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Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1889, p. 8

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^c- •T/.. -•'..^, % THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE * â„¢ 111! IMHIliD l,i(illr S'lliEL lliMllill! 0\er Funr TIioiikhihI Hohl in Hoasoii IHMH. H<Mng Mor«' Than Hnlfornll <ftilicr BiiHl4*rs iiiude iu <'aiiadu. before plariiit; ttu-ir nr.l.T-* for IHvj. w.i rcHpcrtfully noucst the fannt-rH to : Ut <'\r<*f.ilU fM*iiiirii* th« •Mrautfor-I Ha.chin«K' an t fmtlifullv romimrr with oDicrs 'iiuX. Kiiquiri- iif >"iir m-iulil">rh wii'i have used "Uraiitford Mac)iinefe" aiHl k'el lUvir i'iuiin<ii " 4be»r wurkiii»( Hiidltisiiiit.' ^lualitU'i- . , , If vuii Will f-.iloB tiif lib >ve advict!. you will !m' rorivinct'd of tiieHo two farlH ; Nl â-  hrniilf'^rd Mrtchmes' are ponMottf .?<| of iiioro iniprovoniuntH and are beftt'r made tlian ftny ott.t-r mm hinr* in Caimda . ,, , iiul ' Hratitford MtM-lini^A aru uiorv |fui>u1ar,4,'ive iKJtter natiHfaction.and arc niurudurablv than u\ oliiiT rii«<hin('M in ( itnivda. •ftierrfon Ini Oivtf \«>ur ordir KAKKV for h liraiitfnrd Hlndar or Mowor. iiiid And >.ni wiil l«r surf to br iM-rfcct'y »atiKltud with tho niacliinti you ^•ei. The Sti'« I Kranui Double (ioar Moavor Urill, thu only Doulde (iearad Drill luanufacturoU ui f'unaila , , Su uth«"r lirill hilt the I»'jiihlo Cit-arpd Drill will Htart to kow tho inomont it iiioveH cithrr way. SuolhtT dnlUan ho adapted t" HOW witheilh* r half at a tliiio without HtoppliiR th« hoffctrti or Ifftting off the drill K<'li sAl-K ItV THOS. A. BLAKE I.Y, FLKSHKIITON llcanl's Carriage Works. MAM KAt Tl KKK <iK l'tirri(i:J<s. l>u^^i(-s, Wfti^ons, Siri^li.s, Cultrrs. (\c-, i^'C- S|.fr. lal AttoMiiMii u'ivfii to I'AINTINt;. TlflM.MINC. IKiltSK SHdKI.Nii and .il BliuU ..f .I<l|{ WnllK Nolliiii'/ l.ul lii^t ^lil^:^ iiiati'iia'i ii^.d tlirou^'lmut :tiirl natisfuctiiiii niiaraiitifcil. Wo have for sali^ I^»llTil>t»l*, I^Jllll llIKl KliiiiKl*''^- All". At;<iit fur I)Rk'» Kdllein, M'.wcin ami Hiiiclrrn. Dick « 1'Uhiiiii1"Ii, \U'\a\ llub lv"V, liraiiitiT aiwl Staii'laiil I'lcws. Two aii'l 'I'luif Kiiri' tv (laiii; I'luwa. liiirsc I'.jweri fur 4 HmsL-.i. Stia« rulti'is, Scutllurii and Tuniip Knlli. JiUlS'll. hi:. till). Ihiilnnii Stri) I, FUsUnloti. FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM A lartfo ai''ortiuent of HTOVKS. <a rnaKfw* hTOVK KLllNlHHINtiS. TIN WAHK.CtH ri UWAKK.IiAMI'liOODH lac .ootihtHiitly nti hanfli EVKTHOL(iHIN(J ALITY A SPEC I r. (i. Karstedt, Strain's old Stand Kl<'>iliui-t oil. 4^ CD I X LU •^ ' bi I Eh O. 03 â-  . LEIT iiri^at Karii:aiiis ! ON o 1^ ^ ^ J2i CD w W CO W O IIME ail f M PEO^mi. S llaiuu'l" lift. r» (ill sale »i!st hitlf of |..l 1(1. <'()ii. U, l-:u|ihrtiMa. thii TiiUiot fiiirii ICU HneK, III rtih all rlonii 'I Hint iiinlur inlti vat ioiil ^J.IKIO. t'lOi lanh. Iiiillttlicc can I'l'iiiiiin iiii inurt»{iiL:<i ut TipHrcent. ]VIfvrlc<lal<? l*i'oj>«'rt>'. nwiiUiii); hiiuM an I uliopon Mill St c >rntir li>t t'Muua. 4'Ja«i«» in Iho lOWNKlHI" i.