THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ft Tlio most compU-ti' Kui.iily Cook Stove made in Camilla. If you wanl a first - class cook or heat ing stove gei the PBAKL. For quality of materials durability & economy ID service, per fectionm fin- ish & design, ! ard cooking qua 1 ities, they have al- re ad y ob- tained a r PEARL STOYE/SS household reputation throughout Ontario. If your dealer does not keep them write or call on the manufacturers. This S'ove takes SO inch wood and oven is 26 inches, PEARL STOVES BUY THE PEARL STOVE, MANUFACTURED BY T. L. IOFFAT & SONS, Tl.e cl wci^'lil ami HIS ',. u. Why buy a box stove when you can get a parlor sto /o as cheap FLESHERTON MILLS! IT IMYK TO HnflnK piirclniw.l tlif Flolierton I'l .imi|i MiUt (run 1*. J. H|>ri>ulr, Kq., 1 now ui . n i to inf.. mi tin 1 PUBLIC tbat I am iu ponition to do ALL KINDS --OF- General planing mill work, inch SASH, DOOHS, IMHil! KltAMKS Planing and Mulching, re sawing, etc. ...,,d Workmaituhlu Uunrantr*l. Al arRu qnntity of good dry |>iii lumber mi liaml. W. J. RQIW&B, \- 1< *!H rton. ATTENTION AND THAI' IS T1IK Northern Business College, The best and uiont practical couras of ff}u<l> Tho hunt !,< IIM.K talent Tin- loNt accommodation for Ktudenta. Tbu boat luvthutln of unarm -11011 Tin iiiixt M.milu fi'iiu that iuitructliiD afior For annual annoullcfliiuiitH uiviiiK |>nrl irnliu n<tiardiii|j thucoume uf t 1.1 . i. i ins, , i,- ,a.tiH> C A H I.MINli I'm*. ii-Al. Farm for Sale. Offers will b<> n-i'rlTi-it l>\ tlirun . i nr'l f.-i tiir purclia*" of Lot. 5 mi<l ii, r.m < 'onlailllUK 'JUO aurt-n liK'ii' >' !". tlx' r-ttm. >niitiutf a uioat TalnL')0 propeitN nn tin farm U uriictu<l a larK comfortal>li< lUi'lhnti tiouM, lar- franu 1 tmi u an<) oilu-i MKI tnnMiii^M. The farm l ll wati'ivil Aliout lul arri'ii clearnd ami uiiilnr m]tivihtl<iii. and all btfittl tUUWUtu of till' laUl Jan. liuwfol.l. uliirli Inn t l>i'Huldto winil up alTaim of >UMIH . l l-i further panic ular Intnnlliiii pui<:lia>eri rlmuld ai'iil* to MM Ml (IAMKV UkXWBll t'. O. XatWfll.Jan SO.IBCO. Three important qualities combined in our make of Boots. To those who expect to wear Boots and shoes dur- ing the next few mouths we would say that you cannot do better, either in Factory made or home made Boots, than to try CLAYTON'S. A good stock on hand from the best manufactures. Also a lot of Meus' Boots (bomo madel, Beit Material auJ on hand. OuNtom AVork and f ,(.; .,-, n u to Order. PLANTS! SALE PLENTY OP (,.)iili Atrnwbrrry ?ln'*. pbrrry I'HIH-M, M.i.iutvii i U B. LAURENCE" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOU AT.L I'KKKCTS OK VISION ItlCIIAHDSOJV $ CO., HOLK AilKNTS, FLB SHE RTON. Wind i- Wktef.TAKE NOTICE! Aa4otb*rtiardy ihrulw. I'oimv and Lilly rootn au<1 other peronnialt for aale oi i Greenhouse, MJMKH KEECUUFT.I A large quantity of ttood Shingles OWN MANFACTURE CASH FOU flilMtf 4\H slll.IT.MinH II 1 Htl'.V AliTI.KY. MfKr of Wind MIIU and rumps. Mai Male, tint.. If you IUHH! a pui.'p ..f anv kniii. an I will Utoi lou it!i ,..ui Hi ilrr. I will unaraiitfi- to nu,- Btifai'ti'<n . * i . tiniii. Iran uit Mm In tithi'i Iron, ltra>n. 1'oruulain, or (lalvanliwa Iron TKKMR Ropaltiuif oath ; u.-w work bort dat inptotM inn.'