Russell Leader, 16 Jun 1932, p. 3

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A A f= 0 You can now buy Red Rose Tea Orange 387 Pekoe ° z 1b. The lowest price it has ever been sold at. The London Times devotes a column editorial to the menace of sky-writing and suggests that it is a sort of in- decent advertising, and therefore should be forbidden. Some very clever verse has been written on the subject. This extract from a poem in The New Statesman is quite Byronic in its ironic excellence: "Now progress reigns; now dawns that happier day When idle Nature can be made to pay. Lift up yo- eyes; no more with one accord "The heavens proclaim the glory of the i Lord,' {But made subservient to man's deeper need 'Blazon the virtues wead, Instruct us in the brands of pills and gin, Or on what day the Bargain Sales be- gin." --Boston Transcript. RENE. NE of the fragrant 'Crows Supply Pin Money For Nebraska Farm Boys Omaha.--Nebraska farmer boys can make more money robbing crows' nests than their mother can accumu- late gathering hen's eggs. ; Some of the counties in this State pay a bounty on crows' eggs, and al- though the farm price for the product of the hencoop has been as low as 7 and 8 cents a dozen, the bounty price of crows' eggs has held firm at the county clerk's office at 5 cents each or 60 cents a dozen. Holt County recently recouped some of its outlay on keeping down the crow pest by selling a setting of crows' eggs to a New York dealer. --p In adding 'Fresh Paint" to the al- ready numerous 'signs of spring", one may not only brighten the sur- roundings, but aid employment and business. THE STRONGEST AND LIGHTEST ARTIFICIAL METAL LEG OF ALL TIME "The Limb that is almost human" Modern Science's latest development Here is the result of years of experi- ment and research . . . a seamless metal limb which enables you to do your daily task efficiently and in comfort. Made entirely of Alcoa Metal, to suit all amputation cases. Seamless. ball bearing. Almost human in its natural ease of movement, Fill in the coupon below and mail it to -us. We will send you, by return mail, free pamphlet illustrating and describ- ing this marvellous new metal limb, AUTHORS & COX Lua. 135 Church Street - Toronto 2 Phone ELgin 7622 Makers of Artificial Limbs, Trusses, Elastic Hosiery, Abdominal Belts, etc., for 66 years. MAIL THIS COUPON NOW 1 0 TT KE Authors & Cox Limited, L 135 Church Street, Toronto 2. Please send me pamphlet about your mar- gy Vvellous metal limb. It is understood this g does not obligate me in any way. ? B Name Addr What New York Is Wearing BY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished With Every Pattern Here's a new smart higher waisiline effect in Vionnet styling in tied bodice arrangement. It's so distinctly individual. The dropped shoulders are fin- ished with cute puffed sleeves that may be omitted as in miniature view, if you please. The skirt is very smartly de- signed to give graceful height to the figure. A marine blue printed silk is youthfully lovely as the original. Plain crinkle crepe silk in beige is stunning for this model. For more dressy wear, pale blue, black or beige lace is very effective. Style No. 2802 is designed for sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 inches bust. Size 16 requires 3% yards 39- 'nch. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. En- close 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto. "You're not ill," said the doctor. "You're just suffering from a lack of exercise. Do you think you could man- age to take a two-mile walk every day?" "Easy!" replied the patient. "I'm a postman!" COLIC "Really, I think BABY'S OWN TAB- LETS are wonderful," writes Mrs. Allan P. MacDonald, Northfield, Ont. "My baby has no more colic pains." Don't let your baby suffer--give BABY'S OWN TABLETS. For colds, fever, upset stomach, constipa- tion. Absolutely harmless. 25¢ 232 Dr. Williams' a BABY'S OWN TABLETS Ek cA ISSUE No. 22--'32 In the play of the hands at Auction and Contract there are numberless opportunities to make good plays, but the most important ome of all is the winning of the trick that scores game or saves it. For example, suppose the declarer is playing spades and it is easily possible to make three odd but there is no apparent way to score game. That is the time for the de- clarer to do some deep thinking and endeavor to figure out some way to make game. Sometimes this can be done by mentally placing certain high cards in the opponents' hands in such a way that game is possible. At other times it can only be done by letting the opponents have fhe lead in the hope that they will make a mistake and thus give the declarer his only chance for game. That is what is meant by getting the trick that scores game, Fw to play Bridge AUCTION ..