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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1907, p. 1

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1.5iiana. <s TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. _.. PRiNCiPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL XXVI, KO 1S28 Flesherton, Ont. Tljursday July 18 L 907 W. H THURSTOH, '""^"•' BOPKlETOB r -NEW Jewellery Ladies' Gold Guards Necklets, Lockets Bracelets. A run on these things nnw. Never as large :i stock, .iiul can sell at luwer prices tli:in ever before. lu uddiiion iiur other lines of Jewellery are more complete than ever. L W. A. Armstrong. ^ Kimbcrlcy The slorious 12lh passed off quietly in our village but iiiyst of these who observ- ed the day attended the calebratiou at Markdale. Mis. Wui. Barnhouso (iiee Miss Lizzie Webei) and baby Wroi.i of Edmonton are apeudiuy a few mouths with friend* ill tin.) vicinity and are theituestiiof Mrs. B'» paicntK, Mr. and Mrs. Juhn Weber. Mr. Richard Howell of Dundalk spent A few days renewing old acquHintances inthisviciuity. Mr. H. is a former resid- ent of this place and his many old friends were ple.ised tL< see him looking so well. Mrs. A. E. Myles and children are Bpendiujj a few days with friends at Mark- dale. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hammond and daui^hter, Miss Edith, are visiting friends at Boliviir, Fa. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Wickens of Toronto are visitint' friends in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Wesloy Breenof Flesher- ton were th-; guests of Mr. and Mi's. Oe-i. Proctor. Miss Maude Fawcett is speodinj; a few weeks with friends at Collinawood. Mr. J. E. Hammond, Coiuniercial Miister of the Meaford Hii^h Sch'>oI, EuKPiiin Tlia glorious 12rh passed ofri(uietly here. Some piciiii; pairies from wiher places came in ru sp -nil the day. Eugen- ia lodge and its adiiert'uis celobrned at Markdale. Thj men cer'ninly madi^ a fine appearance as they pa.s-ied aiiMij;. i Tlie Lidies also were decked out in oninue I and t.lue. 1 The Mioses Minnie' and Nellie R'>y of j Orange, New Jersey, are home on :i, visit I to tlieir mother, .Mrs. Roy, of Rockvale. I Miss Evelina Smith <•( Toroato is home ' visitiu!{ her p.arunts. Mr. and Mn. Adam I Smith. ! Miss Ada Williams of Toronto Junction I is home speiulinu her hnlidays with her ' parents at prer^i nr,. H.'ii!â€" iaiy 2 to Mr. aud Mrs. .Joseph A. f •uwick â-  t T'jionti). aSini. Mi. and .Mrs. Kred Walton of th<; S(h» are visiti'ii; at Mr. .\lex Cirruiher'sand and ether friemis. Jinnie Roy of Rockvale sjietit a few daya vi;itiin{ at Dundalk. Mr. Harri«iin i.f Sl.Cnth.iriiie8 Hnd Mrs. Hyke of Calif.riiia and Mr.'', .lone- of Toronto and her two daughters are quests at the Euienia hnuse. Mr. W'id Jenkii'g.and a frieml.of Grand Val ey were guui^ts of Mrs Roy, vale, receoily. M:-s. .Arn^ilt and Mis.< Youiiy of Ware ham are visiiiu;.' at Mr. Voiing's. Mrs Elijah Puiil aTi,i con ap>'nt the tA'ufiili with triei Q> at Elnivale. Mr. J.H. J.-iiniesoa et Toronto sp -nl the 12- h a: Euuvuia. M. Art. Walker aid Jl'.-fs Tures-a .\riii- stronn spent 'he 12: li in S'helturiie. Miss Ednt Wiliian.8,who has been visit- ing Toronto fruiids tor s- lae time. Im* returned home. Mis MeUirr • f Crgu S n- d is v:stiiisj her brother, Mr. Juuks Wallace, of Bugeni'i. Mrs B«l! has had her lioune bricked and a haiidson.e verandah erected, whit h give* her homo a very cozy appoiiraiice. The Presbyterian church which has been closed fnr tepairs will be opeiidd tor I service on Sunday next. Fine Weather and a Large Turnout of People. Friday last, July 12, was celebrated in Markdale, whin a large crowd of peop'e was present ^n d.i honnr to the memory of Rinji Wiilmni. Thirteen lodues we e presen', and the pn'cession was formed in the f,)'lowiiii» order: Bm. G. H.Csirn.s. D. nfC.of Arte- mesia District, member of No.883, CcyUir. Markdale band. L. (). L. 104.i, Maikdalc. Ma».