Page 14, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, December 14, 1983 school news | e Vie : wd 1 ¥, , , 4 Children from Grades kindergarten to three decorated five point stars with pictures of the things for which they wait. ----_, New Low-cost _ insurance designed so you can afford permanent protection today. Mary Cashmore Terrace Bay, Ont. 825-9152 by JOE KUTCHER This time prior to the Christmas season, is full of reminders of the holi- days to come. News- papers, magazines, street and house decor- ations and the shopping malls all give testimony to the return of gift giving, Santa Claus and special times. But his is also the season of wait- ing in a different sense. The students and staff of Holy Angels School all shared in a day of waiting during this Ad- vent season on Friday, December 2nd. Advent is a special time set aside for Christians to prepare for the glorious reappearance of Jesus the Light of the World. In the Bible, many peo- ple of the Old Testa- " ment waited for the pro- mise of a saviour to be fulfilled. Christians to- day wait again for the coming of the Lord. The Day of Waiting at Holy Angels School, in- volved groups of child- ren gathering together to share in a waiting ex- perience and a prayer Location: Art Koom ADVENT: A time of waiting reflection about the coming of Jesus. Child- ren in grades kinder- garten to three talked about the many things they were waiting for and decorated five point stars with pictures of the things for which they wait. Each child was able to hang their own star on a waiting tree during a short prayer service. This tree stands in the school hall as a reminder of Advent and of how these children wait. The students in grades four to six did some research into peo- ple in the Old Testament who waited for the com- ing of Jesus. The child- ren then designed a symbol representing these Old Testament fig- ures and decorated an- other waiting tree which also stands in the school hallway. Finally, the stud- ents in grades seven and eight had the opportun- ity to discuss the idea of things and events they wait for in their lives. These students design- ed captioned wall post- Birth Edgar LeBlanc. Announcement Bunny & Michael pleased to. announce the safe arrival of their son CASSIDY DONALD JOSEPH a brother for Bryon. Cassidy was born on Nov. 23, 1983, weighing 7 lbs. 61% ozs. Proud grandparents are Helen & are Get your lifein shape. : oe SPORT from now ti ALL HOCKEY EQUIPMENT a 20% OFF 74 ALL skates, Figure we 2 and aeiiey are at priced for Christ- hg mas Giving. ! a, 6 +. 2 __ WARMERS k 1 | 2 PRICE SWORLD Christmas Specials *2.00 OFF Cross Country 2 BA e | Dec. 24, 1983 ALL HOCKEY STICKS ¥ Jackets WW By Jardi ae fe Ski Packages A Skis, boots and poles" 4 Wi *99" 3 Vests - ¢ 14 <i x PEAS : A: . : Ae fir Plus many more Christmas Ideas priced to fit under your tree inh} iy ANS At Sports World Where The Fun Begins A * Open Evenings til Christmas: Mon. to Thurs. - 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Fri. - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Re ers representing their own waiting experien- ces. This was followed * by an Advent medita- tion on their waiting for Jesus. Throughout the re- maining days of Ad- vent, the students will have constant reminders in these trees and post- ers of the many things for which they wait. They will know that it is not just for Santa Claus and Christmas gifts. Students from Grades four, five and six researched the Old Testament and then designed symbols representing those figures and placed them on the Waiting Tree. Affordable Cleaning Houses, offices and apartments Insured & Bonded Phone 824-2561 or 824-3231 as They will know that they are truly waiting for the coming of the Lord Je- sus. This will add an- other dimension to their preparations for Christ- mas. Season for poinsettias Poinsettias are one of the most decorative of all plants for the Christ- mas season. A native to Mexico and Central America, the poinsettia has be- come very popular be- cause of its unique abil- ity to "hold flower' for so long. The poinsettia flow- er is actually a group of bracts or reduced leaves surrounding a flower cluster, a characterist- ic common to the Eu- phorbiacea plant family. The coloured bracts, which are available in red, pink or white, should remain attract- ive for at least three to four weeks if kept in a cool, bright place. To keep a plant after the bracts have fallen, keep the plant in a cool bright room and water sparingly to induce dor- mancy. Cut the plant back severely, 15 cm to 25 cm (6-10") from the base in late spring or early sum- mer. Then begin to wat- er often and fertilize well with a household fertilizer. Cuttings of new growth can also be taken and rooted in mid- summer. Protect your poinset- tia from frost in the fall and place the plant in a sunny window. After October ist, keep the poinsettia from artifi- cial light at night and it should be brightly coloured by Christmas. 1982 300 lives 3 1983 ? Every year, season. hundreds of people die in alcohol-related accidents and not just during the Christmas and New Year DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE! Over the holiday season and in the months to come, a joint effort is being made between the Terrace Bay Police and the Schreiber Detachment of the O.P.P. to clamp down on drinking and driving. A report will be made weekly to the "NEWS" on the results of their campaign pertaining to this area. (For the week ending Dec. 11th they are as follows:) No. of spot-checks made No. of "warns" (12 hour suspensions) No. of Breathalyzer tests given 16 No. of impaired driving charges made 0 1 No. of "ALERT" tests given 1 No. of "fails" 0 Drinking and Driving is simply not acceptable!