1- H t F L £ S » E R I N ADVANCE â- ^a- TO CALIFOllNIA. X Lady's Trip to the Colden State via C. V K. Gripaic De~. crip lion cf the Scen- e.-y from North Bay to Kat Portaje- -Sunday on Board. .> s y.ii are alrvady awire we left F. '••i Thursday ni-iruini;, April Hth (or Toruiiti., \ia. C.f'.R. Ou ..ur arrival t litre wt; r>-jw»: rid :â- • tlie ClMl. i.tfices â- >:i Kin.' stri-. *. wl-.trre we coiui.'.cteJ ar- j raiiiitiiifiit* f'T tri[i. Afwr liaviui! isccr- . •aino'i* time •â- { startinu, I'arly sfniii','. <rt«;.. I UK thiM Liidf <i<«>».l use Mt "ur time the ifiiiaiiKi-.-r "f that d»y and uext in callin,' | • 11 tr!eiMU t • say farvwrl!, .v< we were tc | leave at 11 p.m. Friday iii^-ht. j «>u .ur arrival at I'liU'n Stalicii *r.li | fi ier.ds whii ac<Miii;*iiie<l us, we were | ii 'i-feuL'.y '-.irpriiel t^. see ai.u>ii'^ i llie ihi'U^ faiiii'.lar facts i'/ friends from i ' leT.'v'.'Wii aiid Hastiii.'?. »h'. bein^ ii) • the iitv, ami heiiri:i â- ur lea v:i; for the far west, had c me <i'>«!i t' see us | ..:r. litre we weie :i.T. 4-io.'d !â- the: traveiiiu,: ifcisyfir.'er ajehi. »h" ».i.' ti' j l.^.k ir't. r the I'liMy dvirui:; the }• urney. | -.11. J l!.f:i taken !.â- the far. On riiter'.n;; • " ..â- f..u.iii .t neatly aii.i t.iistefaily titled j ii;i ttitlirvetv a.;-: â- II.' d.iti-'ii I'T -^ur use I • Iari:;j t':e tni'. Having said the la«t • •.^••oi-hye. we i.iuud furselvts s'u'wly r iii'.viii^ .'ut of the stati^'ii. and then fori the first f.iue 'L>e;.-aii t.. fully realirt tliat we »ere leaving hi>me. friends and iiative land, and Winj strangers ainons stran- j{ers. However, the bustle goin^ I'li around lis. of amnjiiig lierths. dropping curtains, etc., i<»'n dr*w . ur attention to ihc ii«rforinauce ot thi; ».ii.m duty. Finally quietneu reiiined iuprcinely thri'Ujhout the car. Abi>ut 1 ».m. being s<iuie»hat wearied, I s«x'U fell »»le«p, | but I'lily f'-r a short tini*, aa the motion j of the train hid a tendency to waken I rather thaii lull us W' »l««p. A'-x'Ut i ..clock *.m. most of t*w t>A»»enger» com nieiiced inovmj aroditW. m that ended ..ur slumbers for that ni-ht. We break- fasted about 7.oO i.ra., after which we commenced U> take notic« of the country through which we wer« v>assin);. We »ere now in Aigoma district, having ->as«td thniuj;h the towns of [Barne, ».'rillia. Bracebndge and (.ira'enhurst, : • well at smaller [daces duriiit; the uuht. We amvetl at north Bay aUiut 8.30 «'cl.H:k, when we were informed we should have t.> wait for the traiu from Montre.\l which had to be attachet.1 to »«r» t>n account of some deUy along t4iat line It didut arri»e until i.'M p m. t\u nave us ample time to expKire the town which is pleasantly situated ou L«ke Nippisin)!, a l<eautitul and exten- pive sheet of water stretchini; awav to •our left, still solidly frozen over, so much so that men with their teams are seen drnint! orer it, while to the ri^ht lay the town with the dust flyint; on the sitrfcts and nosi^n of winter whatever. and evidently none f.