-io. Widleis Fails. Berke'y. Rocklyn. 129."), Goring, l.UO, Kiinberley. 244, Proton Siation. Orange Valley. Eiiu'enia. Portlaw. Vandeleur. 'V C^-lou. prizes «ere awart'el: For the Ur^es- lotue present, 244.Proton Station, 2nd 17t'. Berki-ley]; fur be»t dressed lodue, >*So, fevlonjtor lod'^e com- ing loncjest di.itan'.e, 12til, M.wsie. The brethren were welcomed by Bro. J. i^tephenson. Uep. Dist. Master i>( '♦r'lHmesia and Rt'eve of JIaikdale, who called Bro. R-.lin.-,i.ii, Dist. (.'Iiapliiu, to the chair. The s'leiikers of the aiternoou wrre: Rev. J. S. I. \\ jl.son, Mr. Frank AlcFarland. 51 r. Ji lin Lyons, an cdd vet- eran;. J.H. P.-rdiie, Dist. Master of H^d- land. Rev. Shej.pird and Mr. ,J. R. Faw- Cell of Kimlierley. 12<U, i>!»2, 17tJ. '.>7a. 1U2, 88;{, The foUowin;; lOTU LINE, OSPREY On Wednesday, July UHh, in the vatiou .\rniy Barracks at Fovoisham Captiiin W. E. of Haileybury was united in the luily bond.s of matrimony to Captain Ida Heron, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .\.. Heron of the 8th line. Major Rawling i>f the S. .\. performed the ceremony. Captain Ritchie of OrillLi ably supported the i^moui, while Captain Bracket of Toronto .-ussisted the bride. Miss Florence Heron, little sister of the bride, and MLss Marian Plant, little cousin ' of the groom, acted in the cajMicity of flower girls, .\ftcr t!io mwriago cere- mony .at the barracks, the guests to the | '* number of about sixty repaired to the parental ^^^,„^Q of tj,,, bride's parents where a I sumptuous weddin;^ supper was served on Bpendinjf the holidays at his home here. Miss Mary McCort of Colliugw.xKl is j theIw>7afterwhTchlhe'iiiests'Vn joyed spciuUng a few days this week, the guest j themselves in a social w.iy The bride of Mrs J. R. tawcett. , j was the recipient of lu.anv bwiutiful and ^ Mr. LorneturryaudsisfcewAntiieand ^^(^i presents. We 'wish tlio young l,ily, .spent Sunday last with friends near , i^ b.,„ through life. The Rocklyn. Ml. and Mrs. .\ndrew Wickens of Flesherttm spent Sunday last as the ijuest* of Mr. aud Mi"s. Geo. Proctor. Died â€" At his home, near Duncan, on Saturday, July 13, Mr. John Drinkle. Deceased was, prior to his removal to newly mai-ricd couple took train at Flesh- erton on Thursday iiioniing for a wedding trip to Listowell, London, Hamilton an:l Toronto. They will reside in Haileybnvy where Captain Plant is sUitioned at present. Mr. antl Mrs. C. Plant of Hamilton Duncan, for many yoars.a highly respect- attended the weddik' of th od resident of this n«ighb<uhood, and his bereave<l wife and family have the sym- pathy of the entire neighborhood. Miss Auuie l8cott, been atten- ding normal achool at London, is spending the holidays at her pai-eiital home here. Mr. and Mrs.HenryDown and daughter, Wilma, of Osprey visited Mr. and Mrs. .1 . R. Fawcett last week. The Misties Martha and Lena Wright of Detroit were the guest-s of the Misses StaHord on Sunday Miss E. Walker of the 9th line Euph- s,tvation Army. eir nephew, Caut. W. E. Pknt. on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mason of Tilson- burg attended the weddin;; of their neice, Captain Iila Heron, on W'ednesday <f last week, visiting with friends a few diy.s, returning home on Satiuday last. The glorious twelfth celebrated in Maxwell, where a large crowd gathered in the afternoon in Mr. J is. Buckingham's grove and listened to able speeches deliv- ered by the Rcv'.sColhorn,StanIey,Ilyan, Buckingham and Captain Sc<}lt of the raaia and Miss of Markdale spent Sunday, with Mr. .and Mrs. F. J. Weoer. