Page 6, News, Tuesday, April 21, 1992 Skipping for a good cause Monday night is Red Shield Appeal Night Your generosity can shed light into someones life. Please give generously when the Red Shield volunteer canvasser calls. Novena to the Or if you'd like to give, but aren't canvassed, please send your Blessed Virgin Mary donation along with the coupon. (Never known to fail) Oh most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me to this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me here you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, | humbly beseech you ; God knows from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. you can make a difference There are none that can satcbena Enclosed please find $ : your power. O show me herein | would like someone to call Phone No... you are my Mother. O Mary, If you'd like more information about us 0 Conceived Without Sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times). Holy Mary, | place this cause in your hands (three pei times). Sweet Mother, | place this cause in your hands (three times). ay: Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that | can attain my goal. You gave me THE NATIONAL RED SHIELD APPEAL Al the divine gift to forgive and forget Please send donation to: The Salvation Army all evil against me and that in all 42 Caribou Dr. P.O. Box 550 ' instances in my life you are with Manitouwadge, ON POT 2Co . me. | want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as | con- firm once again that | never want to be separated from you or your morse towards me and mine. Students in grades 3-8 at Terrace Bay Public School men, i The prayer must be said three esr dec 5 es ks Theme celle j days, even after the request is Students spent part of Wednesday and Thursday mornings granted, and the favor must be participating in the fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke published - D.S. Foundation of Ontario. They skipped in teams of up to six for two hours, rotating between jumping duties and resting. They secured pledges based on how long their team would jump prior to the event. NAME: PROV: POSTAL CODE: to even warrant holding a N O rth ie rn meeting. When I asked Angus about the shrivelling atten- " dance, he said he had "expect- 4 Nn LS) : g h T S ed some slippage." However, he also interpreted the declin- ing attendance as tacit support continued from page 5 for Beaudoin-Dobbie, and "a It's also worth noting that lessening interest in coming only 18 people chose to come out and making sure your out and take part in what really points are defended." was a more important exercise The deal-making, and PROFESSIONAL QUALITY than the original Assembly. Assemblies like this one, will H 0 AT 4 A 1S After all, it's the deal of the continue for months. Out of the Package offer features 'moment that's on the table, not process perhaps we will end up our selection (1 pose) anyone-s wish list. ie. with Quebec 's signature on the On traditional Angus says ans yieh invi- constitution, : -- nen tations were extended to partic- ate, a new relationship wit & esaperes och: be background ipate in the Assembly, only 40 aboriginal people, and new 39 ON DELIVERY took part in the first gathering, divisions of power between ROBINSON'S $2.00 Sitting Fee Per Person and Jess than half that in the Ottawa and the provinces. : : second. And that's only in the Members of Parliament like pris ed ayste ee PACKAGE OFFER: Thunder Bay end of his con- Iain Angus obviously hope to 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ie 8 x1 * 1-9x/ 5 Stituency. . dispel some of the cynicism Make your appointment at Robinson's 16 WALLET SIZE (2x1*) There weren't enough about politics and politicians * Approximate Measurements replies from the Atikokan end continued on page 9