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Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1891, p. 6

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THE FLKSHE.RTON ADVANCE H, RICHARDSON Now invite their numerous customers and the public generally to an inspection of extensive stock of spring goods. Having- spared no effort to maintain the position ot Uie Leading'Mercantile Establishment in'Centre Grey by procuring for their patrons from tne home and foreign markets the best values in new goods for the spring and summer of 1891. In Foreign Dry Goods we are direct importers, and are now opening consignments of Linen from Belfast, Woollene and Worsteds from Bradford, Bennett as ,Cashmeres,and Silks from France, Gloves, Hosiery and mantlings from Germany, Ribbons and Laces from Nottingham, Prints from Manchester. We are carrying the largest range of Can- adian Fabrics in Woollen and Cotton, too extensive to enumerate. Oar Ordered Cloth- ing and Tailoring Department is very complete, our direct imports of Worsteds and Trouserings enabling us to offer extraordinary fine values in this department. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT excels this season, and here our lady patrons cannot help being pleased in finding choice new fashinonable goods and at prices far be low, in some cases less than half what is asked for the same goods in Toronto millinery es- tablishments. Our trimming department is in charge of first class artists in this me. GUHRQIQG For men ami boys in this depart- ment our stock is entirely freeh und evidences improvements in stylo und make, which our tailors iind it liurd to eicel. BOOTS In this department our stock was never so hup', anil we cuntiol the :ilt uf some, makers' goods. Tin <li maud for our new weaiuless booU is c'aily increasing, and in other lines we have decided bargains to oiler. 1J/I8S- Felt ami Silk Here the most fastidious can be [iliasul in style, texture, color or price. Try us und nee if we have not wluit ou want. Our hardware Crock ery Drpartnieiit In presided over by the genicl Fred Armstrong. who will t|uoto prices for building lianlwaro 10 meet the keenest competition. In this department we show a must extensive of styles in wall papers and decorations, l-.n,- \\<\t. American and Canadian, the latter made specially to our order. Carpets aijd Floor Oil- clotfes At tliis <<eson of the year tl* Je- purtnii ni is well worthy ttie attention of house fiirniahers. We ha e a special line of Canadian carpets nade to our order, ami we import direct Knx'hsh tapestry aud wools and Scotch hemps. The above makes no reference to our Grocery and Provision trade which is assort.. 1 . >. i v w,. k with livsh goods, mid contain many novelties in fancy !nH.-erie:j not usually found in general store*. Call and see us, if you have anything the sell give us a chance to huy your ruin. hutter, e--s, i..wl. fi nit. or anything you Lave to market. We will pay you casU or trade, and can .furtush foa with a Leather IKnd J5ag, Valise or a handsome Trunk in which to take your purchases home. H A.VJK WI A.TN Y 1J A. II <* A. IIVH *. Well. e* our 6 cent Dress Ginghams, oar Prints, Flanelletti. Shirting a-ul Cottonades. and then say NN ! i . i i l*ficeH cun b Ueat M. RICHARDS & COMPANY *). MIMM_ Didn't Ililll ivitii'iUUoii withlueo H. niiit von dill In* kU.t tit kn.'w nf Sunn- months u^ii wp r.'i'nntc.l in the th* II Jf "I tln- l.rif oiu-ht-n by tlie tea"; tliNlliel HOWS .'..Ilium an lultertiHeinrnt *'"' wniBriiif.! t\ (I IH.IIID will lx> il>- for a wife whiell hail :i|.|iiM|-nl in .% Mils ' : ' -'' ' '" <"" > " illUHtratwt artli-ln koka paper and U-.-n j.retly wiilely .'opie.1 "" " r '"" *" . i tl... Mv nnm u e.inoity l>y exclianm-it. Tli-v ..t >"' "' l>"""i' K.inil) Ma./!n.. lli.tleed tin- llrui ma) III Position 1 OK- ni i> T ii i;n mi M, -AND- fositin is Eveything. Is fully c<|uipped with re- (juisites for turning out? per- fect class of work. y\ll kinds of pictures taken and fmishrd in a style c qual to any city work, while the prices are lower. h< hin Framing ill i in- in all its branches. .on i.