>r several w«»ek8 •back. We were infurnied the jvpuUtion was 1100. It cvnilains many fine build- ini;s Jfc'"' ""»lk around the town we weio .i^{|^>ed tosee such a small pi.ve h,'«ve so many hotels, as we i>>unted eniht. Whether there were any ni.Te .r II. 't wo faileil to discover. Some ..f them were very tine buildings. l>n the other h.md we saw but two churches, and thiv>e â- if the niiwt inferior stylo. .\ pretty !>troiiu' evulence, we tlioui:ht, l«uvhu« was m.^st wonihipiHvl there Wlule ift tamed here »e were enteitaiiied by a band of Sc 'tch pipere » lio helped to pass away ihe time. llowe\er, we had a very pleasant party .'ii K'ard,:*!! fro.ii t)iitari.<; an 1 aUhou>;h entire stranners t.. each other. s.«m becai'-.c .â- ».• juamtcd, and each «ii'e di.l Iks best t' make the journey ivs ( leasant and a;;recable for tho other as jK>.<»ible Aftei leavini; North Hay we (';iss lluoii^h a wild rejiioii w'leie lakes, rivers, f.ircsts and nvky r;dv'e< alternate Nul.t Ci'Uiiiii; on -ilints tins out fn m our view. Itofoie ictiriiio f.-r the nii:ht, ^Saturday 1, we discovere 1 we had two ventli'inen ^ br.it liers^ on bmilwlio wen- splendid siii:.;ers, and wh.. ^ave us sever.il full- seUvtions. Having Uvoino s>'MIC what used t.. the m.tion of the train ..ur sUnni'crs Were triM.iiiil, and we awi ke iie.M moniiiij; lee'.iuij >)uUe it<fr«\shed. \\ c C'liM not hue «i>hi'.l for a ni.iv iH'autifnl Sabbath. It wa.. all ihat c nld be desired. Heaven's wi.le arch \V«.. j,'...uous »illi '.he s;iii â- * rotiv'ntii; mareli, .\\A wi'.^ls wor.tlii ivlu»tt» i. Aii.t >..<t i;.slt..» Weul f.iit'.i to ki«s ltu..sui. c^.%.1 it\ii> \.i It drfw near the lionv for cliurch we could tell by the riiiiarl.s mad.- that, lis it was in our own case. s.. «a« il with nio.st of tho p.wsei.ijerw, tli.M home and (rieiuls (Vcupied their thoui;lit-s. On niakiiig the c^em.'xrk tv^A gentl4i(ian fr<.ui Toronto that our fneuda would likely be :;'.tnz to church uow and thinking <jf tu, tears filled his eye* as h« replied, "I »iiow mine will .anyway, ' showujj that j sentljmen are not st. indifferent tc lear- iug home aiid friends as tiiey would soue- ^ times have u.s believe. We then fnrnietl i a choir of all the singers we culd find on i b-ard and sang several selectiutunf popu- lar liymns which were duly appreciatrKl I by all. This was a-^n ref.eated iii the ' evenini{. Sun<lay afternoon we com- j ineuced paasin^j through some ..f the , wildest scenery which we had yet ts:held. We f.Uowed the Lake Superior sh.. re f' r i ab-'at 100 miles, here and tlnrre â- iily I catchiiia glimpses of it sTArklin^; in the siinlioht with islands dattmi; its surface. and then aja:n beholdin; it strrtchiUi; ' â- 1 f.ir miles in its vastness. In sotue places we are ndiii:; aioni as it were a iiarr w shelf with massive wails of ro-ks t. wer- ina huudreUs of reel in:., the air i a oar ', .â- •xh\. with the lake m all its h^auty of greenish blue water stretches ri.;ht be- low t.i uur left. There a^iu we pass be- tween walls of nK-k which we can almt«>! who had the pleasare of bem^ liierei I In Maiwell the ©elebratioi:, c-jmoared with annoanc^ments made on p.3«:e.f. wdi laiLer a slim ^S&ix. Mr. McD. WiKiama has pure .isei and i-emoved to l.is own store th.