Page 6, News, Wednesday, July 6, 1988 Universal S Clear and consistent symbols will soon distinguish a network of new or upgraded travel informa- tion centres and picnic/rest stops across Northern Ontario. The improved facilities will result from an Ontario govern- ment, five-ministry program called NOTICE -- the Northern Ontario Travel Information Centres Enhancement Program. NOTICE will renovate exist- ing travel information centres, help construct new ones and train counselors in their operation. The program will also create more than 100 new or upgraded picnic- rest areas. Graphics that will guide tourists to the enhanced facilities incorporate symbols widely used throughout North America and beyond, ensuring easy recogni- tion by the travelling public. A triangle surrounding a ques- tion mark indicates a tourist information centre. A stylized picnic table identifies a picnic area/rest stop. These primary graphics and pictographs indicated specific site services (telephone, washrooms, etc) have been approved by an international graphic arts insti- tutes and are the result of exten- sive research. The green/yellow/grey. colour combination is consistent with the color scheme used for provin- cially operated travel information centres, and will be reflected in exterior finish of NOTICE-fund- ed centres as well. With 10 NOTICE projects already approved, the new sym- bol-signs could begin appearing in Ontario's north as early as this summer. By the summer of 1989, they will welcome tourists across the provincial north. "NOTICE will have contribut- ed $15 million to Northern Ontario travel by 1991," said Ontario Minister of Tourism and Recreation Hugh P. O'Neil. "The result will be a first-class wel- come for everyone travelling Ontario's Incredible Northland." "Consistent visual identifica- tion and straightforward graphic information throughout the pro- gram will ensure the travelling public enjoys full benefit of the new facilities." he said. Deadline for Classifieds, Copy and Advertising is Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. The News 825-2747 ymbols Link Northern Travel Travel | Information ; Touristique L we, Consistent use of straightforward, easily understood graphics will assist Northern Ontario travellers in identifying a new network of travel information centres and picnic area/rest stops being developed by the Ontario Government in cooperation with community agencies. Signs like those above could start appearing along Northern Ontario highways as early as this summer. The Corporation of The Township of Terrace Bay Notice 1st INSTALLATION of Final Interim Property Tax Residents are reminded that the first installment of your final 1988 interim property taxes is due July 15, 1988. After July 15, 1988 a penalty of 1.1% is added to outstanding accounts. WE MOVED KEE THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NEW Northern Development Office at Marathon Thursday, July 7 NEW LOCATION: 2 Stevens Ave. e Meet your Northern Development Officer e Come in and browse around e 1:00 p.m. -- ribbon cutting ceremony e Open House until 4:00 p.m. e Refreshments will be served. Ministry of ($Y) Northern Development Ontario and Mines : René Fontaine. Minister of Northern Development Contact Contact Contact North/Contact Nord. North Nord COORDONNATEUR SUR PLACE Votre réseau éducatif a distance Your Distance Education Network (temps partiel) Contact North/Contact Nord est une initiative du gouvernement provincial visant a accroitre les possibilités d'éducation pour les rési- dents du nord de |'Ontario grace a la formation A distance. Le réseau a besoin d'un coordonnateur sur place a temps partiel (20 heures par semaine) pour le centre local d'acces 4 Contact North/Contact Nord. |e coordonnateur sur place aidera les éleves a utiliser la technologie éducationnelle, a définir leurs besoins et leurs objectifs en matiére d'éducation; il devra également promouvoir la formation a distance et fournir des informations sur les possibilités offertes dans la commu- nauté locale. : QUALIFICATIONS: 4. Savoir utiliser la technologie éducationnelle ou étre prét a apprendre a s'en servir. Ce matériel se compose de micro- ordinateurs, d'équipement audiographique et de téléconfér- ence et de télécopieurs. 2. Connaitre la communauté locale et pouvoir travailler avec divers groupes, organismes et particuliers de cette communauté. 3. Posséder d'excellentes aptitudes pour les relations person- nelles et interpersonnelles. 4. Avoir de préférence une formation postsecondaire en sciences sociales ou en éducation. 5. Pouvoir travailler dans les deux langues officielles dans les centre régis par le projet de Loi 8 sur les services en francais. HORAIRE: Horaire flexible avec obligation, cependant, de travailler parfois l'aprés-midi et le soir. SALAIRE: 12 $ de l'heure. Les personnes qualifi¢es sont priées d'envoyer leur curriculum vitae ainsi que des références a: M. Terry Anderson Directeur Contact North/Contact Nord a/s Lakehead University Oliver Road Thunder Bay (Ontario) P7B 5E1