Whitby Gazette, 14 Jul 1904, p. 6

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• . I . II MRT.BS. ing ~troqncl, Cartwright. FOR ~.\LF..-.\ brick hou"" known UOARDERS \\'ANTJ•:D.-Mrs. Uobt FOR SALE CHEt\P. - A New \VII• CON"'r•U•·•r I l!ont·. - In Cedar llale, t.be wife or I Haym~s - ln l'o•·t l'•·r·ry, 011 Sun-• •nv~~;;. lJ.••·i•l "one, a son. . <!ay, .luly Ill, ;\.,tLic )by Haymea, IO.ilb..•n .... lu l:::l3t' Whithy, tile b..tuvcd "if•· nf ,Mr. Cha.<. \\'Ill I.;, :14red Those who are 1ralnlnlr flesh I wife of lkur.r Gilbert o( a 10011. , lil year" auJ 7 mouth~. a!< the Arnol•t hou~. AJply to Mr.~. Kelly, ::Sortb Wu<l, Whi~hy.-7-3. . John Ferguson, \\'hithy . .:...t-2. - - - ·-·-·· - - - · · PASTI..iRE TO Il E~T. - P lenty of TEACHER " . A:\TIW. - For S. S. runn i n~ water. Apply to R. Cam· linms f:t!WiDJt mat~h i no nf'arly netv • Apply box 41, l'ickering, Ont • -------- -------~---------- and &tNnKth by re11ular treat- mentw.lth 1 McGowan. - In Uxl>ridge, to llr. ----- .• mark. Greenwood. Scott's Em"Jsl'on I· and Mrs. n. ~lc;Gowan, a. daughter, '"'e ill88rt all small advertisements "' I Hogarth. - In <Mh:nm, to Mr. apd in the GtiZ'efte, Chronicle and Port ~o. f, ltc:tch. Uutios to commence , after summer v:tcation. Apply tlT -------------------------------- \\'. II. Dyer,., Shirley. T~:ACHJ·:n W,\:\Tt·:u - "'or "ars b Hill Srlroool , .:\o. 19, }.teach, duties to comm~nl'e aClPr sulllmor holidays, Appl)·, i n )h•rson, iC )"lc.,.. .. ible, t o J, Clyrh•, 1".~~rt' t nry, r;rrenl,,nk, Ont'. ahould continue the tr .. atment I ..._ St d d t · Y In hot weathert smaller """'e I lin;. I.:wr~n V. Hogarth, a daugh- ccrry an ar n one pnoe. our and a little cool·tnllk with I<,., ,,, I ler-.-;t ill born. advertisement will rencb 25,000 read- Going lor Chamberlain's Colle, (holera aad Diarrhoea FOR SALE. - Liglrt, one-man cart, good as new. Cbenp. pure bred Scotch collie p<!ps. COW FOR SALE. - You~g Jersey cow Cor ~<:~.le. Goocl milker. Apply ro11d to Rev. T. Cuwan, Uxbridge. do away with any obJection ers each week. Kvery hou.ehol~ which Ia attached to fatty pro- 1 1 " .\.-RR_I_A-G'·•"'-'. will read it. Also NO'riCF.. - The Cnurt (l[ Revision for the Town. .. hip oC Scott for the r~>ar l!IOt \\·ill meet in the Town Bdl. Scott, on Snturrlay, tl-e ;!8th day of Mny, 1904, at the hour of one p.m. Wnt . Nelson, Township (;lerk. duct. durUilr the heated w.. ..,~ Sedlo..r'"...,Pie. I Dr,•nt - Somerville. - In <hJJ,twa, SCOTr & IOW.NIIi, Ckomlst5, I tiPorge M. Drent to l.illi" May ~om- AUCTION SALES. Apply ' Remedy. F. Calverley, ,\ .. hitby.--52. ••••on. I --~------~--------- T-to, Ootario. I 1 1 f ~ ... soc. aad 1•-oo; all drua\slo. crv\j c, a I o ...cua.wn. ---- 1 ·--------------,;1 Tod -- llarv,•y. -;- In O"hawa, by (Parties gettiag tlleir billa printed . Don't pnt yourselt in this miUl'B place, -------- - - - - --<>----- bat keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. There Is nothing so good for CoUo, Cholera Morbu11, IJytlentery and Diarrhoea. It is equally Taluable for Summer Comphalllt and Cholera Infao· tnm And hll8 ~ve<l the ll'l'e<l of more children thnn any other medicine In u- FOR SALE. - Two boUUB at Port Whitby. One eight ~ma and one fiYe roOmS. Cheap. Apply to J . K. Farewetl, Whitby.-50-tf. HOUSE FOR SALF.. - The Gold re- sidence, Byron street. In good re- pair. Good garden and tawn. ,V. S. Gold •. Whitby. Rtv. J. J. !lac, Wm. J. Tod and Jen- at tlli.a officre will reooive a lree no- nil! t:. Harvey, b<ll.b of <hhaw:1. tice u& the Gazotlte, tile Chronicle, and ~··.ur=c- - lll·•t>eh·.•r•l. _ ln 11··,.- tlle Port Perry Standard,- which i,a . 'l'll::.:H5UAY, JULY Hlh, 1!10(. " ;: ~ Q ~o Inn, 00 We.ill\!sduy, J uue 15, Dora wortll more Utan the prioe of the 'VA~TED. - At once, a m'ln nnd tenm to plow about 1:: acres of lnnd on lot 10, con. 1, formerly the' Weth- erald estate. W. M:. Platt. FOR SALE. ~ A phn eton nnd n "Pt of hrn.es mount.,rl si11~le hnrne!l,. to m ntch - originnl c~·t, ~175-n" Hlall<'hnrd, to Ch!UI. }'. SturgllSll, of billa.) O:;,h,. WO!, Sale of valuable rea) estate in CO:"\SEHVATlVB CO:SVE:STI0:-1, Whitby Township. 