Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES? XOT VOL. IV., NO. 170. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, SEPT. 18, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. Oar of Hi" 'oa litii; lx>cal aii.l Kainilv Xew| in Muitliuru Ouuariu. I'ublislio'l Kver.v 'riiui-Hcla. 1'ium TH OFnr, tWi '-' <xt, - ftrthtrtnu, l.rUlti OX bTlWCltH'TU'.s #1.00 per nnn.u im advauct . -M 'oil i. -i At llio u:iJ uf out> >or. N. ) *|Hif liutil all rrt.Hrt*; - ti tlon takct for Ifi* than <ti. n-ar, c\i-*jit twolal iiwuiuunl. tot lOiorMr pciiui |iapn Out. paiil ert|>' wtutu ale APVKKTISlVn lUTKS. ..' Casutfa'1' -iwr iKtinserMon AU'I :i n -i:-* per line each aulMm<iurtil iiiM-rtion. Trannont advurU-eiiit-ui - i vf!.i-:i onUjre.l A.lvurli->*jiuoilt* with*. lit ajH'i'lal direc- tion* .il li l:i.TU 1 till fornid an I acc-wl I,ib. il in Ii niunta to rognlar N .1 MM. .. ,j inadiug uutlWr, lu nuts per line i- v N* n r. risi.ient discontinued until all ar- roar*j.. ire pal I irp. Copy f.ir MrerMsements tli.niM reach tnl office i ..I lau-t -.11*11 noon uu T'.i-nlay to ttusnre iSMrtioi! iu cii'ti-nt i- A. R. FAWCETT, Editvr ,i,i,l J'nUlittfT. Book & Job Printing ! la e\ .- y atyle of tbe art. at rea*mal>l>- prirae au-i .<n nh.iit n-'tii > ' 'i.li-iv by mall will rf-e'.Tc prompt atnn. T. .tncllr Drutistry. J.P. MARSHALL. L.W.S UKNTIHT, OKADCVIK Of Toronto ht-uuol of Dntiiry. U will l.r a: Murk lii> tin- !- an.l tr.l \V.- tn< K- la> . if . -aril in.. nil., u.i t I '! ii' it. .ri .m tin- lt nnil Sril Thiin-tnv I" i-.u ll iiiiilil.i f"i ' of hia profeahh'ii. Flesh erton'<? Progress -fin Afcrcli- x Frit til ill FLESHERTON 8 KJTURE ! pensive. Indeed tlio tint package bro't | Honor to Whom Honor i* lln.-. in wan a cask of sugar, which coat twelve dollars to haul it from C..]hii-w ....<!. and SIR. As a Canadian I a>k the fsT,. r ..f i . te in v..ur c..luuiuii to eiprn my .Kai ho .,,,. I,,, brought It hwdly ,,.enrd prowl ( Md my WM((D , fof ^ ^ A .,-w ycn aftr thw dt | giTinK tht . ,. *l: n M,. Kuliardj.iuw fnun Euglaifd ilircot ( _ iiujx.rtiiig dry wh.t he h Jo h WM , booudwy in .-. UIUTU,,,, -. v.-t t . , T , ti ,, n f ., r wu!, th- Jrgal A. D PKURT J 1IAUDWT. IIAM1W HANDS & PERRY, Xuivi..Mir* f" l.i, ml. f .1 II unit, D\llHlSTr:HS. Mll.H'tToKH. NOTAKIK. 1 II f..-,\ i V vsi : US, die. Money to Loan at , Ltiwt-t Hat. - ! n i i ~t Dak-ue. 1C kuiK Struct l.n.iuto. FROST & FRO<T. B\ltl:I-l "- *'>i.KTTi>ll- CONVKYASCTtB. 4r. . ii!i.-<- 1'. .ul.-tt Mr. .'.. u. v M.. i MI, and iery lliu.^.> ail- !.!.>!. .1. \\ KKOST. I.L.B. | AL.FUEU FKO8T. Crown County Attorney. I^lesherton Meal iiotcK \ II, -.m I -.1 . I. SEPT. GOOD, ONT. nood ar'mnuuoiUtion : rxnt brands 1 j.inore Oliian <."-l htanlnii; an I altrntiti' itoatlur. : . II. it. ! u u.. I'la^v. Jos. Att! - PBOPBKTOR. Flesherton Station Hotel. Al'jf. llmiiaifi it S.i ii. I'r'ifuri'tur*. TpHK al...\. M..II.I havintc l .lily r- .1 ntt.-.i tin. ..-''.. -it. now aiTorda exceilfnt a.