Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1940, p. 3

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Social and • P~rsbrial Wilen friend• Yblt JOU. . ot roo trle~ds 'At , a dltiance: 1r roo liT lf 7011 ebtertalrt, · · ud Cliroalde wW be r.:ecord &he fact ill tbe · and PersoDal" · · eOiiima. telep~o~e 'lOS, or, after hours, ~0;:;;;;;i,,:M,, Delong, of Campbellford, ~ · has Deen visiting with her ~~- Van :.V~enburgh, Brock. South, Whitby. + + + &nd Mn;. Harry Carter. of H~. were week-end visitors Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, Whitby. . + ... , i Mrs. Hubert Langley~ form('rlY ·. MISS·.o regory, of the Whitby High · · ~&hOol -itaff, and · daught@or, Joan, ot~ J'~p3n, now of st. catharints, ·~e- 'recent gueSts or Mr. and Mrs. :t.:. W. ·DUdley, at "Rose Vllla." ~· ~ ~-:r-.:,.- ' + . + • · ·:MJt. >and Mrs. William Webb, of -caigiiy, · Alta.. are vl!ltlng · with -telitives ln -Whitby and TOTonto. Mf;. .• Webl! .was a resid"Emt of , Whi~by for "tiJ&ny years but. left for ttie west · ovet· thirty year.s ago a'li.d. tbL!Ii.s ' hLs f1rst visit to~the " old town stnee that time. Mr •. and .Mrs. Webb arrived ln tlme· to attend the funetal of •Mrs. ·Webb's mother., .the lf£.e, Mrs . . A. • Lawrep.ee. whlclil Wu held on Mon .. , day at Brooklin. -:. ~:.. + + • .. meeting of the Women's Te;.;,,~;~,;;;. · Un!on, lor season, wl11 be or Mrs. ·J. Hanna.~ •• ~;'t~;~~~~ on Tues .. ,, ,Sept~.;,;j;;:,r- 11th, at hoped thai all IDWUD SMAIL ,,.,. •• , Jrloo members will try to be there a.s plans for work must be made. Any. one who is interested will be cor~ dially welcomed. + + + I A very pl~ant !ime wa.s enjoyed on Tuesday evening last ,,,:hen a numticr of relath•es and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. J. Risebrough, 317 Dun1op Street. to celebrate ,with her on the occasion ~Jf her eighty-t.hird birthday. Mrs. Risebrough received many lovely gifts from her fe.rnil:r and friends. Later in the c1.·enlng refrl'shments were served. Mrs. Rlsebrough ~ en- joying goOd health and ls able to be about her home dail~·- · + + + The W.A. of All Saints' Church held a very successful rummage sale in the Parish Hall, on FridaY after- noon last. The many b~nlns of- feied were quickly picked U{) by tho.se who attended. + + + The Slory hour for children of · ages 6-10, will commence· a.t the Llbr'ary, Saturday, September 14th, at elev('n o'clock, a.m. Mi~ Eleanor Gouldburn will tell the story. It is hoped the mothers will encourage their children to come. + + + An auction sale of the ilOusehold effects of the estate of the late Mrs. A1bert Ja.ckson will be held at 300 Centre Street South, en Saturday, September 14th, at 1:30 D.S.T . .See advertisement e~ewhere In t.his paper. + + .... Mr. E. Stone. or Camper, Man., old Port Whitby boy has been in town for B few days looking up old friends. Mr. Stone will spend a few days with his mother and sister. Medeltf .. , CARROLL AHERNE Lovlo HAYWARD l4 . ' MY SON) MY SON' 1-. toloand thrv UNITtO 'AITISTS ,~ - ( THE WHITBY . L. B. Dunn, Brooklin, returnlng to the west. .+ + + Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Coombe and small son who motored from Wlnnlpeg, s~nt two weeks with hi! mother, Mrs. Ida COombe. + + + Ill's. A. J. Laley, 14:2 Perry street, l" holding an auction sale of htr household erreets on Wednesday, Sept.ember 18th, owing" to the seri- ous illness of her husband who has had to go to the Sanitarium ror treatment. + + ~· Mr. and Mr&. Roy Fowler and their niece, Joan Politer, h&ve re· turne'd fron\ a pleasant motor trtp to Montreal &Dd. other Eutem points. + + + Mrs. w. Elms haa returned home after spe:nn1n1 tlle summer at her cottqe, &t Rock. Late, AliOil- quin Park. + + + Mr. James Ward has . purchased property of the l&te M1ss M&ry Smith on ~n sbftt north. Mr. Ward expects to make &be property into an apartment house. + + + The many town frlmds 9t Mrs. R . A. HUtchison wW be · 1lad to know that she is now lmprovtna &lowly from her reeent Ulne.ss tn Toronto General Hospital. + + + · M':rs. Ann Ryan, of Antapa.deia. Que., who spent the winter lD Whitby "two years ago hu returned to town and has til ken one of Mr. Whitfield's apartments. + + + M1sa Betty lnine has returned to her home ln Langstaff, after 'Jblt- J.ng wltb !l1ss Howardlne Kkhael. + + + Rev. D. Marshall, who hu been enjoytns a month's v&eation. accom- panied by Mrs. Marshall and dauah- ter, at Klo.eardint, Bruce County, returned bome laat week and OttU- pled bla pulpit In the Presbyterian chul-ch on 8uDdi.J' Jut. + + + Mr. r.nd Mrs. 0. N. Locltwood, Plckerlna, held a recept.loo. recently ror· their lOll Gordoa. and hls bride. wben gueata were preaent ff'OIP PlclterlD&', Whitby, Osbawa. and "11le eYerun&- wu apent en- joylnc aames &Dd mUak. · Refreah· menta wen .ierved. + + + lira.. R. T. llaciAren and dauah· ter ca.lb&rtne· Ann, of 'l'oNDto, spent a few dan at the 1ieet-end, at the home or 111s1 G. M&epber· + + + 'l'be W&r Senlce l.J&Doe, of Ule "'"Wem&o Otlitral Ccmmiu.e or uie A.'!'.P'.A... wtn be heJd . ... -· Ia. the ·BaaleYard Club. •x.o'liii' l!bare Drift. 'nlrcllto. ODd Ilia """"" T. Owen, Primate ol Ct.lrwl&, 1iu nlellclod b1o pot· cANADIANS DIBPA.'I'CB TWO . AND lULl' IIIU.ION ,&D. LBTTBIUI MONTHLY Moo&ea:l, ·Bept.· 1.-In the flnt uiGIJthi or tbll yev, tbe ol tbe Trom.conod& A1r IH.2G pounda or moll, Jateotatot!Wea. &>me· are u lll&DJ' u 10 air to a pouDd, but til< a~onJIO II 110. Tbll m-.o --~ .. -· rtnt or January to July, til< T.C.Ac lr&IU· Mo..