-iulora IK) unwilling to hear tlio upaliol tin- .illaii The advertiser wan a Mnslinka farmer. owning -til aernaol lainl. u lioiue and HOIIIU stock. Nouth, ^ond lo,,ts ami altilit) to work were thu ilmi. li-rat urn he re.|uire.l in the unknown .,,,, I., mi; after whom Ins lonoly soul, hia Itiiiionlfss shirt and his -il ilmhea ei ifil out ti "in III* w intei vilitu.les ol the n. nli I'lu "ail hail |-. ^o...l fulfil wiitlfii .ill i.\ei tin- t.uv ..I it \n Orillm >..iiii.- ninn nan the ihmo,, ami i. oUeil In li.uo .. l''l n| fun out of tin lutpirnnt lie rte. fin I. .soil a (.|i..|.. iir|ih the |.n'tifst hi . -nlil huy in. iloiilit ami ma. Ie a itwrt'inm; emii|iir->l of llui willing vietiin. The eoii.-s| I t-nri- u'ri'W nml tlotirisheil as the M-ri|>tuir aya like a \ oiin. |..\ in. \n . n 10.- waH the s| lesiih ami the ilay of mri'tm^ wa-i at length a|i|>oinl.'.l The I'lii^nii; Invt i in Mimkuka l.i"k.-.l forward with a lio.soin Iniistin^ w ith laplnrt- In thr iliiy when he slmnKl ili^ht at ihilli.i on,, -t .ii on ami Htuml fiiec to faeo with thu fair one of Inn photograph. Half tin- yoiniK |ti-o|i|e in Orilha nhareil hm joyuua .inti. i|'.ili"ii, anil ..Inn tin- ansjiunnis hour arrivi-.l on.- .lay I.I-.I nick at leant .i'Hl i. tho and tie. ..roils ynuin: |n..| Ir -I. ""1 fun. I tin- I'latt'tim awintin^ Ilia ailvenl I'lu. , . inn li.U Mas altsrnl. lull thr I. .ni \oni|.; mill n is on I nnl I" i!\|.|'im that she Halt out of t.iw(l ami would return next ilny, ami the virtini escnrteil to a hotel. When our informant loft next day ho was still cnlen(fill\ an.utin ! the arrnal of tho ].> of Ins lite, ami .uiswri in.; all sorts of ^m-.siions very .iimalily < 'well Souinl A.IMI User. I'.T ..( l>iiioifiHf family Matja/lnc Krom lln.' roin | .1 IHA\ Nl-o ^niu noillli vt'l V niti.l*-tllif; nifi'i Hint i.Mi alnint tilt* UtliiiniK Stttti.* (Vnti al Aiii.-iu-a ifluvly illiu- t'l... T "'al.'.l. . ' -MI.IKI.I t'lmia.'!.-! in tlii. K>ei- H w to ri'iul them ' lain.. ilhi*traUHli will .-ul>U you to LI, I.;.- n, ti,.iu.'f lininan nntni .- . anil tliu in. -tillt'in |ia|H-i on ' IMaart* and tlio l)(l 'till ...t|t|i\ . ' oitli a poitiuil of tin. |.tiiliioi>li r. Kill auawer that oH-r*|teti*vl I|UM' lion \Mi,. i. IVIsartt'an.l lmt ii tils | i-i . i ' .M them are lmi:)it -t.n.^ .. i. 'it n >tll li\t- t..|-i. - Hii.l aliuont no n.l of ill.ii.titi n. I .1 -ill. ii. ii I article to. iii.i i in I- ami t liu oil it< i a, |,in i nt. u uaual.are ItiiininiiiK > i itl. K">'.| tlnnio. an. I ultok't-ilii i ihi U an rxc. |.u,.Mnlly good of that alwavt* yiMi.l Kuill> Mu. | at .' a \fr, l>> W Juiiiun^a Duma, real. IS Kant lltii st , Nt. \ork A eohl nr lApoituru may eauio tho POK otioiia tu-i.U m the Mo, ..I to elo^ ita em-ii I, III. HI I'lllt IS Kll.'lllll itlMII t'l.llk lammeiit will ito(t the pain at It rihoiihl IH t.ikon Itoth internally an. I i xt. 1 1, ally if tlu-attaek i Mvert, und il r.hi'l If tlio | ap- I'.MIS aemn, it nil. mill If met with the 1 1. -.111111-111, until u erne in effivtml. Tlim womlerfiil preparation hint wmkeil soul.- reiiurkalile euu-s .imoni; IMu iniiatu- is \\lierti one.- tiieilit is ulwaya m.'.l altti ^ol.l liy all droniata ; price fifty emits. Clark I'humii JOo I onnito N.n \.,lk Kllllt tin .mil O-IH-I t oiiln H tlie statement tlit the council set tn afraid tu Ift tlio lutepayeis know what they were doiii^' is absurd. The, ratepayers of Dsiirey do not think it tii-fi y that then eonncil sliouUl incur tin: e\[)enso of having I heir n-ei'i'iinxs (uiblished nionthlv, und seem i|iiili- natistied to have a detailed Mieiit of the iiri>eeeinj;.s, iveeii'ts und expftiditiires (iiilihshed at llie i inl of euoh year, and sucli stalemeiit has already been printed and 3U) r .(His disiiibuted among the rate i i\. is who seem to think their cmiti eil is quite as eiii>.thle if manuring tin ir atTo.118 as the I'mlli-tiii. Truly yours. OBPREY COUNCILLOK. C'lark v' l'o. M. Will U- Tu thr A'li./i.r o/' Thr A DK.AK SIK, Would you allow nu- space in your valuable paper tu uiakc- H.....I. . .1 llollurs '' w f*"""*" ''", "" 1U '"' wl " d ,' 8 P- ,foraVu,,",f'.,.ar,h whieh '": UV ' 1 "' ****"" of April Snd . .imiiil l.o . mi. I ). rm mriitlv hy t'lalk s rat.irrh eure. Stop light U|i In the olh ami prove your UMU and yet thu The lUtllelin saye sotue time ago they it nml Tli'insaniln have ln.'il this made arnuigi ineiit - with the (Ispi.v Ann ,iy, I nit no one has clanne.l the ro , cumieil to have a d.