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Terrace Bay News, 16 Feb 1983, p. 11

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Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, February 16, 1983, page 11 classified marketplace Oftice-Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9:00-12:00 DEADLINE: FRIDAY 5:00 P.M. 1:00-5:00 Mail your advertisement to P.O. Box 579, Terrace Bay, or bring it to our office at Simcoe Plaza Noranda announces details . . . continued from page 1 Golden Giant Number 1 Deposit in the Hemlo district of Northwestern Ontario. The proposal involves underground mining and treatment of ore at an initial rate of at least 900 metric tonnes per day with tentative plans to increase the production rate to some 2000 tonnes per day. Production would be about 80,000 troy ounces per year of gold initial- ly, increasing corres- pondingly at the tenta- tively planned higher mining rate. The life of the mine is estimated to be at least 12 years de- pending on mining rate, and could be consider- ably increased by the discovery and confirma- . tion of additional reser- ves which may exist at gteater depths and in the area. The orebody identi- fied occupies four claims "out of a total of 156 claims controlled by the Noranda Exploration / Goliath Gold / Golden SceptreResorces Joint Venture in the imme- diate area and explora-. tion is continuing on the other claims. Such other viable deposits as may be discovered will be the object of separate pro- posals. The proposal aims for a design and construct- ion period of twenty four months from December, 1982 to November, 1984 with an estimated work- force of up to 250 peo- ple. Operation at a rate of 900 tonnes per day will require about 160; people for the mine with an additional 40 people for the mill. It is expect- ed that their families will be housed primarily in existing communities within a 60 km radius of the minesite. Both Highway 17, (the Trans Canada Highway) and the CP rail track pass close to the south of the deposit. The site is now accessible via an existing trail and per- mits are in hand for upgrading of the trail for permanent access. Site location maps at the back of this presentation show the proposed mine site. On March 26, 1981, Golden Sceptre Resour- ces Ltd. and Goliath Gold. Mines Ltd. obtain- ed an undivided inter- est in 156 mineral claims located in the Thunder Bay and Sault Ste. Marie Mining Divisions in the Province of On- tario and subse- quently entered into~-a joint venture agreement governing their owner- ship of and operations. on the claims of August 16, 1982. Exploration drilling by these companies on the properties included eleven intersections with the deposit now re- ferred to as Golden Giant Number 1 Deposit and provided data from which the company esti- mated geological reser- ves of some 2.5 million short tons of ore grading 0.249 ounces of gold / short ton. On November 10, 1982, Noranda Explora- tion Company Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Noranda Mines Ltd., signed an agreement with Golden Sceptre Re- sources Ltd. and Go- liath Gold Mines Ltd. which became effective on November 29, 1982. Under the terms of the agreement, Noranda made a commitment to manage all work on the property, explore the property, design, engi- neer, construct and bring into production a mine of at least 900 tonnes/day capacity on the deposit now identi- fied as Golden Giant Number 1 and to design, engineer, construct and bring into operation ap- propriate milling facili- ties to treat the ore. Under the terms of the agreement, the mill could be placed either at Noranda's Geco §Divi- sion plant at Manitou- wadge or at the mine- site. The facilities are to be operational within 2 years of the effective date of the agreement. Subsequent explora- tion drilling carried out under Noranda's direct- ion has confirmed the earlier findings of the partners and demon- strated the down dip extension of the deposit to at least 900 m below surface datum and the probable existence of at least 8,000,000 short tons of geological re- serves. The large in- crease in probable re- serves has resulted in serious consideration being given to construct- ing milling facilities at the mine site although both options are under investigation and being evaluated. Commenting on the proposal, the company said, "Noranda has CONGRATULATIONS to a law abiding citizen, a pillar of the community, on your Retirement. GOOD LUCK From Your Buddies made a commitment 'to promptly bring a mine and milling facility into operation. The mine and mill are to be built to a standard that will pro- - vide safe, environment- ally responsible, and economical operations on an ongoing basis for the economic extract- ion and "processing of available ore reser- ves. Discovery of further ore reserves in the Golden Giant Num- ber 1. Deposit is a dis- tinct possibility and could well result in a considerably longer life for the mine than the 12 years currently estimat- ed on the basis of ex- ploration carried out to