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Terrace Bay News, 23 Nov 1983, p. 1

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Terrace Bay Public y.ihrare Cubs tour local Fire Hall The Terrace Bay Volunteer Fire Department played host to over 20 Cubs who were at the Fire Hall to take a tour of the facilities and to find out just how the firemen Vol. 18, No. 45 fight fires. In the above photo, Rev. Brian Bigelow, with several of his Cubs look on with interest as Fireman Moe Stark points out several features of the fire truck. Wednesday, November 23, 1983 Terrace Bay Schreiber public L Terrace POT 2wo0 Bay sporary ¥ 0 nbario O.GeTeFeNs - Terrace Bay Council Notes The regular meet- ing of the Terrace Bay Council was held on Monday, November 14, 1983 with the Reeve and all Councillors in at- tendance. Minutes from the'Oc- tober 24th meeting were adopted as read. Business Arising from Minutes: Councillor Chapman expressed concern and questioned the bill which was submitted to Council from costs in- curred on the location of the waterline for Cull- mar. The cost to the township was $165.20 which included labour costs plus the use of the backhoe. It took three days to find the cor- rect line and Councillor Chapman wished to know where the cost for this was. She also ar- gued the point that when A&I wished to connect a waterline, they were told that they would be responsible for the costs incurred. She related to Council that in the future, everyone should be treated equal- ly ... therefore elimin- ating the. possibility of one having to pay, and the other one doesn't. Correspondence: The Ministry of Muni- cipal Affairs and Hous- ing announced that they would be conducting a seminar on the recent revisions to the Building Code. Stan Hodgkiss will be attending this seminar. The Association of Kinsmen Clubs re- quested a donation in the form of a message- of-support advertise- ment to be placed in their national magazine. Council. passed a mo- * tion stating that they would support this by purchasing 1/6 of a page in the magazine at the cost of $165.00. The Recreation Com- mittee requested with Council, a meeting to discuss their hiring and dismissal policy. Coun- cil will be meeting on November 16th to dis- cuss this issue. New Business A review of the avia- tion fuel agreement with North Star Helicop- ters was given by Coun- cil. 90,000 litres of fuel at a profit of $9,000 was sold and it was de- cided by Council to con- tinue this agreement for an additional -- six months. Council agreed to a Christmas gift for Birch- wood Terrace. Every year Council gives a gift valued at approximate- ly $50 to the residents of Birchwood. Terrace Bay Coun- cil will be presenting the Koshowski triplets with gifts prior to the next council meeting which will be held on Novem- ber 28th. It wa&s also noted that both parents and the triplets will be in attendance for this spe- cial presentation by the town. Council passed a mo- tion to reimburse the Boy Scouts with the total of $374.54 as their con- tribution (from their taxes on the building). Confederation Col- lege is offering a Muni- cipal Managers' Train- ing Course with focus placed on new _ tech- niques in today's chan- ging municipal environ- ment. The course will run over a period of two years with a tuition fee of $300 per year. Clerk Co-ordinator Larry Si-~ Co-ordinator Larry Simons was granted per- mission to take part in this course for the per- iod of one year, with consideration to be giv- en to the second year. Much discussion was given to the topic con- cerning computeriza- tion of accounting. Council thoroughly dis- cussed the issue but did not want to commit themselves to compu- terization until they were able to gain more in-depth knowledge on this type of system. Mr. J. Tarling of On- tario Hydro had request- ed a meeting date be set with Council to discuss the feeder line. Coun- cil will be meeting with Tarling on November 30th. Motion, Notices of Mo- tion: By-Law #16-83 re- garding handicap park- ing was discussed and passed. Council can now apply for signs desig- nating handicap park- ing and these areas will include two spots on Simcoe Plaza, one in the area of the restaurant at the arena plus one in front of the arena. Ratification of ap- pointments to the Mc- Causland Hospital and Pinewood Court Boards was given. Dave Stew- art will be Council's representative to the McCausland Board and Maurice Filion will be the rep for the Pine- wood Court Board. More discussion oc- curred over the resolu- tion to appoint the Clerk Co-ordinator as the Zon- ing Enforcement Of- ficer. It was decided that no such appointment will be made until Coun- cil has decided whe- ther or not to obtain the services of a_ full- time By-Law Enforce- ment Officer. A motion was pass- ed by Council proclaim- ing Boxing Day as a holiday. Accounts: Motions were made to pay the following ac- counts: Hydro: $59,510.60; Library: $6,298.18; Township: $196,726.96. continued on page 2 or This is just to remind you that the '"NEWS"' will be looking for your "Letters to Santa" so that we will be able to start printing them in your newspaper. Don't forget to include your NAME and your ADDRESS, so that the readers will know who you are and also so we can forward them on to the NORTH POLE! So start writing those letters and get them in to us right away! Write: "Letters to Santa, Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2W0 Bring them down to our office which is- located in the basement of the Post Office. We look forward to hearing from you. Boys and Girls! Pictorial History to be published peter Elliott and Elinor Barr study the photograph collection at the Terrace Bay Public Library. The collection was of the Jackfish area from years gone by. As part of the Bi- centennial celebration in northern Ontario, ,at- tempts are being made to publish as_ pictorial history. Ms. Elinor Barr, a noted Northwestern Ontario historian and author, is currently tra- velling throughout this vast country of ours, gathering up photogra- phic materials and inter- esting trivia suitable for such a publication. Ms. Barr was in Ter- race Bay and Schrei- ber last Wednesday, talking to and listening to various people in the two towns, who could help her locate such material. With her was her counterpart, Peter Elliott from Toronto who is the exhibit photo- grapher for the book and archive collection. While they essentially tely on corporate and media archives museum collections or material held by historical so- cieties, Elinor is inter- ested in viewing col- lections held by indivi- © duals of the various communities. The Ministry of Northern Affairs is sponsoring this publica- tion and it is hoped that the end result will be- come a 'coffee-table' pictorial edition, pub- lished by early summer of 1984. If anyone in the sur- rounding communities have any data or inter- esting material, they are asked to contact Ms. Barr through their near- est Northern Affairs of- ficer who is Jane E. Greer in Marathon. The ministry offices have been designated as drop-off points for ma- terial being donated or loaned for considera- tion. If you don't wish your precious docu- ments or photos to be lent out, then Peter EI- liott will reproduce them on the spot. Let's make 1984 a year to remember. And let's show the other communities throughout the northwest that we too can account for our splendid history. If you are unsure of just exact- ly it is that Elinor is looking for, then contact us at the '""NEWS"' or else Jane Greer at the Northern Affairs of- fice (Zenith 33160).

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