L.to R.- Club Treasurer, H.M.Ermel--D.D.G., Mr. J.B.Ridsdale--Pres.J.Handel Reeve F.V .Harness and Secretary N .Ross. Photo by Inez McCuaig LIONS PRESENT ORTHO RATER TO TOWNSHIP The Lions' Club held a dinner meeting with their ladies present, in the YMca private dining room, to hear R.N.Smillie of the Bell Telephone Co., speak. Mr. Smillie described the Laser, a wonderful new in- vention that will be used in communications and many other fields. The speaker, who now lectures to schools and Service Clubs throughout the province has, in addition to years of service with the Bell Company, had a varied career as naval Lieut .Com- mander in World War Il, Olympic Boxer at Amster- dam in 1928, small boat sailor and golfer, all of which contribute to his ease in meeting and speaking to the public. During the meeting President Jack Handel presen- ted an Ortho-Rater to Reeve F.V.Harness for use in Schreiber . ss WMT OL OR TT es ' Reeve Harness drives last car through old subway be- fore it is filled in. Photo by |.McCuaig. Costume winners in Kinsmen Field Day, July Ist. Photo by Inez McCuaig KINSMEN CLUB FIELD DAY GALA AFFAIR Once again the Kinsmen of Schreiber staged their annual successful Field Day on July Ist. Judges for the children's costumes were Mrs.R.Alexander of Baton Rouge, La., Mrs.Hobden Spikula and Mrs. Ken Davis. Prizes were awarded as follows:- Prams, Maxine Holland, Donna Bottomley and Shelly Soul- iere. Girls' Trikes, Cheryl. Johnson--Boys Trikes, Jaimie Hill, Don Swanson, Kevin Bottomley. Girls' Bikes, Beth Ross, Dawn Dietrich, Janie Duggan-- boys' bikes, Michael Souliere, Ted Ross, Andy Car- michael . Costume prizes went to Alene and Anita Speziale, Al O'Driscoll, Don Weaver, Michael Spillane, Cathy McLellan, Monica Gauthier, Cora Morrow, Donna Gellert, Gail Bottomley, Michael Mclsaac, Michael McGuire and Kevin Scott. Boyer Gagnon was the lucky winner of $100 in the Draw while Mrs.Ed Nicol received $50 and Co. Pellagrino got $25. In the racing events prizes went to Patty A.Wea- ver, Michelle Bedard, Rhonda Mclsaac, Barbara Glad, Randy Fournier, Colette Lalonde, Jaimie Hill, Randy Winters, Jim McGrath, Paulette Perras, Laurie Drake, Judy Davis, Don Gellert, Shane Riley, Gordon Fummerton, Rhonda Campbell, Lillian Commisso, Gaetanne Chicoine, Paddy Stokes, Clyde Gordon, Dale Keating, Darlene Fummerton, Lynn Drake, Debby Fadden, Bill Souliere, Denis Courtemanche, Donald Speziale, Anne Ferland, Donna McGrath, Susan McParland, Michael Soulier¢ Marke Stokes, Darlene Desmoulin, Cathy Bottomley ,, Susan Johnson, Kim Gellert, Greg Gauthier, Ron Chicoine, Cathy Stokes, Carole Glad, Kathy Guina Bob Webb, Tony Commisso, Bob F ummerton, Mary Borutski, Diane Singleton, Rebekah Lang, Bill Hiller Bruce Bottomley, Bill Collinson, (Continued.... a