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Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1906, p. 3

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For Absolute Purity "SAUDA" CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA IS SUPER- IOR TO THE FINEST JAPAN TE4 GROWN. Lead packeU only. 40c, 50c and 60c per lb. At all Qrocers illGIIESr AWARD ST. LOUS, 19M. LO.NDO.NS TOLL OK KIUES. li,IN)«,060 (;ullons ol \Valer I'sed to Pul Them Out. One hundivj pprsoiis lost Ihcir lives ami 2iJ9 were injui-cd tiy llres in the Couiily of London. England, last yenr, according to lo Ihi^ nnniial report of (he London Fire Brigade for 1903. Of lliose v\ho lost lh''ir live.s, 16 wore under eight veal's of iige, nnd fourteen ovor W. No fewer than 67 persons were acaJ or hnd been removed before the brigude was called. Exeludin}; chimney fires, the total number of llres reported to the hri(jadc jwas 3,511, or l<t5 les.s in the previous tyeai'. The number;ied as serious |was 64. or only 1.82 per cent, of the lolnl. Thirty-eight lives cndanfHTcd by fire Iv.cre savetl by the efforts of the (ire- linen. The number of accidents to lire- in)en due lo service was 194. I The quantity of water used for ex- jlir.guishing Bres in the County of Lon- don during the year was fourteen mil- lion gallon-s, or 62.WX1 tons. Of this «IU8ntily more than one-third was tak- en from the river, onnals and docks, and the remainder from the street pipes. A CAMPBELLTOWN BUILDER SPEAKS HE FOITSn NOTHINO TO KQIAL DODD'S KIDNEY PILUS, FOR THEY CIBED HIM OF HIS TROL'BLE. Mr. W. II. Wallace is a AVoll Man To- day, Uut He Was I'rctly Bad Before He Col Cured l>y Dodds Kidney Pills. Cunibelltown, N.B., .\pr. 23 (Special) â€""It was a cold started my trouble, says Mr. Wallnce, of this place, "I am u contractor and builder and my work causes me lo be out and e.xposixl to ;'ll weathers so 1 suppose it was in thai way I got cold, .\nyway il settled \n inv kidneys and made me prelly sick. got Lumbago in the back, cramp in They Drive Pimples Away. â€" A face covered with pimples is unsightly, 'l lells of internal irregularities which should long since have teen corrected. Ihe liver and the kidneys are not per- forming their functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are tr, let you know that the blood protests. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will drive iliem away, and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try Ihcm, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence. Molilyâ€" "Have you seen Mabel's en- gagement-ringT' Dollyâ€" "S.?en it? Why, I wore il all last summer." For "Run-down"' People there's no- thing known in medical treatment lo- oay so effective and certain of a cure and so magical in its building up pow- er as South .American Ni-rvine, because :l strikes at the root of all nervous ail- nienls, the digestive organs, makes rich red blood, drives away eniai-iation, puts on flesh and makes over physical wrecks generally.â€" 143 YOU DONT W.Wr "ENGINE EYE.S. "Some people are apt to enlarge upon the didiculties of driving a railway lo- comotive in the dark, or during heavy," says an engine-driver; "but for my part, nothing ever gave me more nnxiely and trouble than continuous glaring sunshine. Color-blindness 's said to be frequently nothing more than i:iten.-ie pain in the eyes caused bywatch- inj.' objects which reflect the light, and upon which the sun is shining. in a run of several hours Ihe glare from the rails which sirkes Ihe eyes while watch- ing for track ob.