1'he o;ubseriber is When ndnced with water and sweet- enE'd It is pleasant to take. PIGS FOR SALE. - For l!lllle, 11 number or nice little pigs, 9 weeki! old. Apply to Thoma5 Pickard, lot ~. conce&~iun 10, Reach, Uxbri• P. 0. ~tood 11s n ew. A b..1rgain to wboeYer r.omM f irst. Apply · to Levi M.. ---- Battlt! - PcrkiiM. - At now man- inatructed to offer Cor 6ale by public j Larl(e JJI'!~~nlion nt Whitlly to Pick viii~. Alllln Anbur Uattlc and Mise auctien, nt Sebert's hot.el in the Vil Yon, or some one of your family, are Bnre to need this reml'dy 1100ner or later and when that time comet1 yon wfll ~~~ It bltftly; yott will need It quickly. Why oot buy It now and be p~pared for II1ICb to emergency! Prl~:e~ 3:1 ceota. ..... v ANTED-An experienced skirt· maker, at once. Good Wllgt!!!l to OnP capable oC o"'eraeeir1;. M.i.M 1~. G. Smitll, Killg St., Oshawn-46-2. Gleason, Greenwoocl. ----------------------------- out u Cnn.ticlale - P. Cbriatie the Alic<l· liertrude Perkins, l>otl> of lnge .of Urooklin, on Thursday, 21et Choi<"o in Ill:> AIJ.oenc" - Report- Bowmaoville, July, 1904, at one o'clock p.m., 'tbe FOR SALE OR TO RI':NT .- Soutli pllrt of lot 23. 9th "noce!l!lion Town- ship of Rench .. - For Jl:trticuhtrt~ np- ply to "the proprietor oa the pr.e• ; -4'd Tbnt He Will Not Accept - Polter - lloRd. - In Columl>us, following valuable rul estate, nam- . · •Wm. Smith, ~x-M. P., · Announce:< hy R~v. 1tlr. Wilson, of MyrLlu, Mr. ely-Thirteen acrM of land more or FARM TO REI'T OR SELL.-The LuiJINien Cnrm, N. E. 1-t of lot 5, 2Dd con. Rnch, 50 acres. Apply im- me'diately to John Smith, stone m<t· eon, WhitbJ.-51. TWO COWS FOR SAI.E. - Onf' nf'w milker, shorthorn, durhllm. Th .. other ha\t jersey, oomlng ·in in .July. Appl1 H. Janes, Newport'l! stahl•, Whitby. Hia Witlulmwal !-'row 1-'urther Jali. l'olll"r, ol DmnL(on.l, to ll.lia.s less, part of lot No. 2:!, in the 7th '=======,.,========~ Cnn•lidat urc. oophia UoDII, or Colnmbu.s. conell.!itlion of the Township of Whltb)o, mist'fl. Terlll.!l ea"y - to suit pnr• ---- }'iahor - Palmer. - At the resi- lying enst of. and fronting on the Out uf " po...,.ible · del~gnt~on of 215 ltt_encc of the bride's parent", Kallt GraYel Road, formerly owned by )(ra, :there W1•ro 175 Con,;crvat&Ves at \\"hitby Letitia eldest daughter of Lebar ; upon which are n frame Whitl>y (or the purJlO>IO of sel~liOR Henry '.t"almer, 'to John }'i:Jber, of dwelli~ house of seven rooms, upoa ·a cundidat" to run for tbs House of Toronto. , atone foundation, frame granarY, .Comutow<. ll was a fullr reprosl'nt- Beath _ Thomp50n. _ At the re· amaH stable, a Jiving "Pring of water, ative ,....,...mbly of the llest men of sidenee of the bride'e father, Josiah etc. '!enn<> of BDle-Ten per cent, •t ~he party. Liek, Oshawn, Thumws n~at.h, M. D.,j.f?e trme. of Mle, and the balaaoe l'ttm ~btnrtistmtnts. chnser. H. Lnkcy., l'or• l'erry. -.. HOUSE ASD LOT FOR SALE. - • • • S.vt~n rooms and pantry, en Euclid (Adnrt~ment.e ~nder tb&S beadtng &treet, Whitby ; ;~.!.so eeven building are &DSerted ~n the Po~t. Petry I lots on Eu~lid and Palace streets. Standard_. "\ilutby Chrontcle, and A 1 .. ..t this orrice.-2 tf. The Wbttby Gazette at nne PP J ------ --- ---- ------------·------------------ Mr. \\'m. Real, Greenbank, vresidcnt, Winoip~g. to' llr..._ Emily Thump- "1tbout Jllte~t, twenty dnye there- Jlre.si..ted; IJr. Jnm .. s Moore, Brook- liOn, of O:;ha.wa. afte~. lmmcd&ate possession Further Ctbarg'e.) FARMS FOR SALE. - Four farm" Cor rsnle, three nenr Town of "'hit- by aDd one near Drooldin. For p<tr- ticuln m npply 'to the undereignll'd, Whitby. lJ. Ormiston. Solicilor-7tf. PASTURE TO LET. - ':\b11 undu· Aigned hu to let at lot 1~ l'on. 9, Reuh, 100 Acrea good pMture land. AbnDdance of water. ApplJ to Ja& ROM, Port l'erry P.O., or lot 22, r.on. 9, RMch.