Photo below - Racing event winners ~ back - Clarence Yates, Sam Boyd, Brian Desaulniers, front - Jimmy Osmar and Don Hamilton. Photo by M. Lundberg. fakes this opportunity to thank the following for their donations: - Robinson's Store, Terrace Bay Entgrprises, Waghorn's, Costa's, Cebrario's, Shell Oil - R. Sinott Island View Service, Voyageur Restaurant, Fenlon's Gulf, Kimberly - Clark Pulp and Paper - sponsor of advertisement, Golf Course - for their co-operation and Royal Canadian Legion Branch 223. =". ane NOTICE OF MEETING The L.A. to Guides and Brownies will meet Mond March 30th at 8:30 p.m. in the basement of the Community Church. Everyone Welcome! Ee ad aarti REPLY TO TORONTO CITIES A report printed in a Torante paper recently on College and University administration in Thunder Bay has drawn the following article from the office of the Dean of Science, Lakehead University. "The report in a Toronto newspaper from our nothern colenie makes sensational reading: one gathers that we netives are | wasting the trade goods and wampum generously provided by & be : grateful nation in return for exports of a few million tons of, Photo below - Adell Desrosiers, Valerie Larson minerals and forest products. There can seldom have been a | and Debbie and Dean Johnson. Photo by M. Lund- jrore distorted picture: mey I trespass on your generosity in : berg yf an attempt to redress the balance @ little? My credentials i clude the Vice Chairmenship of the Board of The Confederation College and The Deanship of the Faculty of Science at Lakeheac University: I have resigned from both positions on the occas- ANI Ice ion of my departure for a sabbatical year, and I hope I mey Eliza now be considered a reasonably disinterested person. highI My joint appointment has been a most precarious but, I felt gnti necessary job. From the day of the creation of the College the ti the terms of reference have been confused, and the resultant th strife has been bad for both institutions. I might add that ey both parties heve made genuine efforts to resolve the difficu. was a ty with no assistance whatever from Toronto. Really, the bas: The problem is not a surplus of funds, but @ lack of them: The Un: . iversity cannot afferd to reduce its enrolment, having planne: of Aq for years to continue the technology program, without a very Anita substantial subsidiary grant; and on the other hand, the Belliv perrten ree ee properly with en artificielly constrai ¢ ed enrolment. At the time of the original decision, the Min- Bev Le ister was thoroughly informed of the implications, and he; li the Board of Regents and the Committee on University Affairs ively have been continuously bombarded with requests to clear up th Ther mess ever since. the aie Pra i eo ae of som AR bees pared w the situetion in Toronto, the expenditure invo of the is peanuts, and neither institution has sufficient money to -- Brenda Reenter re ee vere hie oo: i oe . ge oa well. be situation in television es us smile wryly, en we see Kelly h ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT fantastic installetions in Toronto institutions and the wealt mier. Mrs. Charles A. Simmer is pleased to announce of broadcast material available in the big citys: the reporter BS apparently did not discover that we do not even have the priv Lark | the engagement of her eldest daughter, Patricia ilege of receiving many of the CBC radio and television broaé was the | Ann to Michael James Fenton, son of Mr. and Mrs. casts» se institutional TV becomes that mich nore importante N mo Fant 'tT t Th ddi Al tak _ {As for our three modest installations, they have rather dive! orn . J. Fenton of toronto. e weading will take 4k jrunctions: for example, the University tends to use TV as represer place April 18th 1970 in Terrace Bay. a straightforward lecture aid, whereas the College uses it me ou as a tool for self-critism. The High School TV instruction ' ecil at a much lower level. Serious efforts were made to combine: Sones Maturity is the ability to control anger and the College and High School studios, but they failed on acadi ic. grounds. The jibe about incompatibility reflects the sta settle differences without violence or destruction. cf the art, and most studios face the problem when buying ne equipment that it may be incompatible. Cont'd in next week!s News .