OCTOBER 6, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 INFORMATION ONTARIO: Cont'd from pg. 2 will they be added to the valuation date ap- praisal? ANSWER: If the improvements are in the nature of structural additions to the property, they would be acceptable as a cost of improvement for land speculation tax purposes. Refer ce' should be made to the Department of py io Revenue for the federal interpretation. Again it should be noted the date in que#tion for the Ontario tax is April 9, 1974. . 13. What assessment determines the true far- ket value as of valuation day? Ministry of Natural Resources assessment or local school assessment? 4 ANSWER: It is not a question of waluation by assessment, but rather what was the fair mar- ket value on the date in question, that is, what would a willing buyer pay a willing sei- ler given a free market and no duress to buy or sell. Both types of assessments shown man vary from the true market value, depending on the state of the assessment programme. This is the final of a series of four ar- ticles. If you require the address or phone number of the Ministry of Revenue, Land Tax Section, please contact your Northexn Affains Officer, Bev Young, Peninsula Bldg., Marathon Ontario, Phone 229-1153. CHANGE IN ALARM SYSTEM AT BIRCHWOOD The regular meeting of the Board of Manage -ment of the District of Thunder Bay Homes for the Aged was held at Pinewood Court on Friday, September 24th, 1976. Accounts totalling $99,917.21 were passed for payment for both Homes, Pinewood Court and Birchwood Terrace. The Board also auth- orized the approval of Mrs. Nancy Wilson as Supervisor of Care Services at Birchwood Ter- race to replace Mrs. Wendy Kirkpatrick who is moving to Thunder Bay. At Pinewood Court the position in the craft department was filled by Mrs. Irene A. Henrikson, who was formerly with Dawson Court. 3 : Many applications are being received and processed by the Board. Three new applicat- ions for Birchwood Terrace were approved and there now is a waiting list for beds at Pine- wood Court. Tenders will soon be requested for the sup -ply of fuel oil for the period commencing January lst, 1977 to December 31st, 1977. With regards to the renovations going on at Birchwood Terrace there were three new ten- ders received. The Fire Marshall has required a change in the alarm system at Birchwood Terrace NOTICE NEWS DEADLINE The deadline for all advertising and pews .items is noon on Mondays. Please submit your articles as soon as possible, but not later than Mondays at noon. Thank you. NEWS COVERAGE Kathie Hilder is the reporter for the Terrace Bay News in Terrace Bay and Inez McCuaig for Schreiber. For coverage of events in either towns phone 825-3747 in Terrace and 824-2347 in Schreiber. WEDDING DEADLINE Effective immediately there will be a six week deadline on wedding write ups. | f submitted more than six weeks after the date of the wedding we regret that we will not be able to publish the article. x TOWNE CINEMA TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-3771 SHOW 'TIMES: MONDAY « THURSDAY = 8:00 P.M. . FRIDAY & SATURDAY - 7:00 P.M, & 9:00 P.M, SUNDAY" = 8:30 P.M., SATURDAY MATINEE - 1:30 P.M, ---- Cont 'dipage 53%. v. Saturday Matinee 9 tho. J Fri. 8 \ Sat. 9 Lee AHR Oliver MARVIN REED * * Robert SE Elizabeth cure 2 ASHLEY An AMERICAN WTERNATIONAL PICTURE Calor by TECHNICOLOR® in TECHNISCOPE® An AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Release 8 © 1974 Americon international Pictures. inc. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT : son. 10 Mon] } re] 2 | we. 13 N ~ CHARLES ; BRONSON TAT -- = fre] E3 = = fr 3 = = = & = barr 2 ASS" United Artists