--Sl. ' HOUSE ANrl J.OT FOR SALE- The undersignP<l oHers for sllle t wo good frnme houses e ituntf'd on Scugol( St. Port P erry. Six ncres of ground. On the premi~ nre n goo(l barn, ftood on:h·ar<t, etc. For further pa rtieulnrs 11pp!y to W. H. llarri.s. or to Mi!!B ?tl .Nicol, Por t Perry-1 1. ling, l>oin;; o<e<"crtnry. • . • . . parhculars can be !lad of the under- Considrrable time WILS 11pent in re- Ne3b&tt - Scott. - In K•ust Wh&t- signe!l auctioneer, or of Mr. Hubert FOR SERVICF.. - A registe~ Berlt:ahlre pig, at Fa~well'• f:um. Ten. ,1, Ja& Moore, '\Vhitb)o.- 61-l. ---- --.. - ------------,1----- IIINDER FOR SALE.-t•e lcr Ham- ilton mnke, 5 1-2 feet cut, nearly . new. Will sell cheap. Terms - IJillf NoY. 1, "1904; balnnr.e Nov. 1, 1905. Mrs. T. Gillinn, 1Jinckwnter, Ont • ..:..S. port in~ on the lnr1,'"0 numbers of by;·on the liOth June •. 1\104., Ll)" Rev. J. L. Kbbels, narrister, Port Per17• credl'ntial<~. nnd in otherwise or- Hodg~ nt the re.s&dencc of · the Geo. Jacbon, Auctioneer , FARM FOR S.\LE OR TO RENT,- 1011 acre.!'. of good land, new hnnk hnrn, nhundnnce oC Wltl.,r, e:t.<~t half of lot 27, eon. 1 o( Pickc rin(f. · It;... adjnc11nt to the villa!le o{ Dunb.u· ton nnd is 18 mile~ e:tst of Toronto, con•·cui.,nt lu "tation and market, ~·or particulam nptlly to Juhn An- d Pr.•on, :NinJ:lnra 1-'alls, Ont., or to Rcbf, r t Anderson, Dunb:&rton. gani:r:ing the meeting, but thia time bri·~e'a p~&renta, John A. ~e~bitt to ' was well utilized, for when the bo.l- Hattie M. Scotl, all of Eaat 'Vbit- lou wem counted it Will! found that by, . • . p•t To p-oYft to JOU Uu•t Dr. they tnllied. exnctJy with the repre- Wilson - Uailey. - In <bbawa, I es ~~r.:;.!J:::o~·r..~..= sentntion. nt Medcalf su-eet parsonage, on nnd enrr tonn ot Jtcbl-. No nominations w~rc m:~de openly, Wed.-day, Jun~ 29,_ by Rev. Ro~t. thmanllf"';lu~=·~"::!'!~~£"~ :the first ballot lleing devoted to thnt Burns, Ph. D., } raucu! Edmund 'Vtl- tlmonlnl• In the datlr ~'""" ... "" &IOk :rour IIClilllr purpose alooo. It allowed the fol- son lo Cord,,lia May Uailey, all of bono whnt)he7lhlnk otlt. You"'" u110 ll ... )o\vi~ namea- Wn;a. Smith, Peter Whitby R"Jt,-our•'f"!'""bacl::ltnotcured. GOcAbo:r:,M ' all deal ..... or Kn1UNSON,ll4TEB o!i: Co.,~ Chrifltie, J. D. Dow, Dr. Kaitier, LeWarno - s~ldon. -On thelath D .. Chaae•s Ointment .lohn Dri~ht, John Vipond, Charlea ult., l>y Ruv. llooort Uurruo, nt U1e • • Calder nod J. S. Willison. Before re.siooncl! oflthe bridc'a brother, .Jno. n ,eecond ballot w.n.s called for the Seldon, of 6rcenwood,- township of purpo:ic of voling on tho n:m1ea of Pickering, Jennie, d~14thter of thfl the nominees, Mr. Wm. SUlith, ex- lnte Samuel Seldon, of Whitby, to ~- P., went to the 11lalform nnd re- Joha Lc\\'arnc, of O..hawa. H"re'a to the Bachelor Girl Who fain· her charms would cloiater, She i.a a precious pearl : That. will not leave the oyater. WATER CART 'FOR S.\Ut-A bclr- pln. A e;e~ond band Spei;;ht mnnu- faeture, Apply at 01110e. W. JAm- l.eoa. Purt PerrJ'. , -~-------- --· ----- -- BOUSE FOR SALE. - The I'Mi· de nee of the late Dr. Sangster: -11 built and centrall1 situated. For particuhli"B apply to H. L. Ebbels, Esq., Darrieter, .Pvrt Perry.-t2-3. 100 ACRE FARM 'FOR SALE. - FARMS FOR SALE. - Tt>e (:ums Ulgb atate of '1111ltiYlltioa. Good. ~longing to the eatate of tile l•te baiht~ Very liberal teriD!!I. Ap- Geo. Jones, 75 acrM in Pickering, 50 ply We!!itern lbJil. Port Perry. aeres in Whitby towDBhip. Will bf GENERAL SERV .M1T. - W~tnted, at o~, a goOO general MrYant. Hichat WllgflB. Apply lire. F.r. eold in the early eummer.~tf. WANTED. - A good reliable lady to take ordere for our et:rli.sh cus- tom made draM l'lkirts and walking ski rt.e ; a leo skirt l'lupporters. \Vrih qui<>kl:r. Dominion Garment Co., Guelph, O~t., Dox 209.-51. I FAR~I FOR SALE. - The un<ler- s ip:ned offers for s~tle his fine fnrln, lo t 20, con. 14, R car.h. First-clnss dwrllinll, ~ood .. tone -'Plhr, good f rnme ba rn (ln stanc Wltll . An or- queate~ that hill nnme ~ wilhdrnwn. }'oley _ Hamilton. _ At St. Pat- He &:ud tlicre WM a ttme rwh~n he rick'a church, McCaul street, on ·woultl have been glnd to al;latn b~- • TuMdny, June 21at, 190t, by tne Rev. come standard-bearer, but IHs amb1- }'ather .Urban, c.S.S.R., Mr. J. Joa- t&on w~ no~ now 110 atroug. lie eph }'oley, late of Arrowhead, B. c., v.