<>tnictions, and morn p.irllcMlarly for rails which have been fcn'ed out of line by Ihe heat, is very Irving, and iiflen when I have left the Uromolive after such a run I have found the greatest comforl in i.^ling n a room where complete darkness prevnil.ll. A man is afraid to wear siivked glasses, lest he .should be sus- pected of ciilor-bUnJness, and lose his position. Bui some profeotion of this Kind would greatly prolong the career ol many an engineer and fireman." A HINT FOR GOLD. Adventurous Expedilion lo Tierra del Fucgo. I An expedition is starting from Eng- land on an adventurous quest for gold in Ihe wild and little-knc),wn region of Tierra del Fucgo, near Cape Horn. Pros- fictors disi:overed alluvial gold as 'ar rack as im). but hitherto the gold mining industry has been of small ac- count. The purpose of Ihe expedition '•: to dredge for gold, the sands of cer- tain rivers being said to be full of par- ticles of the precious melul, washed dtwn from the higher country. The vessel to be used in the expedi- tion is a shallow steam barge of metal, cnpable of carrying five Ions of the "golden sand," drawing only two feet of v/aler with a full load. She can slenni five knots an hour, and will act as lender to Ihe dredger, carrying the si-nd to the headfiuarters of the pros- pectors to have the gold extracted. Great se<:rpcy is being preserved rs 111 the expedition, as naturally the dis- coverers of the "golden rivers' do not desire competition. It has long been known that gold exi-ts in considerable quantity in Pata- gonia, and at various times dLscoveries I'f the precious metal have been made ' n the islands to the south of the main- lands. For Inflammation of the Eyes.â€" .Among the many good qualities which Panne- ke's Vegetable Pills possess, besides regulating Ihe digestive organs, is Ihwr eflicacy in reducing innaramaUon of the eyes. It has called forth many letter! ol recommendation from those who we"-' ainicted with this complaint and fou-il a cure in the pills. They affect tiw r.erve centres nnd the blood in a surpr.'- ingly active way, and the result is al- most immediately seen. A coquette is a rose from v.liich every lover plucks a leafâ€" the thorns are re- served tor the husband. Got a Constant Headache? â€" Ten chances to one the secret of your suffer- ing is that "white man's burden," Ca- tarrh. Mere's a sentence from one man's evidence for Dr. Agnew's t^alar- ilial Powder â€" "One applicaliuii gave me Instant relief, cleared the na.ssal pas- siiges and stopped the pain in my head." It's a quick, safe and .sure tieatnient, and it never fails to cure. 50 cents. â€" 143. ItcoTcn <mt a city block, conitins OT»r 18 tcra of floor ipacs. co«t iMO.aoO. Sire of onr office I6ari:s. JOO office people. JSO lypewrilers â- ad w« o«e fifty mllliaa letter heids and etiT«lop«« ererr yenr. A car- load crerr 10 day». Oar chemlc^il labormtorr i« one ol the be«t. 0«r office ia one ol tlie ir^it sirbti of the busiiie«j world. Itiinr »eTT imail concerns advertise laiee building*. We inTite you to »iiU oar Uctory Bad ace that we have CTerytlliDK we claim. Itanufadared and GuuaaUtdby iaiataadaaal Siact Faad Ca. "latmatiaaal Slaak f aad" "falartaliaM} ToutiTjtme' â- Imaraauaul laarc C««- _ -|«»inaU««il U«a« BUw" _ -laUraallaaW ««fs r*w4«» I "Ulataaliaaal Mi U yi r Cyr -UlaiMHaMl »M Can" niMnUiaaai fawl bw^ «'Sil<«r rtea laiUst W* "laaaaaMaaal CaUc Can" "liiUiaMliaal fiiwaaaf Uaatkaat" "latanaOiaal Skaap Hi*'* â- T«la»ma«U«al Fk«o Cklan" "laleraadaMl »aal «atai«r "laa ruck StaMa Maiaiectaat" "laxraadiiaal laraaaa Saa* ilH "iawai iKahalara* aa< Inates, tat Jawat Ckkk aa4 In twL DAN PATCH 055 BLAILED FKEE. We haT« a Beanti(ul 6 Color Pictare o< our ehampion Pbcct. paa !