- en- tire stock of Mr?. Carr. Mr. \l : i uS eviJ.-uily means oasiuess. 1 ilr. Joiiu Gi-aLam, aitoout' . â- ..-.l | advanc*d in years, has ajiia c-;.:- .e-i i the bouds of holy ma'-'-imouy. Con- srratulauons. JoLnny. lu Feversham ininirs I'Xik ".-utLcr lively. Tije frame of t;e Oran^'e Hall, iOslO. is e.'^rct.r'.^. iLi will sooa ; be completed. 1 Ira Petiijo La-: si-c.;.- "i ilie cjut.ac: | of bmldiag a Le'.v l;: i^-e over the i pond. ' C. E. N'il w^;.; ;o : vu lis; week | ana pmcuai^rd a i^ec: -'. jck of gjuis t for the ?:ni:iK-r. | The ;-gg 5caT-:..:rr5 r.:i>>r: iLe ;.c:i fro;: a o-xo. cr:i . J. bi. â€" \ -. \ . ^ iijjj Jli, : '-:zRAi Di?.z::cE. -aND- ?U!inTU3^Z DZALEE. keeps ('oD>(antIy uii Hand 'Everything Tcr I THE GAEDEIT. j To Our Friends and Patrots. ! \V4 i»^re to ihAT^ tg^ lor vcv liWral pa:- ' roca^e .:: U.e f^^i. A.nc ^p« fur « oi>ousaAzc«f of t-r **!::« Vi'i t.4T« this yt*z A*de ^e»; I '.JL,] .-â- •vciL.eLi» .z Lf »t->.x. iad EAT* j^oc »t r:.* I B TL B S H « I !« E P L A .\ T § . 4i.'.;.t » ::i ».rH^e Gvr&:^:uizi> in OL^ay *ha-i-*^ s;..j fci. : » ivtrr ir.co.vr, .tt uij tcri^tied g^r^^ .in:: :n (;rt*i v^r-.riy CLnn«fr»n*«. Pnmcl*-- va..".2- K;. ira,.::ijrfc- ?r.»rEC'C;c:ii*. Rose* I .T>s -^ '.-c^s; .K.zm^'.t.:^ ±.1.1 ^.i.z.i^^WKT U. B E D D I .> <; P L A >' T !» V.ri.eis. Fc-rgrv Situaton t.-uch aj w-j J ais al -n^. by putt;:),; .ur ' hand tiir .Uiih the wind.iw. Then lud- deiiiv we are einersed in darkness and hear eXi.Iau;at: lis from all sides of oh ' .h .'h ! then L>e:ore we have tiiue to think of what has hap;-ened we cmen^e int.. d.iyli.'ht iuiin. Then we kaow ^ that we have passed through a tunne'. V."e are thtii nil rmeu we shall pass I throUi^h several of these during the after- iKK>ii so we kept on a lockout for them. Just l.efore entenni,' the tunnel we come to wbat is c-alled the Mink Trestle, where , ».iuie three years ajo a terrible acc:deut I t<v.k place ill two trains Col'idin/ ou it | Over this the trams are on'.y allowed t. prvveed at a certain rate of speed. We c-Pie to a staudslilt about a mile beyond the lunnel and liud we have to go back over this dancurous piece of rv^ad and ^'et up eoouih steam t.. take us .'Ter the heavy sn^e. Back we go round base of rvcks. through tunnel, over trestle wuL a rush, as it is down uraJe. feeling at times as though we were flying throush midsir. slow up. stop, then try it a;a;n with s'rvaier si>«ed. This tune we are successful and are taken some f.iur miles l>eyoud. We have a tine view of the entire train as it often /onus a semicircle in its wiiidmcs areund the hate of rocks jiist here. We find on cv>rain^ to another heavy grade our train has t» be divided. as it IS t^>o heavy for the eiijine to take it, there l<ein^ nineteen c.>aches with passent;ers besides dining car, mail, bas- ga^e. etc. l'>ur car beiiii: aK'Ut the cen- tre of the train we were taken ou abt.ut 10 milee and left at a anvall station called MidJlet.