·ou~d g&Ve !:>1s earnest ~u.port to the to Kille Acaea H~milton, ~ Collea• uoauneo of _the cooYenl:ioo, aDd eYery atreet Toronto, formerl,r ol Wb'tb1 She is a proud 8\VIlet pea That ecorns to be a vine, And lenn upon a tree 1 Kallett, Proepect Douee, <bhawa '· · JueetiOD. ' PIGS FOR SALE. - Litter of 8 pigs, eilr: weelt:.e old, Yorlnhire White, and 1 Berlr.lhire eow with litter of nine Yorlr:.sbire or01111. l<'red. E. Wil-ki-.. lot · 1~ eoa. 13, Reaclrr, Saillt- field., Oat. FARM FOI\ SALE. - The Hleking· bottom farm, 200 acres, parte of lot 2 and 3. lith con., Pickering, can ~ pun'ha.,.d oa faYorable terme. Ap- ply immediately to Dow & McGil!i· vray. 110licitorB, Whitby.-26tf. chnrd. Two splendid well!l of W&• t er. llnd all t he other necc..'"nry con- venienc.-s. 41) ncres of mngnifioeut: &tnnding timber. Apr•lr to the pro- prie tor. Jc>'ranei.a Dnlton, Port l"erry. (lei'IIOnal fncnd of bioi would be • 1 • aaked. lo do likewlae. -- Notwith.standiDI{ thia the eecond DEATBB. F•ir. - In Uxbridge, Rebert }' air, in his 73rd year. Lamb. - · In Toronto, Phoel>e J. L,• mil, .1ged Jl yea.,rs. Or rpur.d n stick entwine. "'\Vhat: lt•an upon a stick!" Oh, no ! I'm not tbat aort- 1 wirl grow bmDCib&a thick ~~ ~ UlJ ll'«Q. ~{tl .. Uewaro. 0 penrl of price ~t you be ca.st to •wine ; 0 proud aweet pea, tbink twice ErA you ref1L."~ to twine ! 0 D'ach~lor Girl, we drink , ConCu.sion to your plan; ballot ahowed a Yote of 67 for the ex- p~mboor. nut a ~treat mall1' of his ~~oupiJOI"terll had tnken him at bill ,.·ord nnd voted for Mr. Cnri.atie and olber11. The count of the ballot tihowrd a vote of 95 for Mr. Cbri.s- ttie, nnd Messrs. Do\v and Kaiser nt oonce moved that he have the unani- mous nomination of tho convention, Small. - In 03hawa, Alexander Grny Small, aged 73 years. Rewaro, lest 1-'ato shall link 1 1 You to a Spinster lllau ! "·hich motion carried. Kenl. - In HQWmanville, J.. H. \\' eller, wife of A. ll. Kent aged 77 year..._ Ana change, ere 'till too late. , 1 The choker tall ant! silly, The Twccds,-the hat we hate, }'or something eoft and frilly! Tnke off lbe atockinge blue <"'e will avert our g:~.ze), ' Then will wo drink to you Long life-and happy duya! " 'ilt. - . In CMhawn, FrP<ierica, rP.- Iict o£ the late John Wilt, pge<l. 80 year.:~. The uominell was not pr&Sent, so a commit tre, consillting of \\'m. Smith, J. U. Dow, A. Johnston, .fohn Vipond, Dr .Kaiser, I. Wheeler, 1-:. H. Purdy, &nd William Grrthnm wero named to tender Mr. Chri..'<t ie the DDntination, which th~y dit.l later in the d.uy,( but 'Mr. Christie tmid he could uot (Hle,.ibly WilL.in.son. - lu Reach TowDBhip, Franr.:!l \\"ilkiusou,' aged 83 years, 8 Jnonths, ·· -Oliver Herford. accrpt the honor. Anot hl'l· convention will have to ~called. Suuddon. - In E:l.$t \\'hitl>y, y ,,ry Watson, wife u( Pct~r Snudden, ugcd G5 year,., ;: month!< and ~ day,., Allan. - In lteaeb, on llondny, CASTOR lA For Infants and Children. <:on.sen•a lin,;s Nominate W, H. Hoyle. Th•· (;., .. ,.;~v ,:7i~·xorth ·on- turiu tu~l in eunvcnlion ut u~a\"e rton !or ibo parpos.e o( t1elect ing 1> cnn- diduto to .:untest lbc constitueucy for 1 he loca I Hoo>~e . l're>~ident Chns. Kelky of lJ xllridge pra11irlet1. Mr. ,V. H. lloyl~, the preser..t mewber, roceived th~ mo:it unanimous nomi- ruLtion c\'cr Hiven a cnndidute in North Ontario. ln accepting, Mr. Hoylr• .st•okc l>l'i<'LIY on his wc.rk in r he Houoo tlurii~ the J>l"~>~eut Par- linmcnl, in which 110 wnny import- :ant mcnsurc.s bu~e come up. The m..etiu~ was nddre$ed b)· Mr. An- drew :.l!iscamphe ll, the Con<~ervative or~nnizcr; JJ~ Gillest•il', Hun. t•re- "'idtHtl or til~;' Con~l:'r\"utiv~ Ass o- 'ia tion, and Lico. J>roctor, th~ Jlll rty'.s numiu:·c !or the lJuminiuu House. Among t.hos,: pr-><~ent were Dr. Gii- I~SJlie. Cl111s . K~lley, I. Todd, Phillip !McR:w . ..l.lln:. 