop- ular West shore route. It is a buffet ear. and refreshments can be obtained en route, if desired. This car leaves Tnion Station, Toronto, every day except Sunday, at 4.53 p. m., reaching New York next morniug at 10.10 a, m. On Sundays the sleeper runs from Ham- ilton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any lirand Trunk office in Toronto tor iutormatiou ^ or space in sleeping car. .Reservations I can be made in advance U desired. 1 ?^!!SJ& Every'" Woman Should Enjoy Lifo. How Many do ? Munv art.' tiii--»prnble, weak uiut Rickly, ami *'\ .*iitf«r imtoltl iot!K>r!i»» jjf tlin.»ui;Ii iiilinHntftpociil- .^v, '-f ti> ttu'ir *ex. ITIS WKONO. The 'itasc of >iioKt all theM il s lA tHiAily rcactit-J, ftiid flffectivwly rf iiio»v 4 by the gi»Kt wum&na MILES* (C«n.) VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Mitaa* Sanative Wash. PrioM 75c Mnl 28r. They fmpnrt viftality »ml enoruy. itml tunkv tbo \H» of *.ho " Mtithor S«i" Wrtrtli litiinj. Fi)r d.*!** byall Pni^cinia. RiulAiiaUiry Mkinphtutt "Womaus Triumph." •eut frvouii applicauuu. •'A. M. C." nEDICINE CO., 57» St. Psul St.. Montreal. OMPOUND G. DUTHIE&SONS SIATE. SHEET-MHTAl, TILE & C«»VU I130FEH5 Sheet iletal Ceilings. Terra Co :t.i Tile, Rod Black .ind Green I'uMilim :Ua:e. Metal Cur nice*. Fell, Tar. Kaohng Fifh. Ktc. Uatterj bownpipeu. tc, supplied the trade. Telephone ItOa. Adelaid A Wtdmer Sta TO&ONTO CONBOY'S AaHlAGC TOPS At 'hv W ir. i i Fair. *htc*jf). A I the :t*A»iii!tf CarrUja bmi'lerx vli tki-m. t'.tp'.KijritfutR -li^r T ip coiubine* .lil l'w anil hat» :u l)»«tftfD lu b«f :ipi>r«i»t«r'l. as It jwn. It ha« BTM7 2<mh1 poitit you CAa liimk '•(. Opli-r >i;ur iMV Btizgy with » UOU.KR TOP. A Pleasant Sense Of Healiii, Scroo»;ih and Comfort, follow ta* free Uta ot St. Leon Mineral Water One of t .la best knovn medicines fordrspepsia. Stylish, DURABLE, COMFORTABLE FOOTWEAR, \ 4 , St Leon Kinsral Water Ca. Heed ofice, Eing St. West TOa ONTOl EBY S EbECTRie SALVE ri«r« S.It Rb.ani. Old Scrw, Sk« Krm, IVa^ Boils, Sar« Nipplm. Ban>9. Smlila, .Ca THE BOLD BY LEADING HEALERS. A£K FOR Wall Paper ONE MINUTE/ HEADACHE fURElO? Ki- ng a MUSICIANS ra Ir PttOHOUHCt THEM IB t UNEQUALLED ^ ' ,"1 TONE.- TOUCH, )/ DURABILITY, i j WORKMANSHIP.,1 BaiiTWcESIGNif OF CANADA. IF YOLi THINK OF P.\PERI.NU .A R^-i,lence. Chunh. Offlci. U<A.%n lUo II. I'ublic Hail. Hotel or Storu. WRITE A POSTAL TO C. B. 5cantlebur>'. Box 740, Belleville, Ont. * MeotioD the Rooms you think ot paperini;. ab«a- the price jou wane to pay. liDd waere yon saw ibii "ad." You will get by return niAil larjf* •aaple books or ohoicw W all Paper at tho lowest i.rici.'» known !o the C» ir. d,;. and our booklet " how to Paper.** We pay exjircw rhar^M oo ail orders and tcu;>ranl«e satidfacUou or Toar Boney back. Refervnecv.Can. andDom. Express Cos, WAREFfOOnS. «4i 158 YONGE STREET, 1\ TORONTO -CANADA- !X\ iSZZ v»y*»TT ...vONEY->^\AKER KnittingMachinf JONLY ;io ASKYWR SEWING MACHINE AGENT I FOR IT. OR SEND A 3CENT STAMP [ FCR PARTICULARS. PRICE LiST. SAMPLES. COTTON YARN.&: THIS IS GOOD FOR $2"? SCNDTO REELMANBROS.KfrS » GEORGETOWN, ONT/' " Iron Fencinj^ Offtca & Communion Railir;;, anJ a!', k.iiitj.'i of IR3N AND WIRE WORK. TORONTO FENCE />NO ORNAMCNTAt. WORKS TOr.ONTO. CAN. \\ is a. solid ha^ndsome ca^ke of scouring sodp which ha^s noequa^l Iprall clee^ning purposes excephin ;l:he I&undry-To use \\ \^ \o value W- _ What will SAPOLIO do? Why it will clean paint, make oil-cloth« Iright, and give the floors, tables and shelves a new appearance. It will tak«» the grease off the dishes and off the pots and pans. You can scour the knitaa and forks with it, and make the tin tUl^ shine brightly. The wash-basin, tha bath-tub, even the greasy kitchen sii^vill be as clean as a new pin if you on BAPOLIO One cake will pim all m v^. Be a clever housekeeper and try it, BtWARE OF IMITATIONS. THERE IS BUT ONE SAPOUO. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO., NEW YORK. \-H,

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