Russell Leader, 8 Feb 1923, p. 8

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E. J, MURPHY " a7ETERINARY SWRGEON ax Y Dentist, Metcalfe, will be! a$ "his Russell Office, Gormley's Hotel. every day A E-- ) YT J 7 RW ARTHUR FLY NM Parrister, Solicitor, Notary Coaveyancer, Wtc. RUSSELL = ONT RKassell Office open on Wednesdays du new Flynn Block, Broadway. Money to Loan on Easy Terms ou Farm Property wun JOHN JAMES Licensed Auctioneer forthe three United Counties, Stormout, Dur. das, and Glengary, Prescott aed Rassell, for dates call at the Russell office, or phoneme at my THE RUSSELL ~ Your Coiumn ... rekon Del eod Bl " : Help to makes it interesting The law requires that every box holder on a rural mail route must shovel the ssow aronnd the box so that the mail driver may drive right up to the box, and provides a pen- alty for not doing the work. Mrs. Wm, Watsen, wha lives on First avenue, just east of the arena, owing tv ill health is hold~ ing an auction saie of her house- hold effects ou Saturdav, Feb, 10th at one o'clock. At the same time the hause and ict will pe offered tor sale, subj tod reserved bid John W James, juciioneer. vir George Patrick. of Chester, ville, is spending a len ORYS with his aunt, Mrs, H. L. Yeord The District L. O. L held their expanse, John James, R. R. No, 1, Edwards WIT Rs SE = LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Licensed Auctieneer for the three {Inited Counties, Stormont, Dund- as and Glengary, Prescott and Ru- ssell, for dates call at the Russell ptfice or phone me at my exp- £06, ~ James. Currie, Crysler Oat. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Provinces of ONTARIO & Quebec in future I intend to devote all my time to auctionecering. Sales oi ail kinds handled. Pure bred stock a specialty, Terms reasoneble THOS. IRVING 33 Cleary Ave., Ottawa. Phone Catling 176 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Dy, D, Wallace, F, A, C, S,., for- _amerly of Kemptville, 82 Park Avenue: (corner) ot Elgin, Street, Ottawa Ont. . HOUSE FOR SALE Residence of the Late George Blair, Metcalfe, Apply to R, A, F. Blair, Metcalfe STRAYED. "To the premises of the undersign #d on er about the 1st of Decem- Pez, a black and white heifer calf. Cwper can have same by prov $og property ano paying expenses 3. A. Park, . Kenmore. annual meeting ip Russeiion Thies 1 1 1 5 - Av [ day, being presided over by. Mr os a1 «NA We eX. | Jas, McShea D. UD G.M Weex t pect to have a repo! #4 oi the pio- IL Ieg ceedings for next week's 1Ssue. ce 2 Owing to our extra advertising we are unable to publish a good deal of interesting NEWS, honor rolls etc,, which will be held over till next week. : Russeil Hockey Team played its last home game ot the regular schedule last night against the greotly imwroved Aslna team' ang won out 2---1, The gante was eveus ly matched andiinteresting through out, Now, if the boys car win one, of the games on the road, they will havea good chance for the cup. Here's hoping. ; Boru--On Saturday, Feb, 1, 1923, to Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Brown, a son. Mrs. Bisley, of Ottawa, has bean spending several days the guest of Mrs. Murray Reid We are pleased te report that Mrs. D. P. Germiey, who has been seriously tll, is now on the way to recovery. Miss Orpha Carson, of Ottawa, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. L, MacEwan returged home Friday, after speuding a couple of weeks in Moatreal, Mrs. Craig, of Metcalfe, spent a 1few days this week with her par- ents. Mcgand Mrs. Hugh Her- rington, Two Osgoode boys, Hllton Mec: Keown and Lynn Merrow won high marks at McGill University yin Grgénic Chemistry, sacead year IFADFR honor list of 38, out of a class oA 146, FST HREE re a : Tha Mutual Life of Canada has jost issued its 53rd Annual State ment. The Company has experien- ced a recotd year in more ways than une, and the result'in figures will proye a surprise even for those who had from previous showings made by the Mutual Life, expected ar cquaily faverawie iepert ef the