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Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1886, p. 1

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Not Dead The item in last week's ADVANCE, to the effect that the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elder was dead, is incorrect. The little girl is alive and well, as are all the other members of the family. We make this correction with the greatest pleasure; at the same time we would ask those furnishing us with news items to exercise more caution. We know how easy it is to make such mistakes, when there are so many distorted rumors afloat (some people have awful sketchy imaginations) but at the same time a word of caution in this connection is never out of place. RTON ADVANC J, TRUTH BEFORE FAVORS-&apos; PRINCIPLES, WOT VOL. VI., NO. 286. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. DECEMBER 9, 1886. A P A. IV. PRCPR.CTOR Don&apos;t Fail Tit - Bits. Confiding of Loral and <>tt,.-r Iiit--rritiMg ItfMi yathrrrd by TV . l.lmuf And inspect my large carefully selected stock o Fine Goods, at real reason able prices. Watches, Clocks, jewelry, Silverware, Nov/l- ties, etc. Latest Styles, New- c:t designs. Ladies&apos; Gold Watche-: and ^ueei) Ch.i&apos;oa, Cent&apos;s filled Gold and Coin Silver, Have added to my stock, Hie famous "Colum- bus" Watches direct from the Factory. Everybody welcome, whether you buy or sor. C*l Oil, wholesale, awl retail. atM.Uub.rd.on. Co&apos;.. Notice the mortgage Hala*, strayed* , 1 and other advts. ia thin inane. ror all kind. of Pomitare wfll p*y , ou ^ ,, to j. w . SPECIALTIES. Read Mr. H. Meldrwn-s - Eugenia Real Kht*U) Aguucy " advt. in this uue of our paper. on editorial in Fur* au.l Fur Mantles at M. KjchardHon * Go&apos;s. A lot of good utrontf Slri^lw jui*t ar nvod. e&apos;h*ai- for caab at J. W. Bate* . Kltmlicrton. A pleiuliil Htock of Hone Blanket* selling cheap at the Flenherton Woollen Mill. Fitting Specks optical!)^ lifflcult Watch Repairing, i Ask any one, who has advertised in difficult Watch Kepairinf! i T ATACB whether this is a good Goods and Work warninted. advertiaing medium or not. Clearing sale of Woollen Good* at the Flesherton Woollen Mill. \V. A. IJ A RAiaJtAt JetnUtr, KARKDALK, - - - OHT. Only two weeks from Saturday until WINTER STOCK ! IS- We Invite Everybody to See it. Incomparably the Finest Variety and Best Value Ever Offered Here, M. Richardson & Co. FLESEEET01T. New subscribed* ami rem wain to ADVAMX are coiling iu lively. THE Rcuew your snbHcriptions to TRK AD- I TAMCB for lt**7. II |>av- the rouud trip. A* usual, our altle fair last Monday Mr W. H. Johnston is having an office wan a gnat HUOOMS. A nice assortment uf Colored Yarn* tolling cheap at the Fletthertuu Woollen mill. fitted up in connection with bin livery stable here. Municipal matters have been almost completely swallowed u|> in the ixcite- Still they oomu for Overcoats, Fur ment ""ending tin- Ontario eloctiona. Caps and Feit Boot*, and they net them right at RichardMti A C, , - artemeaia tun. tin* > i- Monday lant. For Chrititma* trail. . M. Kicbardiion Co. will fine Japan Teat* in lota for the Utst &apos; ^ v " I 10110 *!* at prices lower than ever Hall here on 1"" lt &apos;&apos; before. Call and nee them. -^ ^ .