Arguably, the most defining divisive issue of the three decades this collection depicts was the threat of Quebec's separation from Canada in the 1990s. It was an issue that touched all Canadians, and its many players and progressions are documented thoroughly by Nease.
“I think everybody in Canada felt very strongly about the threat of Quebec separation. It was big news in Canada. That was as close as Quebec ever got to separating. And that’s a real divisive question. In the whole country. Not just Quebec. You had a lot of people arguing, 'oh let them go,' and a lot of other people saying, 'no, it’s vital to Canada’s fabric to keep them part of confederation.' So that was a big event. I did a lot of cartoons about the separation issue, just because it was so important to Canadians from coast to coast. And there were some interesting characters involved in the whole episode too. Lucien Bouchard and Mulroney, and eventually Chretien too. Parizeau, even. They were all pretty good for cartoon material.”
Lucien Bouchard, "everybody's favourite Conservative/Separatist/Opportunist," channels Tonya Harding, ready to throw a wrench into Jean Chretien's plans, post election