- •lo., •• ,,. 11,1100.000 lottera, on more than 2.500.000 a July alone, tbe binelt tJr liDo'a•hbtory, 110,· ol man were flown out to. 3.o:r'r.800 letten. -~~:;;: ever lovlna Plemory ot . Cheater Allin, who pass· september lltb. 19st. ¥!""'! hwband or Adelaidfo Dy- belOTed father or Mur- aon of Mr. and Mn. Wb!U>y. keeps him dear. bJ' bla .U.e and .. ~ • • •• J WEDNESDAY, MR. AND JOHN B. COCKBURN · A reeent IDiereslln&" eQD& was thr marrlqe of Mr. aad Mrs. Jobn B. "Coclr:blli'Zl. The bride, ronftuly Mbs Ada M. Arnold, is the d&ucb&er of Mr. and Mn. Barry Arnold of •Arnbllli", Plckerinr. The couple are realdbll" iD UUea, N.Y. WHITBY LEGION ACTIVITIES II, 1940 A , NEW ADDRESS BUT TljE .same old dependable aervi~. Frank Wells, 1032: Brock Street South. Phone 408, Whitby. DoN'T PUT OFP UNTIL CIIIUST• mas, what you can do today. A handful of our 5-10 or 15 cent rerDDant-s can be eonverted into many useful 'gifts. A large assort- ment now on hand. Think fa.!t lor best results, TOWN HALii BUTTON SHOP, Broet Street SouLh, Whlt.by. · REMEMBER THE AUCTION SALE of how;ebold elt'eets of Mrs. A. J . Lalley, 142 Perry Street~ on Wed- nesday, September 18. Bale at 1.30 o'clock sharp. Term.s-casb. Wll· liam Maw, Auctioneer. -WITH WHITBY I.O.D~E. 'ftle officers of Provincial Chap- ter are deeply grieved to report the sudden death of our beloved Presi- dent, Mrs. WWiam Morrison. The ~mce was held · at. Church of the Ascension, Hamilton, on TUesday. september lOth at three \)'clock. Memben or the order are re~ quested to wear the purple ribbon or moumlng under the Badge for . • or one month, and ail 60Cial !uroctiom are to be cancelled for R.C.A.P'. and p-.e, ~ean overseas. Additional "Housewives" have been fUled. by Ml.ss Y. Macdonnell and MR:. MacLaren. A Jett.er waa received from Bead- quarters, in reply to the request of Capt. D. Melntyre or "D" Company, 2nd Ontario Regiment, for socks stating iQQ pairs would be forward~ ed. to ·t.hat · unit. The Imperial Order D&ugbten of the Empire, which rec;entl,y donated a Bollogton Bomber plane towards Canada's war effort, announced to- day that $50,000 will be .forw&rded Immediately to Lord Beaverbrooke, Mlnlster or Aircraft ProdUCUon for England. The aum ~ts over subscription to t.he Jnit.lal aoai of stoo,ooo ln the Bam~r Di1ve. • REA VY 11A1L. STORM Whitby and ,·iclnlty were vWted by a. heavY ball storm yesterday afternoon. The little balls or lee covered the streets and m&de ped- estrians rush for shelter. The storm lasted for only a few minutes bu!. the weather continued cold. Thl! fall season lor the Whitby be heJd at the Ume of Remembrance Branch of the Canadian Legion Day ln November. Since the J>o .. opent4 with an ent.hustastlc meer- minion Con,·ention or the Canadian lng la.st Wedne..."'((ay e\·enJng with Legion in Montreal last May au- Bob Dev~ll. the president. 1n the thorized the extension or the prlv1. ~air. Due to enlistments by mem- leges or the asslstance or Poppy bel'S of the executh-e the !ol1owlnl Funds to ex-service men or the c. we:re elected to nn the vacant of- A.S.P. and their families it Is cer- flces: Frank Thriadgold, Treasurer: taln that the calls on this fund will L. Winters to the executive COmmit- be increased. :'era:~ ~e!:~~a~r:r:hea~a~re- A further meeting or the Branch Plans were dlt"cll!:sed for ra1s1ng will be held on the regular nliht funds for glfts to !he men In tbt next Wednesday, September 18th. fighUng forces and co-operation to receive a report rrom the execu· wu pledged to the tmm war-effort I t.h·e committee on the wort of t!le oommlUee. The· plans were out.. Branch. All members are aski!d to lined for the Poppy Campaign to prepare ror a busy season. A EUCHRJ;; ~NO BRIDGE IN .UO of the . Red Cr«a 1\lnds wDl be held ln the Council Chamber, on ThlmKlay evel)ing. September 12, · at &.:Hi O'clock. Those w1ah1ng: to play bridge pleue bring thelr own cards t.nd talllea. Admls.slon 25 cents. DEFEND OUR FREEDOM Order Obituary THE DATE, NOVEM- ber 8t.b, for the Annlven:al'}' Sup- per or All Saints' Church, under the auspices of Parish OuUcS. Fuller partieulara later. CANADIAN LEGION land for atuclla taken. The meettna went on neord with WAR SERVICES • ""'""u"" t1u.t tho unlventty Clttngston Whi&-Standard, Aug. 21) 1 L----~-------1! conference be Baked to pve ··favour- DB. J. E. MABI!E. MEDICAL MAN 1· able coaalderatlon to oJlbirtDc aor· ~B IS YEARS Second army hut to be opened on vtce men, who bave completec1 atudy (ltlngaton Whii-Standard, Aug. 21) Cape Breton IBl&nd waa oUlelally work under the auaplces of the Puneral services for the late lna\lgUl'ated recently at North Syd- OL.WB., to attempt. unh'en:lty 1I'Oft J ; E. Mabee. who died at his holne ney when a It.o:ge establl&hment without fuUUllng au the ~­ ln Odessa late Tuesday morning, erected by the Cr.>.1.adi&n Legion W&r Uons ordbiaruy tmJX*'(I 011 ~ AURUSt 20. were conducted at h1s Services w~t. Into full-time open.- and lesa experienced. ltudenta:. residence 'Diunda.y afternoon at 2:30 tton for the troops on active sentce 'lbe questloll of rebabllltat1on. of o'clock {D.S.T.l Internment wu ln that di.strlct. service men when the wat 1a onr made- at CataraqUl Cemetery and a The hut, which 1s servlng as a waa a1 important item ···an th~ M3.sonlc service was held. recreation and study centre, atanda agenda and wtU be dealt with ap.tn 'lbe death of Dr. M&bee removed on property purebaaed by the Nart.b at the next meeUng: Meanwblle, a • CANADA'S WAR ' . BONDS Denomination• $100, $500 and $1,000 Send your order now to: GORDON F. O·SBORNE ZOO BYRON ST. N. WIDTBY the oldest practlalng physician 1n branch of the 08nadlan eeMU& will be t.