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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1896, p. 7

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wmsmmmm'i'f^ SUPERSTITION IN RENTING. JaBlloni nud Mlow PKyiuriilt Are Nul Ihr Only WofH or AtfPnlM. Cily real estate ageala tell strange storiea about the houses which are placed in their charge by the owners, who shift on them all care and respon- sibility, and, for a certain percentage of the receipts, expect the houses to yield the regulaiion revenue. But suaieiimes houses will yield nothing but worry and expense. With everything In the way of loca- tion and architecture in their favor, houses sometimes remain vacant for long periods, and in many instnnces the â- owners blame the agents, but find later that superstition au<l not laxity on the part of the agent bars the way to rents and revenue. Houses in which several people have died within a short period are less val- uable for a time on that account. "Of .course," an agent said, "when deaths have occurred because of bad sewerage, and where the sanitary conditions are otherwise bad, no one would blame peo- ple for remaining away. But houses where a couple had died of old age would be looked upon by a certain class as "unlucky." and there are thousands who could not bo lx}ught to go into such .a house. " The worst people in that respect." he continued, "are the young mothers. We have had contracts broken because somebody said that 'babies never thrive on that block,' and liecauae 'ihe last family that occupied the "flat had twins.' But the greatest trouble in ttiat line ;omes because of Friday and the num- ber IS. When you find a man who will sign a lease on a Friday you may make up your mind that he will lie a good tenant, and that he doej» not iny of the qualities of the dreaded kick- ing tenant. As to the number 13. why it IS as hard to rent a house with that number as one in which there is a cross-eyed, hallboy or from which a con- tagious disease flag is flying." To prove this the agent told of a beautiful apartment house which had been completed recently, anil for which, lespite its advantages as to location tnd superiority of construction, no ten- ants could be found, although its less attractive neigblmrs were occupied. It took the lamllord only a short time to team the cause, and when the number was changed from No. 13 to U 1-2 he found that the home-seek iiig public ap- preciated his building. ACTU'E EXERCISE ftnd good food in plenty, tends to make children healthy. If children suffer, however, from Scrofulouo. Skin or Scalp DLseases â€" if their blood is impure and pimples or boils appear, they should ha given the right medicine. Ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery brings about the best bodily condition. It purifies the blood and renders the liver active IS well as builds up health and strength. Puny, pale, weak cliildreu yel a last- ing Ivnefit and "a guxl start" from the use of the "Discovwry." It puis on wholesome fU«sh, and does not nauseate and offend the stoovu-h like the various preparations of cod liver oil. Once used It Is always iu favor. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, headaches, indigestion^ dysitepsia. One a dose. Sold by all dealers. Scc/Ui £trvul&iC3TU h is for men and women who ate weak, when they should be strong: > for babies and children who arc thin, when they should be fat ; for a!l who gfet no nourishment from their food. Poor blood is starved blood. Consumption and Scrofula never come without this starvation. And nothing is better for starved blood than cod-liver oiL Scott's Emulsion is cod-liver oil with the fish-fat taste taken out. \h. 50C. and $[.oaat all druggrists. A YOUNG LAD'S EESCUE. Confined To His Room For Here Than a Year. Aa Intenie guirrrer Tbrsaik PsIbh Im Iha Naieles »t Hta Lees cad Armsâ€" Be- «aced AlmMt la a Mvlai Ikeleisa. From the Wolfville, N.S.. Acadian. Mr. T. W. Beckwith is the proprietor of the Royal Hotel, Wolfville, the most important hostelry in the town. He hiis .'I bri«cbt hamlsome. looking son, 13 years of age, named Freddie who is a lad of more than average int>elli- ^nco. It is pretty well known in Wolf- ville that Freildie underwent a very severe illness, though perhaps the means to which he owes his recovery is not so generally known and a state- nu?nt of the caae may l>e the means of helping some other sufferer. On the 26th of Decemlwr. lt<93,l''re<l(lie was tak- en ill and was conflneil to his room and his bed until March,. 