A photocopy of a photograph of a woman and young man standing outdoors in front of a cottage.
A photograph of a dwelling with a family standing in the foreground.
A newspaper clipping with a photograph of a man serving a woman in a store/post office.
A photograph of a group of children and their teacher standing outside, in front of a one room school house, posing for a photograph.
A photocopy of a photograph of a group of cabins on the shores of a lake.
A photocopy of a photograph of a cottage on the shores of a lake, surrounded by trees.
A photocopy of a photograph of a man standing beside a company vehicle displaying a stringer of fish.
A photocopy of a photograph of a lumber mill with milled lumber in front of a long shed with large logs to the left of it.
A photocopy of a photograph of two women sitting in a boat being driven by a man.
A photograph of several small red-cedar coloured buildings nestled in the trees on the edge of a lake. A boathouse in the foreground.
A photocopy of a photograph of a cottage on the shores of a lake, surrounded by trees.
A photocopy of a photograph of two small white cottages. One of the cottages has a pen, and a vehicle to the left of it.
A calendar from Deyette's Store from 1988 with a photograph of a young child with a kitten and a number of recipes from Maple Leaf Foods.
A yellowed and slightly damaged 9 page program including the acts for the evening's variety show and a number of advertisements for local businesses.
A colour scan of a War Savings certificate issued by the Government of the Dominion of Canada to David F. Watkinson.
A colour postcard of an aerial view of a number of buildings next to a lake
A colour postcard depicting and aerial photograph of a building with a large parking lot near a highway on which drive several cars
A colour postcard depicting a number of camper trailers in a clearing near a lake
A colour postcard depicting a lake on which is seen two canoes, a steamboat and on shore rests a number of buildings, some of which appear to be ...
A black and white postcard depicting a hotel and its surrounding outbuildings next to a lake
A black and white postcard depicting a small cabin nestled in the woods
A colour postcard depicting a lake with a pristine, natural shoreline and brilliant blue water
A colourized postcard depicting a grand old hotel complete with gardens, trees and lawns
A black and white postcard depicting an expanse of lawn going downhill towards a lake near which stands a garden shed amidst a copse of trees
A colour postcard depicting a densely treed island in a body of water
A colourized postcard depicting a group of white wooden buildings with red roofs near a body of water
A black and white postcard depicting a garden with an abundance of flowers near a wooden building
A black and white postcard depicting a large wooden hotel painted white, located on the crest of a hill with buildings built down the hill on either ...
A black and white postcard depicting several men with peavy poles at the next to a waterfall beside which are many large logs
A triptych colour postcard depicting two boys with a snake, a gift shop and the exterior of a log building at the front of which is parked a station ...
A colour postcard depicting a lake, a steamboat and a bridge with pines in the foreground