&ken bJ' the eana .. this' part of the country lor 11_00w,. .. ,.~1Ji,;;·,s.,a:;nj~d~don&ted to the ~aton dian-Newfoundland D:tuca~~ti;OD~Iui;·L .Ij;;::~~:;::;~::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ foi' n yura Ulat Dr. Mabee ll for; the duration. aocllrtlori oi all trained - Used · hla professiOn, always at other hut., &!So mat"ntalned by 1\lld&Dce pena:mel whlcb llliah\ be ' • Odasa. Por &2 years of that ttme Legion, was opened earner 1n avatl&ble tO ua1st the ·men. . L' D D ow H he ·was Jftedlcal health officer far the year .at Sydney. _' ,' · , , the Town&hlp of Ematown. & re- Mr. Robert J:naland, 11.0 .• M.A.;. cord believed to be unequalled any- PROVINCIAL DEPUTY oveneu director of edUc&Uon for where tn .canacia, . IIIINJSTERS MI!ET LEGION the Con.dlan LICioa War Benlcea, YOUR FOOD EXPENSES WITH. • 'lbe late Dr. :Mabee wu 1Mxn EDUCAftON OFFICERS wbo· recentJ::r returned to Cauda 22, 1851, In the To1msblp at -Deputy ministers of eltucatloll - ..,_,Jnr ....., lllioatlla 'llltll A 6. P· LOW EVER. YDA Y PRICES ne.Jr Beamavllle, tbe 8011 or 'Tbom· ~ the provinces in C•n••""- . _.. tbl CLA.S.P. Oiia e•. a4dftued. the u Mabee, of Prince Edward cOttn- -.. OD b1a ezper1mce. .Ia. &ether 'lllth tho aaperlalelldent or B ~ftted , ~ .~. BLACK TEA ty and Amr.ncla ~ftuft or Booms· .. _ • ~ ou. tlu.t.' ~ ~ ·- educa-u rcn; "'e til Oor1>l Com .... IPECIA.I. BLE>ID ~24· ~ 47· '8:: 24· 2 ~ 29· 4::. 25· ville, Tho fomlb' · DIOvod ,to .0<1 .... ()cmlmment. mot with tho em• .,., SOAP CH'IPS when Ilr. MalMee wu sls. yean old C A. G. L. YcN&Uih• and outside of the. ·time ·he wu of tbe &nPll.an and NewfO'IlDdlJ,M tciu. fac.Wtlea for 1bl BULl[ attendance at Queen"s t:Jntftrsttr. a~ucauaa. Nsoctatton llDd tbe our.: WQOPI abroad. w1ll have to be bt.. SALMO 1 he had resided In Odessa. He was ricnllum Committee of the (>p•dlap ueue4 durin& tbe 1t1nt.er monUl& u TIGEa COHOE ecluealed tbere,' golng"" 1<> cu • .., •• I LealoD EducaUonal a.mces Ill. a moom or ollniulallli& incnh dur- 'SHORTEIHIG UhtvetaltjJ 1n tb.e . medical school ltJDptcm laat week to CODil4er prob- 1q the blackout and •nbanemi the from which be trf&duated in 188'1. leml arlalng from the Leliao'• plan mWtarr ef:ftcleacf ot the JDelt. Hr. Be went right back to Odessa, far ·provldln& tOITetp«<dmce m".. J:nal&Dd urpd tbat tbe l)om'n'ori boua:ht out the pra.cUee of · Dr. .tzucUon to public, high .::hool aDd. GoYemment lhould pureball a lbort WliiU CLOVE& 2 ··~ 23· -¥-CLARK'S FOOD SALU Thomla! Beeman, started in to tecbnie&l wbJecta for mea :Ia. .,.·" n4io tt&tloli wttbou\ del&J in Use medJcme and continued aervlces. order to keep canW!&DI. onneu ever &tnce. Tbe first problem dealt With wu 1D t.oueh wit.b. the holiaeland, and for Dr. Mabee wu tnOWD al'l aver the how the VL'riow provincial ocrrtl"' the parpoH of counter•aetlnc lfaal eountryalde. Be waa a frlend and poodence department& could help propqanda . . counsellor to the areat maJorlty or the t.etrton tn handllnl the matter Depa.tJ" ),(lnlatenJ preaen' at t.be the ~le · or the community and of repterina Lhe troopli and n- m1tet:ma: were:-Dr. B. H. Xln&. Bri· not only attended to their medical c:ord1nl the wort done. Second, the um Columb1&~ Dr. 0. p_ McNJl!Y, and a\ll'lkal nuda but ahartd their buia on wblch credit lbould be Alberta. Dr J .H llclteeh.nl 81.11 troubles and Joys. He was the Pen to soldlen for different tJI)IIS ' ' ' · e, .. · Kr. H. a. Low, lrofanl- typJcal family dod.ol', cootld&nt and of ·work and how to enmre t.bati . tloN; Yr. v. K. Greer, On\&rio; Mr. thoroUJh\Y Interested :rrtend, all a man returned to el~ B. o. Pllteau, and Kr. w. P. PucJ.yaJ rolled lnto one- Despite h1a Jong llfe. he would be &tven cred'e;:l~!t~:;,:r.l Quebec; Ill'. P. PeacoCk, New Brwu· years of practlce, he had not ac· pro'fince 1n Canada or I' wtck: Dr. u ; P.llunro, Nova Scotia; tually retired from the profession, M a~o.- thoush or late he had not done ex- r. H. H . ....__w, Prlnee Edwud Js .. ten 1 k land; Mr. L. W , 8baw, Newtound.- s ve wor . Prtends. Independent Order of Odd land. He was HI 1n bed onty · a lltUe PelloW& and Prince Arthur MuonJc Repreantlna: Ule Senlcea were more than a week. )Je had been Locllll. Ill of Odellla. He wu &lao a In Bloomfield on AUI:W5t I to see member of the Eastern Star. Dur- Captain 0. A. Youle, R.C.N.; Wina: his ftrst cousin, P. A. Mabee, whose ltl& the tint World War he took a Oommander J. L. B. A. de H1nnille. wile died last May, They had been Interest jn Ule work of the R.C.A.P., and IJeut..-cot I. A. nea .. maJTied '11 years. CrOlla ln the Odessa dlatnet. con, deputy director of A\Dllie'y UonO«ti Doe tot . 'lbe deeeasec1 doctor had also 8erv~es, Department. of Katlonal Dr. Mabee wu a member of tbe taken an active tnteret1t In the mil- Defence. Prontenac Medleal Association and tt.b " 1n hJ.a younger days and suc- DliUngulmed educatioa.llt.l pre- the Lennox and Addington Medical eeeded Lt.-Col. Cox. of Enterprise, aent, tn &6dJUon to Kr. l:rlaland. AssoclaUon. He was a Jlfe Plember as Commanding officer of the old were :-Dr. E. ..A. Corbe",- director of the Ontario Medical AMociation. 