A ET i TORONTO WOMAN GAINS 35 POUNDS ONLY WEIGHED NINETY POUNDS, SHE SAYS. Classified Advertisements. PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. BE: PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD condition, with a large number of music rolls, for sale 'at a bargain. L. Costello, 783 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. BITS OF » HUMOR FROM HERE & THERE Ee] Not Lost At All. Mike (to his son)--"Now, you've been fighting again You've lost yer two front tathe." Finn--"Naw, I ain't lost 'em; I got America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. . ~ H. Clay Glover Co. Inc, em in me pocket." 118 est 31st Btreet New York, U.8.A. TTT & Got Her Answer. Hearing a faint rustle in the dark hallway below, the elder sister, sup- -| posing the young man had gone, leaned over the balustrade and called ¥ Now Feels Fine and Strong and Gratitude to Tanlac is Unbounded. L "Tanlac has. built me up from a mere frame weighing only ninety pounds to a strong woman weighing cone hundred and twenty-five pounds and my gratitude 1s unbounded," said : : © o Nothing Else is Aspirin--say "Bayer"' Aspirin in handy tin boxes of 12 tab- "COARSE SALT Warning! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get-|lets, and in bottles of 24 and 100. L A N DS A LT gd. ws Lo ge ting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? | Aspirin is the trade mark (registered Bulk Carlots out: Well, Bessie, have you landed 8. Lydia Pickup, 12 Ramsay Lane, Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" |in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of him?" There was a deep, sepulchral | Toronto, Ont, "My stomach troubled me so much during the past three years that my life was a perfect burden. My appe- tite was gone entirely, gas would form and nearly set me wild with pain in the pit of my stomach. The gas near- ly smothered me and my heart acted 80 queerly that it alarmed me. I could get scarcely any sleep and was tired and dull and all worn out. I often turned so dizzy I could hardly stand up, and at times my head hurt like it would burst open. I lost weight until my clothes were entirely too large and I was so weak I could hardly move. : "One day I saw a statement about Tanlac and I determined to try it. I have now taken ten bottles in all and my appetite has come back, I eat any- thing I want and as much as I want at every meal without pain or any un- comfortable feeling afterwards. I do TORONTO SALT WORKS" ~.C. J. CLIFE = TORONTO silence for some moments. It was broken by the hesitating, constrained voice of the young man: "She has!" Be Very Careful. The Sunday school treat was in full swing, and after the games the young- sters all sat down to a good feed. Lit- tle Johnnie, unaccustomed te such rich fare, had eaten unsparingly. And now, at the end, he was feeling rather uncomfortable. "Can I lift you down?' asked the kind old lady. "Yes, ma'am, you can lift me down," replied Johnnie; "but"--and he looked pleadingly up into her eyes--'"please don't bend me." Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab- lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed "with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." package which contains directions worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds, Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lum- 'bago, and Pain. Made in Canada. All druggists sell Bayer Tablets of Surnames and Their Origin HOUSTON Variation--Huston. Racial Origin--Scottish. Source--A locality. The family names of Houston and Huston may in some few instances be a corruption or variation of the form Hughson, but not in many. It is easy often to account for the introduction and elimination of many letters from Wailing for a Living. Few people know that wailing out- side the wall of the Old City of Jeru- salem, beneath ihe site where once stood the Temple of Solomon, is sys- tematically done by proxy. Pious Jews ab¥oad, who cannot hope to visit Jerusalem in person, send funds to local Jews, who go to.the ie "th," giving the pronunciation "stra- chan" rather than "strath-chan," |Wwall and give expression to the ab- though more anciently the place was |sent one's grief. This money, known called "Strathaen." as "Halaka Money," is ome of the - mainstays of the Jewish colony in Jerusalem. There are Schools of Wailers, and if sorrow at the Wall of Wailing expresses itself in tears, these are collected and sold abroad as pre- cious relics. ¥ When the Zion Commission was es- RANKIN Variations--Macrankin, Rankine. Racial Origin--Scottish. Source--A given name. The family names of Rankin, Ran- i How He Won Her. Now Hortense was very proud of her small feet. This fact was quite oi a given and family names in the course of their development. The letter "t," for instance, . is readily eliminated. But it's not easily introduced, and the change from Hughson, or Huson, to Huston is not a natural one. " Huston, or Housten (the spellings are interchangeable) have developed as family names from the place name of Houston. It is a parish in Renfrew- shire, Scotland. : Tradition has it that the name or- iginated from one Hugh Padvinan, who, in the reign of Malcolm IV. of Scotland, about the year 1150 A.D., re- ceived grants of land at this place, in kine and Macrankin are developments of a name borne by one of the Clan Maclean of Duart. M This sept was called in the Gaelic, "Clann Mhic Raing," from the given name of a