1\Icltae, \\'m. Shier, A. . J Ht•i.t, llu~h Wiloon, Jns. lluncan, :Major J'atcr,.on and many olbere. The wef'ling closed with cheur11 tor -the candidate and the Kinll'. July 11th, 190•, Catherine Allan widow of the Jb.te ,\.le:r.:ouder Lni.ns/ :r.ged il yo:.r.ra, Tlte C•tnernl took J•l.lA:e from her , late I'Uidence. lnt 15, f.on. 7, Reach, on "'\\'edneadn.y, July l":ll\, , to t,hc . Eus!iab Cb.u«>h· bu r y- The Kind You Hate Always Baqllt :.· Be~w::r d _,~~ ~ ~~i A poor housckeeper .caa spoil the best tea in the making, but the best housekeeper cannot m•ke a satisfactory cup of tea froaa a poor leaf. The use of Eby·Blaln • s . "KOLONI:- Ceylon tea is ~assurance that your skill will not be wasted oo poor materiaO. ·Every package guaranteed. Sold o~y·.~ 1sealed lead packets--Black, Mixed, and Greco (for Japan te .~rs), 25c., 3oc., 4oc., soc., 6oc., or Boc. per lb. ,)l SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS _ .. _ .. • ------ ---------- _ .. _____ _ • - .. I • I • • I • • I ·I I • • I ·• • I : I • ·• I ·• •• I ·• • I : I • • I • • I • • I • •• 1. :a I ·• ·• I ... Do You -Want a Farm? - - GET ONE IN THE- -- LAST MbU NTAIN VALLEY. I • • • •• • • • • • • • I Do you want an Investment? Buy lands in Last Mountain Valley. • Last Mountain Valley is the Garden of Assiniboia. The V{est has . nothing to co111pare with it. Ideally situated, bountif~ly blessed with. all the neeessities and requirements for most prosperous agncultural operatiOns, for wheat growing and stock ra.ising, ,it is unrivalled. 1 $8.10 per acre, on exceptionally easy terms, will buy it ·uow; $10.00 per acre inside of 2 ruiles from townsites on new ra.J.lways. Buy now. We muRt soon mise the price. This space will give valuable information in each issue, but don't wait. Write for particulars. Have you W estern improved lan.ds for sale? 'We can find you a purchaser. Investors ! Is your money only bringing :r.ou B: nominal return ~ '\\"e can get you 7 per cent. and 8 per. cent. on best secunty on ~he warl(et to-Jay. There is no security to equal first mortgages on Western unproved property, where values are rising so rapidly. Full particulars for the asking. Bewell & Bewell, The Real Estate Agents of Abernethy, Assn. , N. W. T . ~ I I I I • • 1 : I • • I I I I : I • • I • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I = ... ·- .. --= H = t~t• ~ •• · - · •• !'"""'! u =- .. ,..,. .. ·- .. .,.. .. ~ •• - - - ~ FOR S.\LE 0& TO R.I!:NT. - South part ut Jol :.\ Nl ~a., T9wnahlp of Reaeb. For parUculars applJ' to H. Lakey, $bit LaudadowDe aYenae, Toronto. WANTED. - Sixty good teams. Good work. Wagea forty cents per boar. Seaaon'• work. <\pply to Larkin k Sangster, ContractorB, Thorold, Onl~l. • PASTURAGE. - The undersigned bu unlimited plllltur~ with abon- danee of water and sbadll in close proximity to Port l'err:r. Apply to D. J . Adams, Port Perry.-3-4. ------------------------- BOUSE A;I;D NILL FOR SALE.- A t"~<·u elorey brick h-. tbret aerea of laud, And a .... w an.t eitler wnter power mill in ru.naing order. For particulnrs apply to :8.1111. 'Vm. Dnilr.y, Whitby P.O.-i tf. FOR SALE on EXCBANGE. - A ..bortborn . bull H months ol•, of good pedlftn>e, tracing to Imp, '-· bel, for eale : or excl&:ange for good f!:ene'r&l pu rpoN~ horae. Burton ftros., lot ZO, con. 5, lJrook.Ho, ODt. -47-3. FOR SALE. - Detweel!. 40 and 50 J'Oit SALJt - l[luale •aehlat abep la -•aectlea wltb pDeral blacbmltMhop, W1Mid •hop and foaa· dl')" .. a trteat bargain for 110me011e. nl health eaa• of lllllll.a«. AppiJ te B. Wacaer, Kldlalll, · Otat.-48-!. AGENTS WANTED. - Do JOU wnnt a good liner A boul!ehold ne- c-ity - quick •eller, luge pro- fits end exclwsiYe territory. Re- MIIs to liame people. Outfit free. The R. H. Co., 207 St. James, Mont- """1.-1-2. FOR SAJ.X _ The undersigned. of- eueken1 ana etore pigs, 2 ~arllng f ra for eale at n bclrg:1in a large bulla. A quantity o( seed potatC~M, d~iYII'IIIf mam and a uew du(lk boat. I early e~d late. Alllo ~~d corn nnd Apply Itt Irvin's Pump Works. JCllbn ooe eprtng tooth cult&Yetor. Apply Irvin Port Per,...,. to Geo. F. MartiA, Thornton's Cor- 17G ACRES FOR SALE OR TO 'RENT. :- neing part o[ the JRmee Shand Mt.llte. Composed of pR rts of lots 13 1\nd H in the 7th and 8th ooncMSion~ of Eagt Whilby. Appl7 to Jame3 A. nurne, Rnglan, or John &dll'!r, Columbus.