*atch 1 :55i^, sixe 16x24. Free of advertiaiac. fine pictwre for framine* ii«» all the recordj mad* by our pacing wonder. We will mail yo<a one free, poataie prepaid, il you will write u 3 how machatsckyom L own and nane thij paper. Write at oace to LmTESNATIONAL stock food CO., BisMMoOt, â- liiii., U. I. A. i iiM MAKE the FARM PAY A Falrbanka-Morae 2 H. P. Jael(-of-alt-Tradea GASOLINE ENGINE will saw wood u tamt na two a«B o«n li«a4l» li. It %J»ci |<arapa watKr, hetia corn. cHada fetMl, mak«a batter, rnna crwaci wparator. in fMifa^ â-  lihTT pew«r BDr ftll farm tmiomm. Swry farmer •oovKl h«vo «m [' Ottt out this oompitta ft4vwrt4««B*nt ud send It t« THE C.4NAfllAN FAlWiNIS CilPAMI, .to *^^oi''?f * ^â- "'""'' i Oatont thla< »..»c /•AHBiuv 444 ST. JA* I aa^ BC iwtthoat ahaiaa) paztinlara aboot Jack-of-all.Tndca Bnaiao (or faia aaa. I may want a H.P. | Name â- nglac for ...._ _._ Addreu Prov "Is Mr. Scadds a man of scienlillc dis- tinction?'' "Yes, indeed," answered .Miss ('ayenne. "Ho has so many col- Ihc '**^'-' <1*-'8''<'<'S 'hat when he sends in h-is â- "" " â-  "^^ ... .. jg his name or a problem in algebra. , ,,,„ .â- â€ž. -h„rine« !<â- "'â-  J >'<>" <"'»" ' ^^ «'"''' whether it muscles, pains m the loin>, stioriness , ^.^ ^^__^^^ _^^. ^ ,„.r,hion, in,r„ •• r; breath, a dragging pain at the loins imd my urine was tliick with dark sed- iment. Then I knew the kidneys were f lo blanio so 1 look Dodds Kidney Pills and Ihev soon put iiie in shape and cured nie" so thai I have had no trouble with my kidneys since." "It's strange Ihal you should always he so gaunt," remarked the bear to the wolf. "Well, you see," replied the wolf. "it's all because of the part I'm com- pelled lo piny in life. You see I'm all-' ways obliged lo keep from Ihc door until there's not anything letl in Ihe house to eat." "What has become of the bij* man w ho used to beat the bass drum?" asked the private of ihc drum-major. "He left us about three months ago." "Good drum- mer, too, wasn't he ?" "Yes, very good. ^li he got so fat that when he marched tie couldn't hit Ihc drum in the middle.' "I wish they'd invent a new expres- dion occasionally,' said Top, as lie per- used the account of u recent wedding. Tl's always 'Ihc blushing bride!'" "Well,'' replie<l Mrs. Top, "when you jonsidcr whul sort of husbands most Rirls have to marry, you can't wonder »t Iheir blushing !" Clara, aged four, suddenly burst nut crying at the dinner table. "Why, r.larn, what is ihe mailer?" asked her inollier. "Oh!" sobbed Ihe little miss, "my t-teetli stepped on my tungue. " Henry returned in triumph from an exainiiiution. "How did you gel along, my son?" his doling parent inquired. "First rale." an.swered Ileni^. "I an- swcKcd all the questions. ' "Gooil ! How lid you answer them 1" "I said I didn't LllOW." DODDS V ?KIDNEY| II Lays a .^Jtilling Hand on Pain.â€" For pains in the joints and limbs and for rheumatic pains, neuralgia and lumbago. Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil -s wilhoui a peer. Well rubbed in. ihe 5kin absorbs it and il quioKly and per- manently relieves the affected part. Its \!ilue lies in ils magic property of re- moving pain from Ihe body, ahd for that good quality it is prized. With the exception of Ihe .'