PAGE 14 Photo above of the contestants in the Public Speaking See names page 13 . Contest. Photo above - left to right - Mr. D. Williamson, Master of Ceremonies; Mrs. R. Mulligan, convener; Mrs. L. Chicoine, Mrs. Todesco, Rev. Dean Cano, adjudicators; and Mr. A. Gouthro, timer. Photo above - winner of the Public Speaking Con--- test Ted Ross. TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 15, 1970 TERRACE BAY ART CLUB The monthly meeting of the Terrace Bay Art Club - was held in the Art room, January 8th. Minutés of * the previous meeting were read and the treasurer gave her report. Elections will be held in February for a new slate of officers. It was decided to hold a ten week Art Course from January 15th to March 26th. The in- structor will be Mrs. M. Middaugh. There being no further business, the meeting was adjouned. ACW To Hold Evening Meetings - cont'd from page esas Mrs. Bruce Lidkea, card secretary. The Altar Guild is comprised of Mesdames Jack Bryson, R.W. Turner, Reg Bailey, and W.G. Fur- J longer. Mrs. Jack Winters will convene the clean- | ing of the church. Mrs. A.W. Slater proposed a vote of appreciation to the retiring officers . , Following the meeting there was an exchange of | gifts and cards were played, when Mrs. Fred Harness} Mrs. Reg Bailey and Mrs. Morrill were the winners. | Following the February meeting penny auction will be played and lunch served by Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Morrill. - te W.1. ENJOY NEW YEAR DINNER The Women's Institute enjoyed their new year dinner in the Mayfair Hotel, later going to Mrs. A.W. Slater's home for a social evening. Members enjoyed a special surprise gift sent by Mrs. Jack Corbett of Thunder Bay south. Games and contests , were arranged by Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Russell Macadam and there was an exchange of gifts. ROSSPORT ST BBERCHMAN'S SOCIETY MEETS ~~ $t.Berchman's Altar Society met at Mrs. Eugene Gerow's home for the January meeting with Mrs. Gerow presiding. The meeting opened with a praye of Thanksgiving for the many projects accomplished. | It was noted that 9 boxes of new and used clothing were distributed to the needy. Receipts will be filed for the Auditor's convenience. Mrs .Gerow reported that fire insurance is to be paid once a year and that many cards and masses were sent dur= Continued page 15..... ) eee Be BPE OTL es autee eee nh Th RUE Nes nae ne Sat a OR TET A ee ain ie a ee ae eee a lem Em ei