-t-tf. , . FARM FOR 'sALE OR TO RENT -Lot 32, eon. 8, Townllbip of Whit- by. 60 acres. Known lUI tbe Cl\8si- tly tarm. . For £urtber particulars apply to Mrs. CIL!I8idy, Guelph, On~ •• or to Geo, Robinaoo or John David- Mil, .Allhburn, Ont-27-tf. ' • ., ners, Oshawe. STUMP MACHI~E. - For •!e.- Lever etunping machine, 11weep of ..Utr-five }arda, with~• n. bar- a-. whit!letrees, pic oYel!!l, And everything ready for, rlr:. Good as new. M•chine alo~ cost SJ25 ; will lhor. 010ld. ~o~_pPPIT to James -rlly1or, Ze . . . ~"' v.r:- , , _ BULL FOR SERVICE. - The un- c!enigned hM for eerviee at lot 17, con .G. Reach, n pure bred Jersey bull, formerly owned by Mr. ,V, SomerYille. nnd bred by Mr. Green, of Green RiYtr, J>artios desiring his Mr'l'iCiC8 cannot do better th11n cnm- muaicllto witll F. G. ?.{cCiinlock, Port Perry. COURT OF REVISION. - TOW~­ SHIP OF REACH. - lltolice is here- by giYen that tho first eitt10g or the Court of Hevi.sion to rovi:!e the .A.!I- -ment Roll of the T<1wnship of Ream Cor tbe year 190t, will be belrl in the Town Hall. Mannhester, on Hondnr. Juoe 13th, 190f, at two o'clock p.m., of which nil persoll3 in- termted are ro•tUC<Ited lo tRkc no- .Uee and goYern themselveS' nccordiniC- ly. Wrn . Spence, Towashiv Clrrk. Clerk's Ofrice, Manchester, 1\[ny 10. 1904. FARM FOR SALE. - Situated in the Township of UxbriQe, N. W. ~~rter of iot I, COR. ~ contunlng !i5 acre&. A good fra- dwelling with kitchee And woodabed attach- ed. Barn buildio;rs auffiolent for all .. took and illlpiP.meot.e. Mil• nort)l C.P.R. Illation nn<l elevalors, Clare- moat. on Brock rond; Privilege to plow ntter harvest and rull Jl~t>ssion April 1,.t, Jik);;, Applr to W. R . Powell, two duors eMt o( ClAremont P. 0 . Wm Lee, jr., ill the present tenant. FRAME ROUSE FOR SALE. - At prMIInl occupied by mJIICif. ~ear the Presbyterian churoh. Ston~ foundatioa. Tea roem&. Bard and Mfl watr:r. Good cellar. Qu<trter of An acre or land, with· fruit tr-. Wm. emith, .:W.~~Y.:..-4-lU._,.,. .. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. • ~ The undorsigned offer:~ Cor Bille he r bou.st~ nnd lot &ituated on C.'lsslmnr atre~t. Port l'erry. The houee is in good repair, and the rromises J108· 1!6..'<!1 1111 the neces.~Rry conYenience5. Apply <tt once. Mrl\. M. Moth"&rlll, Port Perrr. COURT OF )!EV!SlO~. - Public notice is oorcl>y g iven that the ns- M."'!J11()nt roll Cor the municipality o( F:nst Whitby, (or . 190t, h ."lS be-en re- turned hy the nMessor, nnd is now on file at my orrirc. A Court or R e- vi.'lion will be h eld in the to\\•n h!l !l, Columbus, on Monday, June Gth, nt 2 p.m. Wm. Purves, Clerk. Dl\ted at Columbl!s, this 10lh dar of .Mily, J90f. SEED COR~ J.<'OR SAT.K-A cr~ variety of n :tra earl}' white coro. growi~~~t from OQII to four la~e eoba on eaeh atalk. with a fair •laed cob Oil the aueken1 If you doUbt this. you caa Hll 1M P9TP ~auw · ou the atalb at mJ plaee. Free, a •lmple, but BUre, pn~""ntaHYe from eroWI! pulling up corn. T. S. Brant, just eouth of the moclel echool, Whitby. -46-10. E NTRA"SCE EXAMS. - The r.n.'lu- ing E n trnnce Examination will lnkr. plaee 111:: u•t.n.•:bttl• 11-rton.,- .-IUld Zepbyr, .l"nne ·28th, 29th and "30th. ScllOlamhiP" to all pupils who re- ceive 70 per cent .of total morn H. G. Park, High School Priocipnl. E'!lr'TRANC:E EXAMI!'\:\TlON. -The nt~xt Entranoo Examin:~ tion for en- trance to 03bnw<t Hi~th School wiiJ l>e held on •rueosdny, Wedne~dny nnd ThuT8day, June 28th, 29t h nnd 30th. Int~nding C'l\ndidlltes s houlrl s~nd in lbeir nnme<O to tlf\1 un.terRi~tncd. Ly- m an C. Smith, t>Hncipa l, O.>h:twa . n.H~ROVEU MAX U IU: SPHE AD- F.Il. - K em p & Dur(lcc's Improved Ma r,ure Sprellder, t he "1-;uccC'!S," is thA best on ea"rtb. Mnole in Canada. Solei)' by tho Pa r is l'low Co., Paria . Come aml examine "it nc work, nod ).,,. ,.e your tH"dtH' wi t h J a!