chieftain prominent in its history. It was, however, according to tradition, known as the "Clann Duille" in more ancient times, and the Mac- rankins claim to be the descendants of an Irish chieftain named "Cuduil- ligh." : The forms Rankin and Rankine, of course, are only Anglicized forms of "Mhic Raing," or "MacRaing," the "kin in this case being the English equivalent of clan or family, and not tablished in Palestine, from Jews abroad was di- verted largely into its coffers, and the financial support of the wailers fell away seriously. stored since, either by subsides from the Zion funds, or by a renewal of di- rect subscriptions, Cascarets To-Night for Liver, oney" the "Halaka But it has been re- Bowels, if Bilious, Headachy. Get a 10-cent box now. You're headachy! You have a bad well known to young Wilkins, one of her numerous suitors, and he deter- mined to make good use of it. After months of ardent toil he ap- prcached her with his small savings. "Eortense," he cried, "I lay the whole of my fortune at your feet!" "Fortune!" gasped Hortense. a | wasn't aware that you aad any." "It certainly isn't much," gallantly responded Wilkins, "but it would look immense beside those tiny feet of yours!" *e a MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money not have headaches or dizzy spells any more, I sleep soundly every night and get up feeling fine and strong in the morning." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv. ------------ i Ca---- . Quite So, Teacher--"What is the pluras of man?" Pupil-- "Men." CA "Right. Now, what is the plural of child?" "Twins." iy Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend Order, They are payable everywhere. sept Pauper Invented Blanket. Poverty is responsible for the in- vention of the blanket. Years ago a man in England lost all his wealth and became very poor. One cold win- ter night in 12340° he used a piece of rough unfinished cloth for a bed cover- ing to keep himself warm, and from this makeshift bed covering he in- | vented the blanket. The name of this | the barony of Hilpeter, from Baldwin of Biggar, who was then Sheriff of Lanark. taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow, your lips parched. No wonder you feel mean. Your sys- tem is full of bile not properly passed off, and what you néed is a cleaning up inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you, and don't resort to harsh physics that irritate and injure. Re- member that most disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels are gone by morning with gentle, thorough Cascar- a diminutive ending. This sept of the Clan Maclean seems to-have been noted principally for the number and importance of the bag- pipe players that it produced, and it must be understood that under the Scottish clan system the piper was a real personage, a sort of custodian of the clan traditions and a constant at- tendant upon the head of the clan as well as a musician. CUTICURA HEALS SKIN TROUBLE inPimplesOnFace .ched So Had To Rub Them. "Burned and Hurt. STRACHAN Racial Origin--Scottish. Source--A locality. This family name ig derived from = --- a parish name in Kincardineshire, Scotland, and of course was borne in the first place either by those who held big lands in that place or who, upon travelling to other parts, became meron ets--they Yok Vaile you Jigol. A man was Thomas Blanket, and the "My face Was =" miss of plriples . known by it in preference to their pre- : . 10-cent box wi €ep your liver and | new kind of bedding has been known vious homes. Headed Ja th e Right bowels clean; stomach sweet, and your | ynger the name of blanket ever since. a a eg 4 name has Direction. head clear for months. Children love Arar i hard and red and later they came to been formed in the English rather to take Cascarets too because they Fine-edged weapons should not be white heads. They itched so I would # But though the family than in the Gaelic manner, the place name itself is Gaelic. Its meaning is that of "little val- ley" or '"valley-head," and it is a com- pound of the words "strath" or "stra" (which also gives the name Strathclyde) and "ceann" or "chan," which you'll also find in the surname of that famous Scottish historical figure "Malcolm Ceann-Mor" (literally "Malcom Big-Head"). But in the combination the "ch" 'ways going at a rapid pace but he is There is one success sign that is never lacking in the man who is made of the stuff that wins. He is always headed in the right direction, always moving forward. He may not be al- always facing toward his goal. No matter in what way you consider this man, his appearance, his dress, his manner of doing things, his initiative, his letters, everything about him bears the stamp of progress, shows that he is a man with a definite aim never gripe or sicken. ° meri + ses What She Wanted. The housekeeper walked into the "I want a chicken," she said. "Do you want a pullet?"' asked the shopkeeper. shop and rapped smartly on the count- er. "No," replied the housekeeper, "I want to carry it." ---------- In the last year of the war a formid- used on rough timber. Mother! Move Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup. Hurry mother! Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the bowels. A teaspoonful to-day may prevent a sick child to-morrow. If con- stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions rub them, and then they started to burn and hurt. "I saw an advertisement for Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment and tried them and found they helped me. I purchased more and when I had used three cakes of Cuticura Soap and one and a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Anna Pyalka,Carrolls, Wash., Dec. 6, 1919. : Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your skin. T0 WOMEN sound dominates and eliminates the who is headed towards a definite goal. Ask for Minard's and take no other. hi A Se neste Lan Sud ; TT ---- : : ; 3 ? , r ymens, Limited, t. Paul St., W., Montreal. Belgians Dig Fifty Feet a good cleansing of the little bowels H)EF™ Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. = for Shell is often all that is necessary. able shell dropped from a height of 6,000 feet on the village of Havay, be- tween Mons and Maubeuge, says a Brussels despatch. It did not explode, but it made a hole in the earth about 50 feet deep, where it had remained. This shell weighs two tons, and the charge of explosive is estimated to weigh from 16 cwt. to a ton. The Ger- mans, who regarded the shell as of much importance, tried to extract it, but were unable to do so. The Belgian authorities succeeded in pulling out the shell after making a large excavation about it. The work demanded great precaution as a shell for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. A Health Saving REMINDER : Don't wait until you get sick--USE ' The foolish man who built his house on the sand -- OF MIDDLE AGE This Woman's Letter Tells You How To Pass The Crisis Safely. He gave an example in folly which anybody can understand. It isn't so easy, however, to sense the mistake of trying to build the body on foods which lack essential nourishment. Lascelles, P.Q.-- "Hue the Change of Life I felt so weak and run down I could hardly do my work. The per- spiration would pour over my face so | that I couldn't see what I was doing. Here, again, is a foundation of sand which gives 'way when the test comes. ! Many a food that tastes good lacks honesty of a similar kind te the one buried at : i 3 1 : We live ona farm, so there is lots to do, of nourishment to equal its taste. Thus it tempts Havay fell not far from the French § 3 A BE 1 but any he els 3 1% Nol axe ite i i . fronti d d rat th -------- in SEE : been in bed. ook Lydia E. Pinkham's the appetite into mistakes that often are costly. fone Bn J Te rater: more than U L0 A ' T ! Vegetable Compound and it did me a v : iis : y | world of good. I tried other remedies Grape-Nuts is a food which helps build bodily og 0% E S N S but I put Vegetable Compound ahead of 2 endurance for life's stress and storm. The full International Court of | them all, Sh Lia prety one I know nourishment of wheat and malted b : EASE LAME BACKS ' how much good it has done me."'-- ted barley, together Justice. 'Mrs. DUNCAN BROWN, Lascelles, Prov. with the vital mineral salts so necessary to bone structure and red blood corpuscles, with phos- phates for the brain, is retained in Grape-Nuts. - | Quebec. | Such warning symptoms as sense of , suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, . backaches, dread of impending evil, The League of Nations has consti- tuted the international court of Jus- tice provided for in the Treaty of Ver- OU can't do your best when your back and every muscle aches with fatigue. A i. FE a rae Gar Sori AR A a TT A a cia ® i tee . = The long baking process by which Grape-Nuts is made gives the food a natural sweetness and an unusual ease of digestibility and assimilation. sailles. give the names of the judges: count Finlay, Great Britain; Dr. Yoro- As a matter of record we Vis- dinner. Grape-Nuts has a particular delight for | breakfast or lunch, or made into a pudding for the appetite. Sold by grocers. B. T. C. Loder, Holland; Antonio S. de Bustamente, Cuba; Judge Didirk Ni- holm, Denmark; Dr. Max Huber, Swit- zerland; Dr. Raphael y Crevea, Spain: _ Apply Sloan's Liniment: freely, with- out rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort. F For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. Keep Sloan's handy. 'At all druggists--35c, 70c, $1.40, | | timidity, sounds in the ear, palpitation | of the heart, sparks before the eyes, | irregularities, constipation, variable ap- : J gu-Oda, Japan; Dr. Andrew Weiss, Good for rheumatism, neuralgia, | pettte, weakness and dizziness should Served with cream or milk, Grape-Nuts is France; Commendatore D. Anzilotti, Sprains 20d shane. Rehes ing Los, be heeded by middle-aged women, and ishi : 3 : . SCles, ia E. Pinkham' etable - fully nourishing, and whether eaten as a cereal at Italy; Dr. Ruy Barbosa, Brazil: Dr.| ghe after effects of weather nk let Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg om | pound carry them safely through this | crisis as it did Mrs. Brown. ' You are invited to write for free advice No other medicine has been so suc- Dr. John Bassett Moore, United States. Four deputy judges were also elected: Dr. Negulesco of Roumania, Dr. Jovanovic of Jugo-Slavia, Mr. Grape-Nuts--the Body Builder "There's a Reason" : : Made in Canada. | 2 . AA Sgt | cessful in relieving woman's suffering ! = | as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ; a | Compound. Women may receive free Linimen and helpful advice by writing the Lydia Wang of China and Judge Beichmann | E. Pinkham Mcdicine Co., Lynn, Mass. of Norway. : a | 1SSUZ No. 44--21. \ ASSETS. . - = » creas iret ------------------ -------------------- NAN pt -- |.