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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jan 1906, p. 8

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Us .â- I •fANUARY 18 1900 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE f ^ft The Markets. Carofully Corrected Each Woek. Oaf* 35 t'l 3.". Pens 73 to 7" Bni luy 45 to 45 â- ^Vhi-at 70 to 7" Hny 5 00 to 6 Oil PoiHtocs per bag 60 to 7ii «uttor 20 to 20 KuBS fresh 21 to 21 Turkeys 14 to 14 DucUs 10 to 1(1 0<'e8.' 10 to M Chiikeiis 7 ti « Oil Fowl 6 to 7 mercl^ant Cailoring NEW SUMINOS OVERCOATINGS TWUSfcRINQS Just to Hand. PRlC^'i LOW FOR CASH. H. ALEXANDER. FLESHERTON - ONTARIO XmasGoods At W'rli^lits tlipro ia n complete fresh ^l"ck of good caiwlius and nu!«, or- uniics, liiiiioiiH, lityer risiiif. datoi., 'etc. Wo always Keep on hand a full stock if fri'hli Clivisties Soda HiMcmii.. NUT.S-Slii'llod WalimlM, l.l.nKlii'il almonds, tilbi.rts .ind \>M- nist-i. C VNDIES-Mixed candies, from 10.; to l.'So pi'l Ih., Creams, Choc.'laies, IJ^n Iii>ii!', Candy Toys and St.-ckiiiKS <>f assorted cuiidies. Fn-sli .\pricots, Kino Table Syriip, Cannoil (,'oi(1m of all kind', Cranber riev oidy loj a lb.. Lamp Cbimmys. J?i.-iii, Hhorl', low grade Hour. At Wright's School Children's Eyes Snpplj TMr Intellect 1 It tht duiets Cough This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua- ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more â€" it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Asii your doctor about this. Tha boBt kind of a teatlmonial â€" "Sold lor ovor clity years." jn I oraearji jt-â€" jimumph" ISadoby J.C. Ay«r Co., T.OTreH, riyefs Alao uauiiAicturord cf SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. UAIR VI002. V.'e have no secrets I Wo pubash tlio foriiiulr.» of all our medicine*. Hasten i-ocovery by kcoplnR the bowels regular with Ayer's Ptlls. r -â- ^ In Furniture s L. The largest and best stock of furniliiie ever shown in Klesber- ti'M. This without fear of contra- diction. Conio and Buo some of the iiioe things in Sideboards Dining r?ooiT\ Cl:iairs Parlor Setts Bed RooiT\ Setts A special reduction juKt now on everything in order to the slock. W. H. BUNT. 3'itt'nttiirc SOea/en \hMu - hi 'a e/- J Business Cauus VT'OULljOUOn & YOUNO •* IJiieVcr Mark<1al« Jon (.'.iiioriil UuiiUl MR business. Money loanon a rouHOuabltf rate C.tll on uh, RJ SPKOULK I'o.^linaatcr, Fleuliorton \ Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department • â€" - ••Canada's Greatest Nurseiles" WANT A Local Salesman for flesherlon To s-ll Ilitth ChiH.i NumiTy .Stock In Friirt* nn-l (Mi'ainoiitnl. Iji'fjcHl Linl of NW'.V 8PnClAi;riK.S n...r nir..n..l. ar\Kl" NOW AT THK F'.KST SV.h LIN(i SlvNS )M. niu iniUio.-moni-.l.ii.- iTil Piy, llandsoine Krcti Oiuti', T.rrii ovUieivrd WKll'!-; Kl>It TKHMS and (Jral-.i-uc) nn I Kimil 2."ie Sav our AF.UMlNU.