.s it ili-Mrnl. lii'luw I UIM> ii l.'w toliinonlal* : Doar ttlr - Thu tun iH!iii|> >u put In for me ar. Kivinu IK. >pli.ii ii I i. liln 'in i'll I.|.B K, Muali THE- LITTLE MILL. FLESIIKRTOK. Hariniipntlrrh n-novatrd niv mill din UIA the iiant vr. pulling in a luii/e >iiii>unt of nt<w inacliiDerv. I nut now |>rn|>an>J t<i m iud (lour in a nianiiiM ,1'i-onil !! n i inillur in lintariu, and on thu ulioi tii't iititii-u. OLD TERMS : Every twulfth buihul. Seven cent* per bag uf two buihuU fur oh|i|iin)t. I ). Hi.- every day. P. LODGES, Proprietor. UOOl) STAULIKQ FOR HORSES. , U ...... JUNN PoaiROfK, Mualiorton. MH. J. ARTI.IT, I>ar Str.-Iu reply to yout'a of Ihe l.'tli I nit , I wi.ul I KV tlmi Dm pump you |iut In tor inu ban provoil vury laUafaotory. It lH>ini| ilurablo and very eaay to work. Kiiplnkwl iilt-ano find *A. biilaiK-i' for pump. JAM> a Jon Ktl'kllUI ttMl SATIM \ITIHN i LAST ThU in to o iti(\ tuat 1 liavo hu<l unat tiouliK' and I'xitinso wltli my well lV^ ff'-t UN hi in i<i;iird to piinuio until I not Mr. I A i Uoy to overhaul It ; ilnco thu I hare lut 1 1'iitiif Biuii-fMjtlbn. Ni \ httli' boy. aix yvua old, can | uinp with It nicely. AUTIII u 1,'HNnTos Vandeluur. Juno liiih. \H.U. Dear Su- Your favor to hand euqiilrinn how KB uot along with thu Wind Mill. 1 iniubt ay wo hail no dlBotlty Iu puttlnx It togetber. It is working Kiilnnilld. Thu|ininii diwi lt work all rildbt. Illkutho workliiK of the Vlrtor Wind Millvi'M iii.u'h ltt"v,'in itiiclf in. ,'!> In a liikh uiinl.aiid I think It far moru ilurahlu than a > ........ mil N lirxiH HT, ileaford To .IKFFRKT AHTP.Y. Murkdale : MI Tin' pump I imrchkiwd from yon for W fmit well Kivooin|>U.tu .atlnficllwi. It work* with tln-Kri'lt eau', for the ituautHy of wator ih'liti icil. ul any pinup I havu r,n tvnted I It l( ooaltmcted on a iinple and dur- 1 ..ii!,' prlnuiual anil not liable to not out of order. I I could not with fvra hvtlur pump, and van, with th<> utmost i-uiifi'l. IH ,-, ri'conin.pnd It. VV iibiug you every nurovu I rrtnain. yourt 4o., <to. J. W. BFHOVLE. Mai kdale. June as, IWO. General Feed Store. M'l KLOI R ALWAYS ON HARD. SHORTS, BRAN. HEN FEED, ETC. All kind* of fnlt lii their MUOD. All kinds of can nod good!. Turn Meal. Oat Meal. Rolled Wheat, (Irahan Flour, Smoked and Salt Meat*. til. KIM* OF TlMFKKATE DlINKR. SHOP next door to M Riohardton A Co't E. PEDLBR FLESHERTON. NOTICE. Notioe It hereby Rlveu that I iii not naj any I h any ju Klmberley. Bept. 4. 1HO. Notioe It hereby Rlveu that I iii not naj any It- ooutractw by luy win, Robert Jaa. Learv. e being a minor aiwl leaviiitf home without ny juitoauir JUHM L.KABT, I desire to draw Uio public's attcn- tiou to the foci that I have opened up iu Fleshortou a TAILOR SHOP in Armstrong's Block NEXT *! DOOR TO THE JEWELEY STORE. t Clothing Mai: to -AT Your own material made up and style aud fitgOBrautccd. WM. BARNHOUSE, BOOT AND KUOK MAKER, PLESHERTON, ONT. i Deiiron to thank bU untueroui ouitouiert { for tbu vary liberal patrona*)? f>stnded In thi pant, a inl It now prepamd to fill all orient wltb prniMptiioan. Hatlafaction gtiaranteoil. Twelve *%rn In lianlucnia In Flenberton, and hnuoitt , jaliuK".witn iioo.1 workmanab!p,have ojade bit , nain.. well known tbronihoul thi violnltv owed work a ipoalatl* <ft yoc boon kf Wmi liar BhM. VtMbei Cl'TTUtQ DOXE TO OKDKK. F. A. BAKER, Practical Tailor,