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Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1894, p. 8

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THE FLESHER1ON ADVANCE Owrn Siiuml. Ontario. rLACB Of CANADA TO OKT A & Ruiinrtt Education. Take a Round Trip ^ ^^^ ColU-ci-H and .rcil Department* in Canada, then vUit fee Sol-thorn HuilnaM College ; examine eery. P II we fall lo produce the nixt ihon.nijri.c niiplnM. practical and exUn- rfT4n-irof M.Hy the b*t collet* premlae* e>i I the ha.i and niott complete and most nult- tol. farm tun- ari'l appliance*, we will Klye you a f'il ).-..ur..' KKKK. For Annual Announce- dstut.iiiviutf full particular*, fr*e. addr*** C. A. FLEMING, Principal. r To The Public- Waring rented WhltterTt blacktmith hop for a lrio of yee>n, I am now In a poeilion to catwto all want* In my line. larseskNiBj i Specialty, Hatlsfftrtlon <.nur;mtn-l VornnylMnyi* tht batfitai u\ing lint cull on F. A. BUNT, r Oppoalt* Bicbardion'i Hardwar* ito r Eugenia Mills -A t \n- Carriage Works. rria^ea made and Repaired, alo and Matching, Band Saw. Wopd Turning of every des- n. Planing and Grain Chop- ; doae wbtle you wait, for the Beaver tarns tbe wheel. , W. W1LSOX Munnurr A FAMILY GROUP fl. PIW i.5 (... l>IIOTOfiRAPH M AltKIAUK l.N'KNSKH. Ulued day or night at th* office or reilrtenre of the undHrilKMwl, DIVIBIONCUUhTCLR K.COHHI88IONPB in H.C-'. Couvuyaucer. Ao. Notary public. JOHN W. ARXISTIIOSO. - FLBMMTOI. If . ri -1. 1.0 1 XI H * YOUNO, XauHerm, Waikdale. do a general banking bu- meu. afon*jr loaned at a reasonable rat*. Call on ui. M H. I1AMXIOM) foft M ater, K hiiberlejr. Commlnloner for taking AffldarlU ate. Insure* and loani money at loweit rat**. E xocate* Leans. D**a. WilU, etc. promptly, cheaply and fflcieatly. T> J. BrilOUI.K. Poeimaiter, FleabcrtOD, CommlMloner In B. R, Lie nurd Auctioneer, Connyanoer, A pralaer and Money Lender, Beal Eetat* and Insurance Agent. Deed*, Mort^^e*. LeatM, and Will* drawn up and Valuation* toad* on fhort**t notice. Auction Baloe attended to In any part of the County. Money to loan a* low et rate* of Intern*. Collection* attended to wltb prornntneat anil dwpatob Charge* tow. Agent for tlte Dominion hteamihip Company . cheap tkkel* from Plnberton to Liverpool, Ulaagow, London *r any of the Hrttiah port*. Partl*e inUindlng to vltlt England, Scotland or Ireland, will pleaao aak rat** before parcbaalnf tbelr ticket* elwwbere. |Hujiir. V * 188 EDITH KICHAHDHO.N. of Bobt. Uahr. of Benin, Oermanr. (violin); Mr*. Hradley, of Torouio (Jounurvatory Miulc, iVoloe culture); Prof. KOI riton. late of Toronto, (Planni ; will receive pupil* lu SINGING, Mul.lX, PI- ANO and OBOAX. D R . nUTTON. M. D. C. II., M.C. P. A a.Ont.. Prlceville. Beildonri' and office on* door weet of the lleth- odlrt Church. KIOTO** St. O0e*day*,Tueedayi *uil Saturdays. J\B CABTEB. M. C. P. A B., Ont. Pliyilcian. inron, etc.. Fluiherton ofB*o Mraiui b'ock. Keaidence Muntbaw'n hotel. JOHN A. KCOTT, M B. Member College Pbjniic. A Barfeoni. Ontario (IrariuaU In Medicine of Toronto Unlvenlty. Ki.llow.l i|> Diploma. Port Oradnat* Medical Bcnoolaii'l Hoepltal. Chicago. DUca*e*ot *y*. ear, noMand tbroat ipeetally trrated. Hoi dense Xlaxwfll. vltlt* Pev*r*liamThandaya 1 i J P. OTTBWELL. Veterinary Burgeon. Oradnat* nf Ontario Veterinary Collrge. B**4*oce-Next door outb of Moor*'* piaalng factory. j i MALSTKAD, M. D . M. C. * H., Ont .. practice* at Kim- borlny. Khenmatle dlftoaeet i peclt'.lty. J P. IIAIMHALL, I. D . S..M.D. fl., IH-ullit. Vltlta Uarkdale the lit ,,! .inl \VeduMday of each month. KIwOiM-toa-Each trip oa tb* day following. J W. PK08T. Harrltar. Kolloltor, Conyeyaneer, Kto. Klnnhort'in offlee- Nest the po*t office Hproule'p hml, Hi. j;. nit Thurwlayt. Owen Bound office Kronf* hulldlng. Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out? .: feet class of work. All kinds qf pictures taken and finished Ih a style equal to any city work, while the prices arc lower. Picture Framing^* done to all its branches. If you have shopping to do Mid pictures to get taken on tiie same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs, Buhner. SOCIETIES. I UUA8 A WKK1HT, Ilarrittern, Hollclton, Conveyancer*, etc., Own rioiin.l. On.t - alarkdale. Ont. \V. H. \\ Hriirr I II I.crm. N K.-Pleaherton offle*. afltcheir* Bank. eypry Weilneaday. " I know where Krishna hugon, in the rirly tbtys of spring Wher* every breeze fn.ra warm Malay bear* fragrance on its wing. " But there,! will not quote any more or my readers will think the usual spring ntadnexs hss seised me. But who wouldn't be a blessed savage these days, to sit and bask in tbe sun and think no thought, but that which nature whuuera ; to listen to the growing of the grass and the bunting of the bad* ; to the old but ever new song of the birds, the liuin <>f insect* and last but not least the chorus of the frogs.sung in eery concei?- able key from a hoarM guttural to a shrill trilling treble. How jubilant ia the music of the frugs ! nothing so assures us thst spring is really here as their merry tinging. We long for s glimpee of the tireles* little singers, but tbey keep well out of sight. What a carpet the wild flowers ar* wearing ia the woods ! Th tiny pink or white or purple cup of the Hepatic* looks up all day at the blue sky of April cir han her head, heavy with rain Thu UdiuY slipper with waxen drupa i;li>.-kUiH lull in some equutored nook where friendly brush protects it, aud the red or wlnto trilhuiii Krsndiflorum there, that is pmuti'ely the only latin name for the wild dnwurs of our woods with which I linve any acquaintance, and one should never talk about flowen without knowing their lull ii iimnca, but fur fear any of my woman frirnds should bo PVUD in- ire d. nsi-ly ii<niiriit on this subject than my- self, I will call them lillies, just as we did in childhood. I sometimes wish some learned person would spend s couple of hours every cen- tury teaching me the names of trees aiul (towers and plant life, things which every- body cUe seems to knuw, for in that re- siiect my education has not bcrn up lo liu-miik. I ift.-n when lixikini( at n-nne mnj -stio tree 1 feel much like the boy win, wss learning the alphabet, when uked " What is that letter 1 replied " I know him riht wall by sight, but I have f,,r^,.tteu hi* name. " But I Imvi- waiidere<l from the liiiii-x, and it is just as well. fr ilui Mowira look iniirh better in their mine dolls, fiau when gntherutl nn<i earned lioiue. This was always s duapi O'litiiicnt t<> inu iut a child, Iut I ha\u htcnmc p!ul< s--(>hiLiil about it now. But if wo may rti>t bring the wild rtuwi-rs homo, that m now no rmrtm tor n ,1 having I'linty if tl.iwirs alu.ut u-. What a wariniV. If i* to the | awe--by to iteu the monotony > f smnnny fannhotiKtn e>pecil'y, fi.niV it twDillancv i>f gretn or irrowini( tiling ulxnit thu'n. Dust si d weed* di*|uit< ] -. H in<>f the fruit yanl troiii mliu'.i i-iery *>. hai loliB kince IK'I n -tii|'|H il. The I'.iu', uu|Miintud, wealher bcnleti bc4eW,4*atitut*1 of 'eli a liny ver andah or |nmli, M ,iuis ei|MiHed to the L-l.iru of the sun fr- in uioniini! till ver- niit and all sins . f life ar. 1 t>hent,> \c> [it ii.g when a few f T! :n-li okin^ fowl ihake t!, dust from their foathers or Mek the hade of a mullen 1, .f. A tiny idii'otof \ irjinin criiejior pLintui u ider tho front window* would soon c<iv- er tlie front of the lioewe and |no\idt> s guileful shadu for tho worker* indo<>r*. Fne, ten or tifti-en ciiits wort'i if flower needs would uiv* touc'i of c.ilor and beauty at luust w-'rth the time, mid MM*. ti.-ruiiiums urow without trouMa nod aro buili rlu-.'iji ;in 1 showy, anil having Helved a* garden phntx all auinn.ei n,x\ AO t'.W mertu .vi>ry flrnt anil thir.l M..M n excli inoutli. in their liKici! r. ..LI I ln^t... l<lifk.Klr<licrtnn .at H.J..IU <,,,. .loliimloii M \V i \V .1 llrllaniy, flnT.< .-r , \V Irvni !