41Ui J'elimUt, whlch had a com- or the Can&dlan . AuoclaUon for Three years ago he wa.s honored . in Odessa. He was a member Adult EducaUoD, Toronto: Dr. J. E . by the Prontenac M~k:al Society · UOlted Church. Robbln.s., National Reaearch Councll, when he had eompleted ftrty yaers twice. His rtrat wtre Ottawa: Proleaaor John Huahu. of medical service. A dinner v.-8.'5 Storms, or Odessa, who McOlll University, M"ontre~rl; R. M . tendered ln his honor at the Ktng- dl,ed tn 1888. To this union were Winter, Queen'.s Onlvenlty, Ktnt- ston Ot-neral Hospital and he was born one son. Dr· Horace Mabee, of ston; Dr. O •. E. Ault, Ottawa Normal presented wlth a gold-headed cane Wtqwn Street, Kingston. and one SChool; a.nd Dr. A. E. Cb&t.wto. J . and the warm congn.tulatlons of daUihter, Orace, who died at tbe w. Olbaon md Andrew Moon, of membera of the medical profesalon. ap of 18 yean. Dr. lb.bee mamed Canadlan LePxl J:duca\loa&l ser~ He was a member or Uie Indepen- Beatrice Decker. or Whitby, In 1903, dent Order or Foresten,- Ch011en who aurvtvea. ' vices, ottawa. Birth LYON'S TEA ra.LOW ... Jo. 3 4 LIJIEI. fQ. c CL.UUt'S .lii'T. SOUPS cua&•s EXCIIPT TOIU.TO "" 6c PORK & BEANS 2 '4.'::· 17 • CLA&Jt'll ;:::::.--==: IRISH STEW 2 r~u 25· lleCanaldt'• CL&IUI!S GOULASH 2 riDJ 25~ CLAaa•a SPA~HETII CHURCHILL CREAMS 2,1bs.2,7c 2 .:;:. 11· 2"""17• A It P HIGH QUALITY GUARANTEED MEATS CL.tll&'S POTIED MEATS GENUINE BPB.ING LAMB UGS lb, 25• LOINS lb 23• FRONTS lb. 15• BLADE ROAST lb. l8c I BONELESS POT ROAST lb. He SIDRT RIB ROAST lb, 20c FOWL a.w~, ":.:': 1.._1b, 211c BACON Sliced Broau.,, • lb. 2.9c PORK SHOULDERS Bonolou Smoked lb. 2.7c A.~G~OU~9.~f.~E A$ p BREAD-. Bokar ';;!~ 39; • IDLD ••• MELLOW 8 O'Clock ~- 35· lUCK ·au· nrLL-BODIED Red Circle ~ 31 , SLICED or UNSLICED ANN PAGE WBITB WHOLE WHEAT CllACI<ED WHEAT 2 ,._, ., WltAPPED LOAV_!:S ,F. L. Beecroft - Lumber OSBORNEo-AI Ooh&wo Hoapllal, on Tueedr.J', &eptembrr loth, 1MO. to Mr. and Ml'3. GordOn P. 01- bome, Whltby, a daurhter. (Robin Elisabeth). FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES DOMEsr1c GRADE •·•" 2.5c 19~ llc '---------THEY-GO·TOGETHER:---------..J WE SPECIALIZE IN,THE FOLLOWING Coclar Shmal .. Asphalt Shin1leo Roll Roofipp Hardwood Floorin1 Plywood and Sylvaply Interior Trim Window Saoh Stonn Sub Wall Bo.trdt Mould in•• Screeao and Doora r----------. ASKFORPmCES------------~ WHITBY TELEPHONE ID AY or NIGHT) 627 REAL ESTATE FOR ,SALE Wbllby, Jf&bl - rul· dence f• Ak· All IDOderQ __ , ...... ....._ 0---Jacbea KI;U,te., 8H ' aOLDZN tt tUNG 8T. BAST , O.BA.WA . DIJCIIDS Bulr.d GRAPES .W;~"!r~.ll. 1 1.._ ONIONS CAlfMlA NO. I , .. ,., _;;.,;..;;,;_;;_;_;,;;_ ___ .,!f'!lELLOW COOIItlNG &r I" CALIFOilNI.A PEACHES LEMONS Very Juicy DoL 2.3c Delldeua Nlapra Pueh• a& attractive Pl'lcet tbls week-end. CABBAGE Frosh Green 2. for 9c ,-ltt!SH CRISP CELERY Hearts 2. bchs.15c 110 #.•1•1•111•1 ;I :t 1. Own .. . nil 0..,_'*1 IJ th• Gnat AU&a&lc A racuk 'ha C.. L"- • . Priot1 b. e.UH:t uaQI Btplem'Mr 11. " ' THE WHITBY GAZETIE AND CHROl'IICLE. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER II, 1940 ATRIOTIC, . SOCIAL and COMMUNITY ACTIV . - } ?'floriRAnihJ.. MAJICHES OK No more need to worry a'bout w'.ndlnl:, setuna: a weat. dox electric time-keeper t. what you need. BAss•£'-r-T'S · WHITIY PHOIIE 871 RED CROSS ACTIVITIES W.M.S. Conduct• Regular Se••ion ON ACTIVE SERVICE YOU MUST BE ABLE TO DESCBmE YOUR HEADACHE A 'h-rltei' m a weekly magazine outlined his experiences witll a The Women's Missionary Society Brief Panurraphs of Wbitby and District Men Who Have number of physicians whom he had of the United Church m~t. TUesday. Entilted. in Service of Kina: and Country. consulted about a headaehe. He told Sept. 3rd. The President, Mra. H. of ell the ~·dlrferent" remedies ths.t Crozier, conducted the Worship were prescribed fnr his headache on '-rhe Coming of the Mr. and . :Mrs. Richard Hall have in England. Pte. Murphy is with the D.!)iJarentu- thc~ght that ht' ltad lxJnl;dom:" which wu followed .by received a letter from their son. 14th Field Batter}', R.C.A. proven that physicians were tgnor- 1 prayer by Mra. Albert Richardson. Pte. Ross Hall. who. is stationed In ~ + + ant and unprincipled. 0 H lll ._.,.land. He stated 'be ~ well and Donald Bell and Gordon Hardy,· Wh t th 11 did - t "- Is Mrs. . o day sang. Mrs. C. R. ..:.ue 1 a e wr er no .a..uow Carscallen introduced the Study had been tn conversation with L eut local young men, left over the week- that. ·there are· riOt . less than 150 Book, "Comrades tn the World Don. Beaton and Pte. p , Sleeman. end to take up training with t.he causes Of headache and each Phl"S• Church" and also. made rererenee to + + · + R.C.A.F. 2.t Brandon, Man. John E. ician prescribed according to what ••-. MacDonald, of Whitby, ha.s Clarke "'~o or Wbltb• b•• been 1 supplementary reading recommend- ........ ' ... ...::. ~ • ._ he, he patient. to d him. A head- ed for furth1!:r reading this winter. received a letter from her brother, called to the No. 1 Manning Depot, ache Is not like a broken leg, a.p- pte' -ru: MurphJ•, fonnerly of 112 Toronto ..... a standard wire!• .. Oft 1 1n consideration or the deep In- .£'"..... 1 · ...., '-"' .. - penc!lcitis, . some infect on or o'Uler terest and sa.crlflclal service or Mrs. Colbome Street, of his safe arr val era tor, A.C2. ailment, the symptoms of which E. · M. Brown, in our ~Society can be seen or heard. · The pbysl- throu&hout the yean. the member& 1. 