^milhs, Jones and Browns, there are few fam- ilit's as old as the Hills. A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary allliclions, yet there 's a simple cure within the reach of all in Dickie's .\nti-<:iinsumptivc Syrup, an cld-tiinc and widely recognized remedy which, if rcsorled to at the Inception ( f a cold, will invariably give relief, and by overcoming the tri>uble, guard the .system from any serious conse- quences. Price 25 cents, at all dealers. TEfrni DRAWN BY .MAD DENTIST. Deputy's Secretary Forced to Subniit to the Ordeal. A Icrriblu advwiturc befell the secre- tary of a well-known French deputy while visiting Ms di iillst recently, aiid Ihi details have /Sst become public at Ihe tiial at Paris. He had been suffering from toothache, and woiil to have the troublis>oiiie tooth e.\ traded. He sal down in a chair, and had just begun to explain his trouble when the dentist shouted, "All right! I'll have them all out for you in a min- ute." The secivlary atlcmpled lo stale that be merely wanf^il one tooth taken out, but he stopped short when he saw the Utntist produce a revolver. Pointing tlie V. capon at ilie secretary's head, the den- ll.'-l exclaimed: "If you move a muscle la'lille I'm taking out your teeth you ai"o « dead man. " T%.> .secretary saw thai he was nl the iiieivy af a nindinun, and remained per- fectly !i;'ll while Ihe dentist pul the re- Sleila : "So you are really going to marry old Millyuns? I had no Idea you were so mercenary I' Maude ; "1 am not. I am going lo marry him to refunn him." Stella : "Beform him! I didn't know he had any bad habits." Maude : Yes, he has one. His friends say he i« miserly." AN uaLT FAMILY ol skin aisaue.^i Is Ika oim f;aaarally daicribad by the w>jnl lC<-/.ama. In all ti f-^rmi it r«Hiit9 0r.l1n.4ry t;-«dtin«ut, but ia cumplataly curad by WeAvar's Car;iM tuad iu cuu* nactlon wlUi Waatar'a S}tu|). She â€" "Emma is the prelliesl, but Lena is the smartest. Now, which would you rather marry, beauty cr Liains?" He (very far gone) â€" ".Neither; I'd rather marry you." LANDS In Western Canada Two kactiuaa, aala«£ ad l.-inda ia Sajk»tchawir.. .mW S 'lula. Irom tw â-  r:n:w,y«. C.P ». A (i.T.r. Slrona soil. M per cai.t. plcia»h laad. »i>nuj( craak, no tliiuhK About W iniloa N.S. of Iiirtinn Ha»d. i>nca $10.40 M< *»* Writ* far mip »i»d (nil particuUra. R. PARDONS, »• WcUealey SIraat, Taroata. Canada. NORWAYS LGA.N S^Sl'U.M. | To encourage working people to ».s-| lahlish homes of tlieir own. Norway has founded a bank for workingineii. , I' lends money at 3,S and i per cent.. and gives llie borrower W yours in wlueli to pay the loan. The tolal cost 1 1 tlie house" must not exceed SSOO, and the aiva of land must not be more than ll\o acres. OLD VIRGINIA FARMS lUMMMTIO C»T*L«CI»« '"â- Â«â- .„, URCiST UST FOR SALE IM THi STATS e S3H.HA H ACQ.. Ric wwawB. yimKi*. FEATHER DYEING Olaaalel and Carllaf aad KM Olam cl«aaad ThiH aaa k* Mai kf Ha<> U tar aa. tka bnt piaoa la MUTItH AyERICAN DYEINC U, HOMTKRAt. Apoplexy. â€" Dr. .-Vgnew's Cure for the Heart is effective in apoplectic symp- toms. If you have unpleasant due.\- ness, lightness or sudden rusli of bl icd to the head, lake precautions against u recurrence. This great remedy will rmiove the cause. The pre.