>i I'OtJlvIOT MhUlOSCDl'l' (int^i ilies 4j Mnu'i-) and ftO.; fur our ll,\NL)V HWV, JH.ii the thini; lor mm- iuinf{ trv'On (cuta iron r.s vrv I ns nond.) Stona St Wellington (<)V;:u300 acuks) Toron'o • • Onlaiio oiiimlasloinT In H. voyancnv, .AppniiBpv J., Auotlonoer Ton anil Money I,un<ler Ki-al I'lutattt ' and In«^iirance ARont. Dcodg movt'^Byoa, Ioan«.r. an-l wllln CHrtfiiUy tirawu iti> and valuations niatlo on f liortoH nrtlcc. money to loan at lowest vatcH ii( inicrefl: t'ol vti.inn attond'i.l to Willi (iK niiitneHB chartfOH low, Auent for Oooan l>oiuiuiuu Kt«amaliip Compaay, A call loUoited. SOCIETIKS AG U W nidotn oi. llio ]Mt Monday in eacn month, in tlif-ir lonRo T(u>ni, (.nuistooV hloi^k. I'leshcrtonat 8 p.m. M.W., V. llarvlaon ; Uiioordoc. .laH. KcKU-ud ; Kinan- .jiar, W.J. llBl.iimy. VisitUiR brotlirec iLvilud. PKixor, .vnxmiK bonoK, No. -m.aka A »1, niorjtH in tliu MasonioliHtl. Strain's block, rioahortou, every l''rlday ou or before the full uuHii. Jolin Wrl){lit, W M.; C. N, Kichar Hon, Becretary. COt'KT l.'r.MSllDKTdN, (W>, I. P. F. irfotn Ir. ('hiistoc'. lllocl* tlt« lust Kriilavevoi Inc of "â- ai-h montb. VlFltinR Foreatera bearlilv w,.||.'ine. (1. II.. .I.l'ornnulil; 11. C. W. Hui-kili; l-'in. Sec, 11, A. Willitt. rioaRoiiay duos toll. A. Willctt oo or bufuro tbu laKt (lay of the |ir4iceedltiR month. CIIOHl'.N FIdF.NIiS -I'lcBliorton roeneil of Ciiiim'n Frl.' nif.etii in t'la\toi.'i. bull ftixt .Old Third Wtidno ilav of chirb monb H |v to I'h V ftsHeHMucntft to the ll.'i'oKbr on ov before fro tliKt iiayof each moiiili. t'liiet (."ounclllor, T, Hlakoloy;Ueooraer, W. 11. Hunt. Medical CAUTFTt M U 1' it H Ont. Diyaii'.lan, Snrficon, etc DIUce anil roHlilonoeâ€" Peter at , FUsliBrtou DlUci T. iioxn (in. Unite Toronto t'lilvernlty, Vcni- In.r of Ontavi.i <'(.lb.pi' (.^ I'liytileiian.s and Snv- t^ocn... M;».\well. On'. rittcutT.riot' to Dr. Seolt. J Farmers' Institute. WAiSlKD! Olio Hundred rn.d-.- an.l women, wh i arc tnt.r.jric.iiiyi to fjualify in ilio Vmni;,' iiH and â- â€¢ â-  A C>IT. "• he niiry p.if.iLioOH open to all i oi » li.i .»U! IlioroiiL-lilv proparoil t.i aMi,.t ihoTii. A sIk in^QihV noiu'iiii in t'dn ool- <fi" iili»ii» for a yoiniij man of the" riuht t.i> d, an ulnootbiiikl u<pdpiui<nt better iliJU many ira.loa or p'ofaaattm* in money mrtiiii/ poMTsr. Siii<lnnt« kJuiiltaJ at ftiiy liiHU.*. \V. J. KtlioM, PriiRipal. Cor YoLge and AltiandM St». l- OTPKWlil.L Veterinary Bur(!non (Iradnatn of ()iiti\rlo Vetfvlnnry ColloRO. re..uleno« â€" HOOOnd door B(.uth w>»*it (in M:irv Htreet. Thta Br.reot rtina uonth I'rcHhvterlan ("hnroh. H. WILSON, lllaelii.M)ltli Iradiinie of llie Veterinary Bclouoo Astiielallon. IIi'hI lenee, Durham Itroet, uji. (xrdle lioyvt, llleklti.^H haniware. Legal r UOAB WRiailT * MrAItUI^R «' Itarriatora Hulloitoni (ionveyancera, etc •imoenâ€" Ow«n Sound, Ont and Markdalednt W H Wliioirr, MdAltiil.n 1 ll I,l'C*» N 1) -1 li'Hluirton uClco, tdltobell'a IlaLk ivevy Hatnrday. Dentistry . B. C. MU«»AV I.. 1>. «., dental nunjeo" l> >n"r Ui^dint.i of Toronto l'nlv<>rrltv and oval Cnll^nrto' nciital SnvR.'oiiH of Ontai lo, (Inn idmlnK'rallon tor teelh entraotlon iinru at rnalJenve. Toronto atreat, Klektarrton K.V. AUMHTH'>N(J, L. l).H„Honor (Iradu %u\ of Toronto lhiiV|.r>ltv and Hcival Col loB« of llonfalHnrgi-ona of Cntarlo. (•ppoalio Xtr.. Ili.bner'K Ibotnitrnvh (iail.iy. Will Tult Maiwelinrat and third Thuiiiay of each luOHth ooBnieaolD? July V]>, D About 100 farmers Kathored in the town hall on Friday afterno .n to attend the Inktitutu meeting as advertised, in the ulisence of th'i president Mr Jos. Blakely ocuuijied ilie uhau'. The KpeaUer was L>r. Standi.sli of VValkertoii, whose »al.