( A HTI'.M I'.HIA Hrii'k hoiiHH Hnil ttmni barn.a'ljoiiiintj VM.I.Ani-'. iif KIiK SUKUTdN, »l r/<i 1 or (nitlmr laitlrn urn aiMilvtiiH DAMIDl':, KluhlMirtin .North part III lull II. < I 111 7. Kiiiilirakla, I'D aritil. '.til ai:rtiK lU'arnd, linuso and barn, t'.TiO, •'.^O i^aili, baliinrc at tlm unil of .'i yi^am ai, 6 I ur ri'nt Apiily tti H. DA.MIIIK. Kl«}ihtirt(in, 1 1 PajHTo- llF.MOYAl. I doKiri<t( inf( rni the pnhilc that I nuvi- m- niovtfd n)> well hitowj tm kIk p t>t MOORE'S Block, Durham St. A i:<jiii|»letu Kt:'<li "f tinwnre \»ill he (ouu I m ni» MOW proriuiM *. KKI'AIKINO. EAVETROL'OHINO EU-. dnnc na hori'liifiira. I liavu 8t:c-iiicil tlie ik;;<ili»J ('If 111. Cciel.ratfil Sini^er Suwiiix Miu-liiiie. Um|iiMtl:iK inv "111 frliini1« to chiib an. I nvv uiu 111 111) ni » nlK.i' I remain, r'l-. : I JUS.SULUVAN. ,.\Mi 'i'ii;\ r IS 'iiii: lyoi^thnrn Business College,: (Vli^ OWKJvf t^OUXl). Tbf h*!Mt and nmst piactical coiirHo of stndy The h.'*! tnju-iiitin talent. ThH \n-*i iu'iiiimnio lathni for htnduitlH. Thu h'lKt inulhodtiof hihlri cum. riui hi'Kt iiHiiltH from thui iiiKt urtion aftur .' tndiittttiU adiiala l-'or iiniiinU aiiiutiim;(!in<Mits .'^IvinR paiticularK ibi:ardinu the ctniifiool Htudy.t«nuHd'r.,a(idreHH r. A. KJiKMINd. PlUNCii'AL. OwonSdiind, N(tv I>t. iw- For Sale Sltani loir null for nalnatKlKiilun Inn Stutiiin â- J lun Ktiinu.iloulilniou.l liiilt.miiiit null, ihmtor uud purifiir Will li» "nlil clu.ap ami on uasy oMua Tlii,i..l.a,ain. A,,'};'j^V;, ,,^.,.^1,,, Fleaboitun 1' O. A UUEEN OF THE LAKES. The N.K. Maiii4«ba LaHBfhed at Owerf Suuud. OWKFf Soi'NU, May 4,â€" The new C. P. R. stuaiiier MaiiituUa was launched here today. Iiiiinediatuly on arrival of the Diie o'clock train, wliioli had twii special caiB of friends of tho Poison Ooiii|iany, all iireparations fur tlm launch wore coin- pleted. Thoueando of HpcctatorH weit- on the j^rounds or the cliff ovorlookinu' the works , The ceroniony of naiiiin<; the veHsel i was iiorfornied by Miss Slainif Uealty. At I.i!.5p. in tho first tapnf the hainuicr was heard knockinff uway the blocks. In an instant the yieldiiij of the way* ei.uld lie hiatd, and in thirteen niiiiiiti-a a rin);in<; cheer burst from tlie crowd. a.ii the eiiorinous vessel bef;an to move slowly and lnaje^tl'Jally tuwardu the rippliiiif water in tho slip. Not ajar distuibed her course a» she leathered speed in her onward career, and the crowd held their fireath in silence n» she rushed on. As she (,'liilod into ihe water an enormous wave rushed frtiiii each side, [ilenty people were almost immersed, amongst them an amateur photuvrapher, who lust all his much prized views. In sixteen minutes from the first tap of the haininer the ship was floating; ({uietly on the waters, while cheer after cheor arose from the crowd and a hundred whistles i saluted the lieaiitifiil ship. | Tho Manitoba wiis dosii;ned and built; for the Canadian Pacific HaiUay Com-' pany's fast line of steel steamers plying i between Owen Sound and Port Artlinr. | The diiiirnsioiiH of the Miinitibn are: :inr> feet iiver all. :J'.»'