<;s "uf the land has daily a list of sudden deaths which would not have been chronicled if Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart were used.â€" 117 Edwin : "And you'll always be true to me. Angelina ?" Angelina : "'Why do you doubi me, Edwin?" Edwin: "Oh, you're too good to be irue." RHEUMATISM AND PAPALYSiS. Their complete home ct;re. Post free to readers of tliia paper. For limited period only. A band.soiuu illu.iiraleU Li't-uii<)e. glv- Ini; lull ddiicr :ition c: 1'hauuiai.isiii and Paralyaia. with ut&tructiuiis lor a cum- plett homo euro, describiiig the uiu^t auccvfflt'ul tr«atiiieat in th« world, ra- coitiiii4!iide<l by li>o Minrntry aiitl midurii- «d bv uieUicMl men. jmls hij^hly in- atrutiive book « 113 wriii.-n by \V H Vciio, a geitllctnan who haa made a aludy ol these diseases. 'I'iio prt;luc« 13 by !• Krnduale I'f the L'iii\crMty of Wuruliiirg. .Send postal to-day and you will pTf'ivo the book It-ea by re- turn.â€" Addntss. The Veno Uiuk Co., 24 KiUK tit, >V«3t, 't'C'unlo "Is it true Blanche Poorlalch is going to be marriett ? " "Yes, to Major Rich- man; he his nnn in un engage- ment, you know." "Humph! Hcs cer- tainly lost his head in this one." MAETYEDOM DESCREED lOngtton Men tetli bow be Suffered and How he was Released. "For ve»r« a martyr," is how Chas. H. Powell of 106 V.aglaa Street, Kin^jstoo, begins hi* •tory. " A martyr to chronic conatipation, but noar 1 am free fniru it and all tkroui;h tlio use of Dr. Leonhardt'* Anti-Pill." Many who aro now 11 is only neces.sary lo read the tes llmonials to lie convinced ihal llolln way's Com time is unetiiialled for the roinoval of corns, warts, etc. II is a complete cxliugui.--her. It was the first lime lilUe Bess had seen an alligator. "Oh. inamn^u.' she exclaimed, "liercs a big lizard wi!h a valise skin on !" H~-fANOEC0.ta! iMTnaaftvis*: fl«4a«. ^ â- pK Bf St and Cheapest ,-..-^ <?5:-* OmotvSkitli ijBKtef Sew FsuCATfeotut two tftgaPwg aw wBBniiu The Iceni.nn's Troubles.â€" "My buti- r.ess," says Ji'lm «;ruy. ice dealer, of W Ingham. Out., "i.s one of the most fertile fields under Uie sun for sowing Ihe seeds fur iliouniallc suffering. For live years I was, a great invalid, words Limnot convey Ihc faintest idea of my intense suffering and constant piiin 1 endured. bottles of South .\inerieun Hheumalic Cure pennanenlly cured me.'-ll6 Teacher: "rommy, what are 'house- hold words' ?â- ' Pupil : " Tommy, if you don't liehave yourself I'll skin you '.' 1 liey're the word.s I hear the most when I'm in the house.'' STARR'S MaAOIC RHEUMATIC i;;iUteed to cura Klieuma tiiiu. Acuta, In flamiBiUiry jr Chrunic; also Nauni(;:ia. SeiatJr». l.uuili.i|!», luid all Kill pllnP ney trouble*; ranuve^ Uric Acid Owllb frti'ti t4ia 9> -taiu. givo^ imiueiiiate )-eIief, P.-Jiit luffer. but son.l for .1 h'ttle :«t on,-o. 0«l> Tna Itaiaiidy On., 175 ViMlga St.. T'lninto. Canad.i. llU"! per buUIc Mother Groves' Worm Exlenninator has the largest sale of any similar pre- paration sold In Canada. It alwas gives sul'sfaclion by i-esloring health to Itie bill.' folks. Hewitt : "What are vou raising a beiird for'?" Jewilt : "Well, I dmi'l mind telling you; I'm wearing a necktie my wife gave me." FKRKOVIM, WHAT IS IT ' It i' the name ot tbabuf funic. 11 builds up tho s.nteui. gnv' new !il«, mak«« petpie well and stmng. Ba sura you get Uia gauuiua " Korrtivtm." Cmas. R Powat.1. vi'lver biitU in tils pocket antl procetHle.l ^ '.II draw out the teeth. One by one they ' eufTering from thii complaint will bo elad were pulled out. Ihe madman drawing to loam from Mi. PowolVs atory that th«r« Ihi revolver whenever the patienl ex- ia hope for the most atubburn case. He hihiti>i| iiiiv .signs of protest. loontinuaa: "I wi« induced to try Antl- Wheii elghl le^th had been wronch.