- looinni. Klti,,n t.i iin. travt-lluiK pul.lu. l . i.ar | is Wi 11 kU|ipil.'.l Kill! ('!. lu fact. aiii|>ii- iiL-1'..iiiiiiu.lat..'ii i 1 - itlTji't. h man an.l i Cash paid fcrjat .Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Casli. Order* promptly lill'il. riecsirrton MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. PriB nt Talr wlB take placi-on MONDAY, fish IM44 -^ Suff , .\rC(>rcilKi;. PRU'EVILLK, - ONTARIO. nttnolfi to. A. O. U. "W". FLliSHERTON l IKI- No. Ill uiwt In tlM-lr Lodas It. .iii. Mraln Work. Toronto atrt, on the I at and Jrd Mnnda) In aoh month, at 7 .w p in. sbarp. Visiting brvthtun wulcouie. .at. 1'. M<-J(ArKa, >l.\v. \v o. I'KSJUJ., Iloc'r W. S. GRIFFIN. M. 0. M. c. I', .s., </ST. Will be In Flunherton every Tin Mlay aad Friday fr.nn I.M.I I u in Omr*.-ln Win Htrafn's I. lock ADVERTISi: IN TIIK APVANTE. IT WILL PAY YOU. 3DUFFERHT LODGE NO. 186 L o. o. r. Fleshei ton- MKM'M . v,.ry Tue.lay Fvrnlng at * o'clock.! Lodg.i H.VIIM. Strain l.l.K-k. Toronto etrwut Des^ee IxxlilD, 1st Tiiaedav In each luontb. Vis- ( iUnK hrethrcu currtially iuvttod. Jos. lib**- BUI- IK. N.O. A.M. VAXDUSJCM U.S. L,ook Here. Do you *nt a <w tlon*v or Ham ? If so 1 think vein will tin. I it to yuur sdraattfs to call aul foe ro.v As I il a law bii<In.>s I rat. bofld <in -mall |>r.flt. All contincw proiii|itly atum ,U)d to aa.l work guarantee!. Thmikinf tho |>ut>- Itc for |.a- V uatrotumc. aiul Ii) lair |>rio> aud ROO.I work, I nopo l" nmrlt a oontlnuaase of ttio Tour, .,>.. '- C/anadian Pacific Railway. ONTAKlb~DIVISION. Change of Time. ComK1tciiiy TWjriiy, Srp. 0, STRAIN & LARGE, BiuUtern and Contractors, FLESHERTON. Am prdparud to att.-n 1 to Hrl.-k A Atone Work r, u a.m. l In all lt hranchee. Toronto, Vrry tV Krurr Division. T.III..V l.H..|iart, 7 591 a in 4.40 p. m I ilo. arrive, lu.ij a in IdA p.ui ! ( .iiiuecti witli t I- K. Sb-anialiipi at Owen l Komi.l Huns only Tuoadaya, Thundaya and atnrdays. NOTE. Mliod train loavio rarkdali. 7 Ta in CltEIiIT VALLEY I'll '/.S/M.V. TOHOSIO. .lupart. T in a ni 4JX> p m arrire. 9.W " 7.0O " Norm.- Mined train loan- 1'ark.lale 1 a.m. o.vr.i/f/o <f Qunr.n- i>n isix. Ton. nt ) . ..Arrive 10. 45 a.in T SO p.m 4.10 p.m. Depart n 10 a in i will l at I'n r 1'rieot ilntanJuftat Ule AUTAKI * rompt sSMntloa. (load work Vr,rw,i ' 1 *-" 11 ' W. \VHYTK, (U.NLli-r'T. 1). MeNICdl.l l IKN 'i. Palm. Ai. r. J. M. Webster, TKA1NH I.!.A\r. FLESHERTON STATION : EUGENIA, Ulfilnu North, at ir.n p in, H Mp m.,* 4:Sfl pm T ICBNUKO Auctlooeer for the Count, ol Orry. Uo(n *>" -* fc - UL ' 4J4 P-"- * "' * U Monry to l.-u.l aa uaual. at rvaaonaliln rase*., Klrcaurt Llfo lnnnnco Coniinunlcatl.>n ad- ' 10 KuicunlalM). promptly ait..n.l.-.lt.i TT\ T [ I' Iff A T) T/ T1 m Q RJESHEBTOir, 'Flonr 5 .FallWhont $0 .'Spring Wheat li.irl.v '!' ,. o Nutter Potatoes Pork 7 Hay, per ton 7 Hides 4 \VfH)l Sli.-i-p-.Kiii- Gceoc Ducks, per brace Cliiekens. per hrnco.... Wool ., John W. Armstrong, FUR^HKRTOS, Co. Onrv DIVISION COVBT CI.EKK, COMMISSIOSRR in II U., Ctnvnyancer.Ae Agent for purchase iUl'l ftaV of lalitln. ApprtH,'r for C. I.. *' Coin- <ni. I K l'. H. A H. Horlety. Money to lxin on tin- ni..t r.