-tailnl ui'iii enns m n\ery ease If |lt i ai. tnnihle.l with for s Oollingirood Bnlktin in refereiico to the Ospivy If you have shopping to do and pictures to ^'et takt-n on the saae day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will he given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs, Bulmer. \on have u enlil !,l.rrh. ,k your uituirh . me. |,|iee .id e, nt, an. I .er . what a |.l,'.i-..iii i. In t it will Iw iimtantly. ' If yini uro atked to take Homi'ilnni; ulie semi to UK ilinvi. an.l wo will neiid \"ii n hollh, l.y mail Clark ('hcnuoal C\, i:Uilor > proOMQing sent them, this . M tvoll for a few timed. 1m t thtkt linily iU elilnl It to ln\i then WOT! piildished Now, Mr. Kditor, I have been a in. luhei of the Ospvey council for .-ipi _ of 'mii-e M \eral years and never to my kuow- loroiitu, New Vnrk. j n g was tt ,,y 8UC |, urrangeiuunt niudo I either to the llulleliu or any uther paper. And if the Clerk or any other officer made such arrangement it was entirely on their own rcspousi- u ITU you Tr at aoa hi a aturui - a itorm near a coMt.wlieu you iispucle.1 Ihu nyil wave would .laih llie k'.xxl >lii|> to |iiOfen ? II yon ever L , MM ltl,r.n, ll l..ucl,.u,.. |M r| re " lll - V alul ," l ' lt ll<r Wlt1 ' COU*-llt Or member ttae reJiol IU when you ra\\*o<l you disapproval of U COUUCll, Alid ttS t'j linn. I ilk lli'i.iKl : Our lt>eal iiivt-ntor and I'lfeti', \ ti. tlm.ter. ham n-- erived tiotm Iroiu the I'renidi-nt of the lnu-nt.'i- A. nleiiiy, in 1'iiris, Kntnce, that ult i- 1 cxaniiiiHtioii of hid invention*, the Avail. -my has eoiilrirml on him the title of ' roiifs|.on.lin i ; Uoiinrary Mem ol the \unleniy," with whK'll is eon neetrit 11 lust I'las.s ili|t|oni.i UNI) yilileil Tin.- will tcivo our toHii.Hiu.tii the lirii.'tit of trt'i' accesa and e..m'|>oiuU.|i a in ni with mvuiitioiiM anil jiatunU. with the PHIIM in Inveiitun' Aeademy. llns hoii<>iilK' titlii entails no e\lteli- mi Mr. Hunter. ml has hei n toiiforriHl on him without any .solicitation whatever on Ins part Not often it a iituen of 11 reunite ran.iihnn villtge huluiieil so highly \>y a fort%'n tK-iety. V\e oongntiuat* our townainan on hi* auoueaa. Ttuly ;n elivnitoi- is not with out honor, save in hin owu euuntry mid aiiiniii; hia own |HM.|.|I . Br Jiuro )ur KlKht. I hen ROMMM ' If you hiv tho Ca- tarrh, every |iiv[t.inttit>n thai ilo* not eure you only irritate* and incrcaava your Miileruik!. \*>f\u rnjht by uaiii^ the iinplimt and only remedy that la g ua- ranteod 1'Urk'n I'aUrrh Hur. The loothinu. healing mduenca i felt at "in <!. anil a gratifying eure tlwaya fol Iowa its u,i. I'm,, ;X> cent* If the dniRniiit trios to aoll you aomethini; obn', enil the pnce to (!lark' rhumical I',., Toronto. New York, and the remedy will be sent to you by mail, all tint claw druggnU keepOlaik'a Catarrh Cir. Can I Suit 4 Mpraiii or Bruise ShiiiUl !> %\ia|>|'f>l uli .1 In. ni cloth wet with I'lark'a l.uinn.iii; LniMiieiit. I'lu I'.uu will leave instantly, and thu >wi!luii; lapully aulwulc. Ni-thini; knuwn In si-n-iiif will .ill >iil iiu-li i^H-etly u-iii-i aiul * inc. .Mnl tlii'to U no other remedy ^I\H the utten-i mcb quick i \\li.-ie oiK-e iivil ,lwayi) i intfi ii'Uii your JrUKunt There IS Klllv "lie I'l.ltk '.- l.l^llllllll'^ l.lllllMvIlt , |uiielilly ei'iits Toimitii, Ni Vit Many have tried me and answer in the affirmative. Then, if others aie well suited why not come to me and get Your Pants your coats and vests made i'rt the best of style, the quickest time and tor the least money. will never wear out the patience of my customers by false promises. Bring on the cloth for Your Coats ami have it cut while you watt. Suits which I makeup and recommend may not be strong as cast iron, but they give satisfaction every time. Call on the un- dersigned and test these statements. F. A. BAKER, ARMSTRONG '8 BLOCK, Pleaherto*

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