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Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1895, p. 8

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TEE FLISH1RTON ADTAHCI Time Table. OOIHO SOUTH. Markdale -6 40 * m 4.40 p. m. Fleetirton 6.53 a. m. 4.53p.m. (ii.iMi NORTH. Klenherton 11.48 a. m. 9.17 p. m. Markdale- 18.04 p. m. 9.30 p. m. EiocalioD, OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO, I* The Very Heat PLACH IN CANADA TO GET A Tkoioajh Business Take a Round Trip - Collec** and I ommrcil DapartmeoU in Canada. loan vlilt tue Northern HutiueaiCollw:* ; azauilu* every- thlSM thoroughly. If we (til to product* th uio*l Iboruutfli. complete, practical and stD- lT cu.nM<Jtu<ly . lh beit coulee* |ireiul aud tlio bout aud uiol* cuniplute aou most auit- ablafui ntturo and | | lianco*. we will give you a full coume KliKn. For Annual Anuounca viuc full particular* .free, adclraaa C. A. FLEMING, Principal. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Planing aud Matching, Band Saw. ing, Wood Turning of every des- criptiou. Planing and Gram Chop cioae while you wait, for th Beaver turns the wheel. I. W. WILSON Manager Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Which Doctor Fallal to Htlp, CURED BY TAKING Pectoral. 'I contracted a 'Trrocold, which settled Dn tuy liiufrs, anil 1 <!i I what Is t>flcu done l.UUlll .l-i'i, mglrrle.l II, Illilllkllll ro UM i> i It cam' 1 ; but I found, after a liUIr while, that tlia Ujhu>t exertion |>aliu I mo. I then Consulted a Doctor Who found, on examining my tunjrj, thai th nj> ...... :i > thulrft om- wj'y nfli'ftcd. fit ;n soir.c medicine whl h 1 took as Illrtctu<l. I nl It did D"t serin Ui do any |<>od. t'orltniati Iv I liapiM'iu*'! to rend In Ayr's Alinitnu'V it the rffnct Iliat Aycr's Cucrry re I r .1 '.n : on older*, and I dotftimlnnl to ^IVP lialrl..! AfK-rlaklutairw <lo*r* my rouble v in ifllrrod, *nd hffnro 1 bad fln- lih'-.l I'M- botl'n I wa.1 cured '"A. LB/LAII, vI:l m.i^er, Oranfevlllo, Out. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Hlyhaat Awards at World'* TaJr. Aver' J-iil* ruro Ibs. WOOL WANTED -AT THE- FlesHept.on Woollen. Mills For whioli th* highest possible price will Ut paid in oah or trad* in all kind* of woullun <>r union (nodi suoh AS tiremla, flannel!*, full cloth, blanket* and all nf yarns, etc. CUSTOM WORK , Hill ! promptly attended to in all iti branohiM. Kjiiiiiiing, roll carding, weav- ing,,', ilyoing, tc., etc. OIVB U8 A CALU John Nuhn. Prop. DOTS CORNER. Sick-Nursing. I suppnue there is nothing which falls so universally to the lot of woman aa aiok nursing. Married or single, old or young, unles* a confined invalid, sooner or later she will have it to do. And is there any Ihing for which sh* is ao illy prepared ? If all education should be shaped upon line* ol the moat usefulness to the oue educated, it would seem that a course in sick nursing would lie uf sll things the most desirable for all women. A woman who had once beeu wealthy but has nince "come down in the world" took up the course for professional numng and ha* since declared that though she had milHotn of money and had many daugh- ters, every one A the u should take that two year*' course to prey me tliem for the vicissitudes uf life. But pending that happy day when all women will be so equipped, a few hints to those who can not afford that delightful luxuryattained nurse from one who haa often beeu sick herself and ho has not entirely escaped having to nurse, msy be acceptable In the tint place it ia commonly assert ed, and I believe it to be true, that good nurving is of more importance than g<od doctoring. What doctors have to com plain of moat in their practice is the very indifferent way m which their instructions aio carried out during their absence from the sickroom, and I might juit hint that on the other hand the public have reason to complain that doctors do not give ex- plicit enough detail* nor aie they empha- tic enough in delivering their orders. For inatance : In a home where there ha* beeu little or no experience of sickness he Gnds a man laboring under high ner vout (train and fever ; he orders thst the patient must, be kept Very quiet. Now bis conception of keeping quiet and ibat of the poor inexperienced wife are two very different thing*. She thinks that if she prevents the >ick one rising and dress ing, and always speaks in a wbitper when she comes in the room, she ha* kept him quiet. Whereas the doctor means that thai bare floor