}oct was the i-ehction and feuding of lieef cattls. No report can do justice to tlie sulijects handled, as very many questions \V(iro asked and answered, and a convor.s- ationnl tone pervades these lectures. Farmers xhould all make it a puiut to (lUerid and hear it all for themselves. The t'ollowiiif; points wire brou:;ht out and have been supplied us bytliesecrelary: Theaniinil best suited for beef pur- poses should be wide between the eyes and wiile at nosirils; eyes placid; horiis sli-;htly l>irned down and a litilo in; wedi-e-nhaped to the shoulder, no duhip, and sijuaro brisket. The back should be iivel and the ribs well sprung to .liive u broad buck. The lop line should be level but the speaker did not object to the iiiiiinal bein<^ a little high at root ul tail, well coveieil with meat. The hind (|uar ters should be well apart aid utrai^lil; down the leg iind straight on the side. The tlHtik nli'dild come do>vn aUo, the underline being parallel with Hie top. The the^t should be large because iho heart and lungs tie theie and the blood which con- veys food to all parts of th- body, receives oxygen and is chanjeil in color there. For a large lung (here must bo a large cbost and wide between the shouUlHrs. T .e legs should be well under the bidy, as this 'iivea space fur a hiryo stinnach, which is necessary fori uininating animals. .\ lidig, mossy of hair i-hould cover the skin, which slmuht be of medium thickness, and can best be listed just behind the shoulder, the niiimal standing 8 raight. I'leniy of lion>^ is important. ' .\ ciosa-bred animal ahiiuldulwHyii g.. to I'le block," said the speaker, who aUi. stated that the fidir best bieeds for beef pur|)05es were Shorthorn, Ucreford, Polled .Aligns and Gall owiiy. On feeding calves T>r. Slandi^h aiiid to uUays jive new milk for a tin.o. Milk is fi>od and should be given pure. If neces'ary to uive Wafir for drink yiva it a lerwaid i>y ilsolf' Aa iheaniinil gmas older leid ground oat", peas and bailey, and a liltie buckwheat, su'.;ar bcet.s, niaii^ohia and turnip* may also be giv^-n. The presi loot, .Mr. (Jeo. liadgor of Uedwiiig, who o-v.ii.ied the chair in the evening, spi ke on the co-opernive apple packing in lr.3 di^tvi(;t, and said that a|pbs which would only have brought t'l per 1 111. in iho i.idiiary way netiid them the [labb fall fn.m Ifd U. If4 per bbl Mi.-s Duiicdi, thi' lady delegate, give n v.'iy inieicfitiiig talk on the selection .nd prep'inilion of food, the p;.ints dov- el'ped being as f.ilb ws: Floonomy in our i;veryilay life is .somo- tliii.:; which is Kul always practised. .\ fiiw inomoiits spent in thiiilang over our work will fri ipiently save a great de;il of needless work and worry. In felectiiig our foods wo do not always receive the greatest aim unt of nutnineiit br the inoiiey expended. A piece of sii loin at 20c. pel lb. d. es not furnish as much nutriment for 25-. us a piece of neck at Go. Or in other words, thiee lim. .s as much full value can be ob'ttincd for 2iJo from the neck. The saui'j will apply to fruits and vegotalbs v.heii they tirst appear on the market. '1 hey do not contain any n.ore value early in the season when they are expeiiaive than hitor ill iho season when they are matured in the open air. It is wise to study the foods we use daily, til know somotliini of their coin- po-itiiiii, and the uses nf the dilfercni emmuiuenls of bind to the body. By so (ting we ci'.n have better bdanced diets. Of course there are other thiuiis which must ah:o bo cora'Jerert â€" the cliinftte, cccupatoii, ago, o'c. Pooplo who are actively ein|il .yed in the open air can many f..i.