^I PiU by reading the testimony of some on« oiil the madman .s.nid; "That will ,|o, ' who had hern c^ut^^ of coustiprvtion by it. vou have been verv uulct. rhrce francs j I '>»<1 s""''''*'! *<"" »'g''t«'° ywu-s and had if you please." taken tons of atuff recommended as oi.res â-  - ' l>ut which made tna woi bo rather than better. Doctor* told me there was no cure for m»." „ Dr. tooahardt's Anti-Pill is for lalo by all DruggiaU or by The Wileon-Fyle Co., Limit«l, Niagara FalK Ont. Mr. Powell will Tarify erery word of Ut«a« (tateoMBte. W9 The secretary paid at once, staggered rul of the room, and went lo the nearest police station. A force of police was stnt, and when they ontcreil Ihe room ihi madninn opened fire un them. He shot line (â- ! the in Ihe arm nnd another in the log beforo he was knocked down and haudcuffed. Visitor .'l«i farmer's b<5y in Ihe field) : "Digging |>otaloesâ€" eh ?'' Fanners Boy. "Yes." Visitor: "And what do you gel for digging the potatoes?' runner's Hoy ; "Nothing. But I giil sonielhin' for not diggin" 'eiul" Bnnlight Soap is tietter than ttin loape, bat it beat when uaed ia the Sonlight way. Buy Btudight 80a; and follow directions. A fallier recently received Ihe follow- ing note fitim a young man :â€" "Dear Sir,â€" Wood like your doler Jessie's hand in inaruge. ^he and I are in luv an«J I think I node a wife.â€" Yures, Henry." Tlie tother replied I'y letter, saying :â€" "Friend Henry.- Yuu don't need a wife. You need a .spelling-book. Get one and .stuilv ft for a year. Then write me again." "How long is a going lo lake to gel through with this' asked the client, who was under f-u.spicion of housebreaking. "Well," replied I lie young lawyer, IhoiighlfiiUy, "illl Uikc ino alioiil two weeks to gel through with 11, but Tm afrnid it's going lo lake you obout four ycai-s." FOR BOYS-A GRAND OFFER If »ou willderote .inly your SPARE TIME Mudiiiit u^ name^ ul favm^rsanu fa«*1ars and help intrxdiice UABIAN STtCX AND POULTliT FCOO TAIUTa A t'ommon-.seiis*. stmk K'khI at .1 i,*umiunn-Sen-o l>ri.» ..( O.NK iK.VT A l>OLNU HATH jl.OO per lUO Prepaid aiid guaranteed. r**»ud «» a trial order .lud luk (ur booklet Nu. 13 filial lull particular* .ibout 100 Free l*reuiiums onarvd. THE BeSAW chemical. CO., SCHOPIKLl) BLIK!.. rLKVKL.*.ND, a STAMMERERS The Arnott Method is the only logical method lor the cure of Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the H .^BIT, and insures natural speech. Pam- phlet, particu'ur^ and references sent on requ«;t. .\ddress THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERLIN, ONTAIUO. "You couldn I select anything nicer than this braeelet,' said the salesman. "I guess I'll ItUie it,'' saiil Mrs. Nurich. ".•\re you sure it's made of n>finei| gold ?" "Oh yes.' "Because I do dete^l anything Ihat uln ' i lined !" ash or Cure If ShOob't CoiMmnplion Cure (ailt to can yotir Cold or Cotign. you |ct back all yau paid (or it Y'ou are mat of a Core «• ibeCaah. li it watn't a MR cure, thi, ota wouU not be made, Caa aaytiuiif be (aiiei > H you have a Cold, Cou||t, or aajr diaaaaa «i tile Tbroal, Lunga or Air Paaaa^aa, tij snivon 2>cpwboWle. AUdcalew ISSUK NU. 17-41 •"

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