Company's eperaticns for 1622, The policy holders of the Mutual Lite of Canada have reason forsat-~ isfection in every section et the statement, : A new high recerd for surplus earnings has'been set by the stater ment under review, In each of the deparmert of the Company's operations gxceptionaliy tavorable repertsare mace, Youth Severe:y Buried On Monday Mr, Sparky, sebond son of Mr. Thos last Ralph | Sparks of Vars, narrowly escaped being burned to death. i Jast how ithe accident occurred I$mot definitely known, but the young man had gone to the well house to pnmp water. The pump jack was in the hablt ol freezine puring tha recent cold spell, and a gasoline torch was ased to thaw it out, It is supposed that he was doing this when something went wrong. His cries attracted his father, who fouan him trying to get out the window, his clothes ablaze The fire was oxtingnished, and medical aid summoned. It was teonght bes) to rush him to the hospital, aud the G.T.R. took ths ongine and van off a freight and rushedbim to St. Luke's, Ottawa, On close examination it was found that while badly burned on head, his eyesare net injured, He is now 'sting, and while we wish for a speedy recovery, we fear tt will be slow and dainful. & NOTICE The Annual Meeting of The Osgoode Mutual Fire Insurance . Company wilibe held on Saturday, Feb, 17th, aj the honr of One O'Clook p.m. in the Forester's "Hall, Kenmare. : CARD OF THAFKS Mrsd4 Russell Booth aud his family take this means to expross their gratitude for tha kindnesses shown aud the many expressions of sympathy given during the illness apd death or their husband and brother. ; | medieine. They were secsnd in an acon arc = Our expert baker has some cost, TRY OUR BAKER'S RECIPES vecipes for home-made bread, which we will gladly supply to you, free of Write us for them today: 'excellent = \ 1 'The wheat is analyzed =] 7 " i Puisall WB Modrthur Limited 2102s : | i o TT ~ A perfect flour is the result. eave the mill: / DISTRIBUTQRS It Hos fo Pass Our Baler First VERY "milling" of Quaker Flour must satisfy ou baker before it leaves the mills, ust satisfy our gluten and ash; the perfect grains are selected ~~ eleaned. The product is tested at evety stage of lin But the supreme test takes place in our own bakery; Every day's "milling" of Quaker Flour must is the O. K. of our expert baker, It must produce bread erfect in size, flavour, colour and texture, before it ] Nothing is left to chanee in produci Quaker. "You will make far better {hans pone' cake with ii (Quaker Flour AlwaystheSame-Alwags theBest || 4 7 «= THE QUAKER MILL PETERBOROUGH and LLL =J R.8 PACE MacBwon & Stephensen | Il by our chiemisis for protein, --_ ye [Vital © © Get the bedy, chest, neck, face and] Ovarcont, anp the weather/has favored you, Foi ooking for, TEA - THE World's shortage of Tea $s 73 050,000 pounds We have been ablefto kee our Teas et low figutes by tay. ing in large stocks before the advance, We Have Black and Green Tea At Popular Prices Stock is gone This is your last chance frm : a OTT pn FRESH FISH . OF ALL KINDS Halibut Cohoe Salmon! Fresh Herrings ~ Finnan Haddie McArthur & Burns The Restaurant Main St, Vars ICE CREAM - ~ In Bulk, Cone or Brick Ice Cream Sundaes and Sodas ; All ingredients will be absolutely pure and ef the finest » . » 3 st quality, Choice Fruits, Selected Nuts and Pure Syrup will make our Sodas and Sundaes famous. Daintily served. « GOOD GOODS MAKE GOOD CUSTOMERS We keep that kind. Goods delivered to all parts of the town, wh Special attention to phone orders, Mrs. Ford Hitsman Prone 610-= 1, Vars . PrOMPT DELIVERY |Our Stock is Complete ------p BE PO wha 5B A FULL LINE OF Winter @vercoatings and Suitings Of the Latest Designs and the best quality You have been [putting 'off Betting your Winter Suit and! News This means that Tea is going up, _In fact it has gone up, - in Bulk or Package yours mew before this Haddock Fillets. PHONE 20 Call asd look at these goods, and you will find what you are: j

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