Hello: I was fortunate to have been in music classes in the 1950's where Mrs. Rowe regularly stopped by to observe and show interest in our class. I believe our teacher at the time was Mrs. Marion Williams who was her daughter.
Mrs. Rowe taught music to my mother and aunts during their school years.
I was very disappointed that Kathleen Rowe school changed its name. Mrs. Rowe was a pioneer of musical education in Whitby for many years and her name should be honoured for her contribution to the finer things in our education system.
Susan Andres (nee Ireland)
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Hello: I was fortunate to have been in music classes in the 1950's where Mrs. Rowe regularly stopped by to observe and show interest in our class. I believe our teacher at the time was Mrs. Marion Williams who was her daughter. Mrs. Rowe taught music to my mother and aunts during their school years. I was very disappointed that Kathleen Rowe school changed its name. Mrs. Rowe was a pioneer of musical education in Whitby for many years and her name should be honoured for her contribution to the finer things in our education system. Susan Andres (nee Ireland)