Community Counsellors By Angie Saunders The News North of Superior Programs has recently integrated the Mental Health and Community Development program compo- nents into one position called Community Counsellor. The Community Counsellor in Terrace Bay is Jan Mah and Schreiber is Cathy Collinson. A Community Counsellor has many different roles to fill. Jan Mah explained, "A counsellor has to keep changing hats." Jan is a counsellor to help with individual, marital, and family problems. She tries to help people by finding out the problem and help- ing the person solve it by offer- ing solutions. She gives sugges- tions not advice. This way peo- ple with problems can work it out themselves. Jan said, "Most people who come aren't sick. They're just ina Stress situation or trapped and don't know how to get out of it. I help them sort out their prob- lems." Another part of the job is to help people who have concerns in the community. A counsellor will direct an individual or group to different contacts if they would like to start a new organization or group. A counsellor's job is to know what is available in the community. A counsellor will also help with development projects. People can figure out ways to make the community better and come to either counsellor. They will in turn, help the person or group set a plan and get started. People who live in Terrace Bay or Schreiber can go to either Jan Mah or Cathy Collinson, whichever they feel more com- fortable with. The North of Superior Programs Head Office is located in Geraldton. There is one men- tal health worker, community development worker and once - substance abuse worker in the communities of Beardmore, Nipigon, Red Rock, Longlac, Marathon, Manitouwadge, and Geraldton. Schreiber and Terrace Bay have combined the job of Mental Health Worker and Community Development to make the service more efficient. Frank Lepponen, who runs the Employee Assistance Program at Kimberly Clark, is the local Substance abuse worker. Pet Talk By Alice Scott Every summer our local por- cupines emerge and torment our dog population. Porcupine quills can penetrate the face, nose, lips, oral cavity or skin of the dog. The best way to prevent your dog from' becoming covered in quills is to keep it on a leash while in the bush. If your dog does tangle with one of these spiny creatures, you should follow these instructions. To remove the quills, grab each quill individually with pli- ers. Draw the quill out by pulling it straight out. Do not angle the pli- ers when removing the quills. --Tf-at all -possible> bring your dog to the vet. They can sedate the animal, making it easier and Letter to Editor cont'd from page 4 years) and the two. towns splitting the remaining 25% ($32,500.00 per year for five years). A further cost breakdown reveals Terrace Bay's suggested share would be $20,600 a year (avg), and Schreiber's share $11,900 a year (avg). Over five years this equates to a sixty-forty split. Since the joint presentation, this committee has had no formal contact from either council as to their desire to pursue a M.E.D.A. Informally, I have learned that neither council has come to an agreement on any funding formu- la. It has been recognized in the study and understood by both councils that economic develop- ment in either community will ease the residential tax burden (i.e. school tax assessment) on both. Recognizing these facts, it is difficult to understand why these two councils would risk losing over $400,000 (over five years) in provincial funding, because they cannot agree to an equitable shar- ing formula on 162,000 (over five years). If you, as a concerned citizen that will benefit from a joint M.E.D.A., agree that both coun- cils should work harder to resolv- ing this funding problem, I urge you to contact your council and express your desire to see both councils working together! Michael Moore, Chairman, Joint M.E.D.A. Steering Committee painless for the dog. If you are a fisherman, put all your equipment away. Dogs and cats are attracted to the fish hooks and can lodge them in their mouth. To remove a fish hook, push the barb through the soft tissue until it is free. Then cut the shank next to the barb and remove the fish hook in two pieces. Foreign objects should never be left in place for more than a day. Many serious infections are caused by ignoring the problem. 'Page 9, News, Tuesday, July 10, 1990 ANNOUNCEMENT Kristopher and Charlene are thrilled to introduce their new sister, CERA MARIE who was born at 4:53 on June 14 at the P.A.G.H., and weighed SIb 6 oz Proud parents are Mike and Darlene McArthur \ A "Air Conditioned Vehicles" featuring (4988 Chev Caprice 4 dr V8,Auto, AM/FM cassette HD Battery, Two Tone Paint #801 7...ssssssesen OP $13,900 #8546 (1988 Olds Ciera 2 dr _| V6,Auto Trans, PW, PL AM/FM cassette, & more Dcernsaceessse dL OO >, (1988 Chev Celebrity 4 dr V6,AutoTrans, P/B,P/S, Split Seat,cassette,P/locks Gil 43...sssssseen dP $11,500 (1 988 Cavalier 4 dr 4 cyl, auto trans, tilt, Cassette, Aux lighting \ #8709. sanmeSp $8,500 Sale From July 1 \ x ** Stock #8528 1988 Olds Fir. 4 dr.......Sp $9,500 ** Stock #5327AA1988 Tempo............. Sp $8,900 Vehicles on Display at Schreiber Car Lot Location 2 Thurs - 13 Friday - 14 Saturday Call Ed - Stan at 824-2304 or 1-800-465-3360 | :; (1988 Pontiac Tempest 4 dr _| 4cyl, auto trans, tilt, HD Battery, Cassette #B962. sssessssesessses OP $9,900 BEAT THE HEAT With Low 14.75% Financing Availabe 0.A.C. _ (1988 Sunbird, 2 dr : _| 4 cyl, auto trans, bucket seats Cassette, Aluminium wheels ** Stock #8957 1988 Sunbird. 4 dr.......Sp $8,900 ** Stock #8539 1988 Olds 2 dr,Fir........ Sp $9,900