1894. Two differ- ent physicians were called in during' his long illness. One said lie liud la gripi>e and the other that his trouble was rheu- matic fever. He was troubled with sev- ere pains through the muscles of bis legs ami arms, aJter three or four days was obligied to take to ))ed. where be lay nearly all winter, suffering terribly FORCED TO LIVE ON BREAD. Mraase Cam of a Lady of EdgehiU, Ont,| wk» aairered from Dyapepala for Tea Veanâ€" A Peeallarlr luiereiitlBs Case. N occasional day o| indigeatlon is about as much of thai trouble as ordinary mortals want, but a slage of ten years ol tbia kind of thing la distresiing beyond easy calculatioo. This was what Mrs. Ja.i. Edge, wlio is is charge of the post-office at Edgehill, Ont., bad to endure. Her case tock peculiar form. Where bread ia spoken of as the staff of life, an<l is a leading item of the bill of fare of every meal, it is the cose that even with bread one may have too much of a good thing. This was Mrs. Edge's experience, for her indigestion assumed that sbapn that she practically could cat nothing l)iit breaxf, and, unfortun- at^'ly, very little of that, Only one re- sult could follow, that the system was thoroughly weakened, and she soon be- came prostrated. She tried me<licines, and she tried doc- tors; bu.t her caae grew worse rather tbiin l)etter. .She says "Last winter llje- came prostrated, and a friend who vis- ited me induced me to try South Am- erican Nervine. After two lH)ttles I was grreatly relieved, and before the third Dottle was taken 1 was entirely well, and for the laitt six months I have enjoyed perfect health. I may say that I tried nearly every other remedy on the market, but none did its work so well .and completely and perfectly as South American "Nervine, which I do not hesitate to say is the only remedy on th« markeit that will successfully cure stomach trouble." $100 Reward $100. The readera of tbiK paper will be plenaad to (sani that there la at leant one dreaded dibease thai scifinca lian been ablii to lure in ull its itaKi'S. and that is Catarrh. Hull'a CnCirrb L'uro is the only poalllve euro l(nown to the medical fraternity. Catarrh tieing aoon^tltu- tional di>>ea<iti, reijulrex a conatitullnnul treat- ment. HbIi'h ('fttarrb oureiKtal<en internaily. fictintf directly upon the blood and iimcouu uurfactiK of tli^oyt^teni. thereby dpHtroying the foundation of Ino itKoatii', and gi\tiig the patient ntrength by building up the coustitu- tion and a^Hittingr nature In doiuK ita work. The pioprieiora have <sO mouh Faitb In it* curative powom, that they niror One Huodr' Dollar* for an)' case that it t\ila to oure, Se. . (or lirit of teiiliinnniaU. Address, F. J. CHENEY k CO., Tolada 0. Sold by DruKgiata, 7Sc. H. H. Holmes, the oondiemned murk derer. has l)een l>aptised into the Ror man Catholic church. WHY HE REGRETTED. An old Scotchman who had \te«n a long time in the t^olunitvs [mIiI a visit to his "native glen," and, mfieting an old schoolfellow, they sat down to have a talk alxHit old tinnes and so- quaintances. In the course of conversation the •tranger hap(>ened to ask about a certain Geordie McKay. He's dead lang ago. said biJ friend, an' ru never cease regrettin' him aa lang aa I live. Dear met Had you such a great re- speot for him as that? Na, na! It wians' on^ respeo' I had for bimael' but I married bis widowl It is stated that the Papal Nunoio at Madrid has been instructed