(ls which people of selontary oceupaliot. tiiid injuii.ius lo the system. N.ituie lias supplied us with foials in >u tiible i;oi d tion, but wo frc',iiently make mistnkes in selecting those which are best for our systems. Mi.^tikes are freqnenly made in pre- paring fimdn.mvd althouah there are giod conks tlirouj;ht.ut the country, even they Hometiii'cs make failures without knowing the â€" us (fV instance lumps in s'arch mixtures are c;iused by ni.t having the i.'rama of stirih thorouuhly sepuiated before the hot Inpiid is applied. The ( cuts if meat and the inexiieiisive bntMubsUnlial groeoiies may be just as muiitious as the more expeii- sive ones and when (iroperly cooked just as pnlvtabU', 83 that we shouid not be ashamed to purchase them on that account. It is belter to make a study of the iimre common fomU and their uses in ihn body so that wo do not over- tax our .systems in performing useles-s work, as Hed aa the more Appiovid melh- ods of prepaiii.g ilieiu lo receive the greatest anmuiil of niiirimeiit. In tlni afternoon Mi's l>uncan spoke to a I U'l. her of ladies in the ba^einoni .if .Moihodist elinrch on "iSahuls," Or.'« ta!lt on '"Training the young hoise" was listened to with extreme interest. His bin's arc pretty well con- doiisid 111 the fi.ll.itting: Ho said the per.son lliun eiigag. d should ful'y resolve to not lone his own tiniper. l)ei>iu by halteiing the young nnimal and never let it away triiiliiii! the halter Novor show fear of the animal, but handle lirmly, kindly, even pelting much. Never allow H do\( toohaae a coll for this gives it fear â-  if dogs and causes it to b(dt from tlicm when beini; driven. Never whip him for ahyng.biit lead him i;i the object of fear. Kiirly bouin to lift his to<<t to aa to pre- pare him for shoeng and use only one word fiir «ach oommaud. Teach him to stand !i(|uare on hia feet oa this is nooessary or snowinR and selling. Bridle in the 'tall and teaob him to bkok mitk com- mand and touchin:; him gently on the breast. After being accu-oonied to liar ncsj hitch with mate, nutadall old l>ea«t, but one of like tempermcnt so an to move in uni.son Teach to walk a g.iod uait the tir.-»t iinp'or'anco of wlncli was p .inti d out by I he speaker who raid there are eiiiht |H>intR for walkiir.' and only two for trolling. Teach him haw fiist.and then uee, also to stop prompt'y at. the wo d whoa. Ne\er alai t with a dash, but go off on a walk and then increase the speed. Always bad lii;l:t at fiisl, and gradually increase. btir nol so as to h ive heavy loads going down hdl which raufes the coll lo throw the hind part oumaid, »u ugly h.tbit ti acriiiire. Nevrr use ti-^ht check biciuse it injures U-.a crest and trains the colt to li.ild out nose unsit.hily In com elusion Dr. Standish referred bii.-fly to hors- rncin.' and speaking fiom experieD'-'o advised his liea-'crBjto have in.fliin.j f) do w'lh the raci course, as its Imbi'iic di> not retain ibeh'gh moral repur.