>wn. while the engine returned for the remainder ..f the cars. W» passed the time in climbing to a hi>;h |x.int of rock which overUx.ked Lxke Suc^nor, so that we had a tine view .f it KViai here to Port .4rthur the scenery IS (virticu'.arly iiiterweting. Here we ihati have to say with Lonkifell.iw : "Hut SI Ungth th» f.'Teri«h .tsy l.ik... * ps*»ion (ti#.l awsT. An.l tbe r.^ibt. wreno s:i.t »t:ll. Vi'll ou viUace. Tale. anJ hill We much re»:rette»l nijiht surrv unding us, esiwc.ally .as we were nearini; Port .\rtliur. and w..ul.i like t»> have seen this secti.Mi ..f country by daylii;ht. We ar. r.ved there ab..ut 1 o cKvk a.m. and had tlie pleasure .f seeii.o it by n; v.nli:;ht. We w. u'd .ay araui with th* p -et : â- Vb.t'a t!.r iiux.it n: a!! herj.ri.lo. 1 ;*ii' s «virn .;!..ri?.e '. KllUvt sn.l .'Vi.rl!o.Ttvl tiio i:it;^t \\itb f.ie sTf£»^'fie»* .-f '.ierlii;yii S.-iae . f the ijeiitlen.eii s-tarting up â- om Wer." â- â- .iiiper.ed f.. retiace thrir j.eps hiiri * ly by the whistle .s..uiiding «•« the fain oiilv n'mainci a short time. F in ke'c !•• Kat P. rt is;.' tlu- sceiieiy i< oi the wi.dest des^riptum. We a;e c.i liniially ivi'v.sui..; bold vi"oiiionto. les, r>i.-ky dp lifts, ch. litis ot rvvk. broad lakes, islands, over iiiers.. bi.K.ks, dasliia;; cataract and waterfa'l, thr.iuh deep cut tin.'s, ."I'en plain, vast foiests and ar..n:..'. rii^^^il III .'.lilt litis until we arrive at Uat Poila.-o. V'T miles we p-vss thnuljli what has K*oii .^reat forests, but now liothiiii; reiiisms l.ut the.hiricd lo,-s and lives be-yiUi; the mark of the desti. yiii;; in.; lire. r.' h- conti!iuf\i. wilh *t^K.iv et: ]\?'. :: ^.n: ft . ; _â- â- . •N-r>^r.u:t-: ; â- i ,.. PRICEVILLE BAKERY. A. Sv iTSO\ ! Desires w inf.nm tUir public tl-a: hd can lurtiisn CAKES AND PTKS 'I'o CJiMilei'. Flesherton Fuiuiture Wiueroonis DURHAM Street FLEMILKTON. VECiETABLE PLA?5TS tut Flowen. and Floral Ur«i£n.>. liRJSE.yBQ C*S£» PLVVmrVllLLS A FULL LLNT OF JJqUSE_ pUmSHINGS ! 3CW J-.f.r^ FIBSTCl^\s BREAD ALW \.Y* OX HaM\ will visit Flesfcertca tw.c« s wr*k â€" o TCrsDaVS and F&U>AYS. v-.th s I DROP A CAUn IF YOr DEiilRK I MK TO CALL. WF.DDiyO and FANCY cakee a specialty ! A. WATSOy. i l>iceTille. j Ot every a.;scrif.ioi Specialties FOR ^M^'If' THIS MONTH BABY [ ARKIAGE ft HOMAS' celebrated D. Mcfavlsh, jORGANS, GENERAL BLA.CKSMITH. (."oliit-.C^vood Stivct. FLESiiEKTON, - oNT. | Ncw Raymond Sewiiiff >[acliiiie^ Macufsct iring ot W»^-n«. S!eie^•. I'ugp^t r*einov-r*l*. etc Hw-.r«e*b.vinit yn^mj'tU st t•u^<e^l :.> Sivcial »tt»-.;t;c:; inveu lo cotus."* •J or t«Qtltfr fi»«l LosKioe nnd Plow Ch.-tius con- *(niiil> on hand. Osprf.^ Ilriiss. (r.V.iiiei hv oHr 1 tn /i«iv>r.''r. Oispioy i^ still ni 'c and ?i: •.:\tcJ iidst llio ::.uuc Miu.niiK;::i.;s. Al. lllOU-.4ll Th.. aiit'.inin is past, r.;j.l thtf winter i«<o'i>. .\:i I tlio -i>iui|;liu:.' lias c\.ir.* «illi il> Mo.^li . Hut liu..*.. t^^..•ts ie\l»»;.eAnn:; .\ftor eac*l m;n ^'al* ihe >oi-.:in h.irl».v .i.-.wii lalhors. ..» 1: is f.