^ ~ Mr. J. R. Moore has moved to hi* new The Tweeda * Full clotlm they are P rclllilte " " Durham Htreet. and Mr. sellin K at the VtsBherUm Woollen" Mill Ir &apos;- ^""&apos;1*1 of our I&apos;ublic Schools. are excellent- toMh as buckskin. h * mo &apos; wl &apos;"&apos; Mr - Moore&apos;s house on Toronto struct. We had a pleasaat call from Mr. J. W. Morrow the voted Dundalk auc- tioneer on Monday. Mr. Ward will shortly ym- his ^ran.l. anrivalled, and ma^itirent Map" Lan- teru I&apos;tltortaiuuieoi ia I&apos;l. >l rtoii The entertaiuiut- nt to be given by the Royal Templar* uf FlcxhcTtoD in Town Hail on Friday evening. Due. 10, prom- " Anti-cm*?." Your letter, in reply to Mr. Rciley, received, and we will publish it jut a,M soon an you and us yuur real niue not for publictio>.. hat M a gua<rai)tee of good faith. irVoa MUM The vntertainmint on Friday evening. Dw. 20th, in thflVwn Hall, rieah.-rt.>n. given by the Kyal Ti-mplars, ylti will mu> a Krand treat >uch as you will not often hear. Be lure and come. 1 1 . Want!*! All |>eriH>nii are hereby warned that if any uiorc tnrln r in taken off Lot 106. Kat T. * S. k . Arteraeai*. l-r&apos; |>ro oeetlinxH ill be taken immediately agaiuHt the guilty party, or parti. >. aM the caae may be. A rii .i-:im Murprikt. Some twenty p-.ij.h- from ie to eclipse anything over pven here, took the Denial |>a>it<ir of the Ha|tmt You should l>c there. Positively for one church Inn- Rev. Tlimt. Wats.m by only. lift yoor Horse BUi:U< t< I nn.l thur li. \ W. S. Barker, the well oughly fitted up fas; winter at (iordon&apos;H Meafonl K. \ i\alit. will coniluct B|cial Uanuwa Shop. j&alter*. Mu-m^K-,. M rviceh in tlie Haptiht cha|M-l. Klcuher Sweat Pads, Ac., ajjraxi on hantl. U>n. next Suiiilay uiurniiiK ami evening surprise Tnt-mlay. by iuvadiii); his rt-ai- denre and putting in a very pleasant known evening with the family. OYSTKR SIT^1-:K ! Order your Oyster Suppers fid Refri-linn nts at MIHH Hiu.l M mfrnstlrnriit rnoin-. Kl. h at 11 and 0:!W o&apos;clock reHpec-tively. See MeHn. M. Itichardw>n A Co., the pop- erton. next M. RieUr<ls.,n ft Co&apos;s store. n | ar Fleshertou iii,-rrl,,intK, have matie The bey wuo WM flourinhiu^ a revol- ver on the stn<e4. of Fh -Ju-rton la-t Tuewlay evening witt be prosecuted if the <>tf> nee is repeated. fur issuing a nionthly , liat , ttrlll( . ,., Tltf , s<y/ ,, i^.u,,,!,,. jf. llwtratw , willl the hwil ,H, in ,Mt and lat- ^ f(udnou Uta|> M. Ru-hardwm * Co. have just re- ceived another kit uf all won! lire) ** * mer couiract, and at kl price*. On Saturday, llth in-*t.. K, \ WatMou. uf this town, will deliver his m- >y lictur. on th tll>. n The regular monthly "Open I &apos; of the Sotih of Tiui|franc-, Fli-sli. rtmi. will be held in their hall. CI r - hlix-k. Wcdnemlay evening of nr\t nk. l.Mh inst.. wln-ii a^ixxl prograniuie will be prenvuteil. To-morrow i Friday &apos; eveningthe l: \ al Templars uf this town will ln.M i!-ir MViiiid aiiuual eiiU-rtainiiii-nt in &apos;. Mall here, when ill ! pr. .-pt4 .1 the iK.ustliir Tfiiiiran<e -Iran .. I t. of of KUIII I&apos;rcathur. IUtv. (.&apos;. 11. rtpurgiou. in UK &apos; ""&apos; ha|>Ut chapel. Prirtrrillo. at 7:8O. Aclinixsi,,ii l.v or <iAc. On Thursday niht lant a couple of tramps tried to get into the residence of Squire. Arm^tronK, l.nt. tiudiiiK tlie iloorx M-currly lockod, they went away. If you arc in .l..nbt As t.i the qunlity of iiiateniil us4-<l in tlie nmnufacturr of our goiNU. vm may re-t iissiireil tliertf Un no adulteration UK.. I, Imt the wurpn Hark! the nwwt (1irintiuax bells f all our aJI-v\..ol l-humel* ai. JTIIU-I Sleigh Ik&apos;lUiu largi- variety at Oordon&apos;K pally South l.>wn. I HIII l...und U> *!! Marni&apos;Ks Shop, McHhvrtou, cheap for vyjonnd and yard ..f maiiufactureti cash. uiMxlM in the mill by tin- HUt Dec., M with instrument u St- II,.- w^ii.le I., eotn-liiile with tin- Isn^hal&apos;le ski>U-h. rutitliil " l>i I. h .lun- tir. Se.- hills f..r i utmilars. ,ir .1 In :i I |r-.