(,< uriliT. Vlsltlni; llretlinrn liivlterl. K-\ \\, Tr.MI-I.AIIR OF TRMI'KllANCi:. l!i-i;'ilr I'ouiu-il mi-eta overy first anil tli'rd TIIWI ln\ i-vcnlne In nnrli i In Rpv(>ule' lilues at R p in. Helrrt dwr.-.. (lnii *!,. . i ni.'. t^ , lli* ing the Ifciuil nf rich iiionth. Suss I.K Ti MlTl: ,XCB.-Thl. <K letv meet* In 1' \i . I nei.lay eveniUH t K pin brc-Ui- rn n l> itr.l. Intuiaiicu in nmiicrtlon. their hall, Chilntoe,-* it and thlr,lThuri<t) In eftrti niontb. TV in. Hliarp, Maeter. T. Clayton. Secretary. \fM I'. H. A.. ineMIn 1 \ lllnok ever> I 1>iiiNCK AKTIICH i.onnr. \o. aw, A. r. * A. M , 111. -ft 111 ill ii Maeoaie Hall. Htralu'H ll|rio% KlMberioii, i-very Krlilay on or before the fulLin ..... , \ H. Vanduen. W. M., II I. sproule, Hpcrutary. Us- THE CBLBBHATBD B.Laurance ft nd EYEUL4HMES F 1 . O. Male \m-nt be t.ikeu in and ku|it an house |>Uiit* sjl winter. l'ii-.n and inignnnvtte aie swet and prittty, and petunias, chii.a find |i.',,iiii s look well in a g-itil a. beinu Ian 1 " and lir'ylit, some of them t-av. inn ninny ^ariotim i f film S*..t|i oirlet rtir.inTs mid in.>niiii'.' gl"ri.' lo a jirutty tul-Htitutu for the vlnnoing \ui, but of coiir-H aie tint so l*tii g. A vi-ij prstt] addition to a garden i* a |,ictur e<|ue old st iiui|i and root.nne \\iiii |>1< ntj of iirti'.'uUntiith, HUMS and line eovnii and with pretty bright flowers out nf its boles and hollows. City lawns and garden* have hv.jiientU sonic! Ii in^ of the kind, but tli malic is leldoin appreciated where it is most easily attained. Htiw many nf my wov.*n readers have a *|>ifiiied amount of nioiify which the; ran call their own I How many know judt how mucli they can nlforrl txi S|x IK on any given thii.g 7 How many nave not |{ot to auk for every ounl which ps*es tliroiioh their hsndi and give au acouun cf Imp" it was spent ( Next week i will diHCuaa this quetion of woman's allowaiir*, and the week fol lowiiii; llns column will be opun to cor retipoiidence i,n (he subject from either *ei. . Dor. e> I'hiflnll, the Hanover child beater, o three monthii in OMCII Sound ijaol f< cruelty to hi* children. The chief wit MSB fsinat hiai was his own daughter nlm had bruuM-H on her t!y as a resul <>f severe poundiiit/o. The brute Hhould have got a yenr in the Central. County and Olttilet. Mr. VandnrrxMil the piano agent who ws* tried and committed for conspiracy :c., aH rejmrtiid Innt we<1t by the .Stm- ard, unicf ^-..oJ liis uscapu during the night aftir the triiil. Constable Askin ked h s man nafely as he thought for he night, hot the next niomii.g "the ird had flown " by sonie unc-muUMe leHns, snd hat not bean overtaken. Ha ad not completrtd the furnishing of bail, stated last week in error, but was to .vu done so the following morning, but was evidently in toommh hakte getting tf. Mark dale Standard. Advertising is the key note to sner,esa, nd the editor of Printer'* Ink (New r ork) hits it out right when l.e says : ' Advertise ! If your huMm KM is not rorth advertising, advertise it fur sale. " The farmer, like the rent of mankind, lor* not find much money in his pocket ust now, but he rarely hungers for food, nd never has tt> hear the burden of rn- orced idleness which is rendering his iroiher workman drsperste in tlie city. 'ore is no harder fate than to POHMS.-K willing hands and find no honorable work provide means of supplying an emp- y stomscb. It demoralize* a human wing. The hard times are f< rcing us to tudy these problems, and good wdl sure- y arise from seemiug evil : besides the lawn of better days is plainly visible. Honor Roll*. S. 8. No. 10. IT. Class, irK. Rutledgc, H. Cook, 8. Whituker, W. McFailaiie. IV. Cla*H.jr.-~\V. O'Molia. C. Cook. III. Clasa.xr.-M. Ross, C. O'Meha. III. Class.jr. A. Ashdown, \V. Rut- 11. M. \Villiani* .n, W.Yirrs, i Me. Mull. -n. II.ClasH.jr-C. Thompson, L. Law ronce, K -Kirlfd^e. II. P-..