<. \\' ilkin, D~tl.sam I'. · 0., Lot ;, i!tb Con. , P ick- e ri ng-{l-8. ----· -------------------- HIGH SCHOOL Kl\'TaANCE EXA'Irl- INATlO.SS- Tho ,\.IUiulll lll:th Sehool Entrane" uxnmluations will oogin at th" Whitby Colle{!'iale lost ilute and at Claremont on fue&lay, June 28th~ Applications 10ay be eent to In"pect- or W:~.ugh or . to G. H. Ho~tartb, PrinciJml oC the C:.~lllll! ia t e lnsl i- tuto, Whitby. ------------·- ------ --- IMPLEliENTS FOR SALE. - The N. KOIIEl', Whit by, Ont :, whole- -- ----~-------------- undersigned bl\.!l for anlo 1 nl!w Nox- snlo nnd retail dealer io a ll kinds or on binder, six Coot cut with t r u ck, iron, metnls, rubbe rs, l>ones, tnilors' 1 No:nfn seed drill 10 hoe, nearly clippi~ll, wool rick:io,;<~, horse hnir, new, 1 thr..e bor1<0 c ultivator nea.rly e tc . Special buyer.~ of wool . High·- new; 1 Sharpe hay ralro, new . .\ny C6t cn.'ih price (or wool, wll.'!hed ·nnd · V[ person desirin~ further information unwashed, nnd wool p ick ingM. Stand PlCK E RJ;•iG COUnT OF RJ-; - 1· n r•"nrd to lhe"<~ impiP.ments cnn Slo... Pnbl' t ' · h b '" -IJrock s t reet, 80Ul b o ! town hnll, " · - 10 no •ce I!\ ere Y obtain the snmc 1\t lhe Nox(ln ng~ ncy Whitby.-6-l f. giY~n that the Ceurl oC Tn.,vi~~~~ for( Port Perry, or D. M. Jado:seo, Port " ------------------------------ the mnnk ipllily of the owu3.ntp o Perry,-2. Pirbring, for the r ear 1904, will ·----------------------------- hold iU fin t eiltings in the Town- ship bnll, It the VillaJ.,>'(l of Drou- ~ltam, on l\101ulny, tho 30th d'l)' of Mlly, A .D., 1904, at the hour of one o'clock p.w. All person• intereated will t nke nttlce nml gove rn lb6m- Nl.,.,. nccordin::lr.· Dated nt \\1olte- nle, thi" 13th dny oC Mny, A.D. 1904. Doaalrl R .Denton, Clerk of Mid STnA Y CATTLE. - From Jot 24. con. 7, Whitby, nine young ~at lle- 1red heifer and 1 rod steer t wo yenn> old nnd 1 d11 rk he ifer nnd 1 error . 11teer coming t wo lfE':\ NI, nnd fi\'e younge r o ues of •·nriou .. col .. rs. Any one 11h· iu~:t information ns to thei r whereabouu will l)e suitably rewarded. Al f red Sp6nccr, Urook· lin-{J-tf. Mnnie iplllity. COURT OF REVl:SION. - Town- ahip of \\< hilby, 1904. .r-;otioe ill herf'- by «iYen lh•t lhe Court of Revi,.ion for Townsbip or Whitby for 1904 will hold its Ci ftlt eitling on. Monday the s ixth <l:ty of Jun~. l ilfH, nt !J o'clock a.m. ·in Council Chnmbor, Rrooklin, to hPnr qnd de t ermine nll .'lprmaiR "4fBiDf<l neses11me nt roll of M i<l town- l!hip for th• pN:sent yenr, or whioh due nnlioo ~rt.s bt•en givnn. All per- IlOna b:tvin~ l>usi nos'l at Mid cou rt will p,ovorn tbomseh·e.~ nrcorrlin!{ ly. D. Ilollirl:ly, Clnrk, fuwns h ip uf Whit - b7. Droohln , 10lh May, I!JOf-~ · td. - -------------- COURT OF HEVI S lON. - Notice is h~reby ~:ivcn th<tt l he f ir.• t s it- ting or th., Court of &vision tore- '"ise tho nssessmont roll ol the Vil- l~e of Port Pe rr:r Cor tb~ yenr 1904 will he held in thu lown ball, Port Porrr, on 1\Iondny, .Tune Oth, 190t, 1\l I! o'c lock p.m .. or wbioh tt ll per- IWM iRlrn:sl11d 1\re rcq uo,.tod to t nke notioo noll ~,tovern th~msr.lves ncconlins.: ly. \\'m. R . Jlnrris, Vii- $5.000.-A 1:! ltOOM SOLID UlliCJ{ 1'4,te ('fork l'o1·t P llrry, Ont., May. semi-dot aclted house in Pa rkdn lc, Jlll h, 1904. · Toronto - Uai"Y hot water henting; ---- - - -- lot 5!! 1: 20:! Coot, runnin~ through ' t o next "treel ; coultl build stnble or \\'A!"TED.-A man to represent two goo•l houi!NO on IJar.k o! lot. A " Cnnlldn ' s Gren t e~~ t Nurscrll'~" In decided b..'lr~tu in. To win•l u•p nn the town of Whitby and 11ur rouod- Of'll\to. For fu r t her pa r tic nlurs ap- ing rooro.lry 1\0d take ordera forour Jlly to Murdoch & . . C<l., 14 Lnwlor bn.rdy tipeoinltio-s In fruit tn.es, 11mrLII Building. Toronto. fruit"- ornnm-,ntnl~. ahru~. roses, -·-----:------------ •tnes, s~d potntoe>~, etc, Stock true to n :>m6 nnd froo from S:tn Jose Scale. A 11erm3oon t position for the r ig ht mnn on e itber M l:try or oommi,....ion. Stone ,\. W.-lli ngton, Fonthill Nu r.•eriM. Over 1!00 mcns. Toronto. - 48- 12. li'AR.MS TO 1\ENT-Th north~aat qnut..r of lot No. 34. 