should be covered, that the crocking door hinge should be oiled, that the noiay children should I* packed off to the neighbor'*, that the nurie'a feet should be clad in cat's paw slipper* ami that iilence should reign and not even a change of nurse allowed, for to one wh is very weak even that is sn excitement. Now for the hints : In the Brat place, for pity sake don't be afraid of fresh air and Riiiiahinv. That "darkened sick room" nonsense is played out. A goo<i mrrrnt of air 8h<>u!d b allowed to *wee| through the room every morning, and il it is too strong for the patient cover him up "I'll until ihn air ha* Iwn thoroughly changed, when a leaner draught may be sufficient and he may oruergs from hi* xtra coverings. The sun lias a life-giv ing (Hiwer which should not be ignored and is a splundid microbe killer. That moat people are .lot half sensitive enough on tke icore of foul air, is painfully sp parent. Fewer druga and more pure air would give IM HIT reaults. Pure air being aaimred, good nurmng cousin! H in Ant doing with scrupuloui Marine** what the physician order*, am next thiMHi hundred and one little service* which no doctor will think of ordering To the resile**, feveriah tufferer, frequen gentle laving of hands, face and feet, an: even of the whnle body, i* a relief am not only help* to paaa the tin.e and direc him from hi* misery, but it is a very goot means of allaying thirst where cole drinks may not be given nilh safety The gentle stroking f the head aud quie leiiurely combing of the hair conduce* U slumber, aa does alao the gentle drip drip of cold water over the hand* fn half an hour or more at a time. The* mean* of wooing alumber are not onl mure natural, but often more effectual than na'cotic*. Ueroember, a disorder! 1 room gives s feeling of unreal to a sousi live siok one, and ao militate* against re oovery ; and as for soiled water, soilr clotlioa, etc., nothing of the kind tlioult be allowed to remain in the *ickroom,bu freihnea*, flowers and pretlinuss shoul< prevail. Do not ooma around ask ing in a hulpless sort of way, "What will h have to eat I" and "Won't he rat a littl something t" etc. Like as not he will ait! for oysters in July and fuel agrieved tha he cannot have them. Now rack you own brain, not that of the poor weak one Thiak up some delicacy, prepare it care fully, r. i vu ii ou your Hnest china in daintiest lineu and in a small quantity not bringing to th diagiuted sick euouy to fend a oual hearer. And if Uio appe iahea as surprises, unless be should oluntariljr specify what he desires for ood. In short, whatever tends to the com ort and cheerful spirits of the sick makt s or recovery. Dor. W. O'Owyer of the 22th coo., Minto, had 17 sheep so worried that they bad to killed, while four of his neighbors lout leven between them. One dog was shut. The farmers are up in arms. A Boon to Horsemen. -One orttin I English Spavin Lamment completely ernoved a curb from my horse. I take asuro ih recommending the remedy, as t acts with mysterious promptuea* in the omoval from homes of hard, soft or cal- oused luiupa, blood *pavin,splinU, curb*, sweeny, ttiflea and iprains. GEORUI ROSE, Farmer, Markhara, Ont Sold by W. E. Richardson. Druggist Thomas Hanna, lot 16. n. 6, West jlarafraxa, assisted by his two sons, was jetting a little sand out of a pit on hi* own farm on Wednesday to finish a new M.use. tl at is being built, when Ihe i it caved in, covering him lo a depth of bout two feet. When taken out in about five minutes' limit he wss ded, and it was afterwards found that the weight of the sand had broken his ribs at.d driven them into his heart. Catarrh Relieved In 10 to I i null's One ihort puff of the breatt :hrough the blower, supplied with each bottle ef Dr. Agm-w's Catarrbal Powder. diffuses this powder ovei the surface ol he nasal passages Painless and delight fu *> use, it relieve* instantly, and permanl ently cure* Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, 8<>re Throat, Tons'litis n<l Deafness. 60 cents. At W. E Richard u's. According to a Liverpool comic paper, a young man ws arrested in that city charged with killing a lady against her ill n the public highway. The prisoner lead.