-^icil lif.lo f.ui: will b. foiin '. in t. ii vicinity if ilic iiKnc iV.is.s cou- tiiiiii'. lUit iimt luAs nothing to do with tho way the '.M:!! was colclniiicd in Ospny. Tlu' picnic over on llio Evjjiitii Lino, lot 4, attracted n'.iitc a iiutiilvr. .\ ovhhI platfona and tirs:- ola.ss initsio.to;;otlier with otlior gamos fiin>is«Hl aniplo ^luiisoiuent for all •nsi. ^« 11 Is e- riaaa in lU <tf r< ts &d4 i2^.r« t.:bl:Ai*r. IrWi.i i.r\x.£ t*-..iow. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Orrrc* or OiA»tis A. S)nr»»», 1 F'Vtxri.m V p ^ riJiwooi\ Iix., Nov. 3l\ lissjt D«. R J. Ksxritx Ccv. wouM lln prlc««.Mi liuTrrqu.\nt1t7. I ihliA :: !s t,«o K^t the tw*l Unlmerita ^mi e<*Jlb. 1 tkA^e u»«J :l .u EByf »r*bir5 (or t ^ rw 5««n. KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE. DJL R j. KX5CULX C\\ IVju- Sir* . I »k-*ir\* •o.glT* rcn !OKtlmonl&1 o! wt itv^M opinion of > our ICfrt>ilall«sn-\Ttn O^rxv I ^a»â- i(> v:»cvi It fv'r l.aiMpne*** t^ttif Jolnm imd al^ r\v>^mim'iv.! It to aatoi>epjt-a. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE. with ,To«r KrtxUll • S;*>ln oiiv, 1 h.i*e i'ur*a tvrcntT rtT# bx>rfirs that t»*i >Mivln«, ten v^f RUc'Habp, rn>o a«lct#d«tth ^t« Utmi aM •tfv, â- \ .-' Hig J aw, Wn^.-^' 1 h»To YiiM vMM«vV T\Mir IvsNk* M,l fo.lo^»t>l the aiiwtK^u*. I h«r0 oV^vr hO«i A CAM ot aUT iLtlKl. Hon* l\v;v>r. KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE. PY*o« I', w N»ttl«. or *l\ N>ttl<^ fv^r |fi. All CVmr tlM« h*TcUorcAn(t*i II for you. ..v tt win t<«K>nl > ahj ftai>1rva« on n(k.^«ip< of r«rio» bv t>o V'lr-'witv *oc«. Dik Bl j. KKinxAU. CV\, BiK^Nirvh FiJl*, yi- SOLD BY ALL DKUQUISTS. SFF.niC-SEDS. I MATEESSES V>\- .lu' .tYii.-i-: •iVtoi.ri iu;.-.'..:;^J : .ib'Vi- ".;:us ;â- •.;. i:_- M.iy. .;â- ; w ^ ;hM;i !:,-o.>>.\.v :. :n.it-..;!N ir.lavo? I'.iiJ Kiiio.vivr oir \-'.. ct o: h^itoss. \N 1. DISCOUNI CASH SAl.lS T'lis I \:' MCr -i'-t: .â- v'tV.v <'•â- i;!.- "t >'.ic. *v,: >; H-k ., I le.-is; ^.'C'O.oii I'.bni. :] c V .t'.i;;:t:y fn.lo. PLESHEETOH FURNITURE WAREROOMS. PUBLIC •.bit I »=; .u » ri^. :;•:!: to io ALL KI^DS General planing mill work. SA<iL POORS. I'OOF. FF.AMFS r'.ai::rc i-i -Miwr.ir.:;. re 5iwiDj:.t:c. (iood Horkmanship buarantrr^d. .\ laivt qusntf.y .-.f good Jtt p-.s« luc-.ber -. r. b»r.,i. W. J, BOTfdlBM, Flesberton. ROLLER FLOUB: best m the markets at Blackburn's. ICE Cream Parlors .111 ktuds .^f c.xMip^ siiain'.or Jrinkj. Cured Meats. Lard. Bologna, etc. ^LL FRnT.< IN THEIR SEASON AT BLAfKBlRX'S HEW HAIR DRESSING PARLOR. . V. .\ I SFt-.^v )v»> *«: oivr.^! .-I : » =i" l-«..-.-<'r ..:.;• Hi.;>.'.»ir Ar^i^.â- Jglv^: -T -.• ;» I'T-var.^- 1.' 111. ".-i »-' »". w^^a .;: .-.i:. â- >,'i'. â- â- I.,..-.. ; ..: •, .--<«;v -,.\rlH:v.r._- t -.: lOU SAL!.: *V l'.. il l'..'> ..Ui^ CI ti. \Sli - ^ Uenli n 12 RECRUITS W. ed! â- ^^^x : oV.v\ ,1n.' 1 .!i-VP«». . »i.-r.*.t Want I..ii.t:.s>ii:> ;.' <v'; .i. .cv. lil.KKAl. TAV ..V i.VKtKIA. N.. .M~-i...i ;v;iu.i.'? .itCPCO «ii'l » ..:\- â- V;i;i> t'Mi. K. YoiN , 1 i<'i ' .ri;: u;<-i .1V..1. S lil.'irs Cur* will imnitH<i.' Ornn-". \Vh..i';Min: C â- ' 5'' At'' For sak .it the M d cal UnH ^lievj ;' iti*.