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Brown and baby visited Thornbury and Owen Sound friends durini; the past week. The remains of the late Geo. Lawrence were interred in the Marktiale cemetery last Wednesday. The tuneral cortege was the largest that ever .assembled in this neighborhood, and wa,s iu charge of the Orangemen. The Rev. A. P. Stanley preached a ser- mon in the Buckingham church to the brethren* of L. O. L. No. 10S5 on Sunilay afternoon where a crowded church greeted him for his first service at that appoint- ment. Miss M. E. Heron has gone on a visit to friends in Toronto, Bnintford and Harloy. I -> ^m. -i System Requires Frequent Cleans. ! Not only nuteide but inside as well, I your body must be fretpieutly cl a;;c<l Otherwise it beoonies loade.l with wnstc'^ Your Wisest Course If you are causiht in the wet, get sore thriiMt, neura'gia or inu.soular p:iin, don't wait for worse troubles. Begin prompt ireatinent with Pi.Isi.n's Nervihne. li drives away .il! trac; of <:< Id, eases ihenm- atisiii, neuialnia and pain, saves you from a lay-up in bed. No 25c pnnhnse eiiu brin:^ morH comfort than a boitio of Pol- son's Ntrviline; it's the cleanest, stronjj- ert liniment made. Sold e«i'ry where ii: 25c bottles. Fortlaw Mr. and Mis. R. Aden, Mr. Cecil Me'druni, Mr, Chirks and Mits Stdt'otd took iu 'ho exeiirsion to Toronto hiu) Ni.igars, the latter t«o aUo visited in Bulialo. Mi>.se4 Belle'rjon and Maitgiu Litllo are home from Tor- u*o. Mr ai'i Mrs. .Allien Thompson visit ed friends in Siayner last week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Biakey spent » few days with friends in Collin;i«("'d. Mr. N. Grah.iin of Bolton visited lately with Mr. R. Allen. Mrs. W. .\ Norton and thre- cliildreii are visiting at the f irmer's pareulid home at Hauiilton. The Sunday service in Mount JSkxi church I. as be'jii cliaiued to 10.30 a.m. instead of ,'{ p.m. ns formerly. Mr. Thomas Tay'or is buildinij anoiher wini{ to his l)arii. The b/ue wall he ha^ built of cement conerjte to march a like wall built under the main barn la.-it year. Mr. Taylir ha.s great fiiih in concrete fi>r building and da nu that alihi.u;{h the cost is somewhat Ml exci ss <>f sioiie thi.- is more than co npeii.tii'ed fur by the bunding lieirg more coinl'ortalile and healthy fur .stock. He certainly his reason to feel piond of his j>.b which presents a strong and handsome appear- ance . .4 Uriie number of our citizens oele brated the g'orious iwelf h in M irkdale. Mia. E. Montgoincy and two children of Tor.mto A'ere gue«li at the Thompsim homes'eMl la.nt we-k. Mr. John McNeviii has the stonework of his new barn ueariy completed. Why Burn Your Toes? Sto|) using Aiid Ciiu Salves, use Put- uam's Painless Exiraoior; it costs a little more, but it's far the best. I'se "rutnam's"â€" 25c at all dealers. only Just Where The Danger Lies. Ill mat.y catarrh suud's, cocaine is the largely used iniiredient; in consequence the drug habit may be formed. To bo that olog up the wheeles of health Much loally cured of catairh, to do so quickly, ^ bettor to act in lime. Use Dp. ll.mi'lton's safely and pleaeanlly, doctors say Catarrh- pills; they strengthen »n.l regulate the orone is superior to any other remedy. '. bowels, assist digestion, piirich the bh'ud It heals sore pl«c«, stops discharge, prev- 'â-  and thereby fortify Ibc nerves and lay ents hawking, spittii'.g snd Imd bteath â€" I the foundation of la.ming good health", does this '<y tirst diJKtioyiiig the cause ofj Dr. Haniilton's Pil'.s brinji