to pro pose the mediation of the Pope ia the Cuban troubles. from the pains. Re became reduced al- most to a skeleton and was unable to relish food of any kind. During his ill- ness he suffered relapse owing to try- ing to get up sooner than he should. Boylike he was anxious he get out and eiijo.s the Ijeauliful npring sun.shiiie an<l for several days was carried out I and taken for a itrive. rhia brought on the relapse. The doctor was I again calle<l in and as he continued to j grow worse he was ordered once more to bed. Things then looked very dark as despite the medical care he did not gwt any better. At \tuit his father de- cided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Soon after neginnitig their its*' Kreddie l>egrin to feel better. His appetite lie- gan to return an<l the iiaiiut were less severe. Ab he contiiiu6<l the of the Pink Pills be regains<l health and strength rapidly, and in aliout a month was ap^>a^ently OlS well aa ever, the only remaining symptom of his trying ill- nv«8 being a slight pain in the leg, which did not disappiNir for several nuniths. It is oveir one and a half years ago since F'reddie took bis last pill, and in that time he has not had a recurrence of the attai;k. There is no doubt that Dr. Williams' Pink Pilte cured him, and Ixitt^h the boy and his parents siie.t.k highly in their praise. Dr. Williams' I* .»k Hlls are the nuxlical marvel of the age. In hun- dreds of c'utes they have cured after all other medicines bad failed. They are a positive cure for all troubles arising from a vitiated con<lition of the bI>:oa or a shattered nervous system. Sold by all deoleirs or by moil, from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brock- ville, Ont., at 50 cetits a box. or six boxes for 9*2.50. There are numerous imicationa and substitutions against wbioh the public is cautioned. The Hamilton License Commtastoners have refused to make any reduction in the number of licenaea. Tired but Sleepless Ii k coudition which ^adually waart kway the strength. Let the blood be purifled and eorlched by Hood's 8ar« •apai-illa aud this condition 'will cease. " For two or three years I was subjeot to poor spells. I alwa.'ys (elt tlrad, could not â- loep at night and the little I could eat did not do me any good. I read about Hood's SarsapariUa and decided to try It. Before I had finished two bottlae Ibe^n to feel better and in a short time I felt all right and had gained 21 pounds In weight. I am stronger and healthier than I have ever been in my lite." JosM W. CouanLiN.Wallaceburg, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eye today. Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood'a. Do not bo induced to buy and other. • Hnn^'K^DIIla sure ainiTer Ilia. blllou*. nOOa > k'UlS neafchoadaeha. ioo. Ryckman's Kootenay Cure. Positive Cure for Sheumatism and Paralysim. Mrs. Rotlwell. 225 Main St. E., Hamil- ton. Rheumatism cured by one bottle of Kootenay Cure. John Taylor, Esq., 42 King St. W., Hanuiton. MuDoular Rheumatism cured by one l)0ltle of Kootenay Cure. Walter Fink, Jr., 138 Elgin St., Ham- ilton. Cured of Rheumatism by one . bote tie of Kootenay Cure. Alice Johns, i'i O'Reilly St., Hamilton. Have taken three bottles of Kootor nay Cure and am entirely cured of Rheuuuitiein. Palmer K. Beare, 318 Jaoknon St. W., Hamilton. Took one Iwttle and a half of Soote> nay Cure and it ouxed me of Rheumsi- tiam. The Salvation Army in London baa been forbid<len to nold meetiuss on the street corners. THE FACE IN ILLNESS. The face is a good index to the state of one's physical being, and from it symptoms of disease oan be detected al- most before the patient is aware that anything serious is the matter with him. B'or instance, incomplete closure of the eyelids, rendering the whites of the eyes visible during sleep, is a symi- ptom in all acute and chronic diseased of a severe type; it is also to be ob- served when rest is unsound from pain, wherever seated. Twitching of the eyelids, associated with the oscillation of the eyelialls, or squinting heralds the visit of convulsions, widening of ih' oriices of th' no-uj, with movenii^nia of the nostrils to and fro, point to em- larrassed breathing from disease of the lungs or their pleural investment. Con- traction of the brows indicates pain in the head; sharpness of the nostrils.paiu in the clicst, and a drawn upper lip, pain in the abdomen. To make a gen- eral rule, it may !