AUGUST I5, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 Airport - continued 3 een Applications by these municipalities would be given serious consideration under our subsidy program. I trust these comments will permit the in- terested parties to look again at their air transport needs, and into the manner in which these needs might be satisfied. Yours truly, ' R.P. Killaire, Senior Operational Planner Ministry of Transportation and Communications" "Dear Jack: Thank you for your wadge Corner the fare to Toronto would be approximately $40 (Thunder Bay-Toronto $45 and Sault Ste. Marie-Toronto $30). It is doubtful whether any feeder line carrier could move people from here to Thunder Bay or the Sault for less than $30 or $40 on a non-subsidized basis. At that rate it would cost a family of four almost $400 for a return trip to Toronto. On the subject of practical considerations, perhaps Mr. Killaire might wish to refer to. the Earlton Airport situation near Kirkland Lake where scheduled service has been availa- ble for almost two decades. Who assumes the responsibility of continuing operation? continued page 6 tras wale ile efforts in bringing the Pakaskwa Regional Airport proposal to the attention of the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communica- tions. Mr. Killaire's impress -ion of feeder lines is fine where isolated small communities are involved, such as Moosonee, Armst- rong or Red Lake, How- ever, where several comm- unities are located with- in easy driving distance to a central point there is no question that a regional airport would be The footbone's connected to the headbone. Think about it. When you play tennis, you wear tennis shoes. When you walk, you wear good walking shoes. And when you Take a good look at your shoes. Make sure they're not getting run down at the heel. Change fraying laces. And check the soles to see much more economical for work you wear proper that they're in good condition. all concerned. footwear for comfort Sure footwork begins with In the ultimate asses- and protection roper f : ootwear. sment of the advantage of prep Sr a regional jet airport vs The sure several feeder strips it way tg' is necessary also to con- sider the cost to the traveller. In a schedul- ed stopover at Manitou- WANTED 'MALE OR FEMALE MAKE EASY $$$ Easy to sell pantyhose. Also socks for the entire family, briefs or bikini panties, tights, etc. Free instruc- tions and color catalogue. Write today: HOSIERY LTD . 10,383 Hebert Street w---68 Montreal North 459, Quebec Your Workmen's Compensation Board and The Safety Associations, Ontario safe Self- tonto.