1. w-H 1.T., B'Y' C H 0. RC clan is guided only by the patlent·a =~:."'Brown with a Lilt . • : HES ~crl::~~f h.:!v'!"'~:;'m~,!:;:~~ Mrs. Crozier and Mrs. R. McQuay IL----~,----'--:---,:'--;--------------ll whatever, or fail to describe h1s were appointed to vJslt. Mrs. Brown I · ··y I symptoms correctly, the physician and mate the pre:eentaUOft. ST. JOHN'S, PORT WBITB a.m. and evening prayer at 7 p.m. is not" 1n any way at. fault. l L __ ;::;::::;_ __ ~-----;------·--------~1 on Sunday next, the 11t.h after The Sunday School '\'lUI mee.t at. This writer would not have writ· I ANNUAL Uo CBOSS CAMPAIGN will be tn Toronto, 200 beds; Xtnl- Trinlty, the service a.t 11 a.m. will bE' 7 p.m. The preacher- a.t. both .ser- ten his artlcle had be known any .. WILL BE HELD aton or Ottawa, 123 bed!.; Montreal. TBZ DAUGHTERS 01' ENGLAND Morning Prayer: with IntercesSlnn \ice.! will be Reverend Gordon thing about headaches. An art!ele WE e- OF BEPTe-n ••BD --- ror the war. The Beaver Boys' Blb!c Bratt, or the pailih of Berwyn, AI· Dr. H. w. Woltninn to Minnesota --. ,_... - 100 beds; · Truro or Moncton, 2:00 The Daughtea of England. Lodge Class will meet tmmedl{lt Iy L'ftcr- bcrta. Mr. Bratt was Dean or the says, in part: At the meeting of the executive beds; Wtnnlpeg:. 100 beds; Vancouv- Mayflower, resumed t-heir regular wards and the sunday s hoot and S:-hool of Evangelism held at. Peacto "The patient who complains of of the Whitby Branch held Monday er, 100 beds, and Calgary 100 beds. schedule of meeting! on Frldar other 'Btble Classes at 3 :m. The ~lver and ~r. Adye visited his par- headache should be questioned as to evening, tt was decided that. the Food Pa.rcels for Ptbotlell last. after the .summer months, with Saerament of Holy c unlon ·wiil lSh whUe m the Diocese or Atha- (1) the frequency, exact location, of local campaign for funds Would be The c'anadlan Red Cross has been a very fu,lr attendance. It wa.s de- be administered at m_., when· th~ b:1.Sca. The evenJng Brs.nch of the the pain and length of time the held on M:ondL-J, September 23, to E.•.;ked by Brttaln to undertake to clded to reaume the weekly &ewing eourse on "The present Signs of O:.~r W .A. of All Saints' hne for some t.eadaclle lasts; <b> the hour of thi'! conform with the National cam- proVide, pack and ship 10,000 parcels !Uld quntlnr meet-Ings on 'nl.eaday, Lord's Return Foretold but Ne\·er years sent .a bale to ~fWYll. Mr. night or d;u and the day or the palgn. · The campaign Committee or food per w~ek for Brttlsh prison- Sept. l'lth, In the lodge rooms. Dur- Ill , ll b Un Bratt has had mislsonary experi- week they occur; (2) whether they wm be under the convenershtp of F. ers of war in Germany. DlstrtbUUon lng the winter months tt b expect- Before Full' ed, wi e con ued. ence in the far north or Brltlsh are becomtng better or wOrse; (4:) Clive Hatch, who 1s organlzinr hl:s would be under Intemattooal Red ed that a number of qutlts wtll be Intercessions for the ,war will be CC'lwnbla at Allin B.'! well a.s tn the whether they can tell when head-· group~ or camassers. Cross supervWon. Britain needs aU completed. these to be donated to conducted at 10 a.m. on WednesdL•,>, northern Diectse of Saskatchewan ache 1s coming on: (5) what tnflu- WORKROOM DONATIONS The following donations are grate~ fully acknowledged: FroiD. the wo:- men's InsUtute, 1 bath towel, { ltE.'.Jl cloths. 4 handkerchiefs, 1 cake of soap, 1 helmet, 1 patr of D'litts, 2 purses, t'l&onelett.e, print. and ttn- foU. Don&Uons of money from Mrs. Y:. D. Downey; Unroll from Aileen and Roy Bredln; tlnfaU from Joan Huntley; 1 6hawl from Mls.! E. Pain- ton; 1 pair of socks from Mrs. C. Hatch. Card Part,- on Sept. lZLh tbe rooct she can produee and Can- the Red. Crws Society and the Sal- Thul'&day, Friday and Monday, but and Athabasca. eoce a delayed meal. late sleep, ada can c;d bt;r by providing: these '\'&tlon Army. not on TuesdaY. Wednesday and A srteclal treat is planned for af- worry. fatigue, and tlte use of the rood parcels from our abundant An Interesting le-tter from the Thursday of next. week, _owing to the ter the evening ser\'ice at 8.15 p.m. eyes have on the headache; (6) food supplies here. Grand J!:cecutlve Counell was re- meetings of the Alumm of WyclUfe when there will be an ln!ormal whether stooplng, jarring, or sbat- The Red Cross is the :50le agent celYed, ad.vlsing that the CouncU College. ld Un 1 meeting In the ParlW Hall and Mr. tng of the head affects the pain; had ...-•ented en ambulance to ... _ On Pr ay, a mee g or evan- Bratt will speak and will Ulus- ('1) whether drafts or beat tnfluenee Pennltted by lntematlollal law to r•- ue Ustl t d d Ill' b h 'd used tn connectkln with ........ -·k ge c s u Y an prayer w e e. trate his talk w:tb pictures of t.he the plltn; (8) whether there 1s a send rood parcels to prisOners of ...... ...... , t t s k - the Red Croas Society 111. -.. li.'it the rec ory a p.m. wor in the North. All who are in- hlsto"" or heg,daches, hay war. Hundreda or veterans of the "'3 .l:oU o • 1 w "> land. Plans are now under way to n Monuay, the Jun or .A. v.