« stated that the up- per third of the face is altered in exv pression in affections of the brain, the middle third, in the diseases of the org- ans contained in the aUlominal cavity. KINGS AND CARDS. The Emperor of Austria never touch.- es cards unless something weighs heav- ily on his mind. Then he does not dis- dain to imitatle his good subjects in Hungary, who nevier starts »">• busi- lujss without pneviously consulting the cards. The King of Italy has a horror of cards, in which he certainly does not resemble his father. Queen Christine has prohihlte<l every form of card play- ing at the Spanish court. As for the Gierman Emperor, he has a whole sys>' tem of secret police watching in even the most exclusive clubs, to see that no heavy gambling is done. His Imperial Majesty seldom touches canls except when atioard hia yaoht, wh«re he is accredited with playing heavily. I WEST SHORE THROIGH SLEEPING CAR TO NEW YORK. I One of the bamlsomeat sleeping cars I that had ever been turned out of 'he I factory is now running from Toronto to New \ork without change via the pop- . ular West shtn'e route. It is a buffet car, and refreshments can be obtained ' en route, if desired. This oar leaves j Union Station, Toronto, every day ' except Sunday, at 4.5& p. m., reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. On Sundays the sleeper runs from Ham- ilton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk office in Toronto for information or spaoe in sleeping car. Reservations can DO made in advance if desired. W.P.C. 81«. SoapMakar* , IbTlieQjia *<) | i:<^M- GOLD flEDAI/ PARIS 1889. Highest Award jMORLD'S Fair 'Gold Medalaand otuet Awards iv-Sunlight â-  Soap IT t* HONCBT PUnC AND i •UflC ^ Books por Wrappcrs For every it "SuoUgbt" ♦ • I wrappers sent to Lever Bros., Ltd., Toronto, a useful paper- , bound book wiU be sent, or • J a cloth'bound for 50 wrappers • • D* ,OUOLAS BROS, Slate,Gravel and uieta erR, metallic ceilings, flkyllgbt «Eeet metal workers. I2i Adelaide W^foroDt Beclpeâ€" For Maklngr a Delidotu Health Drink at Small Cost. Adaraa' Root Beer Kztraot one bottle FlaltohmnB I'd Yeoat halt a oak* Sugar twoponnda LuKt warm Water two gallona DIaaolve the sugar and yeaat In the water, add the eztraot, and bottle ; plaoe In a warm Slaoo tor twenty-four hours ontU It tsrmanta, hen plaoe oa loa, when it wUl open sparkling and dslloloua. The root beer osB be obtained In all drag aod grocery storaa In 10 and U oent bottlea U laaka two and fire gallona. A Strictly High UraOe Wheel at a MaOERATI PRICE. O. T. Pbndhith, Manufaoturer, rs to 81 Adulaide St. w. Toronto HAVB VOU TAaT«» "SALADA" ,_,„ CEYLON TEA. ^„„ ^ IT 18 Sold Only DEUCI0U8. In Lsad faiOiJtm Iron Fencin^^ Offlss A Oemmunlen IMUnav and all kind* at IRON AND WIRE WORK. TORONTO nmem ams ORNAMKNTAL WORK* â-  TORONTO, CAN. OASN t with to purcha.« all kinds of used Poslscs PAID SiampL Lcok up i^ld letters and »«Dd tne th* fQ|. .tampp on the <.nT«l<.-pe». etatinx what you trauk Old tor them. EHprvially <ild (.'anailiaa, {iew Urun*. -Jr___ wiuk. NewfouudluniL Britlfth Coluuioia, Uriit«l â- JS2S? NtutM. 