PAGE 40 = TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 23, 1975 t HELP WANTED i Imperial Motel and Restaurant, Terrace | Bay requires restaurant workers and house keepers. Phone 825-3226 or 825-3655. MAY CHRISTMAS | MAKE MUSIC IN YOUR |, ~~ HEART! FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT WP, oe . MORROW PIANOS °K wt Mr. Al mos : "Gee Santa, you're Forgetful, I just fold you across the street that I +14 Terrace Bay wanted an electrictraip for Christmas!" 4 2 x x Let's celebrate this Christmas season with sincere wishes for a simply wonderful holiday. To all our friends and neighbors go many thanks for your continued patronage and goodwill. ADAMO'S RADIO & TV *E TERRACE BAY -