-d that she wan in bloomers, and he Mistook her for his long-lost brother. The magistrate discharged him, ana it is aid that local tradesmen can now scarcely supply the feminine demand for bicycles ltd bloomers. Heart Disease Relieved In 3o UlllUtes l>r. Ague'* wr Cun-of the Heart give* perfect relief in all canes ol iorgomc or Sympathetic H. art Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effect* a curt It i* a peerles* remedy for Palpitation, " ort Hex* of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all aympton* of a Diseased Heart. One done convince* Sold by W. E. Richardson. lite i* 6priiuM alwajs jour hltle F 1 ! . 10 W II K W T< > >' ROLLER MILLS Are now oomplet and are running regular. CHOPPING d " , as usual. P. LOUCKS. A BIG RUN - ON Ladies' Pine Boots and. Slippers AL8O- rien's Plow Boots FOll FALL WEAR Helling away down in price for a time If you want bargains in these line* now is the time :oswcure them. Thin is a genuine sale at low prices. Repairing Promptly Done as Usual Jos. Smith Flesherton PHOTOS! PHOTOS! If you want photos taken go to tha FLESH EHTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY where nothing but first class work i lurned out, and prioea lower than chargm for city work. Careful attention given lo copying other pictures. Babuti' photos a 1 Hicully. Picture Framing in all ita branches promptly and neat); dou*. Its, liliir - S;.tai SI, Repairs, Repairs D. McTAVISH, FLfcSHERTON HORSKSHOKR AJJD GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON HAND Repairs fur M:is^* rri^. and Xoxon. Pleory and Wilkinsou Faros Implements : Fl<^ry and Verity on hand all the time, also all kiudsof rupaira fotf Usvume. \Ye manufacture Wagons, Buggits, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. HoriKsnoeing promptly attended to. Special atteution to tender o. racted feet. Losing and Plow Cliaius constantly on hand. iA5oftThin^ t * * When you nr>- ilririiig is always enjoyable. Our buggies are easy and pleasant to ride in, neatly finished, strong and dunblc. Call and exaffcwe our stock. Carts and democrats ou easy teruiK Paiutsyg, tnnnmiu nd tin'shing done * order. I claim to sell as durable, and good a vehicle aa there ia on the market. R. T. WHITTEN. "I TELL ALL MY FRIENDS. A Lady of Shelburne, Ont., Permanently Cured of Indigestion After Using Two Bottles of South American Nervine Glad to Let Everyone Know It, MRS. A. V. GALBRAITII. With indignation it it not only that one suffers all imaginable torments, physical and mental, but more, per- haps), than anything elao, an impaired digestion U the forerunner of count- less aihuenta that in their course lead to the moat serious conteqaence*. Lt the stomach get oat of order and it may be said tbfl whole systesn ia dis- eased. When the digeatire organs ftiil in their important functional duties, head and heart, mind and body are aick. These were the feelings of Mrs. Oalbraith, wife of Mr. A. V. Oalbraith, tha well-known jeweller of Hhelburne, Ont., before she bad learn- ed of the beneficent results to be gain- ed by tht use of South American Nervine Tonic. In so many words he said : " Lifa was becoming un- bearable. I wan so cranky I was really ashamed of myself. Nothing that I ate would agree with me ; now it does not matter what I eat I takv> enjoyment out of all my meals." Here are Mrs. Oalbraith's words of testi- mony to South American Nervine, given over her own signature : " Khelbnrne, Ont, March 27, 1894. " I was for considerable time a suf- ferer from indigestion, experiencing all the misery and auusymac* so common to this complaint. South American Nervine was recommended to me M a safe and effective remedy for all such cases. I used only two bottles, and am pleased to testify that these fully cured me, and I have bad no indication of a return of the trouble since. I never fail to recommend the Nervine to all my friends troubled with indigestion or nervousness. " MM.* A. Y. UALUKAITH." The testimony of this lady, {riven freely and voluntarily out of a full heart because of the benefits she ex- perienced in her own person, have aa echo in thousands of hearts all over the country. South American Nerv- ine must cure, because it operates at once on the nerve centres. These nerve oentres are the source frtou which emanates the life fluid that keep* all organs of the body in proper repair. Keep these nerve centres sound and disease is unknown. There is no triok in the business. Every- thing is very simple and common sense like. South Amerioan Nervine strengthens the digestive organs, tones up the liver, enriches the blood, is peculiarly efficacious in building ap shattered and nervous oonstitntiesav It never fails to give relief In one ear. For* by \Vm. It icha.rdaton.

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