-n.n.-ljlo torms. Uai ku or MAlllilAOK LlCINSES. Alaxander Brown, IriSUF.lt of Marriaffn Liconwn, General \ -..nt Ac. l.lecn w<l Auotlonxr tor County of (irvy. Tnn KVII.LS I 1 O.. Ont. \V. J. BELLAMY. TWT. CI.KRK tKTI VI MA. ESTATE* INSURANCE AGENT COL I. ECTOR, A rrTIONEKR. MON'KV Ixwiuxt on fooil aucuiltv on the most favoraWi* trnns n 1 lit i i.i-l -rat.- rata* of Intor.Mt Mrts.a<M l>ounlrt. (MBc nearly up yoxlte Tows Hull, Vi.RSBr.BTUK. Tlint some men li.iv ""IT Bsitu 'n tire future of Kleshertoii n bushiMS centre, is eviduiict-il by tho hati Uoine business premises lately urwtea suJ other* n..* in o.nrte <if crts.-ti.iii in '>tlf village. Tho store or rather Ucck bf stores erected by Mr. M. Kit HAKiwoN, and into which he the first direct importer in thin icctu>ii .ulaturiawn that woiil.l intifv Ih* lik . ,m Tfiocn on one uocuMm to get Mfolrowfri , ^.. - ~ ..rp.-ir of dry ffrvxU frm CollingwiMjd|* <l<piB/tK ut.-ni.iii. if th |.r..nnr* f as it c.iet to l.rini; 'V-ui fr.iu Liverpool to'Onliirio. It i his Jut.r t.i pr..t.ot snd tr- Toroiito. Mr. McFarlati.l with.lrew fn.m ' eur pver . T rlL ' : ' '" "" <>" ">- pr..riii<- the partnership at the end of months, : l . htt Bb * '"I"-"" '"^a her coufea,-rati..!i as hit 1. milieus in Markd.ile then known as Cornabus was rapidly developing and birth It u uliat the uisj.Tity of tha | eijuft of him Bat that f tho proYinci 1 nf Ontario i ud ami we do n.t kuw tliat it i* equalled in the County nf (Jn-y fur iU capacity, filiUli. c. .:ivi-tiiiucc .iii.l cuil'Vt-nes. The exterior priMenU a uinat IIII|HIIU frontage on Sy<Umham and Dur- ; dem,nded all hi. time a,,.' ,,,,t,,,,, At e "' r " ' ; P ' T " P " "" on , unot.unu ^ , .hoiat aoamifr. f rluiUtUm in the (. of ,. nr ham itrucU. The towur surmounting the corner is very lutmUoiue, and u utili/A-d u the receptacle of n ei^ht day public clock, with tr:iuapaix-iit plate glaai Alial, tn th:it. when illumined hehind, the timw is imlicaU-d hy nijrht M well an by day. The main ttore frmiU on Sydenhani street, and hiu two handsome plaU- K!HM windows each of tliem large ennuRh t<i li.ilil a i iiy uinl i-ATt should the pMphe- tor wish to follow thu eecvntric nf aoine Toronto inerchimU. The floors are laid in tri|* of cherry and maple. The counter* are. beautiful works of cab- inet art, built of choice crimed butternut with polished cherry tops. Thf store u ninety-two feet long, and at the rear end thviu u an eK-v.iU. u l.f.i-d .ail fur tile Millinery department There arusovural "l'iiinp on the Koirth-Weat side; tin- lint hading into the buhineai ntlice, tlie in- \t into a larye wanirooiu iiitode<l to st.Te gnn-rni < in bulk. r tin broken pick < a)(u* for jobbing or t.. iiM>t niH-ning lead* ii,> MM Boot A Sh" department a very hnnds"nc waremnni eoni|iU.:U-Jr titled witli <iraer, ahthini;, tabl.'i, Ac , for toriltt and showing thin clawi of From tlua rmtin, ascending a few to[, we .