-J feet keid. lieaiii .W feet. These fiuures give to inexperi- enced minds but a faint idea of the uieat si/.e of the vessel, ff a person had thrown himself fimii tile bow a.H she stood on the blocks i.aily to bo launched he would have fallen about as far a< from tho t..p of a lar^'o four-story lniildiiij,or alioul (iO feet. As one stands anil looks ilowii her saliinii il appears like an enclosed street, ; with multitudi's of doors on either side. The ma-sts spnni; upwards over KKJ feet, ami a tall man could walk nprii,'ht thrunch the eiiormnus smoke sta:.k with- i out din!;ini; his hat. The hold of tho j vessel 18 fifteen feet deep, and when | loaded she will draw twelve feet of water i forward and fourteen feet six inches aft. The eiiirine room is a inasM of machinery as intricate huiking as clockwork. but all ; tesled ami proved. Not only the ship's eii'/ines are here Init the electric li'^dit â-  engines, dynamos and steam stei-rin^' | gear, for it is steam that turns the enor- ' mous rudder. The engines are of the modern cmnpound type and of eiiormoiii power, cahulated to '.;ive the vessel a| speed of III miles an hour. .lust forward I of the engine room and separated from it j by an iron bul)<-liead is the iK.iler com- | paitinent -The boilers are two in nuin- j ber. 1'.' feet (i imhe.H from end to end and U feet hiifh. Tbu boilers are of steel nearly an iiuh thick and eun staiid etmr- j moUH pressure, one weioliin>; :16 ' Ions. Kxteiiilini; backward alonj,' tlie | keel from the eii^'iiie room is the tunnel I in which tho sliafi revolves that turns the l!iA foot propelle'-. This propeller | weiolis six tons ami has adjustable blades, | four ill number, boltei! to the hu^e sipiare j hub on the end of the shaft. As liiie ^ stands aft he is struck with admiral ion of the beautiful lines presented liy the. Vessel. Every iiorson nho has seen hir, pronounces her lines liner tJian those of tho inaKiiiticoiit Clyde built steamers Atliabasita 'and AllwrlJi. Thu hold i» divided into cuiupartuients by watertiijht steid bulklieads, seven in number, thi;s I adilin;,' greatly tn the stroiiyth of tl.e ve.isel. .'Jtoth main and passoiij,'er docks an of steel, covered wilh Kloridii pine on I ii. iimiii deck and white pint, on the II iji.i ilick. The cabin saloon is "4(! feet i I b-iii;tli. ailid has t>4 Htaterooms. The c .iitia'ct j.iice of the Manittdm is >U00,- )(). She takes the place of the wrecked H'.eaiiier Alj^iuim, of the I'.P.U. line, and It the largest of the line, her toniiau'e be- i ii{2.0ilU ton*, while that of tho others is 1 440. Leather is the Sole Support of Man ! QUALITY OUR FIBST AIM. 1 have received a vcrv lar^e consignment of Men's, Women's and Cliildren's BOOTS ^If SHOES From some ol the best manufacturer.s in Ontario, and a;n better able to supply my customers than ever before, "♦â-  prices which, consii!cring ciuality, t mnot be surjiassed W. CLxVYTON Photos, Photos, Photos. We arf noir turning out icork fur nuptrior in Kti/U and fnith l» uny eier pin- (liirfil in Fleshrrtdyi. COPYING and ENLA!