|ierloll |)<M-|nr. A Tnronto lal>. boat obild iiail l.-&apos;M nsucressf&apos;ilK tn;il..l f"r I.PM.. 1: t |.\ tuo leading city pliysieiani*. was 111. l>\ In r &apos;.i.-tlu r ,11 |.i Mr ! I don&apos;t lii bohiml ymiriH iL&apos;lil&apos;.ns in iiecur CorroKpondcnU are anked to be ax in K a KIHM! arti.-lr whili- \..-n-n. brief an pomiblefnr a fow niniitl leant, an during that time e will IH. carrying a full-page a<Ui rti-i:i^ lonti act every alternate w*>k. *|M--lnl Onler for 4&apos;hriMtMM. \\ ;n:t. .1 &apos;J.iNm II&apos; < .. .. " :i.imi Ibs. Turkey*, and a car load of Chickens and Qoaka at M. KiclmnliHin A Co&apos;s to be deliver**&apos; by h< r In. >tli. r in l Mr (i I Uf F.ui;eiii.\ t<> brinu it t 1&apos;.. ~lu rt..n land pl.i. it iiinl. r tin- care I kri*-&apos; did -.... aii-l IM i sliort tni-e the child ua- j- store- 1 to h. ..Ith. Orain and prodoco of all kindH .on tiiiue to |K>ur into Hie popular Floiilier- next week or mnnu-r. ton market. I&apos;r. sl.Mrrinn Mnir. h. Mr. Will VukuH ;oe to Toronto thin The or^an was nwd in public worship woek, whero he w II open out a hnrnc*H -for the fiit tinir -in the Presbyterian shop on Ins owi account. We wish church, FlehiTln. on Sunday last. friend V.iki H nubotiided success. Miss Oniuude in organist. | iir An Still Leading the Trade ! RUSSELL ! Jewelry >fhr|, i/lertlicrtoq, tl\e l^raJe :tio i.h Mr Samuel I&apos;nllnr liutrheriMl a - i lylit in. mills "M on &apos; Which weiu)iil Mill | oiiiidr* wln-n d. The pitf lK&apos;loi,i;e<l toMr..I*. ^. Virn. uf (II, nri. 1.1 Villa. Kngunia. Dther pig. fru:u the <*ainn lilt. r. when mlaiighu-red and .Ironm-d wen-l.i l .&apos;H T.!&apos;iids. uiakini; tlie average w.itlitof tlie IVM> |&apos;ii;s &apos;Jt&apos;i&apos;Ji&apos;iiiin-lt.. Will th. M.&apos; font .Wirn.r kin lit trot out Mr. &apos; I Wilson or s. me either Knphrunin who tan lx t this ? llali for ArU-aio-ia &apos; > ol The item ill UK! \ve*k&apos; Al&apos;VAW< I . to the etfe< ( that tlie oldmt danglit. r of Mr and Mrs \V. II. Kld.-r w.i d. ad. ix Tl>e little tirl it- alive mil New Goods arriving every weeek. Our Winter Stock of Silverware, Violins and Fancy Goods have arrived, and are selling fast at the Low Prices. Any one in need of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry of all Kinds, Spectacles, Silverware, Fancy Goods, Violins, Pipes, Purses, Razors, &c., will do well to call at RUSSELL&apos;S, Flesherton. All Watches warranted from 2^ to 5 years ; Clocks from i to 3 years. Watch Repairing a Specialty, and a perfect job guaranteed every time, at Russell&apos;s Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. well, as are all tin- other nienilx r< of tlie family. We ruake. this com-ctum with the ^reaUtxt pleawure ; at the -,mu- time we would ask th<*e fi:nuhin ; us with iu w s iteiuH to exercine more ran tion. We know how *y h IK to n ake tuch intntakp*. when there ar<> o many dixtorted rniuors afloat ( om.- i- rl.- have awful stretchy imaxiuatuim* Lni at the auut time a word of caution m thix CDimection is never ont of place. MtNHlwnary Rev. Thou, t&apos;ullen. of Toronto form rly of Arteme*ia will prrach in the Uetbudist church, F1elu>rton, Suii&apos;la\ morning m \t. In the evening of -sine day, there will I- a grand jilatform idrtiUK. when missionary a.ldre<t^- w ill IM delni re.l by KOT Mr. Cnlleii ami others. The next Sunilay&apos;s u-nuv* jtlioreforc. prumittc to be uf a sp-eialU utw- stiii^; cbaractair. rU-v. Mr. t&apos;ulleu i one of onr aMr^t and r % -<t |"il| it or a tors. Collections at . a &apos;, r i. &apos; &apos;

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