-inn- into tht> dupartiiient for Kt-iuly- M.vli- Clothing, Hata, Ac., which U-mi; well lighted by the large arched window, filling in the whole of one side, f.i. 1:1-.- Durham street, ii admirably adapted fm showing the extensive tU>ck generally kept by Mr KICHAHDHOM in them) line* >f goods. At the rear of this is a work ruom for mil liners. Descending again tn the hoot & shoe that tini" the m infar'mv i \\ . >..'!eii and ' 'uung it.-r Nfanitob* bcans<i w OottOD fiibrica in Canada wan unuiiiticruit ',. . lion t har of tin- Inaf, IK not In tnr th* iin I wuh the ,.,,t|.,it ot the mil!. ,( to-day. A few grey cotton* were m.vle Canadian. If Mr. Muwafs Ut,.m>n*bi-. at Dnda, Montr;U. and some other bad secure.! for 0iia.la her rights with \ places, but no bleached cottons, prinU or I foreign n. i-hf..,r. thru an.) ,.uly then oouM I cnttoiiades. Tliu best productions of the undcrstao.! an oration. Rat what baa h ..<>Ileii nulls were very far short in ijual- done > N..!|H., K - mon>, I repeat, loan tho ity. finish and patterns compared with people would expert him to .U>. to look aftr thu productions of to-day. The bulk of the interests of the province. If Ontari.> our dr> ifood* ere hrriught fr>.m <ire.it rvceired uny advaHtatc- orir WaniUita, I seo Britain and excepting in t^-la and shoe*. ' no the i(reater proportion ,,f ur mauufact- \- early ai for th. ttinnsaad* , ( who ow " prf.rxrty in Ontario w;i ure<lj{,i,Kl8 were imp.. rt.-l \- early ai !>rn ^ r ' v ir Jl: " '"'' hr F 'l ' > 1870 Mr. R. U-gan t,. import direct Vt m<Jt '" "' Iv "' Lo Uv;i tons, waller,., linen an.l geneml dry O "'* rK " s '" ' '".. 'P>ew,, ""' '"' "" "?"* '" *"' urmnerity .if .itli^r n thu Cain . , .f Manitoba an I j , h- or injury of either : ,U ; but a. rapullv a. du^dian manu T, . fax-turv* grjw, he has consuuitly aimed to t ^ k . J both. aiiU HID proipcnly handle as much aa jMiblo ffonie pmduc- OutvlJ u ^ pri> ,,. ( tions, believing that wherein they fell forton* | downfall short of imported Roods, it was more in the affliction of Canada, sn. I truly psyr finish and ap|-arance than in >|iiaiity : otic man .-snl. ok it fn m soy otstrr star.' and that tune would bring these external point. An.l the psrtr an.) UM peopU .klit u-s up. and to-day there is no Can- ft*' '? hi their gain rt-r Manitoba are fa!s t . adiaii prouder of thu steady growth of our t " fir c.'UEtry an.l t.. iheru..-lr.-ii. If it is n home industries anil the sapid develop- oration m Sir Jvhn. a< it sppears to He. meiit of the manufacturing interests of * 1"' 'I''' '"! *be party bo think tbe* ar. Canada than he. Ho has riaiUxi tho old P* 7 " 1 * hllu * tribote of ( '" I > t "nP' " - couutrj tw.o. suice coming b. tTesherf* ^ m " tlU " 1 - l ' '" ' rain ,. i And . 'ii |yi* last Ttsit wvs priTiul to^ssss Canadian made axes, scythes, suvl forks, rakee, hay knives reapers, in ( una-l i Sir J.ihn n th pain, tn- man that Im* hi Cansda Wl.v ahoul.l h.i bo itht-rwiae* A country .tn* countrv ilnll.t, ill conn., ting and that successfully , he adopted at |L.