date. The exploitation of other deposits that have been, or may be, dis- covered in the region will be encouraged and economically benefit- ted by the existence of Noranda's proposed fa- cilities. In particular, the existence of a mill that is available to treat ore from other mines will encourage the develop- ment of mines on other ore deposits in the region. At this time, 35 men are employed in explora- tive activity on the site and as construction starts up the number of- persons employed on site will increase to about 250. The complet- ed facilities will supply steady and ongoing em- ployment for upwards of 200 persons at the mine and mill site." Terrace Bay Police Report In the period between Monday, January 31 and Friday, February 11 the Terrace Bay Police Force responded to or investigated the follow- ing occurrences: -- A child was bitten by a dog. The owner of the animal was advised to keep the dog quaran- tined for the required 14 days. -- Police officers ser- ved a summons on a local resident to appear in Court on March 9 on a charge of Common As- sault. - Investigation into a theft from the Mill re- sulted in a charge of possession of stolen property being laid. The ' accused person will ap- pear in court on March 9. -- Two thefts over $200 were reported. -- Police received a report of a moose being hit by a truck at mileage 24, Diversion Road. The Ministry of Natural Re- sources were advised of the incident. -- A minor Motor Ve- hicle Collision was re- ported. -- Police responded to a fire call. -- Police investigated a report of a break and enter. The report was judged to be unfounded. -- Police responded to a complaint of snow machines being driven behind the houses on Lakeview Drive. -- Police attended the . scene of a complaint in- volving snow removal. -- Assistance was given in a case involving lost animals. -- Seven tickets were issued for contraven- tion of the snow removal | by-laws. REAL ESTATE For sale: one bedroom home, detached garage, 428 Main Street across the tracks. Please call first. 824-2016. For sale: 4 bedroom house with attached garage. Call 825-3295. F-16 3 bedroom house, att. ga- rage, comp. finished base- ment, with a complete self contained 4 rm. apt. in a walk out type basement. 228 McDonald Ave. call Keith 825-3568. F*23 For rent or for sale. 14' x 68' trailer. Call 825-9132. _F-23 For rent: one bedroom apt. private entrance, $300 a month plus hydro. Located at 228 McDonald Ave. Phone 825-3568. F-23 Room for rent. Phone 824- 2946. F-23 Cars/Trucks 1979 Ford T bird in very good condition and many options. Phone ee F-1 1969 Ford van (will consi- der trade for snowmo- bile.) Also 1974 Ford truck, 302 motor in good condi- tion. For details call 825- 9468. F-16 1973 Chevy half ton truck for parts. Excellent motor and transmission. Also 1974 Ford van. For details call 825-9231. F-16 1978 half ton pickup, in excellent condition. 305 automatic. Like new. Ask- ing $3,900. Call aie -1 ALLSTATE INSURANCE Auto, home, life. Pay- ment plan available. Senior citizens discounts. Call Dave Lambert at 1- 767-5477 days or evenings. Double bed, box spring and -mattress, with steel frame on rollers. Excellent condi- tion. $100. Phone 825- 3823. : F-23 Pets/Livestock Found one puppy. About 22-3 months old. Black in colour, with rust/tan mark- ings around snout and on paws and chest. Call 825- 3542 during the day, or 825- 3609 evenings. F-23 Work Wanted Seamstress will do minor alterations, hemming and repairing garments, etc. Phone 825-9592. M-16 FORRENT [ff Misc.ForSale | Babysitting Will do babysitting in my own home. Phone 825- 9589. F-23 Aloe Vera Drinkers Why Pay More ® Available to you now ® Aloe Products at warehouse Prices © Top quality juice & cosmetics © A way to'earn extra income © For information write or phone Bobbie Products 623-8467 1114 Ridgeway St. Thunder Bay PART-TIME HELP WANTED Completing insurance reports in Terrace Bay & Schreiber. One to two days per week. Own car required. Please reply to Box 579, Terrace Bay. Mar-3u Terrace Bay HANDY ORDER FORM Simply drop this form along with your payment to our office in the Post Of- fice Lower Level, Simcoe Plaza, Ter race Bay - or Figs in Schreiber or mail to Box 579, Terrace Bay. Ontario j ment enclosed. Yes, | would like to receive the News by subscription. Please find my pay- ADDRESS or BOX NO. CITY. TOWN POSTAL CODE Rates: Local $10.00 Out-of-Town $14.00 Overseas $45.00 Unfurnished. ° A clean chimney is safer and more efficient! Call us! D&R Chimney Sweeps 825-9473 anytime Please apply to: TENDERS are invited for minor renovations at Birchwood Terrace D.T.B.H.A. Closing date: February 23, 1983 Maintenance Supervisor Birchwood Terrace Terrace Bay, Ont. Renewal O New Subscription ta Office Use ----_-____.._.§ _ RATES 25 Words or less Additional Words - ea. 6° $3.00 Sayings $pecial © Prepaid Ads repeated the second week at no extra charge Please insert the following classified ad in the Terrace Bay Schreiber News. Please find my payment enclosed. 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