-S A. LUII. E. Whittaker, K. lemphill, W. Mi M i.ll, n. I. Cla*s, E. Wsnsl-oro, W. William on, E Adams, A. 1U*-, T. Mc M ullen. M. JOHKMOS, Teacher. Notice, ji "Only the Scars Remain/' Kays ITr.N nv IltJDSCm. of the James Smith Woolen Machinery < 'o., Philadelphia. Pa., who certi- fies as follows: " Amom; the) mauY testimoni- als which I sea . in regard to ccr- I tain meiliclnea I pe r for ml ng I cures, cleansing i blood, etc., I noa* impress mo I taora than my (own ease* I Twenty year.t INI Ejflaao. **; !JJV RU of 13 years, I ha I ' - ' ^ swellings eorm Jon my lffs, I which broke an I I became run- ning sores. | Our family phy- aiciaa eoul.l do me no good, and It was feared that tho bones would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayera Sarsaparilla. Itookthreo bottles, the sores healed, and I have not boen troubled since. Only the scan remain, and the memory of the) past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla baa done mo. I now weigh two hundred and twenty poands, and am in tbe best of health. I have been on tbe road lor the pas* twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar- saparilla advertised in all parts of th<i United States, and always take pleaa- an In tolling what good It did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prtptrtd by Dr. J. C. Arer * Co., LowvH, Has*. Cure* others, will cure you The Markets. FLOURING MILLS tiauitob.t H.ur ulwny on hand. Buek'vli lit g.ou'id :uul bu'ted. Phe only mill in thi section .>f couutiy that does thin claM of woik. Carefully i'orrrrtrd r'nrh Chopping: <lono A l.I. tilTH.'N. nt Kl..r Full \Vhat I \Vhrat " V'ea* HUIUT K-.'xi, fresh >iny |r tun |kin* .3B. Boll - Px*op. Cbickct* pe* Bif Duck bur j>air ..... Wo,,). ............ 3 SO in 66 to 65 t.i 31 t> 32 to 62 to 17 to 10 t.i 60 to 600 to 6 (>0 to 300 to 25 to 6 to j *> 26 to 60 to 16 to 32) <V1 i'. 3J t7 in Q|) 5 00 6 (D 3 00 2fS T M) ' 30 .68 1O THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN TONIC ff Thn \V Chronic A. . TOMAOII nnl I-JA KJ7 CITltK. onderfu! HK.AT.TH H UI LDhR & NKRVE nre rausrii > ftrraiicrd X>rve i'suitrr of strain lion-* centres, will cause the derange- ment of the different organs oi < liieb tbey tvpplj with NBBVB or NKUYS I'OKrE. 'Ilio vdinU-ifitl success of Son U. -, . ,- due aloue to tho f.ii- il:t ii id biwed on the foregoing I'liii.-iple. The n; of a single bottlo of tl.JM rt-tnvily will convince the most inn. dn!in. It is init. .J, a voritablo Ntii^ u.d WILIi UELIEVE IN CM-; I>.VY the v tried forma of M. iv..:idise.i8c ami stomach troubles. LATE disci.vorits have absoloU'lj puivoii the Stomach itml Lunps.nnd indicd all ov^in? nre contrulkd by the neivr r- ntresat the base of t'.ie brsm. Tin* uiiinv tifaoturrr of yovm AMERICAN NKHVINK has studied tliis subject closely for more than twenty -five yiars, fuul liac lately di'iiioi:straled tlmt two -thirds of our C'linijiic Dineiwes, arc due to tin' ! iirperftfl fiction of nerve centres, either within or at the base of the brain and not froiu tlto derajigonu>nl of the organs tlieinsrlvi-a ; In nco that the ordinary methods of treatinent are wiong. As all know, a serious injury to the spinal oord will at once cau*e I'\H.UA - sis of the body below the injured part, it therefore will be equally well under- stood, how the derangements of the T'uis clattt) of Jiscuses. is rapidly io- croasinx oacli year, on account of tlje greet wear onr mode of living aria lab- or iii.oose upon tlio ncrvoua gysteni. NM t-jntlia of all the ailments *t> Mi.rii iho liiuuna family is heir, an <l. I'dulrnt npcn nccvoua cih.ustioD. impaired ili^i-.tivoi, miU a dfct>-k>raUt) Wood. Thi- South Amcrkpn Nervine ia girnt wi ve food and nerve build- er aiul [Ins accounts for its wsjvelo*^ power to cure the vuiied forma of nervous disease-, such as IJenralgia. Nervoiines8, Nerrous Prostration, Vitim's Dance, Nervous cLo Otis 1'aroxysros, Twitehivg . oles, Hoi. Flashes, M'.;>il ( iicy, Forgetfnlness, $lei Bestlensneea, Nervonsnt^i ofl Palpitation of the UMt, Bexnal Weakness, etc., eto. 8oid or UM u< u iansuY

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