·lll terested wUI be most welcome as fever, asthma hives, eczema; (9) last war hvw-e testuled that Red have all member.s or the Daugbttza hold their monthly business and de- '1\·ell as the members of A11 Saink. whether particular foods bring on cross food parcels saved them from of England t.odiU throushout can- votlonal meeting at 4 p.m. 1n th~ Visitors ,,,,.m be most welcome at tht headache; UO) whether there b In· starvaUan whUe thPY were prisoners ada aubleribe towards the purcha.se Sunday Sehool Hall. · services. fectlon or obStruction of the nose tn Genn&ny. QJ. a aecond ambulance, to be pre- + ~ ..... + + + or f.!ars; (1>) whether menstruation - aented: for ~ oveneaa. A eommitee WHITBY UNITED CHURCH ST · ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN or pregnancy influence tlle head- IJltemallonal ca .. p!Jb;peeton was appointed, consbUnt or Mrs. The Women'& Missionary Society Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. ache; and (12:) whnt prevtous treat- What uaurance bas the Red Croll L. Northam, Mra. w. c. Tcrwn and of Whitby United Church will bold 11:30 a.m. - Sacrament of the ment has been given." th&' 1n tbla -.n.or 1P whk:h the Axis llrs. N. COmer,~ thse ladies will ita Annual Church Service next Lord's Supper. Ir, then, you have a headache powers have violated ao many inter· call on all member& of the Whitby SUnday momtng. The special .speak~ '1 p.m.-Evening service. which cannot be accounted' for by oatlon&l conventioDs, prisoner& In Lodfe, 1n order to receive their er secured for the occasion wm be All member-3 and friends please the commonest conditions--oveiu.se Germany are recelvtna parcels sent donatton.s toward this lift. Rev, J. M.. :Menzies, B.A.SC .• Dl...S., note that the Evening Services of t-v~ eating unsutt3ble food, . and exhilarating in the distinctivetasteofice-Cold ~tCoca-Cola.'~ YOu wel- comethe fefreshed feeling -that haj>py after-seas~ . of complete, refreshment ' that !"Co!=3-·Cola•! gives in full measure. THE PAUSE A euchre and bridge 1D atd of Red Cross fund3 will be alven lift the Workroom on Thursday evening, Sept. 12tb, at 8:!0 p.m., bY Mrs. M. Minn and Mrs. K. SOuthwell Those 'filisb1nc to mate up tables for brtdJ;e ve requested to phone :Mn. 0. :M. QoodfeUow. ~. and to brln« thelr own cards and tallle5. Admission 2Sc. lllrit&Ua W Olhawa Bet Croa Headquarters of the Osha.'Wa Red Cross baa been moVed lo Simcoe St. North on the west side, In the sec· ood block. A tea wlll be held there on 'lbund&Y aftemQOfl. Sept, 2:1, to wblch Whitby Red Cross worker• are ex~ded ~ eordial -lDY~tf:_tion. thtm? There are lnternatlonal B.D .. a :prorea.sor of Cheeloo Unl- commence on Sunday. som~ &inus condition, or mteCtton- Crolsa tnapeetora who &o GIBI. GUIDE ACTIVITIES veralt)r, China, unW that institu~ + + + you shoulC. conault your phys1eian. ~:~~~~~~~~~~~;,~~ throuah the prlsoD ea.mps to make tkm. was elo.sed by the Japa'nese. BAPTIST CBUBCH and be prepared to answer hl.s St. Alldn:w"s Pnsb~ Chureh ReT. " ,., - 'lbe m1ai.ster's theme for the e•e~ Next Sunday is RallY Day In lbe questions as accurate1- a.s .,.,.....blle. IndaeUon Senlce sure that pr oners are proper..., Back ..,.m &Dd rarln' to ao. eht ...,. _.... treated and get their parcels and What Guldea. ntnr aervtce will ~. "Something to Baptist Church and Bible school: Never forget that there are two ' letl rdln 10 ... ! tl Le&n Your .._es a .... wt.•• Rally' Day ALL day. A. special pro.:: of headache, the one of lltUe To--.. 1 .. bt at 8 o'clock the PresbY-: ers. Acto g orma on OUr weekly meettnp CODliDf!nce ~o:.tJ ~.. -rft:etved rrom the Brltlab. Red CrOSA on Wednf!"scta.y, Sept. llth, at ., p.m.' Rally Day w1ll be celebrated in gram to which parent.s and friends consequence and the other the tery of Toronto will induct· ReY. ParcelS up to the present have been sharp and Just. to start ofr tM new Whitby Sunday Sehocil at 2.15 p.m. are lnvtted wtll be gtven from 10 a.m. symptom or a dangerous Illness. David Marshall to· the charge of reaebtng their proper destinaUons. SUIOil wtil. , dm't ~tit a ·•·-le Guide All are welcome. to 11 a.m. tn t-he Sunday achool ~ Almond& Church and Sunda,v hall. 1t 1.'! expected that a member St. Andrew's, Wbltby ~nd Pic~~- The ma.tter b carefully watcbed and lhow her face iD the door ar•·r 7 - "'"' School wlll combine tor a J;;pechil of the McMaster Band will M pres- the train. In&"· ~~'nl~e~oerv~Jice~~-~~be~~con~ duct- every precaution will be tam to ~~~=~-and doo't let one · race be • -see th&t Canadian food supplies do BB. Rally service nex:t Sunday a t ent to give an address. Following Good-bye till you hear from me ed by Rev. no C. not aet Into the wroog bands. 2:.00 p.m. stories. music. a.nd an this mornlng worship will be held 1n again- erator ,~,![;!~{}~~~~~ fortet to ~ your am· &ddre~ by the pastor are being ar- Church, wtth the Wnbter. Rev. H . TRAVELLER- "l'be ::1 ~~OD to to~ :e"! .. aM will· ranged. Elmer Green speat.in& on "Older;·~ l-=-:-c-=='7-~=,=-~--~~~~~~ ...._esa . . ~,. 0 ...Y . taak The OHicla1 Bo&rd -· of....., Whllby ..ChrlstiatLS' Respc)nsi..WiY," ~- .. that ... ,. .be-put Ul:l.lted. Church -wtll meet on Tiles- theeventngon •'Younger Chrtstiaru· 1FT. · • \ojpj1lj{!t'4:;l~Ui~[Y"ilmiji!;lf Ji~iiR! Ooocl n...., OW" GIJ~ . (Julooto · :HOIIII~ day everilng, sepOtmber 17th. Responalblllty.• WhY noL ;tve lbe ",-e WeTe,)USl 1 i>ri s:C.