^GING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUBE FRAMING ilone in iill ilt Liiiiiihts. A t/ov.l ituclc of' F/i.lMh'S hik/ MOCLD/ .\GS kijtf constiinlli/ on hiitnl. Will aho int'oduie thr. new liliOMIDK FORTH A IT, a picture that is giving entire ntliitl'action wherever introduced. SAMPLES inn be teen <il mij Gidlcri/ irlierc tdl p<irticulars ii$ to Frice, Sti/le &c., can he usicr Mm. MWl<MMM» FLESHEKTON »•«." lTo\oii^{$ ITo. 7 Stc^el Siuder. SOME of Us SPECIAL A0YANI16ES : A liiniliir narrower than any other, cuUiuti the tamo width. \ tirtvc wheel the MtronnoHt iinil nioHt porftieUv (lonHtrncted. A hinili.rthe liKhteHt in wulMlit. KtroiiKest and liiihtest indraft. A lilndor pi.rfeellylialaiiciHl aud alt levers oonvi'inoiit to operator. .K colid dtrol platform frame without a Mingle joint or holt. A hliiiler which ties an.ldiKcharROH tlio shtaf witVi loss power than any other. .A Boliil steel Knar trains in one pixut.with hntotic Joint and two l>olts. A fliiKi'r Isir of most perfect shspci and will cut Kiw;>r on rouRh Krouiid than any othor. A kiiotter tho simplest and only one with a rotary cord holdur that does not drop or w»«te inyle ideci. of twino. No locwc pic'.os of curd to tlo;.; as in othor inachinos. J. H. CAMPAIGNE. AtiENT, ROX 105, FLE.'^HKKroN NOXON BROS. Mfg. Co. h'^trsull. Out. HEALTH FOK ALL. Fire broke oui alioiit livo o'clock Sun- d ly nioniino in Mr. A. Koss' fiirnilura f.ictory, Owoil Sound, destroyini,' the buildini,' und contents. The property was fully inaurod. ^'fho building, had b.-en purchased only a shm-t timo iii»() by Mr. .lames Ii. Litllo, .f The Advertiser, for a iirintinij otHce, but hud not y«t Ih'oii traiisferioil. The loss will run over"'$.1. - (IIMI, insurniico on building and stock Ijil.L'dO. Tnat hackiiio conuh can be so ipiickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We L'U.Mnnteo it. For sale at the Medical Hall. H.OLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS rnrifv the Hlo«(l, loriBJt all l)iiiord«r« of I^ivei*. S*»t omiitdi, Ivitin'^'M, a.ri<l 1J<»-\vi»1k. Thuy invigorate an I roHoro to heiiHli liobilitsti-dlanktitntions, and are invaliiakile iu ail Co plaints hioi lental to Keinalos of nil ««es Kor dilldrun a^Mtie nijeil tliuy aro pritoli/tn THE OINTMENT a'l infullitla rouie.iy lov Had 1/Ogfi. Had Uvoasts. Old Wonndu. Sores and I'leers. 11 is fniiuniii I (ionl and UhoHrnatlKiii For disorders of thu tUo-t it has no m|au For SO UK TilJWAt, BKOA'CIIJTIS. COUGHS, C<)L])S (ilandularSwoUings.aiid all Skin Diseases it haa no rival; and for ooutracved and stiB oints it acts like a charm. Moiuliirturod onlv at ProfoBRor Hoi.t.owat's Estshlishment. r«. Xcw Oxford Street < laic .'iSa, Oxford Street). London. and are .old at Is. IJd.. Ja. 9d., t«. M . 11« . IKs . and s:i». each llox ... I'ot, end may be had of all Meii nine Vnndors throughout tho World ^- PMchasen should look U. 'he hdxil on the Vot.% iind lio.<ci. !j the addrm is n,*| 533, Oxford SireU, Londm, Hint are »j>i( rto»t»..

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