Left to Right: Hattie Gardiner, Mary Cosgrove, Lenora Gardiner of Iron Bridge, and Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Anne Cordukes from Sowerby WI. This photo can be found in the Tweedsmuir History created by the
Left to Right: Hattie Gardiner, Mary Cosgrove, Lenora Gardiner of Iron Bridge, …
Members shown are: Hattie Gardiner, Katie Draper, Anna Reid, Kay Grigg, and Lenora Gardiner. The two women in the middle of the photo were from the Hospital Auxiliary. This photo can be found in the
Members shown are: Hattie Gardiner, Katie Draper, Anna Reid, Kay Grigg, and …
Left to Right: Wilda Montgomery, Mary Seabrook, Daisy Allen, Mary Cosgrove, Hattie Gardiner, Lenora Gardiner, Jean Maxwell, Loretta Leeson, Anna Reid. This photo can be found in the Tweedsmuir Histor
Left to Right: Wilda Montgomery, Mary Seabrook, Daisy Allen, Mary Cosgrove, Hattie …
Left to Right: Mrs. Harold House, Mrs. Jim Walker, Mrs. Max Tulloch, Mrs. Elmer Foster. This photo can be found in the Tweedsmuir History created by the Iron Bridge Women's Institute.
Left to Right: Mrs. Harold House, Mrs. Jim Walker, Mrs. Max Tulloch, …
Left to Right: Mrs. Harold House, Mrs. Glen Condi, Mrs. Dale Cameron, Mrs. Ernest Knott, Mrs. Gordon McCaushion, Mrs. Elmer Foster, Mrs. Jim Walker, Mrs. Max Tulloch. This photo can be found in the T
Left to Right: Mrs. Harold House, Mrs. Glen Condi, Mrs. Dale Cameron, …
The Allhusen farm located on highway 17 west was originally owned by Mr. William Tower before 1923. After Mr. Allhusen's death the property changed hands and became the site of tourist cabins that Mr
The Allhusen farm located on highway 17 west was originally owned by …
Left to Right: Mrs. Bob Leeson, Mrs. Gil Gignac, Mrs. Sandy Allen, Mrs. Len Montgomery, Mrs. Bill Maxwell, Mrs. Percy Gardiner, Mrs. Max Tulloch, Mrs. Bill Gardiner, Mrs. Pete LaRoque. This photo can
Left to Right: Mrs. Bob Leeson, Mrs. Gil Gignac, Mrs. Sandy Allen, …
Back Row (Left to Right) Mrs. Ray Allen (not a WI member but a 4H helper)Mrs. Alex Reid. Second Row: Mrs. J. L. Smith, Mrs. Michael Cosgrove. Front Row: Mrs. Percy Gardiner, Mrs. Bill Gardiner, Mrs.
Back Row (Left to Right) Mrs. Ray Allen (not a WI member …
Back Row: (Left to Right) Mrs. Mary Bass, Mrs. Evelyn Grigg (Forrest) Mrs. Irene Moise (Spooner). Front Row (Left to Right) Mrs. Katie Draper (Fraser), Mrs. Jean Eaket (Stobie), Mrs. Margaret Inkster
Back Row: (Left to Right) Mrs. Mary Bass, Mrs. Evelyn Grigg (Forrest) …