'to. JA.MK8 UUKKKTT, WelUugtoB â- H^^ sod Jrirdsu Sis., Torouto, Uso. QTAiiDC dating before 1870 of Canada. V I Mill r 9 Provinces, United States ; also Bill and Law Stamps bought, Oood vrioea, WM.R. ADAMS, 7 Ann St., Toronto, Ont. HI Tbe Leading D I iriiiDC Na bskrr hsTlos "«»^*^*»'"'**^^*;*'> without this Is K>r«kTin« niachlna. O. T. PBNDUITH, Maaufso lurar, 73 to U Adslslds St. W.. Toronto, Out. KEEP YOUR H.W.PETRIES OfFICELS & WORKS 'OPEN roR ^* WORKS. MACHINERY iNt. NtiA/ Union SrATioN, TiihO'tTc Cam Rough on Rain. Thti aew prtpkration whao uiipllr*! to orniiiarr clothing wilt iiiftke It PKHKK(TLf RAINPUUOK. ftuawillaot ibltwr th« fH«l iir npi)«HrKt)M of thf guo<lL IiiTaluabl* to oyeliHU. sportimeu, ffcrmen kod othera. A. foituti* for tailora uiil PiBttT C'LaM â-²uBNTM. Prepvttd for B. W. aA.VMl^ToroDto. oneminute: HEADACHE Cl)REiO<^ WHO WOULD SUFFER The exomolatlng pain ot RMKUMATIsaa OR MBURALSIA When jroa can liny a bottle ot For 26 cents and have Immediate rellal. SOLD BT ORHOOISTS. THB AKBMOTOB Oa doea Bait aa «â- Â« windmill liusliiiaj, beeaoM It has raduoed IM it 4 vtadpomrta l.ia what Itwaa. It hsa nuuw mai houasa, and sappllaa III (ooda and â-  at jour door. II «aa and dosa tm beosr artlol* (or laas meaej tkaa oUwra. II makaa Pomplat aal osand, SlesI, aalfaauad-am» â- ^ â-  v*""" iBiuaaaw rnamm, aiaal Wâ€"d Outtna aad Wtat and nxad atael Tmrata, SUat 1 latlndan, Oa appUcaHon It will at ttsaa af««lsa that It wUl ~ Junarr M at 1/3 the anal ptlM. Tanks and Pomps at all kUuU. 8an4 (ir sa raniif- im. lackmU a^ Rllainltnila. wllIaameeoB nunlab imM ItMaeaukii Hal ^4<®^«v\ Any f" ZTa^ Woman MPOUND The "A. M. C it lbs Is oont«at to «i- durs hsr p«ias aod waakosas withoal si- t*ai|*lB( to i«t rsllit, ean ssS alon< without MiLfi' (tan.) vra> â- TAOU OOMPOUHO. ButK shs WANTS to b» wall. WANTS to hs dlr.uvf.WANTH to »alk .nd work with iiai*a aud oomtort, ah. will usa Ml Lib' (tan.) ViaiTAILI OOM- POUND. U aha oau'l get )t at har Druaslat's, ah. wUl encloaa TSa to MBOICINB CO., nil SI. Paul St., Montraal, and sat a larga bottla^ Ir wise ah. will toae uo time la doing tl. Bxplaaatury pampbloi, "Woman's Tnumph," uatlail fraa on application. IF TGU WAIT A SPUIIIQ MEDICINE THIT WOITT DISAPPOBfT TOU TRY ST. LEOSr MIRESAL WATER, \ A watar Ikak taiQld flown tMnn lb* rook » . narar CkUa to rellsv* used aa dantad. Bold by an wr9 WIta FOB TWENTY-SIX YEAH3. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIENO LARaCST SALK in CANADA. THE Wall Paper King OF CANADA. IP YOU THINK OP PAPBRINQ a Realdenoe, Olinrob, Offloa, Lodge Room, Publlo Hall, Hotel or Stor» WRITB A POSTAL TO C. B. Scantlebury, Box 740, BsltawUlo, 0«t. Mention the Rooaa joa think ot papering, about the piica jron want to par, and where ron saw tbIa "ad." Yon will get bf return ntail large sample books of obolee Well Paper at the Ivwaat prices known to the Canadian trude, and oar booklet â- â-  Hew te Paper." We pay sxpreaa abarges on all orden and gnarmntee aatlalaetloa or voar araaer back. Raterenoee.Clan. aadDom. Izpreaa Ooa. S tearns Bicycle s ^^^^ ^^^^^^i^^BB^i^aa^iâ€" aa^â€" iâ€" aa> olnf, moeh-ttlkad- abonl" monni ean onl? be laeorad bj lbs most approvad meikoda^ fineat malarial and sklllsd workmsoship. The 96 Stearns wlUba the bast bianla It i* possible to produaa. Flaisbsd alTour opnoB ia ocaage or bisak. Adibasenew Cm baauulUaew aaiatagna. "^be Vai AMERICAN RATTAN CO., Toronto, Oanaaun osujne AesNTe Peilaw" ONT. ISLAND CITY FLOOR PAIMT8I will An bard orer nlghk with a hard gloea flnleil, r P«re rrepared â- enae PafU-M st»»dea.-«t Bend tor a aample oard. P. D. DODS ft 00., 188-190 McBlll St., Montreal use:^ E. Si Da Bicycles GENTS' FRAMK. LADIES* FRAME. Have many important improvements, covere(i by patenta and found in no other wheel. They are :â€" â-²baolutelr Oust Proof. â-²faw>lut«ly OU Prooi. Abaolutelv Tru* B«Hrlni) Itollar ObaiQ, raquiraa no oi Uome -- -_ . raqi Crclodial SprooEotA, Pedals diut proof »t Doth eoda. InUrahaagaable Sprockets, Revaraible Handla. Crank BearliiKS removed witbout dla- torblns adjustmeot or balla. Tbey ara all fitted wUK MhMlBgM Saddles, the most expenalTe and bed aaddla ever {>laoed 00 tbe markat. Tha} are wortb two of anj wbaal. They aM geared to 80 and rlda aa easy aa othai4 at 68. Send 8-c«at stamp tat logus. MANUFAOTURKD BT Cauadiau Typograph €oe (Ltd.) Windsor, Oni

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