¢ CONTRACT by Wynne Ferguson Author of "PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIDGE" i ARTICLE NO. 24 opponents are playing the hand at spades, and it is up to you to save game. You can figure out how to take three tricks but cannot see any hope for the fourth trick. Then you should figure out in your mind what card or cards your partner must hold to make that extra trick and play ac- cordingly. You will be surprised how often the card that you figure must be there, will be there.and therefore save the game. It is on close hands of this type that the good player has such an advantage. The all-import- ant trick of every hand is the one that either makes game or saves game; so bend all your energies and concentrate all your thought on that one trick and, if it is in the cards, don't let it get away from you. The following hand is given as an illustration of the dealer's failure: to observe this rule and of the hig loss |% a No score, rubber game. This hand is applicable either to Auction or Con- tract. Z dealt and bid one spade. A and Y passed and B bid two hearts, Z two spades, A three hearts, Y three spades, B four hearts, Z four spades and A doubled. All passed and A opened the king of hearts and follow- ed with the ace of hearts. How should Z play the hand? Solution: Z should let A hold this trick and discard a club or a diamond. By so doing, he could have made five- odd in spades if A had then led either one of the other three suits, for in that case he could have taken A's trumps and his suit cards were all good. If A had led another heart at trick three, Z should have trumped in the dummy with the king and then led four rounds of trumps. He should then have led either clubs or diamonds until A made his last trump. In this way, Z could have made four spades. If, however, he trumped the second heart trick in his hand and led two rounds of spades, his hand was hopeless and he would lose his con- On the other hand, suppose your | resulting. Hearts--9, 6 Clubs--K, J, 7 : Diamonds--K, 10, 8, 5, 4, 2 . Spades--A, K Hearts--A, K, J, 7 Hearts--Q, 10, 8, 5, 4 2 Clubs--4 id . 7 . Clubs--10, 9, 8, 5, 3 Diamonds--39, 7, 6 : g Vv: Pbiamonds--3 Spades--9, 8, 7, 5, 3 : HAR . Spades--4 Hearts--3 Clubs--A, Q, 6, 2 Diamonds--A, Q, J. Spades--Q, J, 10, 6, 2 tract by one trick. This hand shows the importance of thinking out the play of the hand and the possible cards held by opponents, even at the second trick. The minute the dummy hand was placed on the table, Z should have figured what cards A must hold to justify his double. The only excuse for the double would be at least five small trumps and the ace, king of hearts. With any less holding in trumps, A's double would have been unsound. It is an easy hand with all the cards exposed, but not eagy if they are con- cealed unless you stop to think and N figure out how the unseen cards must lie to give you game. It is a fine illustration of the importance of play- ing for the all-important trick that will score game and of doing so from the very first card played. In the following problem, try your own skill in solving before reading the solution. Then compare results and thus obtain a valuable lesson or evidence that you are pretty good, dependent upon failure or success. : discard a spade for, if he does, Y will Prob!em Hearts--none Clubs--A, J, 10 Diamonds---none Spades--9 Hearts--none Hearts--none Clubs--Q, 6 . Z . Clubs--XK, 9 Diamonds--J cg Vv: Diamonds--K, Q Spades--Q : A . Spades--none Hearts--10 Clubs--4 Diamonds--A, 4 If hearts are trumps and Z is in the lead, how can Y, Z win all four tricks against any defense? Solution: Z should lead the ace of diamonds and discard the ten of clubs in Y's hand. He should then lead the ten of hearts. Now A must discard either a club or a spade. He cannot discard the jack of clubs and his nine of spades will be good. A, therefore, Spades--none is forced to discard the six of clubs and Y discards the nine of spades. B must now discard a club or a diamond. He cannot discard the king of dia- monds for, if he does, Z's four of diamonds will be good. B, therefore, is forced to discard the nine of clubs. Z now leads the four of clubs and Y wins the remaining two tricks. it is a fine example of the 'double squeeze." On Being Good Sports By the Prince of Wales running voluntary organizations, but it "struck me that the older people were to the fore. It is time the younger generation got down to leadership ag well. They are doing a lot, but, frankly, I am suggesting that they can do a lot more. It is up to us to see the youth of the country encouraged to exercise their minds and blow off hn ----------------ma | steam, and help them to grow up good sports. It would be a fine thing if all who | dre associated together for games were also associated in some form of service. I| wonder, too, if the staffs of our great business houses, insur- ance offices and banks might not make themselves corporately respon- sible for some form of individual service that would enlarge the oppor- tunities of boys and girls. We are not here to consider how industrial or political action can help us in our present difficulties. We I am full of admiration for those! selves can help each other, and I am sure there is a lot that can be done. Wandering Housewives American passport statistics show that more housewives take trips abroad than women in any other occu- pation. In a list of 31 classified occu- pations, "housewives" received 13.09 per cent. of all the passports issued in 1931. Travel writers foot the list, with only 0.83 per. cent. of passports credited to them. i ene 0 The brevity of a recent dispatch from South America, telling of an air- ship's arrival from Germany, indicates the length of aviation's progress since columns were use dto describe the first flight of that kind.