1. 3. lee be 7. 9. 10. il. LONGLAC PULP & P:PER COMP:NY LIMIT=D Terrace Bey, Onterio. 300-D.¥ SiFETY CONTEST JuNUARY 10, 1951 TO NOVEMBER 5, 1951 CONTEST RULES The contest shall run for ae 300-day period from 12:01 a.m. onthe morning of January 10th, 1951, until 12:00 midnight on the night of November 5th, 1951. The contest period shall be divided into six 50-day periods, each ending at mid- night on the following dates: February 2, 1951; «pril 19, 1951; June 8, 1951; July 28, 1951; September 16, 1951, and Nevembor 5, 1951. Contest results will be tabulated and distributed at the above times, when the numerical size of each unit will also be reviewed, Units of Deprrtments as set forth in the monthly eccidont experience report shall compete ageinst themselves for the purpose of carning prize money which may be used in any manner except by individual division of cnsh. Every LongLac employee, both hourly and salary, sh. ll be ontered in his or her respective unit for contest purposes, In dopartments where foremen supervise more than one unit, seid foremen shnll be allocated to specific units prior to commencement of the contest, Each time 2 unit completes 50 consecutive safe dxys during tho contest, a cash eredit of .25¢ per employee shall be the awnrd. During the contest, bonuses will be peid to units as follows in addition to regular earnings: 100 consecutive safe days - .15¢ per omployce 200 tf "te wv i! J 20¢ we w 300 it ef tf = gRse" tt Units having completed 500 consecutive safe days by Novembor 5th, 1951, will receive in addition to all other carnings a special bonus of .20¢ por employee, Based on National Safety Council standards, -. disabling injury shall end « run of consecutive sefe days for any unit on the first day lost by the employee having the accident. When an accident breaks q run on consccutive safe days, @ unit shell immediately start to build up safe days for - new run, iccidents will be charged to the unit in which an omployce is working ct the tin of the mishap. Careful check should be kept therefore by supervisors when employees are temporarily loaned or borrowed, Funds accumulated by a unit cannot be forfcited by an accident. The Contest Committee will serve as an accounting Committeo end will also act on any disputes which may arise out of the contcst,. LONGL,C S,FMTY CONTEST COMMITTEE.