- mnriw of his lift., an I . .ah mad., .arket.. blch Jw ,, him tl , ,.,., ,,,.. Fven Can:,d,Mi nnub- fo , n( .. r | y half a mitury. an.l gavo him si! . cottosnaruiiow l-inga,,ld in Mai.cii, it, r. , Ut . i,,, ni , ri ,,,, w .. r ,, lll . till ,,, |011 ,, We Mr. ill . ,u,x . -., , h-r B ift. unnstnrsl and in him new premisrs, nnd that tin .-liter worthy .,f him boiil.l his heart best or thr.. . prise may encourage other* to erect a only in hu country* gl..ry. Au.l all uim handsome and coiiiin.li.niii premises. He h will sJnut wlmt thnr bi-nrU snJhono: !..ii.' wantiiii;. S.i that tlesherton will offer uiduceuieiiU Ui the f.irnuin; comrou- de|>artmcnt, in the passage from thence to thu main store is an opening, leading down a few stops into another handsome t. ne, which has a frontage on Durham _,< ,,. , in the County f (Jrvy. street. This store is over fifty feet in ! L i * i. it r " r - Kicliardsuli will IH>. l.-n,'tti, and is titt.-tl up, the fnmt half fr Hardware, and tho other half fur Glass- ware and Crockery. has stri'iit; faith in the future of Flesher- """d w.uU hare tln-m to say will say It i* Urn as a business centre. Tho i untry "">K't! - s 'r John t.>sccuw Innioi around it is rapidly improvinic and its re- or nn'aithfaln to Ontari... the ...ur. ,., d.'velopm..-. \V,. want ..tln-r im- ' P 10 *'" " "' Pl' "iui in power in IH> pruvuiueuta to aid ..ur grain market facil- i*an. se.-, aim f f< i ities, and th^e, wu believe, will not be "*" <l to " r Mr ' Mowia h " don -" '"' n ppivinw of OnU-i... be hu n-,l all h.. skill in a,|vanriii^ bi>r (durations! >nd r. way projeeu, an-l luucii hun..r is .In. - ^ _J 00 to i. PW r> so 70 to ( HI) 70 8 0(1 50 II oil 80 84 (10 05 10 00 1G 00 80 35 00 7 50 60 8 on 00 f. 50 IS 20 60 50 00 00 00 00 00 (K) 15 18 The whole establishment i* lighted with .v manufactured by one of Itiiilips' ma- chines, IK-HI u produced by forcing coin mon air through a number of cells tilled with gasoline, these tn-mi; e..iit:tim-d in a tank sunk eight feet underground snnn- thirty fuet distant from the building. Thu building ia heated with one of (iurney's laruu hot air funiaces. Them arc many other points of interest which tho proprietor was very willing to show us, hut which it wnuld he t.... tedious t.. describe. \\ . united Mr. Richanlson to furnih us some inlnnnation relative to his busi- ness e\|it-ricnces in Flesherton, which lie wiliiin:l> did, and.wliich may bu interest - inu' to many of our readers. Mr. Ilichitrdsrui carie to Flesherton in Noveuiln.-r, n. n-teeri y-:irs and entered upon business m partnership with Mr. W. J. MolXrland, in the little roii'_'b-ia.Ht store in* occupied ax din; stnre, nnd which the* sto<itl on the com- er. Flenlierton was Vnt a small hamlet then and the place WM generally known by the name of " Th Boyne," or Hoyne Water. The post-oftce wa* then called Artemesia P. O. . Tkero was no railway nor telegr.iph for insny yuan after, and the difficulties experienced in getting in in the Spring MI.) Kail were great, attended with much delay and were ex- . . . i . rf I -j---- ai'-s I* illse- 11.11 ' ?'