--The Christian Science Monitor. WOOL | HIGHEST PRICES: PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST. TORONTO | GAINED % Ib. A WEEK Kruschen Stopped it-- 'Now 11 Ibs. Down "1 started to take Kruschen Salts a month ago, to reduce my weight-- after trying several other ways. I pleased with the results, as from 1bs., I have lost 11 lbs., which I think is a move in the right direction. I feel. better all round, and am hoping to ge down to 168 lbs. I am 52 years of age,' and 5 feet 8 inches, and was putting on weight consistently at the rate of halfe: a-pound per week, so you see I hav cause to be thankful for Kruschen Salts."--H. W. An over-stout person is an autos intoxicated (or self-poisoned) person: whose internal organs are failing to expel from the body the waste products of digestion. Allowed to accumulate, this waste matter is turned into layer after layer of hideous fat. The six salts in Kruschen assist the internal organs to perform their functions properly--to throw off each day the wastage and poisons that encumber the system. Then, little by little, that ugly fat goes--slowly, yes-- but surely, and you feel so wonderfully healthy, youthful, and energetic--more so thaa ever before in your life ! = Classified Advertising POUNDS PRINTS, SILK OR VE VET remnants, $1.00. A. McCreer Co., Chatham, Ontario. LOVELY, WILLOWY FORM { yours--take Slendor Beauty Ta lets--a new English formula whi gives you a slim, svelte appearance. a sure, safe, sane way. Three week treatment, $1.50. Exact formula on th box. Roy Kitchen, The Careful -Che ist, London. ad OUTH AND BEAUTY DWELL I a slim and slender form. Slendof: tablets help to relieve you of that ex: | cess avoirdupois safely, sanely, surelgy Exact formula on the box. Three week treatment, $1.50. Roy Kitchen, 'The Careful Chemist," London. ' ---- BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS ARE CANg ADIAN Approved chicks. flocks are culled by Government lnsy: tor. We hatch six breeds. Write fo] free catalogue. A. H. Switzer, Granto Ontario. AVE $2 PER HUNDRED. L HORNS, 8 :ents; Rocks White Rocks Red, 10 cents; delivered :.ny time Month olds, 18c. Pullets, all ages, price@ furnished, Model Hatchery, Ritchenely nt. CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS. EGHORNS, 8c; BARRED ROCKS} 10c; Minorcas, White Rocks, 11 10 per cent. books order. Pletso] Hatchery, Stratford, Route 5, Ontario, LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. : AKE $5.00 TO $8.00 DAILY. SEL. household necessities direct frof manufacturer. Exclusive territory. Dep 5, Big 3 Products, 98A Church Siree / Toronto. RHEUMATISM. Fy HERE IS XO REASON WHY Y should suffer, Throil will give you = 0; sure and lasting relief. Others are fim ing this to be true. Sciatica, lumba; neuritis, or neuralgia vanish juickl and surely. No harmful drugs. Y owe it to yourself to give this a tri You take no chance. Money ack guals antee. Sent direct on receipt of pricé $1.00 per box, or sample box 25c. Thro Remedy Co., 468 Annette St. Torontd WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. OULD LEASE WEEKLY i PAPER in Ontario. Send oaxg ticulars to Box 16, Wilson Rublishin, C¢ Ltd., Toronto. | MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE. ICH .RDSON DOUBLE CABIN cruiser, about thirty feet, in a altogether only four or five months i two seasons; complete equipment includg ing carpets, bed and table linen, chin glassware and silver as well as all marq ine equipment and many extras. T cruiser with its two cabins and its vel equipped galley is an unusually comfor able boat for week-ends longe cruises for four to six people. It is €Xg ceptionally seaworthy and has cruise ali over the Great Lakes. It has a aig class and very economical 60 horsepower six-cylinder power plant with complet: electric lighting throughout and spe of 12 to "14 miles per hour. It is a sp cial paint job and very attraciive es » = pearance. Owner will sacrifice for nal its original cost. H. Watkins. 3 Adelaide St., Toronto. : Weak tea will clean anything tha has a varnish surface. STIFFNESS} Plenty of Minard's well rubbed in soon sets you right. Bathe the sore part with warm water before you start. You'll soon limber up ! They stimulate your liver, get rid of poisons and Improve your APPETITE Sold everywhere in 25cand 75¢ red pkgs. are here to considey how we our- CARTERS IuEPILLY

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