· c n.;n.p17 ' crvn. SUVICB BUNCH IIOLD IN'I'UIBI'I'ING- iiiiiB&mt'll"INMQ . , . ; Damp soc:U. ire aWl comtDa: ln to the wortrooin. Itnttt~ra are request- ed to 1lr)' aU IOCb thoroUBbiY be• fore imdln& them tn to be packed. A ver:v au~ meluna of tht- Hospltal, Whitby a'fll aer- oron•"'· · of tbe war Sentce was held lti the amusement hall september 4th, t.ak1n8 the quarten hu been- no.deeon.ted so + + + Lord a ~mall portion of your time JOU muat come to add all that is ALL SAINTS" CHURCH by altendlng all, or at lea.st some mi.Atnc. the cheerful facu ol &be At All Sa.tnts' Church ·next sun- or these servlec. Whltby Girl Guida. c~ay; . the .seventeenth after Trinity. Prayer meeting on 'lbursd&y at ""D'" _C..patl1 OaUIUri ... , .... form of a social ev...........,. WO!WEW INRI II UTE MEETING Pift.y D&lrs of socb were Issued . from t.bt worki'OOID this week, to The prlnclpal lt~w ~., .... ·~·~~;].,~ 1 l big or WO<k olrea4y ~ Tho September m<e!Jnt 0/ the Capt. D. Mc:IDt.yre, for the men ° (also s aearf& k:nlt by Rea. women•• Imtitute wtll be held · at .. D" Company. Ontario Realment, --.. ...... I N'- yn., aeorae Rea, 12 -,.n .. and £'.!.1;11.1. WUI home ot lira. Pnnk Robert,. leaYlD& for camp a wpft- OewsbuJY, IS JrL of ap) tbe dn.w Street Nortb, on J"rlday .the Centnl Ceandl Meets for the Radio and otller prbea .and at three o'clock. The membera · The Ceptral Council of the Red pm:es and r-etresbmenta. are all aiSked to come prepared to erou. met ln Toronto this week to "' 11 .--u - ..t·-'-Tbe enJoyment of tbe nenina ailn'er tbe ra ~ w3 .. ,.Ill, a theie. "wUJ De a "celebration of the '1.30 p.m. and B.YP.U. on llond~­ H~y COmmunion at 8 a.m. ·and 11 at 8 p.m. Bygone ~ays in Ontario County Letters of Late Boss JohnstoD. under name of "'The Traftller,"' •"P- pearlq- In WbU.bJ ~ronicle oYer 50 Je&n ap, are reprinted. fonq,ulate plans . for the comln& wu Jiluch eobanced by t.he presence "P:a~te Rectpe•. · .Donths. Det&Us: o1' these wUl be 1'1.. of loll.u Gknny, the Vice Praldent '11\e topic wlU be "'Home Beon0oo Prom the fyles or the Whitby M:r. Reed. nounced l&ter. ol the ..... _tral Branch, with Mrs.. mb". Mrs. Roberta. cOnvener. A Chrou1cle, "1883. I next looked upon my respect- 8Qplla l'or Jcel&H C&rr and'U:,.e 1lluea Pleld. Prtteb- demoastration ot eootm1 · suitable Purther Pen-Pictures of Pickering ed. friend Mr. Geo. McKeown, 'Wea.v- Slnce C&n&da'a flrs' troops arri:red ,.-.. and for a wartime menu wlll be dYeD VIllage-A vlslt to the Vll18.ge Mills er, an booest, bard-working, kind- lP Iceland, strateglc northern· ·out- a.rd, Irl.sh, Moon, ....... """ b7 tbe convener l.nd her eommtttee. CO-operages - The- hearted and ready-witted cttlun. post no• held by Britain for Den- wu . made bv lol.las A ma,:t cOrdial tnnt&Uon Ia atven i "'-••• - A Happy Written whose word Ls as good 8.5 hls oa~; maik, needed mppUes have been I ,0~:~~:::.~tho::~fo"---· "result.: all the ladles of the town to attend , OcL 27 - My last '1\'&.S and a deal better t-han some peOple .s rOrwarded from the ·Canadbtn Red uv-..~ t.hb meetlnr. abrupUy for want of time, oa.ths. for many or them are l'ftY Cro:sa storeS ln Ena:land. l'rcm oow ' A. R . Bander.. whtr.h • . alas. watts for no nmn. al~ profane. George makes good \liSe on. · however, these sb.lpmenLa w111 soo. · thaua:h It often teeps poor mortals or his loom. and pasae.s · a luve be made to the Canadian troop~ dir- 2n4-War BaYinp Cfll'tiftcate- Plowmen Prepare watttng long and wearily tor some amount of custom wort. thro1.?Bh. his ect. fnlm Canad& throUgh eutern Dr • . JaL Grine. r' S l J ,.,. wbhed for joy. My .sketch of the h1!J place Js full of home made Canadian ports, Buppiloa needad ' Srd prlle, donated b)' Mn- T. Reo. ror a aua ~ IJG Vlll~ of Pickering. and JIB busy· I sho,.tiiog:;, blankets and stOCI<Ing --IYao Of.lnPbdl, Port WhltbJ. P." • , C. bodies (please understand this tn. .and colored. He also here In sacb. helmets, IC&nea &n\1 4th prize, .donated by· lOa Jennie &0fl1tll6 Onfelb its beat sense) was by no means tn manufaetured gooda in his hospital-and suralc&J: materl&la. Ruasell-Mial sepworth. exhaustive, and the present line, which he Sf.!lls at lowest price. R~ fw W....... Prozil & flnaDdal point of Tiew Horae plowmen. who flpre they dlt.!onal aketch will stlll leave He is thriving In .spite ot h&vlng 'Ihe caua4lan Red Crou wUl start. the erenln& wu a aucoess. Lbe sum are l)retty IOOd 1n aod .wm be lOOk .. untold. One of .the most burnt out. a year ago, and ousht; arra.n&em.mia Immediately to estab- or oae hundrad and dxty · dollara lnl fonr&rd to their Bn.nch ma.tch- lndustrie~: of the place was not to have a wife. Ye maidens and llsh ·ae.en eonvalescent hospltds In net beln& reallad. ea; to tate a OlnJ d the tlO.OO prize refernd to; 1 mean Spink's MDL widows of Pickering .see t.o .hlm.. Canadc to receive convaleacent aol- Much credit 1.s due to the com- SALADA TEA ts otrertnr fOf' the wen you .,ee 1 had not croS.!ed the My tboe Is aa:aJn gettlna short , dlers from mWtary ho5pltals in mlttee In charl:e of arranaem:enta : best plo~ land in sod, uatng bora- creek then. I have <fone so an:i I mus~ pass In rapid review EPalan4 and Canada. nte Dep&rt- MLsa Elsie st&pleford. m:. and. have "been Utrough the m:lDY places where I would like to ment or Defense has requeste<t the Ml.ss CbrlaUne Robertson Winners of the event In every from roundaUon to garret, and a linger. ..,... Red cross to · provlde and equip Mrs. E. G. SlDclalr Branch In Ontatto wW be entitled "ttftt mUI It !.s. It 1s a nlbstan- In addltion to men and things these tnsUblUons L'.td co-Operate 1P Mrs. M. Wellman to plow 1n the SALADA -BPECIAL ~brick buDding, five storeys high, already mentioned. and others that their mtlntena.nce. The bOspltaJs .Mias May Matheson. at the ••INTSRNATIONAL" ·-wllen an4o under the careful management I mu~t. pas.s over, through overalght, the prizes · should attract ploWJDen of Mr. David Pickard. The mill L'l the village has its druggist Mop, In .. On Active Service .. In order to enable 'Ihe Quette &nd ChroDlcle to secure a eom- plete and. e.ccW'&te lllt ot the men from Whitby wbo b&n enliated. wsth the O.A.s.P .. the publlahera request the rel&Una ot member& of the C&n3<Uan fl&httna fm:ea to rw 1n tha tollowtnc farm and return to thll ot!loe: Name in fuU .....