-ition they ought to havi<. nor tl.eir money either. Dr. Standish Ins n'l uie for stock fo'ds ill the rearing of cattle. Neither Inn !io any coi tidiici in- the superiority of im- porte;! i..nimals,bc;ieviiia we ha^ e as ^^t,n 1 a f'jundnlion iu Ontario st ck as can be found in the world. Fiesherton Skating Rink Skating to thcyxibHcTu.Mday, ThurR- day a'lil .Satiiiday. Uonnid aduiis- aion .") and 10 cents. J. O PATTON, PROP, A Couple of Questions To the EdHur of The JJvanof. I notice by your i^sue of .Ian. 4, in the report of Eutfenia I'resbyterian Satibath school, Mr. Hofu Says i:i his rep.rt thut with few exceptions ynung men do not attend the Sablaih »cho( 1, and cave as his reason th<! bur room. No*, will Mr. Hogg kindly .^tatc ihrouL'h ihe co'umn-i of your piper for the Itiielit of the ratepayers of this township, in what way docs the bar room prevent yourg men from attending Sabbilh school? Also, how dm 8 he kuoiv ? Will the Uev. M r. Thorn state who enfurcea local option. Youm sincerely, -UATEPAYER. WfNTKK TflKM AT THK Cven Scam?, Cut. lic^inn Tuol.iy .ran 2. ISMi Foar compT-'w cou.sui of i>tud , iuisad to the needii of a.l clas>ej of . p'n-g poepl?. The liiT'jluo-.s **o*jrsa for yoiin^ mon ant woineti who «lsh a goo 1 liuHlnens trai-iing t-> qualify them tt» do basiiie^^ f.)r tlwicsolvdj an'l othe.s. Thin course is usoful »o ibu baa- ino's Ul in, tho farmer or the pro'.jssionut iiiAT also flrst cl.i-«s preparation tor p-jopld who wi-,11 1'.> a. » iiitooiHje work. The Shortiiau.l Co-:rse for young people who wifii ♦o r econiestenoKTapherR, roporti*r^ t*tr. Tlio'i'oiei;rnyhv Conra** for yoanj; people wai> tii ii to b.c.irat telcb'rapb operators or to uiilcr railway woik. The preii.iratorv Conrao for thos-^who aro very fir btelt i'l th»ir stnrli.:.^. Wo (...acre readme. sp-lU.ig.w.Uini;. arithm.itio toii.own till yuiing! men and woaiin. Separate rfionis fill- ttiis dH^'artiiieut and srpar-itu deskforeacb pupil with pi 'iity of pcrsoual lielp. Full iianicularasent fr.-oto any iJdrei?. c. A. i'iu.'':cii'al. Farms For Sale Part I, I.Ola S". and ""e. con. 3 N. D. Tl. (ieprev. conipo^ei: of Id) ufri'.a: 78 acres well feiici^l, b-il- atiepRood iriapli bash. 11 inilua from 2 raiIroaJ.i tlono to s-iluwils, ttorcH, p jst olQce, churcii auii (lesbabl'j nei^iutors. Part. 11. cast half lot 7 and lot 8, con. 1 .Ojprey l.iO acres; IIO serea cU-arod and well eij'tiv.-iMd. ^0 ttcrt's t'.od bush, balance timb.;r except woo t tsken off, *2^o.mI -veils, frame Iiouse «ud k'(eh9it R-iod stun cel!*r. ii.'w barn and atoiiu stubUua. t'ioae to all couvenieiic^a. Smiles from rHilr.-iad I'aat lit lo'a ITaiid 18 con. 7 i.'sprov ab-jut 8^ acres well titnbsre.l ba.<:b, bal.ince ?ood statu cultivation, soil dnv I^aui, qo ..J bam and sta. ties, (WxSO ft, windmill, ens. Itti;.* cutter and Rraio crn.-biir att.tcbe.1. Frame honfie new kift- c'.«n nevor failin);well and wind mill attache:! well adapttfii f-r stick farm. 2 r.ule8 f.-mn »11- la^-ea of A axw.:!I and Feverahani, Tiiebor can be bcuL^bt s.ipcratelv bviut; 1^ uilies fro'u a fawniills. Kaay turnM payn'eat. Ill bvalih cdoa-a owner to retire from bUsiaesii. For further iu oruia^i'in applv t.*! JNU. A. SC VfT 1 o k Pcx 0:0,Ccirn3WD«d. 1- '-5f_ agoiis If yon are I hill king of buying a fine buggy, w.isjcn or democrat, it will aurdy pay you to call ,iiid investig-.te our stock, lerius, etc., before makin;; your piiri hast'. We havo II staffof expert workmen and can guanintea that you will besatistiel â€" â€" â€" Al.