Page-8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, May 20, 4987 Resident's opinio continued from page 4 the fact that the doctors are human,.and being understaffed as they are, carry 4 large workload. I think I would rather wait a bit longer to receive my quality health care than be rushed through and receive inadequate The regular monthly meeting of St. Martin of Tours C.W.L. was held Monday, May 11, preceded by the Scriptual Rosary. The meeting opened with League Prayers and a Scriptual C.W.L. Meetin care. Though I am not familiar with your son's medical needs, may I suggest to the woman who wrote last weeks' comments, that had her son been in need of EMERGENCY medical treat- ment, I'm confident that he would have received it promptly. If he were victim of an Reading. - Installation of the new officers took place at Mass on April 25. Afterwards League memebers had a luncheon at the Red Dog; our Spiritual Director Father Campbell also attended. their supp CHIEF R.N. PHILLIPS Special Thanks to the following: SPADONI BROS. LTD. KIMBERLY CLARK of CANADA LTD. and the RED DOG INN, for ort with our DRINKING & DRIVING AWARENESS PROGRAM. It is with their support and contributions that enabled us to bring MISS WENDY CRAWFORD to Terrace Bay & Schreiber. =| ||_POLICE DEPARTMENT The Automotive 150 of the Best Cars & Trucks in Northwestern WES ct Ait StoesheceeTeD yak ris "oS Ontario OPEN SATURDAY &-5 § » SPOT DELIVERY » 1 YEAR WARRANTY _ OUT OF TOWN BUYERS CALL THE SALES DEPARTMENT COLLECT 1-800-577-5766 THUNDER BAY n local medical pr emergency situation he would not have recovered on his own accord within one and a half hours! ; 1 am not accutely familiar with the governing or funding of the provincial medical system, but if you feel so strongly that our overall health care system is lack- ing, then perhaps your com- C.W.L. Sunday was observed with members participating at all Masses. Some League members hosted the April birthday party at Bir- chwood Terrace at which time Father Campbell called Bingo for entertainment. Members are urged to attend the Cancer Clinic being held at McCausland Hospital May 19. A spring tea is being held Saturday, May 30, in the 'Church Hall. A Junque Sale is also tak- ing place in the Church Hall on Wednesday, May 20. Member- ships are now due; see Luigina at Costa's. Don't forget the Fun Run. plaints should be directed to your MP Gilles Pouliot (1-800-268-7192), so that the government may improve the overall health care system in Northern Ontario. Since I believe that the people here in Terrace Bay are doing the best they can with what they ofession in fine form have. the McCausland Hospital staff-administration to cleaning, cooks to technicians, doctors to nurses- I applaud you and the quality health care you continue to give us. Mary Deschatelets. 825-9532. Great Lakes Buys U.S. Great Lakes Forest Products Ltd. appears to be on the way to realizing its first foreign investment- a new newsprint mill in northeastern Washington State. The Thunder Bay pulp and paper producer has found a long-awaited fifth partner for the new mill in Knight-Ridder Newspapers Inc., which has agreed to join Great Lakes and four other newspaper publishers as partners in Ponderay Newsprint Co. The project had been on hold since late 1985 when one of the original joint venture partners dropped out. Under the new partnership, pro- ject feasibility studies are being up- dated and the six partners are negotiating for project financing. If-the parts come together, the new mill could be under construc- tion this summer at a site near Usk, Washington. Production could then begin in late 1988 or early 1989. The current deal would see Great Lakes investing $60 million for a 40 per cent share in mill equi- ty and a management voice. Great Lakes views the project as an opportunity to contribute to stability in its other operations in Thunder Bay and Dryden. The Washington mill is expected to produce 180,000 metric tons of newsprint a year in a West Coast 'market that is experiencing tighter newsprint supplies. Auxiliaries Regional Conference ERRERAR ARR RRR ERAN EEN * SCHREIBER LEGION BR. 109 = 2 "SOCK HOP"' x + *"*PRESS" and "DANCE" to music * : of 50's * x MAY 23rd x axe Music by PARTY SOUND 4 % TIME - 9 p.m.-1 a.m. x ie $300 each person, °5°° couple * < Cash Prizes, Raffles, Spot Dances ; o COME OUT & HAVE A ROCKING 5 GOOD TIME! K pe rrrdca diene ee a= experience to: Mrs. J. Marcella Head Librarian Terrace Bay Public Library Box 369 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2W0 Previous library experience an asset. Applicant must be able to type. Please apply stating qualifications and previous THE TERRACE BAY PUBLIC LIBRARY = requires PART - TIME LIBRARIAN al Above left is the past Regional Chairman of the Hospital Auxiliaries Association, region Joan O'Brien, with new Chairman of the region, Chairmen of region 12A, Francis Krasnichuk. The conference took place in the spacious setting of the Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly. Above is Conference Convener Sheelagh Hamilton, right, with the President of the Terrace Bay Hospital Auxiliary, Elaine Mannisto, left. The Regional conference Auxiliary to the McCausland Hospital hosted the conference of the Hospital auxiliaries associa- tion of Ontario on Monday, April 27. ina is mit se abi a ee a