vim and the diiicsso. Catarrhozono is no experi- ' vitality «<vmnch s.'Ujhi. for today; they nipni, it is a tried and proven cure that i« iiitue« a foeHnsrof freshness and spirit in guarantood for bronchial, throat, nose and tluce who have booi; ailing tor yonts. lung catairh. Two sizes, 26c and il.QO Rally no niodicino so potent Price ?oc )kt all deal'irs. ; a( ill ^oalorg '^ On Mi-nd.iy Hiorning the barn nf Don- ald Beaton, (ith con. of Collii.gwooil, was struck by li'ihtnii.i;a'i(i thu'C hogs killed. The current went down the end of the barn in' o basement, chipping ihe stone on the siile of ihe wall and coing into the gnmiid. The barn was fired, but by liro'npt action of Mr. Beaton and family the tire was Suon extinguished. Muoli daniane was d<-ue to tha 1-uilding wh'cli will require coniiideriilre repairs before being of use for the season's crop. The building was iusured in the Farmers' Ci'rttral of Walkerti.B, which fully covers thu Qauvg*- 1 c. w. CHADWICK Last week we garo a picture of Mn>. Johu B<dsnd, the 6rst while w 'man horn in School Section 11, Art>-nie»ia. Th^s mark we have the pleasure of preseii'ing * lif- Ilk) picture of Mr C. W. Chadwick of Toronto, who was the first white male child Iporn in the ah<ive SHcrion. Mr. Chadwick is well known by very many in this township bavin,' taught school here in hi* yountt manhood. Later he has Keen an iiisurace and lanl sgoni and has prospered in th* Queen Ony. of which he h»» been a resident for somi? years. He is prominent in G<ey Old Burs circles and will be with uh on Saturday next. , when, as oaual, he will ho among 'he must wlronic. McFARLAND & CO. Grcv County's M.^VEtKUALK, ONTARIO BIGGEST an.l CHEAPEST STOIIE MILLINERY ^!^ All Trimmed Hats at Half the Regular Prices. 2S only handsomely triuim,j(l hats, all this season'.s niO(lel>; ainl no two alike, stylish and hc^misome they are too. that luiisr he sold quickly. We're always detenuiiieil to .surt oacli .•<e,i.<t>u with the very latesc New Vork, London and Pari.s st\lt'.-j, heiice we will sell this week all trimiucd hats at half the retrular ptice.s. $2.00 hats for ^l.OO, 2..1O for 1 •-'.â- >, 3.00 for l..-)0, 4.00 for 2.00, 5.00 for 2.50, 0.00 for 3.00, etc. Don't lo.-^i- ;iny rimo in seeing these for \he number is small and thoy will iuit be hero very h-ng. D««p €ut Prices in Shapes We have sbojt 6<^ Ladies. Mi»»ios and Childr«ii« sh»^>-«s, o<i!ors, hUck. cream and as, sorted fancys,atid we have gone through ihe lot and iimIIw two prices f->r all a> fo I iw-.:- Regular 50c to $1.50 Sh.tpee on tat>U in luilli'iery paT'l<>r,your choice for 25c each Ktgular I 50 to 't.0OSlU4>eg on tabic in uiillin-ry {laHor, yo ir choice for 50c eaoli PRICES REDUCED IN^IfcOWBRS, One box Flowera, regular 15c to S6c kii>d. Your cht.ioe.fur So. 35cSlDKBO.\KD SCABFS fi>r I5c 14 only Fancy Whi'e .\|ipliqiie Sidebotrd Saarfs, full 50 iiiclies lonif,. sc<>lt»p»d clifoi, worth in regular way 35a,8a)tt {tricn each )£c 25c CHILDfe STRAW SAILORS l!>.r 4" ChiMrfii's pinin and fincy !>ir"w 6ail"r>, medium and Urv;u brims. ie>?. 2J)<: and X>v f..r â- . ^iH; 14ol«RINTSf.,r!»» Near i.'VI* of ftiiib t« a l.»rg.« «a ivfy of C'd-Ts and gn.Ml pa»t«>«<ia, aud w..n,'k. s-ll in teuulivt may at 5:3^ to l|c a yatd. whifc» thay iMi tW»y g«>s, per J»r«l. at 5V "5 to sOc Books for 5c the other day »e were uffurwl abool JO Books (siij gtiotl .Vuthocs) at ».big dis cijuut to olearâ€" uiaiiy of tham w«re about 3U0 [v^ign^ ait wwtth fro4B 15 «u 50 cents e«oh, to clear per bovkoulj ^.^. ^ 5,, »a If you are Interested in Bargains. Investigate McFARLAND m COMPANY M.nRK:r>i5.T..iG:* '^^ â- ^ •^ :ii <t.^

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