\V\y;5 ON HAND _ â€" _ ISicyclo - Su£i^s?ies - â€" AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS â€" â€" Ml I iiiiniH ~Tt-r»r-tf J. A. HEARD, -FLESHERTON. 13. For First Class Buggius, Carts, Ploasnre and Lumber Wagons, cutlers. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQANO GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and iiuaranteo first class work. We keep on band Ploughs and Plot»gh repairs, and also Massey- Harris and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, ill kinds of mt hincry, also Itinder Twine on hand, « Ulbcn in town give US a call « f Nervous Bebili 'k\ - ITT Al Crn M.W MKTIIOD TniSATMEMT will euro yoa, arj ciaSfl a tr.aa J of ynu. I'lulvr U.t imiot-rici* tlie lnutii tMrcom^ra acilve, iha Vlood pu*il4^^ lu l.'ia.: â- ^ ftU i.;n;rI»-», l>loUht3 mij ijktrs uj.: the ncr%pji bo<.orae iiro: >? aut sl?cl. no that m-wtjuRnekj*, bashiulne*s uni d*.sn»nJeDcy dlr^hy^cur: the <yt.s i<ecornt» t*rlg.'it, Iho face full And cli-ar, titcrgy rvtuit.4 lo iho boJy, iiril the nri.-:ai. i hy'^lc.ii ani aexiKil »yMteiTi3 uie Itivl^oraud; all uralni cvatteâ€" no mure vt:.ii wu:*co ri.>ni tN* P^ayittm. Tho vniious oiR'ina bbconu" naiuml an-l manly. Ydu f?il yonn^if ft vanxi %! and know niartUtfo cuiiuoi b« a (ulluic. \V3 1: vlic all th«> aJll^.cl ta cor^-oU u:> w*\ ocntld^ntlnliy aiui fue ot cha'-ne. lon't let t:mu!%5 nr.j fakirj rul) SQix oi your i\ hard-Pirn*a ^\r.nrfi, W K! \V!l.I- CrUG VOU oU >;».> TAV. -^ ^:mo NAMt:*; VbKD wniio'jT wkitt&n cunsknt. THREATENED WITH FAR.'^LYSia. â- >^ 'I \\a3 iroubied ». iih ^â- crv^U3 Do- b'.llty Ri oiy y«ira. I lay U lo lu- Ols.ivtitin and cxoesnea lu o.iiiy, yriutli, 1 beu.'iuie very <le.^pondeDt auil 1 llOii t cnro wlicihcr 1 worked or nn. l\ d cvoiy!/uay v. ho loekod »; niy teoni. :</ ^1 Siaosieo r^;:ui-si:.d kA aciiud, r.aa XSOI ^y head, har.da en Sr In Uie numinj W were shaLy, ey <>.Sk *:^ loiaiOinuive ,P^!| aisht w«aUt!lâ- -^^m3- ;ny liaoSt-. ] isiint la liio back ot my \i nd fett were c-.ild, lli*.l '-j.:, poor e.i;pctl'.e, f.nsvra it^^j^ yea blurred, hair bo&e, l^EK*^- jninioiy P--'er. it?. Nuinlia-ss bi ihe flnRcr-i fet In aiil Ih. dvlor t.v'd nn tii< fMrel piralyia. t lo-iK all kluJa ut KJ-'-v, -•._â- ' i.uulc.n.-4 end irl;d m.nny flr-t â- c'.i-'.i >«Vi.*' -'' I'Syii^l.m^. wore aa «lo-.'trlo bi': for^3 V*^^ three nion'ha, went t-i 'it. Olc^ena U Biroai TSt*T'.;iNT l.ittia. recelv.'d mtie boi.cfll. WhP.o *frn TB-aTMtMT â- X'. Mt. Clonirna I waa Induced lo cnn.iult lira, Kennedy it tCergan, thcufch I hoi all fnith In doctora. Like a dfowntng m.nn 1 commenead the J*ew Me*ho.l Tr*atmcnt and It siavcd niy li'e. Tlio Iniprovcnient waa like rias[lo-.I could f'vl the vlscr going Ihrojiih mv nrrvca. I wan cured mentally, phyalcaUy and »»xu«oy. I have »»nt tliem mnny raiUnts I'Hd will contlnu. to do »o." CUUE.S QV.VR.VNrliiBIJ (^!t NO I'AV. AVe treat ar.l our« VARICOCS:.-';. STnCTUP.H. NSRVOCa DSBILTTV. BT.OOD Ul^fiSASGS. URINAKY CO.MFLAINT3, KIONBT AND BLADUSIl L-13- BAPES. ^ c(>NsrT.T.\TioN rner. books rriEr. it a?tabi* to cau w»iu for o Curstloa Blank for noma Treatment. l48 8HELnV 3TREBT. DETHOST, WICH. / tK,--«;i>>^^*K^^K ,>^-:K'rKtAHT^-;KS;.-K&*r-*«ftrn:- NiiMM ••mm ''W^NMmMlM

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