6tlt eon., Whitr,-; 'I acre~~, with ~rood bulldlap. Abo 75 ac "· bel"" lot No.. 1, Citbleoo., [>ic-kerlnsr. tb fnrma •re for •le. but if not 1<0 • I be rented. Pas- .W...Sion lst .. a. ,. o• r1 Can plow. llft l'!r bu~te,.,, -to ·h Geo. H. Jone!l, Pi~:Jrnrinlt, io'l:n' J. ~ill. Whitby, Or R ev. A. C. Wilson, M:zlt~. -11-tf. I' " Scrap Iron, Etc. NOTICE. - Will buy ant amount of I!Crnp i ron,· brass, lead, eop"'r, ainc, bon&..,..,.."lbbere, r:tgs, . etc., tci be weighed on town ecnlea. JOHN SMITH, Whitby, Str. A~GYL.. \ _ . ' • i ·;~. -: .. c , - ..._ _ _ _ ":""'--;~ WHITBY to TORONTO. Service in eCCect Tuesdmy, J une 7, 1904, after which dnte e•ery Toea- day and Friday. Lenve Newco..slle <tt G.Sil m.m., leave Bowmanville nt 7.10 n.m., "lenYe Osh- awn at 8.00 a .m., leave Wbitb:r.At8.45 n.m. _ Arrive Toronto nt 11.45 a.m. Returning- lcmve Toronto at li p.m. Fnre-lSewcnstle to Toronto and ~~etnrn iiic. Dowmnnvillo to Toronto and return 70c., OshllWII nnd Whitby to Toronto nnd return GOo. Tiolr:leta mny be extended for tbe II!Cason· upon npplicntion to the pursar, and pay- ment of 3:>c. :tdclitional. Freight 110licit ed nod handled cnr~­ fully nnd prompUy. Meals and slate- room accommod"-· tion at rea..qonable rntee. - A. W. JACKSON, JNO. HAZLETT, Acent, Whitby, Jlaaapr, Geddee' '\\'barf, Toronto. ------ - .. ' IDEAL Woven· Wire Fence. SaY&.s _posta on account steel uprlghta. of heaYy I It pa1a to bOJ the beat. ~ The IDEAL Ia made throughonf of No. I hard •tee! coUed wire. Bea'f'. lly galvanized. For eafe by URIAH JONES, Balsam. Summer Suits. The eu11ill8 of Boils to t hose •uo mean lo bo we11 d ressed to welt-ome the 0 ' <1 Boys and Girls on the first of J ul y i..• now in rull swing, and we nrc s ' nd to ooe br tho &nlc>t wil make t bnt the peop'e of Whitby k now COUNTY COlll\C! 1. - COL'NTY OF O~TARIO. - T he nnxt meotin:r of the Counclr of the Corpor~ttion or the Counl r of Onlnrio for th~ y eu 19ft,, will ~e h" lll (lii Niua nt to o<l - journmont rt t rho Courl llou.~e in the Town d Whitby, on ~unri11y, the IIIXlh tln r cr .Juno next, at t he hour of one o'clock in tho nft >rnoon. All aoeounl.l\ t o bo lllitl l>e!ore the coun - cil mus t b. forwarrletl lo tho Clerk at (rll1<t lb-ne tlny11 ooCo ro t no m eet- ina or the Council, properl.v certi- fied. • D:tbd nt Whitby, thi" 17th day or M.:r. A. D., 190·1. J011. E. Farewell• fount)' Clerk, Co. Ontllr- -------------·------ COU llT OF llEVI S IO:-i. - Thr Court of Re vision ror tho Town. of Whitby will hold il" first l'lit ti~" fur 190.4 on Friday, the third day of Jun~. 1904. in lhe Co un" il Chamhor , Whit- by, llt tho hou r of ten o'olock n.m ., to b rar a nd de lArQline a ll ~omplnints ngninst tho nssessme nt rc.ll far ,.a id town, of wh ic h notice hns bePn g i\'e n llOCording to l'ltn tu te. Ai l pcr~<ens bllvin~t business nt s llid co urt will tnke notice no•l gov.:~rn tht>ms olvo.• nccord- iMI)'. Jos. White, Clerk Town of .Whitby, Dated nt Wb,itby thi3 2le t STALLION 1' 0Il SALE.- "Churming l.nd," Jo'reoch Coach, ooming t hree yenrs o ld ; wolghs about 1300 lbs ; color <\apple b rown wit h white Btn r on race. Horaemen any th is is one of the pr e t tiest colts in Ontario. Wil l take young cnt tlo or a good drivin l{ whPre to got ~;uod c 'otl: ini. Our ho111e in part pllyment . Apply to 11tock of Eng1ish, [rish n ncl Scotch ltohert McGabe;v, lot 1, con. 13, Tweed:! n nd ""orst~d.., [3 we'l as- ~:~i ly. Lindsay, Ont. _ . ·-- _ _ __ sor ted in plain nnd fancy ts badin;:-s. lo~ : I : I J dny ot May, 1904.-2, · \V ANTED. - Specicd reprcaenln· live in t h is counly nn•l ndjoining lerritorie._"- t o ropreseut nod qdvor- - lise an o ld e.stnblishod bus inese boUBe O( solid rinnnciul stnnding. Snl - Prove tbi.r.< by i nvesti~a lion . llf)' $21 weekly, u1 t ll expenses, pnid A. D. FRASER encb Mond11y by ohel'·k direct C.-om hendqunrters . Expc1111es ndvnncerl ; poaiCion permllnent , We f u rnish &ve rytbill(l;. A~rlro511. The Colum· bia, 630 Monon Dldg., Chicago, I ll,- NEXT WESTERN DANK, , JJROCK ST., WUITB'{~

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