•..••••...•••••.••.•...... . . . . .. ....... . ..... .... (Print Surname Pb'stl Regimen~ No .. .. . •... .....•.••... , ... . .. .. ........... . ......... . ~ .: ..... .... ..... i"o····· ....... ............................... . Unit ·-·· · ·················· ·· • • • · • •····· •···········•• • ·•····••··• Place and date ol enll8tm.ent .. .. · · . ..•.• · . · · · · · · • · · · · · · · • • · • : · · · • · • · • · · · · • · · · • Birthplace and qe ..... ..............•.. . . · · · · · · • • • • • • · • · · · • • • • • · Names and addreAs or p11enta ornextofkln ....• ...... .. .... •.... • ...•••. . .. ( ..•.••......... Other partaculJra ............................ -. · · · · .. · · • . • · .... . • .. .... .. .. ... ......................................................... ........................................ ............................ from all over the ProYtnce. undergOing a thorou~h course of charge or Mr. P'ield; 1~ wa~ater Plm ~wo·lrtnners wtll be awa.rdftl renovation; new machlnerv l'i be· and je9.•eler's &hop, In chure of Mr. told aDd sllYtr medab: &Dd an ex- inl put in ar.d five mni"-wrl~hts Alex. cuthbert: ItS tlnsmlt-h and hnsiYe trtp 1n the Sprlnr, and the 1.."11 em,toyf.!d tn com!)let.imr thf'- stove shop, iD charge of A. B. Dows· next twelve--calb: prl&s ttom ps.oo WOI'k; which. when done. wUI rh-e well: lts painter and' gJaaler shop to· $5.00. · , l&r~el~ increased capacil"~~. etc .. in charge of J, A. Htll8 ; Its NOTICE · Durioq mJ' a.,_.. at Military T...-... Cam- Sopt ... IMr 9 to S.,tom• IMr 21 - the Ston wm· ~operated from 8.00 to, 9.00 a.m. 12.15 to 1.00 p.m 4.30 to 8.30 p.m. 7.00 to 9.00 p.m ()pea all da7 oo Saturcla,. CoatiDIKIUa telep"oae _.. ylce, will be ....;,ec1 at tho _. number 1120 by Mr. AlliooD, ol Alliooa Shoe Ston. a.-. w. GJoadinaina "The mUls of the god'l grind slow!~· . physlclan and surgeon In the ~r­ But they grind excroedlnqly small: .son ot Or. Field; Its general Uvery 'nloulh they watt full long with In cbara:e or Mr. Decker: its hotels patien~. In charge of Mr. CUtllbert and Mrs. With exactness grind they a 11. o·Leary: Its agricultural Implement The above quotation '(!oe.o; not Rnd organ shop 1n Cbl.fie of R.. aulte apply to Spink'.! Mtll. for rhat Hanel' : its est.eemed vlllcle school~ doe& no' grind slowly. I am ln· mas~r trr the person of M:r. A. T . formed that Jn a few days the mill SoonrbY: and lLSt, but not least.. tts WUI be running In full blast. nl!; ht P~. ln the person o! Mr. Ack.er- &Dd day. and will tum out no le~s man. your esteem.ed contemporary of than 200 barrel" hr 24 honrs. The ~e Pickering News. greater part or· the grain is brou; ht. I now hasten to the station to by railway from outsJde sources. a ca.teh the tra.lll. and findtng I han~ branch Une of the o.T.R. bringing a few mlnu:es to spare I run In to In the wheat and taking: away the have a loOk- at the Interior of the Ooi.Jr. I am told that the main well-known mill, owned by J . R. nower of this mm Is obtained trom Hoover. Esq. The esteemed· pro- two UtUe giant water~wheels. prletor is from home, bUt his gen- manulaetured by J. c . wuwn & co., tlemanly book·keeper, Mr. John or Picton. Meighan . courteously furn~es me Leavtnt the mlli and going east- wttb asked ror loformaUon. The ward, I rind at a shor t distance mUl 1s a large- four ttorer frame the cooper shop of A. Alloway & buildln&. with heavy stone base• Sons. Th~y are busy at work, em- ment. having a 3l.Cre house adjoln- ploylng !rom 3 to 5 hands nnd while log. 'I11e mUl bas splendid macbln- they do eOruklei-abl ~ cu~tom work. ery, and _,team engine emUng abOut are prlncl:!)ally employed making $4,000. It 1s In full blLSt. running nour barrels for Spink's Mitis. The niaht and dny, and turns out about Gordon Bl'05. a.Jso carry on ~ large barrels a day. Oet.s gr&ln 1n cooper bualnes on the street run- equal quantities at home and niDI' down to the G.T.R. station, outside by Railway. Employ! (l] 1lle ~elK~.~;): lOl\16, DISIJ\l\I~E • • • and Peter really knew her ooice! " That's the real thrill of Long Distance. Voices come clear and distinct. ' Calls. completed quickly. With ratea ,so low (particula~1y a'fter 7 p.m. and all Joy Sunday}, why wait for -an' e:uuse tO call -lhere musl be someone who would ·zove lo hear your voice io-nit!/!1? turnlna out a a:reat deal of work, 9 hands at.ead11Y. HU four run and are all at It "hllmmer p.nd of atone. All machinery ln e~l.. ·-------------------------------------:.;"-~ooo•, l _______ ...,_.,.. __ ....,,.... ___ ,.... ____ .,...._,,_.,...,.,~!l ;~~~~~~~~~.~~!!!~~~~~~~~·~'!J,.~tona~~s,," Uke the VUiaae Black:imith, ~~~~~ . ~~~- Hoo-ooo, B~e _ ~~ ~. .............................. ...... .... .......... ... .............. --·"-!' ,_ . ~ ·~l .

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