. o ' ,""" WK '" "' n " e 'r.l..i-..:bm.to y that, h. a.J th party lie belong* to prrsnmo to take h.-n. no doubt, 'wlirr- honor Is not iluo liim or thm. r I happy to see all his old customers in his ,i r , v<l l(1 rilM> a hallalujali O f eoti|*aipt for . new stur*. He has no th.nmhl "f mn- jian who ha awn At t h..nor an. I trust a- opottsing the trade nf the pl.-u-e. ax ho has much un.l MI.T.- tlinn him . r tlicm. they - often exprusaud a wish to see hu com- Jawak. UIUR but feclin^ii nf party strife an.l peers, who are nil men of .-.(ii.il exper- l>itternesn, and all wimble men s oooUnipi ieuce. pushing their businesa enterphaes Tlie politician an.l tntemnn that an\ 'country M II hu|. wJ.ib- ,|nioV sn.l d*e>l, - __ . :tue muiui.ry u( tbn rlmntah!.- in.l jus'. to succuKjful lasue*. s;ilili;illi Ih'-r. r;i'i,iii In I l-lirr- lon. To Ihf, Editor of tht. Ailvnmte. DsUk SIR, --Is it not a pity 4111! iy |>i^ ni to I.T \l .ti(.',,rm rv l(i>\noM. Sot in tht flary hurricane.' Ml.l.t .lauiilil..|e.i 1. Put |M*arrfiil of utrlfu i.. I hi. llf -. I Kll'llt ., 'rolklm yiiunu men (wlm havu l**n taiuiht letter, it.-i..- - , . , Noalrv tininort.. and for wli.ue uiK>'Uiat;euieiit and in- s , , .,,. <tnu-ti.ni, thu |n.ple i if thin Tillage an :tur*pal'r* .'..HI nun.. I>sUk BIB, is it not a pity ainl a ,,;;.,.,, ;,, sham.- that a number of tur lntellixnt *"' 1 , to nntke reusoiliiblc should su fonp-t then^lves. their ,>arents. ; ^ and their U.H|, M to repair to the woo.!. last Rabl-ath for the purp,.*, of smoking, , thl> p playing canls ail Duck oil the li.wk, ,. f}>uM u . ,, |(l and will not the Law take hold .,, h ,p pln( ^ ,.j c . n . ,., , ,,.,,, n i.r,,,,) | ih , r ,, .,. , f such, tuwnrdu ..ur stKlfmnen sn.l tTprrthfng br and make oxample* of them. If parents lnem tin. Pseitic an.l tin- \tUntio and th" and officers of tin- law fail to discharge borders ..( their (rent itvr rrpnblie to th" their duty, one thing is curtain, that He hyperliorcan lan.l ! tk* north, that is pr..- who gave tbe Command -'Uemeinber t)ie snd truly advantageous to our SabUth day to keep it holy," will not one ~ lia P'>per"J- 1 hold them guiltless. U.NK w no IX>VM TUB Ye' \i. MK> hi jut brr. state that alnnK with bring a Canadian I ani itii'iv thsn a eolonisl Cnnattisn, I am . nati..iialist. K. E KB..TT, in the Tor.nl XB.IIKCT. N;b-et ..in.liiii.il of tin- U>wls ix sure eonstipatwl to bring ill Toronto. S^it 10. 1R84. health aud great innVrinu. liiir.l. .'k Hl.>.l hitters regulate tb>< Iti.wrla in a uslural man- A* I'x \i nrnmx THIH- Ir. t ner. puriftluK tbe un.l pi. MM ti- s Tsyor "I Titrnnin. irieil Haf*aril' Vrih. li.-altbv .iclii.ii of the 'i.minfli, llrer, kldnrta Oil f..r Rhenmatism It cufml him after sll anil IL.wtls. .'tln-r n'iiir.'ie~ l.sd failed. ' \